Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules 1996 ( Chapter 15 Administration of Panchayati Raj Institutions)

Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules 1996

Administration of Panchayati Raj Institutions

316. Office. (a) The office of the Panchayati Raj Institution shall be lodged and held in the building specially constructed for the purpose or in any other public building available at its headquarters.

(2) Where no such building as is referred to in sub-rule (1) is available, a suitable building for the purpose may be taken on rent.

(3) The Head of Office shall make suitable seating arrangements for the Panchas/Members, the staff of the Panchayati Raj Institution, and the public attending the office.

(4) The office shall normally remain open from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on all working days except Sundays and other public holidays.

(5) The head office shall make arrangements for the requisite articles of stationery, furniture, forms, registers, etc., and make necessary arrangements for their safety and security.

317. Seal.—(1) Each Panchayati Raj institution shall have a seal inscribed with its name and use the same on all correspondence, orders, and copies issued by it.

(3) Such seals shall ordinarily remain in the custody of the Head of Office.

318. Files and Registers: (1) All correspondence, forms, and other papers shall be maintained properly in separate files, opened subject-wise.

(2) All files and registers shall be kept in the office and shall not be taken by any member or staff to a place other than the office of the Panchayati Raj Institution, and all files on which action is complete and no further action is to be taken shall be closed and consigned to the record room.

319. Channel of correspondence Unless otherwise expressly provided in the Act or in any rule or bye-law made thereunder, any direction of the state government or panchayat shall correspond with Panchayat Samiti will correspond with the Zila Parishad, and the Zila Parishad will correspond with the State Government.

320. Officer in Charge of Panchayati Raj  (1) The Chief Executive Officer serves as Panchayati Raj Office in charge at the district level, overseeing, guiding, and directing all Panchayati Raj institutions in the district.

(2) The director of rural development and Panchayati raj will act as the officer in charge of Panchayati raj institutions at the state level for the enforcement of provisions of the Panchayati raj Act, 1994, and rules made or notifications issued thereunder.

Inspection of records and grant of copies

321: application for inspection (1) Any person desiring to inspect a register, book, file, or record of a Panchayati Raj Institution shall submit an application in writing specifying the entries or papers, as the case may be, to be inspected and shall pay in advance a fee of Rs. 5/- for the search of such record.

(2) If the application is for an urgent inspection, the fee of Rs. 10/- must be doubled.

322. Search for records, etc., and order for inspection. – Upon receipt of the application under Rule 321 and payment of the fees specified therein, the head of the office shall search and display the relevant register, book, file, or record, examine the entries or papers sought to be inspected, and make an order allowing inspection of the same if he does not consider the same to be objectionable or contrary to the public interest, or if the such inspection is required.

323. Information on construction work expenditure. – (1) Every panchayat or panchayat samiti shall display on a notice board in a prominent location at its headquarters the details of construction works sanctioned and executed during the five years, along with their estimate and the amount actually spent.

(2) The Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti concerned shall also exhibit such a board on the work site indicating the name of the work, the amount spent, and the date of completion for the general information of the public.

(3) Any person or voluntary organization may apply for inspection of records about any such work by depositing Rs. 5/-, and such muster rolls or vouchers may be shown to him. He may be permitted to note any details of such information on a separate piece of paper, and necessary facilities may be provided for the same.

(4) Pen, ink, fountain pen, and the like shall not be used during the inspection, but notes may be taken with a pencil, and the person inspecting the record shall not make, break, or deface the record.

324. Grant of copies (1) If, upon search under Rule 322, the relevant register, book, file, or record is found and it is decided by the head of the office to grant copies or extracts from the same, the applicant will deposit a copying fee at the rate of Rs. 2 for every 200 words or part thereof, and calculate the amount of such fee where figures have to be copied, five figures shall be taken as equivalent to one word.

(2) If copies are required urgently, the copying fee should be charged at twice the rate specified in Sub-rule (1).

325. Copy preparation and distribution. – Upon receipt of the copying fee, the copies or extracts shall be prepared, certified as true by the head of the office or any other officer authorized by him after scrutiny, and furnished to the applicant if he appears in person to receive them or authorities designate someone to receive them, or sent to him by post if the applicant has deposited the postage stamps for the purpose.

326. Time for grant of copies (1) Copies shall ordinarily be issued within 4 days.

(2) Urgent copies shall be furnished within 24 hours.

327. Grounds for rejection. (1) When an inspection or grant of copy is disallowed, the application therefor shall be rejected by an endorsement thereon stating briefly the reasons therefore, and the applicant shall be informed accordingly.

(2) No copy shall be granted of official correspondence, papers, or of a document that is itself a copy.

328. Register of applications for inspection or grant of copies (1) A register shall be maintained in the office of every Panchayati Raj Institution for entering such applications, indicating the name of the applicant or voluntary agency, date of application, and amount deposited in Form No. XLIV.

(2) All inspecting officers shall inspect such a register at the time of their inspection.

(3) The Chief Executive Officer shall ensure compliance with Rules 321 to 325 and review them from time to time.

appointment of counsel

329. Appointment of counsel in suits and proceedings by or against the Panchayati Raj Institution – (1) When the State Government and the Panchayati Raj Institution are both parties in any civil proceedings and the interests of both in such proceedings are identical, a common counsel shall be engaged, and he shall be paid only one set of fees, half by the State Government and half by the Panchayati Raj Institution.

