Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act 1994 [Functions and Powers of Panchayat Raj Institutions {First, Second & Third Schedule} ]

Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act 1994 
 [Functions and Powers of Panchayat Raj Institutions]

First Schedule
[See Section 50]
Functions and Powers of Panchayats

I. General functions:

(i) preparation of annual plans for the development of the panchayat area;

(ii) preparation of the annual budget;

(iii) mobilizing relief in natural calamities;

(iv) removal of encroachments on public properties;

(v) organizing voluntary labor and contributions to community works;

(vi) maintenance of essential statistics of the village(s).

II. In the sphere of administration:

(i) the numbering of premises;

(ii) the taking of the census;

(iii) the drawing up of programs for increasing the output of agricultural produce in the panchayat circle;

(iv) the preparation of the statement showing the requirement for supplies and finance needed for carrying out rural development schemes;

(v) acting as a channel through which assistance given by the central or state government for any purpose reaches the panchayat circle;

(vi) making surveys;

(vii) the control of cattle stands, threshing floors, grazing grounds, and community lands;

(viii) the establishment, maintenance, and regulation of fairs, pilgrimages, and festivals not managed by the state government or a panchayat samiti;

(ix) the preparation of statistics on unemployment;

(x) reporting to proper authorities of complaints that are not removable by the Panchayat;

(xi) the preparation, maintenance, and upkeep of panchayat records;

(xii) the registration of births, deaths, and marriages in such manner and in such form as may be laid down by the state government by general or special order on this behalf;

(xiii) the preparation of plans for the development of the village within the panchayat circle.

III. Agriculture, including Agriculture Extension:

(i) promotion and development of agriculture and horticulture;

(ii) development of wastelands;

(iii) development and maintenance of gazing lands and preventing their unauthorized alienation and use.

IV. Animal Husbandry, Dairy, and Poultry:

(i) improvement of the breed of cattle, poultry, and other livestock;

(ii) promotion of dairy farming, poultry, and pig farming;

(iii) Grassland development

V. Fisheries:

(i) Development of Fisheries in the village(s).

VI. Social and Farm Forestry, Minor Produce, Fuel, and Fodder:

(i) planting and preservation of trees on the sides of village and district roads and other public lands under its control;

(ii) fuel plantations and fodder development;

(iii) promotion of farm forestry;

(iv) development of social forestry and farmer nurseries.

VII. Minor Irrigation:

control and maintenance of tanks irrigating up to 50 acres.

VIII. Khadi, Village, and Cottage Industries:

(i) promotion of rural and cottage industries;

(ii) the organization of awareness camps, seminars, training programs, and agricultural and industrial exhibitions to benefit rural areas.

IX. Rural Housing:

(i) Allotment of free house sites within its jurisdiction;

(ii) maintenance of records relating to the houses, sites, and other private and public properties.

X. Drinking Water:

(i) construction, repairs, and maintenance of drinking water wells, tanks, and ponds;

(ii) prevention and control of water pollution;

(iii) maintenance of hand pumps, pumping systems, and tank schemes

XI. Roads, buildings, culverts, bridges, ferries, waterways, and other means of communication

(i) construction and maintenance of village roads, drains, and culverts;

(ii) maintenance of the building under its control or transferred to it by the government or any public authority;

(iii) maintenance of boats, ferries, and waterways

XII. Rural Electrification, including the Provision for and Maintenance of Lighting of Public Streets and Other Places

XIII. Non-Conventional Energy Source:

(i) promotion and maintenance of non-conventional energy schemes

(ii) maintenance of community non-conventional energy devices, including biogas plants;

(iii) propagation of improved chulas and other efficient energy devices

XIV. Poverty Alleviation Programme:

(i) promotion of public awareness and participation in poverty alleviation programs for fuller employment and the creation of productive assets, etc.

(ii) selection of beneficiaries under various programs through Gram Sabhas;

(iii) participation in the effective implementation and monitoring of the aforesaid.

XV. Education (Primary):

(i) promotion of public awareness and participation in village education committees for total literacy programs;

(ii) ensuring full enrolment of boys and especially girls and attendance in primary schools and their management.

