Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act 1994 (Chapter 2 Ward Sabha)

Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act 1994 

Chapter 2 Ward Sabha

[3. Ward Sabha and its meetings. —(1) Every ward of the panchayat as determined by the provisions of the Sub-Section (2) of Section 12 shall have a Ward Sabha consisting of a. adult persons of the Ward in a Panchayat Circle.

(2) There shall be at least two meetings of the Ward Sabha every year, one in each half of the financial Year:

Provided that upon a requisition in writing by more than one-tenth of the total number of members of the Ward Sabha or, if required by the Panchayat, Panchayat Samiti, Zila Parishad, or the State Government, a meeting of the Ward Sabha shall be held within fifteen days of such a requisition or requirement.

(3) In all the meetings of the Ward Sabha any matter that the Panchayat, Panchayat Samiti, Zila Parishad, the State Government, or any officers authorized on its behalf may require to be placed, shall also be so placed.

(4) It shall be open to the Ward Sabha to discuss the matters placed before it under this section, and the Panchayat shall consider the suggestions, if any, made by the Ward Sabha.

(5) The Vikas Adhikari of the Concerted Panchayat Samiti or his nominee shall attend the meetings of the Ward Sabha. He shall be responsible for convening the meetings of the Ward Sabha in consultation with the Ward Panch and for the correct recording of the minutes of such meetings. A copy of the minutes so recorded shall be sent in the prescribed manner to the authorities prescribed for this purpose. The minutes shall be read out at the end of the meeting and shall be approved and signed by the members of the Ward Sabha present.]

4. Quorum. — The quorum for a meeting of the [Ward Sabha] will be one-tenth of the total number of [members, out of which those belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, and Women members shall be in proportion to their population.]

[xxx xxx xxx] 

[5. Presiding Officer. — The meeting of the Ward Sabha shall be presided over by the Panch or, in his absence, by a member of the Ward Sabha to be elected for the purpose by a majority of the members present in the meeting.]

6. Resolutions. — Any resolution relating to the matters entrusted to the [Ward Sabha] under this Act shall have to be passed by a majority of votes of the members present and voting in the meeting of the [Ward Sabha].

[7. Functions of the Ward Sabha] The Ward Sabha shall perform the following functions:-

(a) help the Panchayat in the collection and compilation of details required for the formulation of development plans;

(b) garnering proposals and fixing the priority of development schemes and programs to be implemented in the area of the Ward Sabha;

(c) identification of beneficiaries in order of priority, for the implementation of development schemes in the area of Ward Sabha;

(d) rendering assistance in the effective implementation of development schemes;

(e) suggesting the location of public utilities, amenities, and services like streetlights, community water-public wells, public satiation units, irrigation facilities, etc.;

(f) formulating schemes and imparting awareness on matters of public interest like cleanliness, preservation of the environment, prevention of pollution, guarding against social evils, etc.;

(g) promoting harmony and unity among various groups of people;

(h) verifying the eligibility of persons getting various kinds of Welfare assistance from the Government such as pensions and subsidies;

(i) getting information on the detailed estimates of works proposed to be taken in the area of the Ward Sabha; exercising social audit in all works implemented in the area of the Ward Sabha and awarding utilization and completion certificates for such works;

(j) getting information from the officials concerned as to the services they will render and the works they propose to do in the area of the Ward Sabha;

(k) assisting the activities of parent-teacher associations in the area;

(l) promoting literacy, education, health, child care, and nutrition;

(m) exercising check on institutions and functionaries in all social sectors; and

(n) such other functions as may be prescribed from time to time.]

[8. Vigilance Committee. — xxx xxx xxx xxx]

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