330. Civil proceedings in which the interests of the Panchayati Raj Institution alone are involved – (1) In a civil proceeding in which the Panchayati Raj Institution’s interests are solely at stake and the Panchayati Raj Institution retains counsel, the fee payable to the counsel shall ordinarily not exceed Rs. 2,000/-. The Head of Office shall be competent to sanction it.

(2) The sanction of the Standing Committee Administration shall be necessary for the payment of fees exceeding Rs. 2,000 per case.

Administrative Control

331. Administrative power of the Sarpanch and duties of the Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary (1) Gram-cum-Secretary Panchayat members shall attend the Panchayat Office regularly during office hours and work under the directions of the Sarpanch.

(2) He must regularly record his attendance in a register kept for that purpose.

(3) In case the Secretary is in charge of more than one panchayat, Vikas Adhikari shall fix the days of every week when he shall attend a particular panchayat.  In such a case, he must only mark attendance for those days.

(4) On the 20th of each month, the Sarpanch shall send a certificate of attendance for such days to the Panchayat Samiti for payment of salary to such Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary. No salary will be paid for the period of absence unless appropriate leave has been granted.

(5) It shall be the duty of the Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary to inform the Sarpanch concerned about the leave sanctioned to him by Vikas Adhikari. He must also record such leaves in the attendance register.

(6) The Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary shall maintain secrecy about Panchayat records and shall not allow inspection of records or grant of copies to any applicant without the specific permission of the Sarpanch.

(7) He shall promptly execute the orders of the Panchayat, attend Panchayat meetings regularly and punctually, record its proceedings correctly, and maintain Panchayat files, records, and registers.

(8) He shall receive money on behalf of panchayats, maintain account books, prepare budgets, and furnish all the information and prescribed returns and statements to the Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti on prescribed dates.

(9) Arrange all payments sanctioned by the Panchayat.

(10) Prepare demands for tax and fee assessments and ensure the distribution of demand slips in April.

(11) Assist the patwari in collecting panchayat taxes in May.

(12) Get the annual action plan prepared before the Gram Sabha, to be held in the last quarter of the financial year, and forward it to the Panchayat Samiti for sanction by D.R.D.A.

(13) Get priority for works decided in the Gram Sabha given the probable allocation of funds.

14) Get sanctioned works executed under the supervision of the Committee of Panchas.

(15) Maintain muster rolls and other accounts of construction work as per the terms and conditions of the sanction.

(16) Maintain work quality and technical specifications.

(17) Inform the junior engineer of Panchayat Samiti within a week from the date of completion and get the completion certificate within one month.

(18) Accompany the Committee of Panchas in July and January every year to survey un authoritative trespass cases in Abadi land and Gochar land.

(19) Maintain a survey register for such trespasses and report such cases to the panchayat or tehsildar for eviction or regularisation as per panchayat or revenue rules.

(20) Dispose of applications for the purchase of Abadi land expeditiously as per the rules.

(21) Arrange the purchase of material at competitive prices by following the prescribed procedure.

22) Assist the Panchayat/Sarpanch in the efficient discharge of duties laid down in Rules 33 and 34.

23) Maintain birth and death registers.

24) Hold the first Vigilance Committee meeting and assist Vigilance Committee members in monthly meetings.

(25) Carry out any other duties as assigned by the Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti from time to time.

332. Annual report about the performance of Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary – The Sarpanch shall send comments on the performance of the above duties by the Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary to the Vikas Adhikari, who shall enclose such remarks with the Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary’s annual performance appraisal.

333. Administrative power of Pradhan and duties of Vikas Adhikari (1) The Pradhan may, after every meeting of the Panchayat Samiti, give such instructions to Vikas Adhikari regarding the implementation of decisions and resolutions of the Panchayat Samiti as may be considered necessary to ensure speedy implementation of such decisions and resolutions.

(2) The Vikas Adhikari shall inform the Pradhan of the decisions and resolutions.

(3) Vikas Adhikari shall submit to the Pradhan a report on the progress of the implementation of decisions and resolutions of the Panchayat Samiti and the Standing Committees thereof, before the next meeting of the Panchayat Samiti and Committees, as the case may be, so that the Pradhan may place it before the Panchayat Samiti.

(4) Pradhan must approve Vikas Adhikari’s casual leave.

(5) Vikas Adhikari shall assist Pradhan in the efficient discharge of his duties mentioned in Rule 35.

(6) Vikas Adhikari shall include such items in the agenda of meetings of the Panchayat Samiti and standing committees as directed by Pradhan.

(7) Submit a copy of the tour program of Vikas Adhikari and all extension officers for the information of Pradhan.

(8) Consult Pradhan about transfers of employees.

(9) Seek the approval of Pradhan about transfers of employees.

(10) Work shoulder to shoulder with Pradhan in case of natural calamities, providing food and shelter to victims and fodder for cattle, and controlling epidemics of human beings, cattle, or crops.

(11) Put up all important papers, circulars, etc., regularly before Pradhan and discuss steps to be taken for speedy execution of programs and successful implementation of policies.

