Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules 1996 (Chapter 16 Framing of Bylaws)

Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules 1996

Framing of Bylaws

368. Publication of draft by-law. – (1) Whenever it is proposed to make any by-law or to modify any existing bye-law, under Sections 103, 104, or Section 105, the draft of the proposed bye-law or modification shall first be published for the information of all persons likely to be affected thereby, together with a notice specifying a date which shall not be less than a month beyond the date of the publication of the draft under Sub-rule (2), on or after which such draft will be taken into consideration by the authority proposing to make the bye-law to modify the existing bye-law.

(2) The draft and the notice under Sub-rule (1) shall be published by affixing the same in at least two conspicuous places within the area of the Panchayati Raj Institution affected and at the office of the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned.

369. Disposal of objections and suggestions. – The authority desiring to make the proposed bye-law or modification shall consider all objections or suggestions in respect of the draft published under Rule 368, if received before the date specified in the notice under that rule and may either drop the proposal or decide to make the proposed bye-law or modification with or without any alterations.

370. Further action in respect of proposals under Section 103. – If a Zila Parishad decides under Section 103 to make the proposed by-law or modification, the same shall be notified in the Official Gazette under the signature of the Chief Executive Officer.

371. Further action in respect of proposals under Secs. 104 or 105. – (1) If the decision under Rule 369 to make a bye-law or to modify an existing bye-law has been taken by a Panchayat or Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad in the exercise of the powers conferred on it by Section 104 or 105 respectively, the proposed bye-law or modification, together with the draft thereof and the notice published under Rule 368 and all objections and suggestions in respect thereof received and disposed of under Rule 369 C shall be submitted by the Panchayat to the Zila Parishad concerned and Panchayat Samiti Zila Parishad to the State Government for approval and no such bye-law or modification shall have effect unless it has been sanctioned by the Zila Parishad or State Government as the case may be.

(2) The bye-law or modification as sanctioned by the Zila Parishad or the State Government under Sub-rule (1) shall be notified in the Official Gazette under the signature of the Sarpanch of the Panchayat, Vikas Adhikari of Panchayat Samiti, Chief Executive Officer of Zila Parishad, as the case may be, and the notification shall mention the fact of the approval and sanction of the Zila Parishad or State Government thereto.

372. Operation of bye-law of modification. – Every bye-law or modification of a bye-law notified under Rules 370 or 371 shall come into operation upon the expiration of one month from the date of notification.

373. Removal of doubts. – Whenever any difficulty or doubt arises as to the interpretation or implementation of these rules, the matter shall be referred to the State Government whose clarification shall be final in such respect.

374. Repeal and Saving. – (1) On and from the date of commencement of these rules, following rules framed under the Rajasthan Panchayat Act, 1953 (Rajasthan Act No. 21 of 1953) and Rajasthan Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad Act. 1959 (Rajasthan Act No. 37 of 1959) shall stand repealed –

S. No. Existing Rules

1. Rajasthan Panchayat and Nyaya Up-Samiti Election Rules, 1960.

2. Rajasthan Panchayat and Nyaya Panchayat (Appointment of Counsel) Rules, 1962.

3. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Cooption of Members) Rules, 1979.

4. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Election of Associate Members) Rules, 1965.

5. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Election from Gram Sabha) Rules, 1964.

6. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Cooption of Members of Standing Committee) Rules, 1959.

7. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Declaration of Krishi Nipun) Rules, 1961.

8. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishad (Election of Pradhan and Pramukh) Rules, 1979.

9. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Retirement of Members of Standing Committee) Rules, 1962.

10. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Associate Members Voting Rights) Rules, 1965.

11. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Selection Commission Conditions of Service) Rules, 1960.

12. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Contributory Provident Fund) Rules, 1969.

13. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Declaration of Vacancies in Standing Committee) Rules, 1969.

[14. Rajasthan Zila Parishads (Cooption of Members) Rules, 1960.]

15. Rajasthan Panchayat and Local Bodies Subordinate Service Commission if (Selection conditions of Service) Rules,1959.

16. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Jurisdictions over Municipal Areas) Rules, 1960.

17. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Election of Temporary Pradhan) Rules, 1959.

18. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Election of Chairman of Standing Committee) Rules, 1959.

19. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Election of Members of Standing Committee) Rules, 1959.

20. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Election of Up-Pradhan and Up-Pramukh) Rules, 1979.

21. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Election Petition) Rules, 1959.

[22. Rajasthan Zila Parishads (Election of Temporary Pramukh) Rules, 1961.]

23. Rajasthan Zila Parishad (Vocation of Office of Pramukh) Rules, 1965.

24. Rajasthan Panchayat (General) Rules, 1961.

25. Rajasthan Panchayat (General) Social Allotment of Abadi Land for Residential House Sites to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes, Landless Persons, Village Artisans, and Small and Marginal Farmers Rules, 1975.

