Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules 1996 (Chapter 9 Immovable Properties)

 Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules 1996


Immovable Properties

136. Panchayat properties. – [(1) All common lands and public streets together with pavements, stones, and other material thereof within the Panchayat Circle as well as all Government lands lying within the Abadi Area shall vest in and belong to a Panchayat. All other Government lands within the Panchayat Circle shall be managed by Panchayat subject to such conditions and restrictions as may be imposed by the State Government, from time to time.]
(2) The State Government may, subject to such conditions and restrictions, as it may think fit to impose, vest in the Panchayat any land, properties, works, materials, or things belonging to the State Government.
(3) All properties mentioned in Sub-secs. (1) and (2) shall be under the direction, management, and control of the Panchayat and shall be held by it as a trustee for the purposes of this Act.
(4) All the markets and fairs except those managed by the State Government or Panchayat Samiti, that are held on the lands vested or vesting in the Panchayat, shall be managed and regulated by it.
(5) Income from sale proceeds or lease of such properties or material produced therefrom and any dues levied or imposed in respect of markets and fairs, held on such lands, shall form part of the Panchayat fund and shall be applied by the Panchayat in the achievement of objects of Panchayat Raj Act.
(6) The State Government, may resume any such property vested in the Panchayat: –
(i) if the Panchayat is found upon inquiry to have mismanaged the same or utilized in contravention of terms and conditions imposed at the time of vesting, or
(ii) if the same is otherwise required by the State Government in the public interest, on such terms, as the State Government may determine.
137. Register of immovable properties. – The Panchayati Raj Institutions shall maintain a register in Form XX of all buildings and other immovable properties vested in it or placed at its disposal.
138. Maintenance of properties. – It shall be the duty of a Panchayati Raj Institution concerned to keep all properties referred to in Rule 136 in proper condition and shall arrange for their essential repair or whitewashing when the same is considered necessary. Special efforts shall be made to keep all school buildings safe and free from danger.
139. Inspection of properties. – (1) All Chairpersons shall visit the properties once a year to ensure the safety and proper maintenance of such properties.
(2) Vikas Adhikari/Chief Executive Officer shall inspect the register and the properties once a year during the inspection of Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti respectively.
Abadi Land
140. Abadi Land. – “Abadi Land” means natural land lying within the inhabited areas of a Panchayat Circle which vests or has been vested in or has been placed at the disposal of a Panchayat by or under an order of the State Government.
141. Sale of land. – All sales of land by a Panchayat shall ordinarily be made through auction unless there are special reasons for not doing so. Panchayat may decide to sell such land through an auction program fixed in advance.
142. Preparation of a plan. – (1) Whenever land for the development of Abadi is transferred to a Panchayat, it shall get a development plan prepared for the rural area by an officer of the Town Planning posted in the department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, not below the rank of Assistant Town Planner. It shall be approved by the Senior Town Planner of the Department Future development of such rural areas will be done as per the approved development plan.
(2) Schemes for housing, commercial areas, and other projects will be prepared as per the approved development plan. Implementation of such schemes will be done as per the approved plan only:
Provided that for rural areas where the development plan has not been approved, projects/schemes for planned development of the residential and commercial areas will be prepared and approved by the village planner, not below the rank of assistant town planner posted in the department of rural development & Panchayati Raj.
(3) The State Government may acquire private lands as per rules, for the implementation of such projects/schemes, if need be.
(4) The disposal of plots in approved development projects/schemes will be done by auction and allotment as per directions of the State Government.
(5) Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad authorized by the State Government for the implementation of such projects/schemes will be eligible to get loans from financial institutions as per rules.
143. Auction of plots in Abadi Area. – (1) Panchayat shall prepare a list of plots including scattered plots within the Abadi Area, keeping in mind the space needed for public streets/roads, drainage, and other public purposes.
(2) Panchayat shall try to maintain the building line, as far as possible, while deciding to auction any scattered plot.
(3) Any area of 100 sq. yards or more for residential purposes and 200 sq. feet for commercial purposes shall be auctioned as a scattered plot.
144. Allotment of a strip of land. – (1) Panchayat may allot a strip of land up to 100 sq. yards for residential purposes and 200 sq. ft. for commercial purposes at the prevailing market price.