(12) Pradhan shall send remarks in April every year regarding the performance of Vikas Adhikari to the Chief Executive Officer, who shall enclose them with the annual performance appraisal to be sent to the Director of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj.

334. Other powers and duties of Vikas Adhikari. In addition to the duties of Vikas Adhikari, as laid down in Section 81 of the Act, he shall also exercise powers and perform duties as under:

(1) Sanction Casual All officers and staff working in Panchayat Samiti are entitled to leave and leave of any kind, except special disability leave and leave to travel outside India.

(2) Approve and countersign the tour program of all officers and staff working in panchayat samiti.

(3) Transfer any member of the service within the area of the Panchayat Samiti after 2 years or before 2 years with the approval of the Standing Committee and Administration.

(4) To prepare the agenda for meetings of the Panchayat Samiti and standing committees.

(5) To keep the minutes’ book of proceedings in safe custody and record proceedings correctly,

(6) Send copies of the proceedings of the meetings of the Panchayat Samiti to the Zila Parishad.

(7) Inform the state government through the Chief Executive Officer of any decision taken in violation of an act, rule, notification, or directive of the state government.

(8) Take speedy action on the decision of the meeting and submit a progress report in subsequent meetings, and get conflicting decisions of standing committees resolved in a Panchayat Samiti meeting.

(9) Implement programs and policies effectively through Extension Officers and Panchayats.

(10) Achieve the physical targets of various programs and also pay attention to their qualitative aspects.

(11) Implementation of the 20-Point Program Effectively

(12) Successful implementation of transferred education and water supply schemes, etc.

(13) Effective supervision and monitoring of all schemes;


(15) Submit quarterly and annual accounts to the Panchayat and Development Department on the prescribed schedule.

(16) Budget preparation and submission by February 15th.

(17) Make available the required information and record it for the members of the Panchayat Samiti.

(18) Supervision and effective control over officers and staff of Panchayat Samiti

(19) Keep control over expenditures.

(20) Day-to-day checking of cash transactions and correct maintenance of account books

(21) Class IV appointments

22) Conduct a monthly meeting of Gram Sevaks and Extension Officers to review the progress of activities.

(23) Prepare the annual administration report of Panchayat Samiti.

(24) Distribute annual performance evaluations to all officers and staff.

(25) Increase the own resources of Panchayat Samiti by 15% every year.

(26) Present six monthly income and expenditure accounts before Panchayat Samiti in November.

(27) Proper use of grant-in-aid from state governments

(28) Keep checkbooks and receipt books in safe custody.

(29) Keep the keys to a double-lock safe in your personal possession.

(30) Take proper security measures for the cashier and storekeeper.

31) Issue completion certificates of work after spot verification.

(32) Obtain receipts for permanent advances in April every year.

(33) Take action for embezzlement, fraud, and loss of money promptly.

(34) Initiate disciplinary action, the recovery of losses, and police action if necessary at the proper time.

(35) Ensure timely audits of the accounts of panchayats and panchayat samitis.

(36) Arrange for a special audit in the case of police cases registered for embezzlement and fraud.

(37) The simultaneous deposit of GPF and insurance deductions by check with salary bills aids in the prevention of fraud.

(38) Initialize all vouchers and cash book entries to avoid double use of vouchers and misappropriation.

(39) Proper use of vehicles as per rules

(40) Full use of power as head of the office

(41) Inspect all panchayats once a year and encourage them to raise their own resources through taxes, fees, and other properties at their disposal.

(42) Physically verify 10% of construction work and inspect the quality of the work.

(43) Physical verification of 10% IDRP loanees

44) Special checking of Indira Avas and Jeevan Dhara’s work

(45) Maintain a control register of Gram Sabha and Panchayat meetings.

46) Monitoring of the monthly return of the Patta register of Panchayats in the Panchayat Samiti office to prevent the issue of Pattas in back dates

47) Maintain proper coordination with district-level officers and seek technical assistance as needed.

48) Office inspection twice a year.

49) Inspect ten schools every month and ensure that all the teachers are posted in schools as per sanctioned strength and no teacher is working on deputation in any school of Panchayat Samiti without the written approval of the Chief Executive Officer.

(50) Ensure compliance with job charts by all Extension Officers.

(51) Send a D.O. letter to the Chief Executive Officer regarding progress and problems on the 5th of every month.

52) Work as Chief Executive of Panchayat Samiti.

335. Terms and conditions for the appointment of an additional chief executive officer(1) The State Government may appoint an officer of the appropriate service to be appointed as Additional Chief Executive Officer in Zila Parishad to assist the Chief Executive Officer in the due discharge of his duties under the Act.

(2) Such officer shall be on deputation and shall draw pay and allowances as are admissible to him in his parent department.

(3) He shall be junior in rank or seniority to the Chief Executive Officer.

336. Other powers and functions of the Chief Executive Officer In addition to the powers and duties laid down in Section 84 of the Act, the Chief Executive Officer shall assist the Pramukh in the discharge of functions specified in Rule 36 and perform additional duties and exercise powers as follows:

(1) He shall act as the officer in charge of Panchayati Raj for the district, who shall provide necessary guidance and advice in the implementation of rural developmental schemes and programs in the district.

(2) He shall provide guidance to Panchayats and Panchayat Samitis in the implementation of the provisions of the Act and Rules.