XVI. Adult and Non-Formal Education:

Promotion and monitoring of the adult literacy program

XVII. Libraries:

Village libraries and reading rooms

XVIII. Cultural Activities:

Promotion of social and cultural activities

XIX. Markets and Fairs:

Regulation of fairs (including cattle fairs) and festivals

XX. Rural Sanitation:

(i) maintenance of general sanitation;

(ii) cleaning of public roads, drains, tanks, wells, and other public places;

(iii) maintenance and regulation of burning and burial grounds;

(iv) construction and maintenance of rural latrines, facility parks, bathing platforms, soak pits, etc.

(v) disposal of unclaimed corpses and carcasses;

(vi) management and control of washing and bathing ghats

XXI. Public Health and Family Welfare:

(i) implementation of family welfare programs;

(ii) prevention and remedial measures against epidemics;

(iii) regulation of the sale of meat, fish, and other perishable food articles;

(iv) participation in programs of human and animal vaccination;

(v) licensing of eating and entertainment establishments;

(vi) destruction of stray dogs;

(vii) regulation of the curing, tanning, and dyeing of skins and hides;

(viii) regulation of offensive and dangerous trades

XXII. Women and Child Development:

(i) participation in the implementation of women’s and children’s welfare programs;

(ii) promotion of school health and nutrition programs;

(iii) supervision of Anganwadi Centers

XXIII. Social Welfare, including Welfare of the Handicapped and Mentally Retarded:

(i) participation in the implementation of social welfare programs, including those for the handicapped, mentally retarded, and destitute;

(ii) assisting in old-age and widows’ pensions and social insurance schemes

XXIV. Welfare of the Weaker Sections, and in particular the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes:

(i) promotion of public awareness about the welfare of scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, backward classes, and other weaker sections;

(ii) participation in the implementation of the specified programs for the welfare of the weaker sections.

XXV. Public Distribution System:

(i) promotion of public awareness about the distribution of essential commodities;

(ii) monitoring the public distribution system.

XXVI. Maintenance of Community Assets:

(i) maintenance of community assets;

(ii) presentation and maintenance of other community assets.

XXVII. Construction and maintenance of Dharamshalas and similar institutions

XXVIII. Construction and Maintenance of Cattle Sheds, Ponds, and Cart Stands

XXIX. Construction and Maintenance of Slaughter Houses

XXX. Maintenance of Public Parks, Playgrounds, etc.

XXXI. Regulation of Manure Pits in Public Places

XXXII. Regulation of Liquor Shops

XXXIII. General Powers of the Panchayats:

to do all acts necessary for or incidental to the carrying out of the functions entrusted, assigned, or delegated to it and, in particular, and without prejudice to the foregoing power, to exercise all powers specified under this Act.

Second Schedule

[See Section 51]

Functions and Powers of Panchayat Samitis

I. General Functions:

(i) preparation of the annual plans in respect of the schemes entrusted to it by the Act and those assigned to it by the government or the Zila Parishad, and submission thereof to the Zila Parishad within the prescribed time for integration with the district plan;

(ii) consideration and consolidation of the annual plans of all panchayats in the Panchayat Samiti area, and submission of the Zila Parishad;

(iii) preparation of the annual budget of the Panchayat Samiti;

(iv) performing such functions and executing such works as may be entrusted to it by the government or Zila Parishad;

(v) Providing relief in natural calamities

II. Agriculture, including Agriculture Extension:

(i) promotion and development of agriculture and horticulture;

(ii) maintenance of horticultural nurseries;

(iii) assistance to registered seed growers in distribution;

(iv) popularisation of manures and fertilizers and their distribution;

(v) propagation of improved methods of cultivation;

(vi) plant protection, development of cash crops in accordance

with the policy of the state government;

(vii) promotion of the cultivation of vegetables, fruits, and flowers;

(viii) Assistance in providing credit facilities for the development of agriculture;

(ix) training of farmers and extension activities.