(2) Strip of land shall be allotted only to such persons whose existing house/shop is adjoining such strip and there is no other applicant for the same.
(3) In case more than one persons have houses/shops adjoining the strip, they shall be put in the auction.
145. Application for purchase. – (1) A person desirous of purchasing any Abadi land/stray plot or a strip of land from the panchayat shall make an application in writing to the Panchayat, giving such description thereof as may be sufficient to identify the land purposed to be purchased.
(2) The applicant shall, along with his application, deposit a sum of Rupees Twenty five towards the expenses for site inspection.
(3) The applicant shall also deposit Rupees Twenty-five for the preparation of the map if the site map has not been enclosed with the application. In such case, Secretary shall prepare a site map after a site inspection in the presence of the applicant.
146. Site inspection. – (1) Secretary shall register such application in a register in Form XXI and open a file.
(2) Secretary shall lay all such pending files in the next Panchayat meeting for deputing a committee of three panchas for site inspection.
(3) Pinchas shall inspect the site within 15 days and submit their opinion to the Panchayat as to the desirability of the sale applied for, after taking into consideration the following matters, namely: –
(a) Whether the sale applied for will affect the facilities for going and coming enjoyed by the villagers;
(b) Whether such a sale will affect the rights of easements owned by other persons;
(c) Whether such a sale will affect the beauty and cleanliness of the locality;
(d) The names of adjoining residents desirous of buying such land,
(e) Such other matters as may appear to be relevant.
147. Provisional decision. – (1) The Panchayat shall then provisionally decide at a meeting whether the proposed sale should or should not be made.
(2) If it decides not to make the sale, the application shall be rejected and the fact shall be communicated to the applicant. In such case, the applicant shall not be entitled to any refund of the fee.
148. Issue and publication of the notice. – (1) If the Panchayat provisionally decides that the sale should be made, it shall publish a notice in Form XXII inviting objections to the proposed sale within one month from the date of publication on the manner laid down in Sub-rule (2).
[Provided that during the period 24.2.2005 to 23.3.2005 period of inviting objections will be seven days in place of one month.]
[Provided that [during the Rajasv Abhiyan or Prashasan Gaon ke sang Abhiyan or any other Abhiyan organized by order of the State Government for sale of land and Patta Vitran], period of inviting objections shall be seven days in place of one month.]
(2) The notice referred to in Sub-rule (1) shall be prepared in duplicate and one copy thereof shall be affixed to a conspicuous place on the proposed to be sold, the other copy is returned to the Panchayat Office after obtaining the signatures of at least two respectable persons of the locality thereon, in token of such affixation.
149. Disposal of objections. – The objections, if any, received in response to the notice issued under Rule 148 shall be disposed of by the Panchayat after giving the parties concerned a responsible opportunity of being heard.
150. Auction of the land. – (1) If no objection is received under Rule 148 within one month, or if all objections received have been disposed of under Rule 149, the Panchayat shall by resolution order the auction of the land proposed to be sold on a date, not earlier than one month from the date of the resolution and at the time and place to be specified.
[Provided that during the period 24.2.2005 to 23.3.2005, the date of the auction after the resolution of Panchayat will be seven days in place of one month.]
(2) Thereupon a notice of such auction, and of the date, time, and place specified in Sub-rule (1) shall be proclaimed by a beat of drum/by any other sound amplifying device, and a copy of the auction notice shall be displayed near the site as well as conspicuous places in the village market and on the notice board of the Panchayat.
151. Auction Committee. – (1) All auctions of immovable property shall be made by an auction committee consisting of:
(1) Sarpanch
(ii) Up-Sarpanch
(iii) Chairman of a vigilance committee
(iv) One panch belonging to women/Scheduled Caste/Tribe/OBC as nominated by Panchayat if not represented otherwise
(v) Land Revenue Inspector or in his absence Patwari who shall be informed well in advance. Three members shall constitute a quorum of the Auction Committee.
(2) The auction shall be held at the site and will not be finalized till the end of the day.
152. Market price. – (1) It shall be the duty of the Auction Committee to ensure that there is free and fair competition among the bidders.
(2) Auction Committee shall keep in mind the prevailing market price of such land.