(3) He shall monitor compliance with provisions regarding the regular and timely holding of meetings of the Gram Sabha, Panchayats, and Panchayat Samitis.

(4) Take action to remove a member, conduct a preliminary investigation if he becomes aware of a disqualification, and call a special meeting if a no-confidence motion is received against Panch/Sarpanch, Pradhan/ Up-Pradhan.

(5) Ensure that full charge is handed over by the predecessors to the successors after the election of chairpersons or transfer of officers.

(6) Ensure that standing committees are formed within three months of election and that all members are properly represented on standing committees.

(7) Send an immediate report to the state government regarding decisions taken or resolutions passed in violation of the provisions of the Act, rules, notifications, or other directives of the government.

(8) Initiate action for immediate relief for food, shelter, fodder, medicines, etc., in case of natural calamities like outbreaks of epidemics of human beings, cattle, or crops.

(9) Exercise perfect supervision and control over officers and staff of Panchayati Raj institutions in the district.

(10) Ensure financial discipline in the Panchayati Raj institutions of the district.

(11) Coordinate with various district-level officers executing rural development schemes.

(12) Ensure timely preparation of the district plan through the district planning committee.

(13) Examine the quarterly progress of such a plan’s implementation.

14) Take steps for speedy implementation as per the directives of Zila Parishad.

(15) Ensure that vigilance committees are active at the panchayat level.

(16) Ensure that Panchayati Raj Institutions prepare budgets as part of a scheduled program and that prescribed quarterly and annual income and expenditure returns are sent on time.

(17) Ensure the smooth operation of Panchayats by appointing a Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary or contracting out personnel from Panchayat resources or a general purpose grant provided by the state government.

(18) Immediate transfer of funds received from the state government to panchayats and panchayat samitis

(19) Physical verification of at least ten panchayat and panchayat samiti construction projects per month.

(20) Regular inspection of schools, primary health centers, Ayurvedic veterinary dispensaries, Anganwadi Centers, and other institutions; vaccination program, family welfare campus, drinking water situation, fair price shops; maintenance of rural roads; rural sanitation; electrification; drainage; rural housing program; fisheries; development use of village tanks and Gochar lands; and cattle pounding in rural areas of the district during tours

(21) Timely recruitment of candidates through the District Establishment Committee and allotment for filling up vacancies

22) Take disciplinary actions for dereliction of duty by members of the Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad Service.

23) Exercise effective control over Vikas Adhikari and other staff on deputation with Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishad and send them for training and refresher courses from time to time.

24) Allow employees on deputation with Panchayati Raj Institutions up to two months of leave.

(25) Send annual performance appraisal reports of Vikas Adhikari and officers and staff posted in Zila Parishad based on work reports on their duties and functions.

26) Transfers of members of Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad Service within the district as per general guidelines or decision of Zila Parishad No Gram Sevak shall be posted in the home panchayat.

27) Inspection of Panchayat Samitis and 20 Panchayats during a year

(28) Once every six months, inspect the office.

(29) Exercise regional officer powers about purchases, sanctions, write-offs, time-barred claims, and all other financial matters by the provisions of the GF and AR.

(30) Sanctions against Panchayat Samitis for spending their own funds by Rule 214

(31) Ensure the attendance of all district-level officers concerning the execution of rural development programs in the district.

(32) Ensure effective implementation of employment generation and poverty alleviation programs by Panchayats and Panchayat Samitis.

(33) Attend meetings of Panchayats and Panchayat Samitis to review the progress of schemes and provide general guidance.

34) Encourage panchayats and panchayat samitis to raise their own income by 15% every year through taxes and non-tax revenues like fees and the management of properties entrusted to them.

(35) Watch the recovery of outstanding loans by Panchayat Samitis.

(36) Take action for the recovery of losses of revenue, embezzlements, and cases of misappropriation or deflection detected or pointed out by audit reports.

(37) Initiate police action against persons involved in fraud, forgery, embezzlement, etc., and arrange special audits in such cases.

(38) In April, prepare for annual administration reports.

(39) Ensure that Panchayati Raj Institutions operate transparently.

(40) Ensure that Panchayat/Panchayat Samitis exhibit a year-by-year list of construction works done during the last five years, along with their estimate and actual expenditure, and that the right to information is not denied to any person or voluntary agency.

337. Administrative Control by Pramukh   (1) The Director of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj shall obtain the written comments of Pramukh, which will be attached as a part of the Annual Performance Appraisal Report of the Chief Executive Officer regarding the performance of his work during the year.

(2) The casual leave of the Chief Executive Officer shall be sanctioned by Pramukh on the recommendation of the Collector.

Inspections and tours are available.

338. Norms of tours for elected representatives: the limit of annual tour days for elected representatives will be as fixed by the government from time to time.

339. Norms of Inspection for Officers –

Inspection Officer        Duration

(i) Panchayat 

(a) Panchayat Extension Officer: Half-yearly. 

(b) Vikas Adhikari: Once a year.

(c) Chief Executive Officer: 20 panchayats per year.

(d) The Dy. Commissioner is posted at Hqrs: 20 Panchayats per year.

(ii) Panchayat Samiti 

(a) Vikas Adhikari: Half-yearly.

