Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules 1996 ( Chapter 5 Powers, Functions and Duties of Chairperson and Members of Panchayati Raj Institutions)

 Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules 1996

Powers, Functions, and Duties of Chairperson and Members of Panchayati Raj Institutions

33. Duties and functions of Sarpanch. – Besides holding Gram Sabha Meetings as per Section 3 of the Act and Panchayat Meetings every fortnight as provided in Section 45, Sarpanch shall ensure/assist in the discharge of the following duties in addition to functions laid down in Section 32 of the Act.
(i) Regulatory functions like: –
(a) Sanitation,
(b) Street lighting,
(c) Safe Drinking Water,
(d) Drainage,
(e) Public distribution system,
(f) Maintenance of rural roads,
(g) Registration of births and deaths,
(h) Sarpanch shall inform the Collector/Vikas Adhikari about floods, fires, epidemics, and damage to Government properties, buildings pipelines, handpumps, electric lines, etc., for taking necessary action, etc.
(ii) Administrative functions like: –
(a) Development of the Abadi area,
(b) Development of Grasses and trees in pasture lands through the closure and controlled grazing,
(c) Prevent encroachments in Abadi and Gochar lands,
(d) Raise resources for the Panchayat from water reservoirs, Dallas, Natural produce, Skins and Hides of dead animals, Temporary use of land, Sale of Land, and the like,
(iii) Development and proper utilization of local physical resources for ensuring Well being of people.
(iv) Assist in human and animal health, nutrition, and family welfare programs.
(v) Undertake Rural Sanitation Programme.
(vi) Undertake Development of wayside facilities on National and State highways to raise own resources through the auction of sites for Shops, Dhabas, STD booths, Petrol pumps, Repair and Service Centres, etc.
(vii) Make efforts for raising public contributions for community work.
(viii) Make special efforts for total literacy, woman’s education, Prevention of Mrityu Bhoj, restraining Child Marriages, and Prevention of untouchability and oppression against women.
(ix) Help in getting Social Security claims.
(x) Assist in sanctioning pensions for old people, widows, and handicapped persons.
(xi) Prevent misuse of Panchayat funds and bring transparency in the functioning of Panchayat by placing income and expenditure details in every Panchayat meeting before signing the Cashbook. In case Sarpanch does not utilize allotted funds, Collector shall be authorized to utilize such funds through a committee constituted for the purpose.
(xii) Maintain quality of construction work and obtain completion certificate within one month of completion of work.
(xiii) Arrange to issue demand notices and attachment warrants for timely recovery of Panchayat dues and ensure proper execution through the Committee of panchas assisted by the Secretary.
(xiv) Arrange for the conduct of an Audit every year and compliance with Audit objections of his tenure even after the term of his election.
(xv) Display details of works sanctioned and amount spent on a Board at Panchayat Headquarters as well as on work sites.
(xvi) All such other functions as are necessary for the welfare of the public.
34. Duty to raise Panchayat sources. – (1) In addition to raising tax revenues, Sarpanch in consultation with other Panchas shall augment non-tax revenues by increasing the rates, fees, charges, and penalties, levying nominal taxes on havelies and big pukka houses, tax/fees on dhabas, hotels, automobiles services stations and repair shops petrol/diesel pumps on National and State highways. Efforts shall be made to raise more income every year in addition to existing trends of own income.
(2) Resolution of the Panchayat shall be passed to this effect.
35. Duties and functions of Pradhan. – In addition to the duties enumerated in Section 33 of the Act, Pradhan shall also ensure/assist in the discharge of the following functions :
(1) Supervisory functions. –
(a) Review and monitor the functioning of Panchayats.
(b) Provide training and guidance to newly elected Sarpanches and Pinchas especially women, Scheduled Castes, and Scheduled Tribes.
(c) Coordination among Sarpanches and members of Panchayat Samiti.
(d) Hold such meetings of Sarpanches as necessary.
(e) Maintenance of control register to ensure compliance with provisions of the Panchayati Raj Act, 1994.
(f) Compliance of decisions of Panchayat Samiti Meetings and Standing Committees through the Control Register.
(g) Ensure the formation of Standing Committees within three months of election and re-constitution every year keeping in mind that any member of a Standing Committee is elected to Second Committee only when all other Members of Panchayat Samiti have been elected to at least one such Standing Committee.
(h) Putting up display boards of actual expenditure on the work site as well as at Panchayat headquarters.
(2) Maintenance functions: – Identify local problems regarding drinking water, electricity, irrigation, public distribution system, revenue, lands, human and animal diseases, crop diseases, etc., and invite concerned district-level officers in the next Panchayat Samiti Meeting for discussions and redressal of public grievances.
(3) Development functions. – Identify the needs of the local public and encourage local people and voluntary organizations for people’s participation in development schemes.
(4) Raise your own resources. – In consultation with other members, Pradhan shall make all efforts to raise tax revenues as well as non-tax revenues through :
(a) timely collection of education cess on a campaign basis,
(b) auction shops owned by Panchayat Samiti or give them on rent,
(c) developing agricultural farms owned by Panchayat Samiti,
(d) competitive auction bids in bone contracts etc.,
(e) proper organizations of cattle fairs,
(f) collection of income from tank bed cultivation and irrigation charges of tanks under the charge of Panchayat Samiti,
(g) disposal of unserviceable items and old records etc.
36. Duties and functions of Pramukh. – In addition to the duties enumerated in Section 35 of the Act, Pramukh shall ensure the discharge of the following functions: –
(1) Planning – Arrange to consolidate area plans of Panchayat Samitis and Municipalities in December every year as per local needs and resources and get a prepared a final plan for the whole district in consultation with members and district-level officers of concerned departments working for the rural areas of the district as acquired by Section 121 of the Act.
(ii) Supervisory Role – Through Chief Executive Officer as officer-in-charge Panchayats for the district, ensure that –
(a) Gram Sabhas of the Panchayats are regularly held by the provisions of the Act and Rules;
(b) Meetings of Panchayats are held every fortnight and there is no case of negligence of duties cast upon Panchayat through acts and rules;
(c) Sort out any difficulties with departments at the district level in the implementation of programs through Panchayati Raj Institution;
(d) Timely transfer of funds from Zila Parishad to respective Panchayat Samities and Panchayats as per norms prescribed by the State Government;
(e) Rural sanitation and Rural Housing program in the district for environmental improvement;
(f) Periodical review of the quality of primary education;
(g) Removal of public grievances in rural areas of the district;
(h) Transparent functioning of Panchayati Raj Institutions by proper maintenance of Accounts, preventing misuse of funds, and timely audit every year.
37. Role of members of Panchayat Samiti & Zila Parishad. – (1) Members of Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad can participate in meetings of the Panchayat in which they ordinarily reside.
(2) Members can be nominated in Vigilance Committee by the Gram Sabha of a Panchayat in which such member resides.
(3) Members shall discharge functions entrusted to them as members of Panchayati Raj Institution or as members of the Standing Committee for which they have been elected.
38. Relief in Natural calamities. – (1) Subject to the budget provisions, Pradhan or Pramukh may grant immediate relief as per powers contained in Secs. 33 and 35 of the Act respectively to the victims for food and shelter etc., but they shall immediately inform the Collector to arrange relief for affected families through the State Government.
(2) He may also arrange voluntary contributions for the same.

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