III. Land Improvement and Soil Conservation:

Assisting the government and Zila Parishads in the implementation of land improvement and soil conservation programs of the government

IV. Minor Irrigation, Water Management, and Watershed Development:

(i) construction and maintenance of minor irrigation works, such as anicuts, lift irrigation, irrigation wells, bunds, and mund bunds;

(ii) the implementation of community and individual irrigation works.

V. Poverty Alleviation Programmes:

planning and implementation of poverty alleviation programs and schemes, especially integrated rural development programs, training of rural youth for self-employment, the desert development program, the drought-prone area program, the trible area development approach, the modified area development approach, the scheduled caste development corporation scheme, etc.

VI. Animal Husbandry, Dairy, and Poultry:

(i) inspection and maintenance of veterinary and animal husbandry services;

(ii) improvement of the breed of cattle, poultry, and other livestock;

(iii) promotion of dairy farming, poultry, and pig farming;

(iv) prevention of epidemics and contagious diseases;

(v) introduction of improved fodder and feeds

VII. Fisheries:

Promotion of fisheries development

VIII. Khadi, Village, and Cottage Industries:

(i) promotion of rural and cottage industries;

(ii) the organization of conferences, seminars, and training programs; agricultural and industrial exhibitions;

(iii) training of unemployed rural youth with master craftsmen and technical training institutes;

(iv) popularisation of modern scientific methods of increased productivity.

IX. Rural Housing:

Implementation of housing schemes and recovery of housing loan installments

X. Drinking Water:

(i) monitoring, repair, and maintenance of hand pumps and pump and tank schemes of panchayats;

(ii) maintenance of rural water supply schemes;

(iii) prevention and control of water pollution;

(iv) implementation of rural sanitation schemes.

XI. Social and Farm Forestry, Fuel, and Fodder:

(i) planting and preservation of trees on the sides of roads and other public lands under its control, especially pasture lands;

(ii) fuel plantations and fodder development;

(iii) promotion of farm forestry;

(iv) wasteland development.

XII. Roads, buildings, bridges, ferries, waterways, and other means of communication

(i) the construction and maintenance of public roads, drains, culverts, and other means of communication that are not under the control of any other local authority or the government;

(ii) maintenance of any buildings or other property vested in the Panchayat Samiti;

(iii) maintenance of boats, ferries, and waterways

XIII. Non-Conventional Energy Sources:

promotion and maintenance of non-conventional energy sources, especially solar lights, and other devices.

XIV. Education, Including Primary Schools:

(i) the running of primary education, including total literacy programs and especially girls’ education;

(ii) construction, repair, and maintenance of the primary school building and teachers’ quarters;

(iii) promotion of social education through youth clubs and Mahila Mandals;

(iv) distribution of textbooks, scholarships, dresses, and other incentives to SC/ST/OBC poor students.

XV. Technical Training and Vocational Education: Promotion of Rural Artisan and Vocational Training

XVI. Adult and Non-Formal Education:

(i) establishment of information, community recreation centers, and libraries;

(ii) implementation of adult literacy.

XVII. Cultural Activities:

Promotion of social and cultural activities, exhibitions, and publications

XVIII. Markets and Fairs:

Regulation of fairs and festivals, including cattle fairs

XIX. Health and Family Welfare:

(i) implementation of a health and family welfare program;

(ii) monitoring of immunization and vaccination programs;

(iii) health and sanitation at fairs and festivals;

(iv) inspection and control of dispensaries (allopathic and ayurvedic, Unani, and homeopathic) in the community and primary health centers, sub-centers, etc.

XX. Women and Child Development:

(i) implementation of programs relating to the development of women and children;

(ii) implementation of school health and nutrition programs through Integrated Child Development Schemes;

(iii) promotion of the participation of voluntary organizations in women’s and child development programs;

(iv) formation of the Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas group for economic development and assistance in the procurement of materials and marketing.

XXI. Social Welfare, including Welfare of the Handicapped and Mentally Retarded:

(i) social welfare programs, including those for the handicapped, mentally retarded, and destitute;

(ii) sanctioning the old age and widows pensions and pensions for the handicapped.