(b) Chief Executive Officer: Once a year if the district has no more than six Panchayat Samitis cases. In the case of other districts, six Panchayat Samiti shall be inspected per year, but the same Panchayat Samiti shall not be inspected more than once.

(c) Dy. Commissioner posted at H.Q.: 5 per year

340. Tour days for officers (1) No officer shall remain on tour for more than 10 days in a month in addition to meetings at Zila Parishad/DRDA, court attendance, training/ workshops, etc., organized at the state level.

(2) All the Vikas Adhikari, Extension Officers, Junior Engineers, Accountants, and Cashiers shall remain at their headquarters on Mondays and Thursdays for arranging due payments and remove public grievances. Meetings, etc., should be avoided on these days.

341. Inspection of properties and works during field tours (1) All the elected representatives as well as officers shall inspect the properties belonging to or placed at the disposal of panchayats or panchayat samiti to ensure that they are properly maintained.

(2) School buildings shall be inspected, particularly to ensure the safety of children and suggest improvements in the quality of education.

(3) Construction work completed or in progress shall also be inspected to verify the quality of the construction and its proper use.

342. Duties and functions of Panchayat Extension Officer: The Panchayat Extension Officer shall act as a friend, guide, and philosopher for Panchayats under his jurisdiction. He shall specifically perform the following duties:

(1) Detailed inspection of Panchayat records (accounts, files, properties, works), Minute Book of Gram Sabha and Panchayat Meetings, compliance by the Secretary, assessment of taxes, recovery of dues for the cattle pound, grazing grounds, etc., for two days per Panchayat.

(2) To supervise the performance of duties by Sarpanch and Gram Sevak as laid down in Rules 33 and 332, respectively.

(3) inspection of all panchayats twice a year or inspection of 50 panchayats every year.

(4) Compliance with the Audit Report, Vigilance Committee, and Gram Sabha decisions

(5) Guidance for the imposition of taxes and fees and raising non-tax revenues by 15% every year

(6) Monitor rural sanitation, rural housing, improved chulhas, biogas, and the development of wayside facilities on national and state highways.

(7) Verification of physical assets of I.R.D.R. families

(8) Report cases of loan or subsidy misuse to Vikas Adhikari.

(9) To attend Gram Sabha meetings and perform duties assigned in Rules 5 and 8.

(10) Conduct preliminary inquiries as entrusted to him.

(11) Perform all other duties assigned by Vikas Adhikari, Panchayat Samiti, Zila Parishad, or the State Government from time to time.

343. Duties and functions of the Co-operative Extension Officer  The Co-operative Extension Officer will be in charge of promoting cooperative movement in Panchayat Samiti rural areas. He will be responsible for the following duties:

(1) Increase the membership of existing cooperative societies.

(2) Formation of dairy co-operative societies on milk routes; encouragement of castration of bulls; artificial insemination; purchase of improved breeds of cows and buffaloes to increase income through higher milk yield;

(3) Formation of cooperative marketing societies for fruits and vegetables in potential areas

(4) Maintain a register of I.R.D.P. selected families, arrange the genuine preparation of loan forms, process them through banks, sanction loans, and disburse subsidies.

(5) 100% physical verification of assets created by I.R.D.P. families and schemes of the Scheduled Caste Development Corporation

(6) Loans for self-employment to tryst-trained youth

(7) Assist Vikas Adhikari in camps for loan melas.

(8) Participate in district-level meetings of the office of the assistant registrar.

(9) Inspect cooperative societies in the area.

(10) Deal with rural housing projects and loan accounts relating to such schemes.

(11) Assess the bankable projects and assist bankers in the preparation of the credit plan every year.

(12) Attend meetings of the credit coordination committee.

(13) To attend Gram Sabha meetings and perform duties assigned in rules 5 and 8.

(14) Perform all other functions allotted by Vikas Adhikari, Panchayat Samiti, Zila Parishad, or the State Government, from time to time.

344. Duties and functions of the Progress Extension Officer (Statistics) – The progress officer shall be mainly responsible for the review of progress and evaluation of programs undertaken by the Panchayat Samiti. His primary responsibilities will be as follows:

(1) Compilation of statistics and its analysis

(2) Maintenance of permanent statistical records

(3) Assist in the evaluation of the progress of plans and other developmental activities.

(4) Prepare reports and returns for review of progress.

(5) Prepare survey reports.

(6) Verification of progress reports on site in case of doubt

(7) Publication of progress reports; manuscript preparation and proofreading.

(8) Submit monthly, quarterly, and annual progress reports to the district and state-level officers on time, with special attention paid to data reliability.

(9) Provide guidance and training to Gram Sevak-cum-Secretaries of Panchayats for preparing required statistics correctly.

(10) Ensure benefits under social security schemes.

(11) Prepare progress charts and maps and keep them up-to-date.

(12) To attend Gram Sabha meetings and perform duties assigned in Rules 5 and 8.

13) perform all other functions allotted by Vikas Adhikari, Panchayat Samiti, Zila Parishad, or the State Government from time to time.

345. Duties and functions of the Education Extension Officer  The Education Extension Officer shall be primarily responsible for the universal primary education of boys and girls in rural areas of Panchayat Samitis and for improving the quality of education in schools. His main functions will be:

(1) preparing proposals for the opening of new schools so that the facility of primary schools is available to all residents within a one-kilometer radius.