26. Rajasthan Panchayati Samitis (Administrative Powers) Rules, 1960.

27. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Appointment of Counsel) Rules, 1962.

28. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Conduct of Business of Standing Committees) Rules, 1959.

29. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Payment of Allowance to Members) Rules 1961.

30. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Removal of Pradhan and Up-Pradhan) Rules, 1960.

31. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Taxation) Rules, 1960.

32. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Terminal conditions of Deputation of Vikas Adhikaris, Extension Officers and Other Officers) Rules,1959.

33. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (use of Vehicles) Rules, 1963.

34. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Administration Report) Rules. 1959.

35 Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Conduct of Business) Rules. 1960.

36. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (District Establishment Committee) Rules, 1961.

37. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Employment of Physically handicapped) Rules, 1986.

38. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Grant of Copies of Records) Rules, 1963.

39. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Grant of Copies of Records) Rules, 1963.

40. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Karya Sanchalan) Rules, 1965 in Hindi).

41. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Karya Sanchalan) Rules, 1965 in Hindi).

42. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Motion of No Confidence in Pradhan. Up-Pradhan, Pramukh or Up-Pramukh) Rules, 1961.

43. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Preparation of confidential Report of Vikas Adhikaris and Secretaries) Rules, 1960.

44. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Constitution of Standing Committee) Rules, 1965.

45. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Service) Rules, 1959.

46. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Class IV) Service Rules, 1959.

47. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Recruitments of Dependents of the Members of Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad) Service Rules. 1978.

48. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads Services (Punishments and Appeal) Rules, 1961.

49. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Servants and Pensioners Conduct) Rules, 1969.

50. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads Rules for Grant-in-aid to persons belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Denotified Tribes for Construction and Repair of Houses, 1961.

51. Rajasthan Zila Parishads (Conduct of Business of (Sub-Committees) Rules, 1960.

52. Rajasthan Zila Parishads (Payment of Allowances to Members) Rules, 1961.

53. Rajasthan Zila Parishads (Use of Vehicle) Rules, 1986.

54. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis Evam Zila Parishads Seva karamchari (Seva Sanghon Ko Manyata) Niyam, 1993 (in Hindi).

(2) Any appointment, notification, tax, fee, order, scheme, license, permission bye-law, regulation, or form made, issued, imposed, or granted under the rules so repealed and in force immediately before the date of commencement of these rules, shall in so far as it is not inconsistent with the provisions of these rules, continue to be in the force as if made, issued, imposed or granted under these Rules, until superseded or modified by any appointment, notification, tax fee, order, scheme. License permission, by-law, regulation, or form made, issued imposed, or granted under these Rules.

(3) All the actions taken under the Rules so repealed shall be deemed to have been accepted under these rules and no action hitherto taken shall be challenged on the ground of such repeal.


Scheme and Syllabus of competitive examination for the post of [School Teachers Classes I to V] (General Education/Special Education).

(1) The competitive examination shall carry 200 marks.

(2) Duration of the examination shall be two hours.

(3) The question paper of the written examination shall carry multiple choice type questions.

(4) The negative marking in the evaluation of answers shall be applicable. For every wrong answer, 1/3 marks of the question shall be deducted.

Explanation. – The wrong answer shall mean an incorrect answer or multiple answers.

(5) Paper shall include the following subjects carrying the number of marks as shown against them.

(i) General knowledge and Current Affairs with Special reference to Rajasthan. 60 marks

(ii) Geographical, Historical and Cultural Knowledge of Rajasthan. 60 Marks

(iii) Educational Psychology 07 Marks

(iv) School Subjects

(a) Hindi 07 Marks

(b) English 07 Marks

(c) Mathematics 07 Marks

(d) General Science 07 Marks

(e) Social Studies 07 Marks

Note—The standard of contents of school subjects shall be of the secondary standard

(v) Educational Methodology

(a) Hindi 07 Marks

(b) English 07 Marks

(c) Mathematics 08 Marks

(d) General Science 08 Marks

(e) Social Studies 08 Marks

Total 200 Marks


Scheme and competitive examination for the post of School Teacher classes VI to VIII-

(1) The competitive examination shall carry 200 marks.

(2) Duration of the examination shall be two hours.

(3) The Question paper of the written examination shall carry multiple choice type questions.

(4) The negative marking in the evaluation of answers shall be applicable. For every wrong answer, 1/3 marks of the question shall be deducted.

Explanation. – The wrong answer shall mean an incorrect answer or multiple answers-

(5) Question paper shall include the following subjects carrying the number of marks as shown against them.

(i) General Knowledge and Current Affairs with special reference to Rajasthan 20 Marks

(ii) Geographical, Historical and Cultural Knowledge of Rajasthan 20 Marks

(iii) Educational Psychology 20 Marks

(iv) Children Psychology 20 Marks

(v) School Subject (Contents of the syllabus shall be as per Secondary Standard) 120 Marks

Total200 Marks

Note. – The standard of the paper shall be of the Senior Secondary Level.]


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