XXII. Welfare of the Weaker Sections, and in particular of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Backward Classes:

(i) promotion of the welfare of scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, backward classes, and other weaker sections;

(ii) protecting such castes and classes from social injustice and exploitation.

XXIII. Maintenance of Community Assets:

(i) maintaining all community assets vested in it or transferred by the government or any local authority or organization;

(ii) the preservation and maintenance of other community assets.

XXIV. Statistics:

collection and compilation of such statistics as may be found necessary by Panchayat Samiti, Zila Parishad, or the state government.

XXV. Emergency Relief:

in case of fire, flood, epidemics, and other widespread calamities.

XXVI. Cooperation

Promotion of cooperative activities by helping in establishing and strengthening cooperative societies

XXVII. Libraries:

Promotion of libraries

XXVIII. Supervision and guidance to the panchayats in all their activities and the formulation of village and panchayat plans

XXIX. Miscellaneous:

(i) encouragement of thrifty small savings and insurance;

(ii) assisting in the preparation and payment of social insurance claims in case of an accident, fire, death, etc., including cattle insurance.

XXX. General Powers of the Panchayat Samitis

to do all acts necessary for or incidental to the carrying out of the functions entrusted, assigned, or delegated to it and, in particular, and without prejudice to the foregoing power, to exercise all powers specified in this Act.

Third Schedule
[See Section 52]
Functions and Powers of Zila Parishads.

I. General Functions:

To prepare plans for the economic development and social justice of the district and to ensure the coordinated implementation of such plans concerning all matters, including those enumerated in the items following,

II. Agriculture:

(i) promotion of measures to increase agricultural production and to popularise the use of improved agricultural implements and the adoption of improved agricultural practices;

(ii) conducting agricultural fairs and exhibitions;

(iii) training of farmers;

(iv) land improvement and soil conservation.

III. Minor Irrigation, Groundwater Resources, and Watershed Development:

(i) construction, renovation, and maintenance of “C” and “D” class minor irrigation works up to 2500 acres and lift irrigation;

(ii) providing for the timely and equitable distribution and full use of water under irrigation schemes under the control of Zila Parishad and revenue realization.

(iii) development of groundwater resources;

(iv) the installation of community pump sets;

(v) watershed development program.

IV. Horticulture:

(i) rural parks and gardens;

(ii) the cultivation of fruits and vegetables.

V. Statistics:

(i) publication of statistical and other information relating to the activities of Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishads;

(ii) coordination and use of statistics and other information required for the activities of the Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishad;

(iii) periodical supervision and evaluation of projects and programs entrusted to the Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishad.

VI. Rural Electrification:

(i) monitoring the priority of rural electrification;

(ii) connections, especially power connections, Kutir Joti, and other connections.

VII. Soil Conservation:

(i) soil conservation works;

(ii) land development works.

VIII. Social Forestry:

(i) Promotion of social and farm forestry, plantation, and fodder development;

(ii) development of wasteland;

(iii) organization and campaigning for tree planting and encouragement of farmer nurseries;

(iv) planting and maintenance of trees, except in forest lands;

(v) roadside plantation except for highways and major district roads

IX. Animal Husbandry and Dairy:

(i) establishment and maintenance of veterinary dispensaries, except for district and referral hospitals;

(ii) fodder development programs;

(iii) promotion of dairy farming, poultry, and pig farming;

(iv) prevention of epidemics and contagious diseases

X. Fisheries:

(i) all programs of the fish farmers development agency;

(ii) development of pisciculture in private and community tanks;

(iii) assistance with traditional fishing;

(iv) organizing fish marketing cooperatives;

(v) welfare schemes for the uplift and development of fishermen

XI. Household and Cottage Industries:

(i) identification of traditional skills in the locality and development of household industries;

(ii) assessment of raw material requirements to ensure timely supply;

(iii) design and production to suit changing consumer demand;

(iv) organization of a training program for craftsmen and artisans;

(v) liaison to tap bank credit for the program under this sub-item;

(vi) promoting Khadi, handloom, handicraft, and village and cottage industries.