(2) Increase the enrollment of boys and girls to cover all the families by organizing an enrollment campaign.

(3) Conduct a survey of children in the age groups 6–11 and 11–14 who do not come to school every year in July.

(4) Formation of village education committees to bring 100% of children to schools and assist in school programs for enrollment, tournaments, cultural programs, etc.

(5) Arrange to send children to non-formal education centers for extensive coverage.

(6) Prepare lady teachers for the Saraswati Yojana in hamlets or villages having no school within one kilometer.

(7) Inspect schools twice a year:

(a) assess the quality of teaching,

(b) ensure the use of equipment supplied under the Operation Black Board Scheme.

(c) check the postings of teachers as per sanctioned strength and as per teacher-student ratio.

(8) Keep up-to-date school-wide statistics about buildings, rooms, room sizes, playgrounds, boundary walls, furniture, other equipment, library books, play material, Tat Pattis, tree plantations, etc.

(9) Maintain accurate school-by-school enrollment data for boys and girls, as well as the number of children who do not attend any school.

(10) Prepare a regular program of teaching and training through the District Institute of Education and Training.

(11) Touring for 120 days and 60 nights during a year

(12) Necessary guidance in the monthly meeting of teachers on pay distribution day and making pay center schools ideal schools of Panchayat Samiti in all respects

(13) Get an annual developmental plan prepared for every school and get it implemented by parents and villagers.

14) Arrange a teacher-parent day every 3 months.

(15) Updating the maintenance of teachers’ service books.

(16) 50% of the education cess is spent on school buildings and equipment.

(17) Maintain all other records about educational activities.

(18) To attend gram sabha meetings and perform duties assigned in Rules 5 and 8.

(19) Perform all other functions allotted by Vikas Adhikari/ Development Department from time to time.

346. Junior Engineer Duties and Functions. – The Junior Engineer is responsible for preparing estimates and the design plan of works, providing layout on site, inspecting the quality of works under construction, and arranging timely payments after entering physical measurements in the measurement book. He will perform the following functions:

(1) Possess knowledge about the terms and conditions of the schemes implemented by Panchayat Samiti.

(2) Possess knowledge of standards designed and cost estimates issued by the state government.

(3) Possess knowledge about the financial limits of grants in each case and the share of people’s contributions.

(4) Possess knowledge of the prevailing market rates of construction materials.

(5) A basic rate schedule for development works in the area has been approved.

(6) Maintain the dairy and measurement book.

(7) Maintain details of measurement and valuation of Panchayat Samiti buildings, as well as blueprints, and carry out maintenance after Panchayat Samiti sanction.

(8) Assist Panchayat Secretaries in keeping accurate property records and checking for unauthorized trespass.

(9) Assess potential sites for anicuts, tanks, nadas, etc.

(10) Maintain the works registered in the panchayat/panchayat samiti.

(11) Prepare estimates of works as per the annual action plan approved in the Grah Sabha.

(12) Provide technical instructions and layout following work approval.

13) Site inspection of work at plinth level, roof level, and on completion

(14) Issue instructions in writing in the case of poor construction or deviation from specification.

(15) Timely issuance of utilization certificates for installment payment

(16) Within one month of completion of work, issue a completion certificate and post it for the countersignature of Vikas Adhikari up to Rs. 1 lakh, an assistant engineer up to Rs. 2 lacks, or XEN up to Rs. 5 lacks.

(17) Remain at headquarters on all Mondays and Thursdays to arrange payment for work.

(18) Shall be responsible for the construction of rural latrines, soak pits, urinals in schools, and other items under the rural sanitation program, as well as imparting technical training and guidance to local masons.

(19) Shall attend Gram Sabha meetings as the nominee of Vikas Adhikari and perform duties assigned in Rules 5 and 8.

(20) Perform all other functions allotted by Vikas Adhikari, Assistant Engineer, Executive Engineer, Panchayat Samiti, and the State Government from time to time.

Training and refresher courses

347. Training Programs/ Refresher Course: (1) The Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department shall make special efforts for human resource development and prepare training modules for elected representatives as well as officials, including Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary, Junior Accountants, and Junior Engineers.

(2) Short-term courses shall be arranged for Pradhans and Pramukhs at Indira Gandhi Panchayati Raj Sansthan, Jaipur, and for Sarpanches and Members of Panchayati Samiti Zila Parishad, courses may be arranged at the district level by Zila Parishad. Special training programs and workshops may be arranged for women Sarpanchas and Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Other Backward Classes Sarpanchas elected for the first time.

(3) Refresher courses for panchas may be arranged at the Panchayat Samiti level or through voluntary organizations.

(4) A six-month induction course for Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary shall be arranged at panchayat training centers.

(5) Every Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary must get a 5-day refresher course at least once every three years.

(6) Junior engineers and junior accountants may also be imparted training at Gram Sevak Training Centers having accounting and engineering staff.

(7) Course content should include managerial, technical, and functional aspects.

Annual Performance Appraisal Reports

348. Annual Performance Appraisal Reports for Vikas Adhikari and the Chief Executive Officer- (1) The Pradhan shall, at the end of every financial year, send a report as to the performance of Vikas Adhikari during the year to the Chief Executive Officer, who shall initiate a report on the workings of Vikas Adhikari and send it along with the report received by him from the Pradhan to the Collector for review. The collector, after putting up his remarks, shall send it to the Director of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj for acceptance.