(3) Final bid shall in no case be less than the index rate fixed by the Sub-Registrar of the area based on previous sales of lands for the purpose of stamp duty.
(4) Vikas Adhikari shall obtain such index rates for every village from the office of the Sub-Registrar in April and inform the Panchayat concerned.
(5) Bids shall be started from index rates as conveyed by Vikas Adhikari under Sub-rule (4) and index rates shall be market price below which no sale shall be finalized by the Panchayat.
153. Payment and resale on failure. – (1) The person who made the last highest bid, shall deposit 10% of the amount of the bid immediately and 15% within 24 hours, and the balance within 60 days.
(2) Failing payment as provided in Sub-rule (1), the land shall forthwith be resold:
Provided that a resale on failure to pay the balance of the amount of bid shall be held after a fresh notice has been issued as provided in Sub-rule (2) of Rule 150 and 10% of the auction price deposited at the time of original sale shall be forfeited to the Panchayat:
Provided further that any deficiency in the price fetched at a such resale shall be payable by the person who failed to make the payment as aforesaid and shall be recoverable from him as panchayat dues.
154. Confirmation of the sale. – (1) The acceptance of the highest bid shall be subject to confirmation by the Panchayat and the authorities prescribed in Sub-rule (3).
(2) Panchayat, in its next meeting to be held not earlier than 15 days from the date of auction shall sanction the highest bid if no objection has been received.
(3) Where the highest bid amount exceeds [Rupees fifty thousand] the Panchayat shall obtain prior approval as under: –
(a) the Panchayat Samiti having jurisdiction if the amount does not exceed [Rupees two Lakhs];
(b) the Zila Parishad concerned if the amount does not exceed [Rupees five lakhs];
(c) the State Government if the amount exceeds [Rupees five lakhs].
Note. – Confirmation for the sale of strip land or sale by negotiation over Rs. 10,000/- shall also be required before issuing of patta.
(4) The authority specified in Sub-rule (3) may refuse to confirm a bid if in its or his opinion, the full value of the land to be sold has not been made or the procedure laid down above has not been adhered to and in such cases, the amount deposited by the highest bidder shall be refunded without interest.
(5) Balance amount of 75% shall be deposited within two months from the date of the auction or within one month from the date of communication of confirmation of the bid.
155. Possession. – Panchayat shall not hand over the physical possession of the auctioned property unless the highest bid has been confirmed by the competent authority mentioned in Rule 154(2) or 154(3).
156. Transfer of Abadi land by private negotiation. – (1) The Panchayat may transfer any Abadi land by way of sale by private negotiation in the following cases: –
(a) Where any person has a plausible claim of title to the land and an auction may not fetch a reasonable price;
(b) Where there is a trespass or for any other reason to be recorded in writing. Panchayat thinks that an auction would not be a convenient mode of disposal of the land;
(c) Where it is a strip of land as per Sub-rules (1) and (2) of Rules 144 and there is only one applicant.
(2) In no case such Abadi land, shall be transferred at a rate below the index price fixed by Sub-Registrar and conveyed by Vikas Adhikari as the prevailing market price for the village.
(3) Such market price in a bazaar or commercial area shall not be less than double the price fixed for residential areas.
157. Regularisation of old houses. – [1][Where the persons are in possession of the old houses in Abadi land and desire to get a patta issued, patta may be issued by the Panchayat in Form XXIII-A after depositing the charges as under : –
(i) For area upto 300 sq. yards or constructed area including 25 percent of a constructed area subject to a maximum area of 300 sq. yards:
(a) For old houses constructed more than fifty years before the date of commencement of these rules Rs. 100 /-
(b) For old houses constructed [during the seventy years immediately preceding to date of 31st December 2016]. Rs. 200/-
(ii) For area, exceeding the area specified in clause (i) above, on such excess area 25 percent of the market rates recommended by the District Level Committee constituted under Clause (b) of Rule 58 of the Rajasthan Stamp Rules, 2004:
Provided that no fees shall be charged under sub-clause (a) and only 10 percent fees shall be charged under sub-clause (b) of clause (i) above from the families included in the list below the poverty line.]
“Provided further that during the Period of Prashasan Gaon Ke Sang Abhiyan 2021, the fee shall be charged at the rate equivalent to fifty percent of the rates specified under clause (i) and (ii) above.” 