XII. Rural roads and buildings:

(i) construction and maintenance of roads other than national and state highways;

(ii) bridges and elevators coming under roads other than national and state highways;

(iii) construction and maintenance of the office building of the Zila parishad;

(iv) identification of major link roads connecting markets, educational institutions, health centers, and link roads in interior areas;

(v) organizing the voluntary surrender of lands for new roads and for the widening of existing roads.

XIII. Health and Hygiene:

(i) establishment and maintenance of community and primary health centers, dispensaries, and sub-centers;

(ii) establishment and maintenance of Ayurvedic, Homoeopathic, and Unani dispensaries;

(iii) implementation of immunization and vaccination programs;

(iv) health education activities;

(v) Maternal and child health activities;

(vi) family welfare activities;

(vii) organizing health camps with the assistance of Panchayat Samiti and panchayats;

(viii) measures against environmental pollution.

XIV. Rural Housing:

(i) identification of houseless families;

(ii) implementation of house-building programs in the district;

(iii) popularising low-cost housing

XV. Education:

(i) promotion of educational activities, including the establishment and maintenance of upper primary schools;

(ii) planning of programs for adult education and library facilities;

(iii) extension work for the propagation of science and technology to rural areas;

(iv) survey and evaluation of educational activities

XVI. Social Welfare and Welfare of Weaker Sections:

(i) extension of education facilities to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Backward Classes by giving scholarships, stipends, board grants, and other grants for the purchase of books and other accessories;

(ii) organizing nursery schools, balwadis, night schools, and libraries to eradicate illiteracy and impart general education;

(ithe ii) conduct model welfare centers and craft centers to train scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, and backward classes in cottage and rural industries;

(iv) providing facilities for the marketing of goods produced by members of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Backward Classes;

(v) organizing cooperative societies of scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, and backward classes;

(vi) other welfare schemes for the uplift and development of scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, and backward classes.

XVII. Poverty Alleviation Programs:

planning, supervision, monitoring, and implementation of poverty alleviation programs.

XVIII. Social Reform Activities:

(i) Women’s Organization and Welfare;

(ii) Children’s Organization and Welfare;

(iii) local vagrancy relief;

(iv) monitoring of sanctioning and distribution of pension for widows, old and physically disabled destitute and allowances for unemployed and couples of inter-caste marriage in which one party is a member of a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe;

(v) control of fire outbreaks;

(vi) campaign against superstition, castism, untouchability, alcoholism, expensive marriages, social functions, dowry, and conspicuous consumption;

(vii) encouraging community marriage and inter-caste marriages;

(viii) vigilance against economic offenses such as smuggling, tax evasion, and food adulteration;

(ix) assistance for developing lands assigned to landless laborers;

(x) resumption of land alienated by tribal groups;

(xi) to identify, free, and rehabilitate bonded labor;

(xii) to organize cultural and recreational activities;

(xiii) encouragement of sports and games and construction of rural stadia;

(xiv) to give new form and social content to traditional festivals;

(xv) promotion of thrift and savings through

(a) promotion of saving habits

(b) small savings campaign;

(c) fight against spurious money lending practices and rural indebtedness.

XIX. General Powers of the Zila Parishads:

To do all acts necessary for or incidental to the carrying out of the functions entrusted, assigned, or delegated to it, and, in particular, and without prejudice to the foregoing power, to exercise all powers specified in this Act and especially those necessary to:

(i) manage or maintain any work of public utility or any institution vested in it or under its control and management;

(ii) acquire and maintain village huts and markets;

(iii) distribute ad hoc grants to panchayat samitis or panchayats and coordinate their work;

(iv) adopt measures for the relief of distress;

(v) coordinate and integrate the development plans and schemes prepared by the Panchayat Samitis in the district;

(vi) examine and sanction the budget estimates of Panchayat Samitis in the district;

(vii) undertake or execute any scheme extending to more than one block;

(viii) organize camps, seminars, and conferences of panchas, sarpanchas, pardhans, and members of Panchayat Samitis in the district;

(ix) require any local authority to furnish information regarding its activities;

(x) to jointly undertake and execute any development schemes on such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon between the Zila Parishads of two or more adjacent districts.

ये भी पढ़ें 👇


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