(2) The Pramukh shall, at the end of every financial year, send a report as to the performance of the Chief Executive Officer during the year to the Collector, who shall initiate a report on the words of the Chief Executive Officer and send it along with the report received by him from the Pramukh to the Director, Rural Development, and Panchayati Raj for review. [The Director, Rural Development, and Panchayati Raj, after putting up his remarks, shall send them to the Development Commissioner for acceptance.]

(3) The report shall ultimately be deposited with the Department of Personnel for R.A.S. officers and with concerned Heads of Department in other cases.

349. Preparation of annual performance appraisal reports of other officers Annual performance appraisal reports concerning other officers shall be filled out as follows:

 Sl.No. The officer reported to  Reporting Officer  Reviewing Officer    Accepting Officer

1. Assistant Engineer Zila Parishad Executive Officer, Chief Collector, D.R.D.

(Director of Rural Development)

2. Assistant Secretary Zila Parishad C.E.O. D.R.D. D.C.

(Development Commissioner)

3. Junior Engineer V.A. (Vikas Adhikari) Chief Executive Officer

(along with comments from A.E.N.) D.R.D.

4. Panchayat Extension Officer (P.S.) V.A. E.E.O. D.R.D.

5. Panchayat Extension Officer (Z.P.) C.E.O., D.R.D., D.C.

6. Panchayat Extension Officer (Collectorate) Collector, D.C.

7. Other Extension Officers V.A. C.E.O. D.R.D.

8. District Education Officer (Z.P.) C.E.O.; Additional Director (Rural) Education Department D.R.D.

9. Senior Dy. D.E.O. or Dy. D.E.O. D.E.O.

(District Education Officer) (Z.P.) C.E.O. D.R.D.

Accounts Officer/A.A.O. (Z.P.) C.E.O. Chief Accounts Officer (D.R.D. Officer) D.R.D.

 District Planning Committee

350. Members of the District Planning Committee. – (1) The District Planning Committee, as envisaged in Section 121 of the Act, shall have a total of 25 members, 20 of whom shall be elected from amongst and by the elected representatives of Zila Parishad and municipal bodies in proportion to the district’s rural-urban population ratio.

(2) The five nominated members shall be as follows:

(a) Collector of the district

(b) Additional Collector, District Rural Development Agency

Zila Parishad, Chief Executive Officer

(d) Two M.P.s, MLAs, or representatives of voluntary organizations nominated by the state government

351. Election of Members (1) The procedure of election shall be the same as that prescribed for the election of members of a standing committee of the Zila Parishad.

(2) Such meetings for the election of members shall be called by the collector or an officer nominated by him, not below the rank of additional collector, who will be assisted by the Chief Executive Officer.

352. Powers and functions of District Planning Committee. – (1) Main function shall be to consolidate the annual plans prepared by Panchayat Samitis and Municipal bodies of the district.

(2) Consider issues of common interest as laid down in Sub-Section (7) of Section 121 of the Act.

(3) Forward the district plan to the State Government.

(4) Chief Planning Officer shall act as Secretary of the Committee. 

Annual Administration Report

353. Annual Administration Report of Panchayats. – (1) The Sarpanch of every panchayat shall cause to be prepared by the 20th of April every year a report on the administration of the Panchayat during the financial year immediately preceding in prescribed Form No. XLV shall be placed before and adopted in the Panchayat meeting and sent to the Panchayat Samiti concerned. It shall also contain a note of important activities of Panchayat during the year.

[(1-A) The Sarpanch of every Panchayat shall publish a list of Bhama Shah Card Holders of the Panchayat concerned, by 20th April of every financial year.]

(2) The Panchayat Samiti after examining reports of all Panchayats within its jurisdiction, cause to be prepared and send a consolidated report in respect thereof in the form of a narrative, together with its views thereon to the Chief Executive Officer by 15th June of the said year.

354. Preparation of Annual Administration Report by Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad. – (1) Every Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad shall as soon as may be after the close of the year prepare a report on its Administration in Form No. XLVI.

(2) Zila Parishad shall review the reports received from Panchayats/Panchayats/Panchayat Samitis and if at any time, it transpires as a result of a such review that working of any Panchayat or Panchayat Samiti has not been satisfactory, the Zila Parishad may forward a copy of its resolution to the Panchayat Samiti concerned.

(3) Zila Parishad shall forward the report for consideration of the State Government.

355. Publication of Report. – The State Government may publish for the information of the general public such portions thereof or such extracts or such summary thereof as it may consider necessary.

Incentive Grant to Panchayati Raj Institutions

356. Awards. – (1) Cash awards may be granted to the best Panchayati Raj Institutions based on their performance regarding raising tax and non-tax revenues, achievement of physical targets under the 20 Point Programme, Poverty Alleviation, and Employment Generation Programme, people’s participation in Community works and such other parameters of work and service as may be laid down by the State Level Committee for the purpose.

(2) The best Panchayat shall be adjudged at the district level by a committee constituted for the purpose. The committee shall recommend such panchayat who shall get an incentive grant for Development works.

