Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act 1994 (Chapter 2A Gram Sabha)

Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act 1994 

Chapter 2A

Gram Sabha

8A. Gram Sabha and its meetings. — (1) There shall be a Gram Sabha for each Panchayat Circle, consisting of the persons registered in the electoral rolls relating to the village or the group of villages comprised within the area of the panchayat.

(2) There shall be at least two meetings of the Gram Sabha every year, one in the first and the other in the last quarter of the financial year :

Provided that upon a requisition in writing by more than one-tenth of the total number of members of the Gram Sabha or, if required by the Panchayat Samiti, Zila Parishad, or the State Government, a meeting of the Gram Sabha shall be held within fifteen days of such requisition or requirement.

(3) In the meeting held in the first quarter of the financial year, the Panchayat shall place before the Gram Sabha-

(a) the annual statement of accounts of the preceding year;

(b) a report on the administration of the preceding financial year as required to be submitted under the provisions of this Act;

(c) the development and other programs proposed for the financial year; and

(d) the last audit report and replies made thereto.

(4) In the meeting convened in the last quarter of the financial year, the Panchayat shall place before the Gram Sabha –

(a) a statement of expenditure incurred during the year;

(b) physical and financial programs undertaken in the financial year;

(c) proposals about any changes made in various spheres of activities proposed in the meetings held in the first quarter of the financial year; and

(d) the budget of the Panchayat as prepared under the provisions of this Act and tax proposals of the panchayat.

(5) In all the meetings of the Gram Sabha any other matter that the Panchayat, Panchayat Samiti, Zila Parishad, the State Government, or any officer authorized on its behalf may require to be placed, shall also be so placed.

(6) It shall be open to the Gram Sabha to discuss the matters placed before it under this section, and the Panchayat shall consider the suggestions, if any, made by the Gram Sabha.

(7) The Vikas Adhikari of the concerned Panchayat Samiti or his nominee shall attend all meetings of the Gram Sabha. He shall be responsible for the correct recording of the minutes of such meetings by the Secretary of the Panchayat. A copy of the minutes so recorded shall be sent in the prescribed manner to the authorities as may be prescribed for this purpose. The minutes shall be read out at the end of the meeting and shall be approved and signed by members of the Gram Sabha present in the meeting.

8B. Quorum. — The quorum for a meeting of the Gram Sabha shall be one-tenth of the total number of members, out of which the presence of members belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Backward Classes and Women members shall be in proportion to their population.

8C. Presiding Officer. — The meetings of the Gram Sabha shall be convened by the Sarpanch of the Panchayat or, in his absence, by the Up-Sarpanch of such Panchayat and such meetings shall be presided over by the Sarpanch or, in his absence, by the Up-Sarpanch. In the event of both the Sarpanch and the Up-Sarpanch being absent, a meeting of the Gram Sabha shall be provided over by a member of the Gram Sabha to be elected for a majority of the members present in the meeting.

8D. Resolutions. — Any resolution relating to the matters entrusted to the Gram Sabha under this Act, shall have to be passed by a majority of votes of the members present and voting in the meeting of the Gram Sabha.

8E. Functions of the Gram Sabha. — The Gram Sabha shall, subject to such conditions and up to such extent and in such manner as may be specified by the State Government from time to time, perform the following functions: –

(a) approve the plans, and projects for social and economic development to prioritize from out of the plans, programs, and projects approved by the Ward Sabha before such plans, programs, and projects are taken up for implementation by the Panchayat;

(b) identification or selection of persons as beneficiaries under the poverty alleviation and other programs, in order of priority out of the persons identified by the various Ward Sabha coming under its jurisdiction;

(c) obtaining a certificate from the Wars Sabha concerned that the Panchayat has correctly utilized the funds provided for the plans, programs, and projects referred to in Clause (a) which have been expended in the area of that Ward Sabha;

(d) exercising social audit in respect of plots allotted to the weaker sections;

(e) formulating and approving development plans for Abadi lands;

(f) mobilizing voluntary labor and contributions in kind or cash or both for the community welfare programs;

(g) promoting literacy, education, health, and nutrition;

(h) promotion of unity and harmony among all sections of the society in such area;

(i) seeking clarifications from the Sarpanch and members of the Panchayat about any particular activity, scheme, income, and expenditure;

(j) identification and approval of development work in order of priority from out of the works recommended by the Ward Sabha;

(k) planning and management of minor water bodies;

(l) the management of minor forest produce;

(m) control over institutions and functionaries in all social sectors;

(n) control over local plans and resources for such plans including tribal sub-plans;

(o) consider and approve the recommendations made by each Ward Sabha in the area of such Panchayat Circle; and

(p) such other functions as may be prescribed.]

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