I Rs. 2.00 lakhs.

II Rs. 1.00 Lakh

III Rs. 0.50 lakh

(3) The Best Panchayat Samiti shall be adjudged by a Committee constituted at Divisional Level. They shall get an incentive grant for development works as under :

I Rs. 5.00 lakhs

II Rs. 3.00 lakh.

III Rs. 2.00 lakh

(4) The Best Zila Parishad will be adjudged by the State Level Committee constituted for the purpose. They shall get Cash awards as under:

I Rs. 8.00 lakhs

II Rs. 5.00 lakh

III Rs. 2.00 lakh

Recognition of Service Associations

357. Service Association detained. – (1) Service association is a union of certain cadres of Rajasthan Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad Service employees which have been constituted for promoting the common service interests of its members.

(2) Such associations may be formed by Class IV servants or employees included in Sub-Section (92) of Section 89 of the Act.

358. Application of recognition of associations. – Any association desiring to get recognition, shall apply in prescribed Form XLVII along with a certificate of registration, three copies of by-laws, a list of members of the executive, details of members cadres, and such other information as desired.

359. Conditions for grant of recognition. – Recognition may be granted by the Director of Rural Development subject to the following conditions-

(1) All the required details are submitted with the application.

(2) Membership is restricted to certain employees of the service only.

(3) Association has been formed to promote the common interests of employees. It has not been formed based on any caste, tribe, or any group formed based on some religious books.

(4) Members of the executive are members of such an association.

(5) Funds of the association are constituted out of subscription from members.

(6) At least 35% of employees of such cadre are members of such associations.

360. Conditions to be followed by a recognized Association. – Recognised Association shall be bound by the following conditions-

(1) Recognised Association shall not send any delegation for individual cases but raise only the common interests of members.

(2) It will not support matters concerning any one employee.

(3) It will not keep paying political funds, nor it shall propagate the ideas of any political party.

(4) Submit a list of office bearers and Audit Reports of accounts before the first of July of every year.

(5) All representations shall be addressed to the Secretary or Head of the Department only.

(6) Any amendment in Rules/Bye-laws shall not be done without prior approval of the State Government.

(7) Membership of any other Sangh/Maha Sangh shall also be taken only after prior approval of the State Government.

(8) No member of the Association shall indulge in any activity which is punishable under C.C.A. Rules, 1958.

(9) It shall not correspond with any foreign agency.

(10) None of its office bearers shall use disrespectful or improper language with Government Officials.

(11) It will not participate in any election for Parliament, Assembly, or Local bodies by :

(a) contributing to election expenditure

(b) supporting a such contesting candidate

(c) assisting in the election of any candidate,

(12) It shall not be associated with any political organization engaged in any political movement.

(13) It shall not be associated with or registered as a business union.

361. Disposal of disputes. – Only recognized associations shall have the right to negotiate disputes among their members. The procedure shall be: –

(1) All grievances shall be disposed of by correspondence or negotiations with the Director of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj without resorting to any unlawful means.

(2) In case of dispute, it shall be referred to Joint Advisory Committee constituted by the Head of the Department. Association shall be bound to agree to the recommendation of such committee.

362. The demand for information. – Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj may demand any information from the association to verify that conditions, as laid down in Rules 359 and 360, are followed.

363. Recognition to any association for one cadre. – (1) Recognition shall be given to only one association for one cadre.

(2) In case any other association also subsequently applies for recognition of employees of the same cadre, its application shall not be considered up to one year from the date of recognition of the previous union.

(3) After such period, recognition may be continued or withdrawn on the merits of each case.

364. Membership of Maha Sangh. – (1) Recognised Associations can join the membership of only such Maha Sangh which is recognized by the State Government.

(2) Objective of Maha Sangh shall also be to develop the spirit of goodwill and cooperation among members.

(3) Maha Sangh shall also not raise individual disputes but negotiate on common matters.

365. Withdrawal of recognition. – Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj may withdraw such recognition after giving the opportunity of hearing if –

(1) Association has violated provisions of Rules 359 and 360 or

(2) Recognition was obtained by misrepresentation or fraud or that it was wrongly given or

(3) Has violated any such other condition under these rules.

366. Relaxation of conditions. – The department shall be competent to relax certain conditions for good and sufficient reasons.

367. Destruction of Records. – The following registers, books, and papers of a Panchayati Raj Institution shall be destroyed after the expiration of the period specified opposite them, such periods to be reckoned as from the date of their closure or final disposal –

(i) Counterfoil Receipt Books Three years

(ii) Registers showing demand & collection of taxes and other dues Five years

(iii) Register of correspondence Three years

(iv) Inspection Book Three years

(v) Annual Report on the working of Panchayats Five years

(vi) Applications for copies of records One year

(vii) Application for inspection of Records One year

(viii) Forms of the oath taken by the Chairpersons and Members & other papers relating to election Four years

(ix) Audit Report Fifteen years

(x) Report regarding embezzlement Fifteen years

(xi) Service Book and Character Rolls Two years after the retirement of the person concerned.

(xii) Annual estimates of Receipts & expenditures for Three years

(xiii) Vouchers and Bills Three years after an audit.

(xiv) Security Bonds One year after they, cease to have an effect.

(xv) Other miscellaneous papers Three years

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