[NO.F.139 (45) PR/LEGAL/AMEND/2021/860]
158. Allotment of lands to weaker sections. – (1) The Panchayat may allot Abadi land up to [300 sq. yards] in village Abadis at a concessional rate to members of Scheduled Caste, scavengers, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, village artisans, landless persons dependent on wage labor, IRDP selected families, Handicapped, Nomatic Tribes, Gadia Lohar who do not own house sites/house and also to flood victims whose house have been washed away or the house sites have been rendered unfit for future habitation due to floods [and patta of such land may be issued in Form XXIII-C]
[IA. the Panchayat may allot Abadi land up to [ 300 Sq. Yards] in village Abadi at a concessional rate to ex-servicemen in bordering Panchayat Samiti areas.]
(2) Rates to be charged from such allottees will be as under :
(a) In villages having a population less than 1000 (1991 census). Rs. 2/- per sqr. meter.
(b) In villages having a population from 1001 to (1991 census). Rs. 5/- per sqr. meter. 2000
(c) In villages having a population of more than 2000 (1991 census). Rs. 10/- per sqr. meter.
Provided that the State Government may allot such lands free of charge to any such category of persons.
[Provided further that in case of allotment of Abadi land to the families below the poverty line, the Panchayat may allot the land free of charge.]
[(2-A) The Panchayat may allot Abadi land up to 300 Sq. Yards free of charge to nomadic sheep rearers.]
[(2-B) The State Government may allot Abadi land to oustees of the irrigation project, equal to the house sites or houses owned by them subject to a maximum of 300sq. yards free of charge.]
[“(2C) The land allotted to oustees of any project by any
department/institution/authority, which was not Abadi land of the Panchayat at the time of such allotment and if such land has been transferred to Panchayat by the competent authority, the Panchayat may issue patta of such land in favor of such oustees.”]
 [Number F4(4) AM/Rule/Legal/PR/2022/ 777]
(3) Abadi land allotted free of charge shall be non-transferable. A seal in block letters “NOT FOR SALE” shall be affixed on the face of all such Pattas. In case any allottee transfers on sells such house site/house to any other persons, allotment shall automatically stand cancellation, ownership shall vest in the Panchayat along with construction or material lying thereon and transferee will be ejected to a trespasser on such Abadi Land.
[(3A ) Thirty percent of Land allotted under this rule shall be allotted to widows and divorced women.]
(4) Panchayat may however by a resolution in the meeting, decide to allot such land by negotiation to a such trespasser on the market price on compassionate grounds.
(5) The allottee shall be debarred from any subsequent allotment in the future.
(6) Provisions contained in Sub-rules (3), (4), and (5) shall also be applicable for shop sites allotted to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes, etc., in Panchayat areas.
(7) For allotment of houses sites to flood victims at another place/places, the Panchayat concerned shall invite applications from such persons along with an undertaking that in case of allotment of house sites at another place/place, the house sites washed away in flood along with material shall vest in the Panchayat concerned free from all encumbrances.
159. Allotment of lands on concessional price. – (1) The Panchayat may allot plots up to 500 sq. yards from Abadi land available to Ex-Service Military Personnel (Non-commissioned ranks) who do not own any Abadi land on a priority basis, at 50% of the market price as mentioned in Sub-rule (5) of Rule 152.
[(2) The Panchayat may also allot plots upto 1500 sq. yards in the Abadi area, on a priority basis, for construction of godowns/ offices to-
(i) Primary Agricultural Cooperative Society/Large Sized Multipurpose Marketing Society, at 50% of the Market price as mentioned in sub-rule (5) of Rule 152;
(ii) Gram Sewa Sahakari Samiti or Kray Vikary Sahakari Samiti, free of charge subject to confirmation by the State Government.]
160. Transfer and allotments are subject to approval. – All such transfers exceeding the value of Rs. 10,000/- shall be subject to confirmation by the authority mentioned in Sub-rule (3) of Rule 154.
161. Exclusion of certain categories of Abadi land from the power of sale. – (1) If the ownership of any Abadi land is in dispute, such land shall not be sold by the Panchayat, and the proceedings of the sale thereof shall have stayed as soon as it is brought to the notice of the Panchayat that such a dispute exists, till a decision of the competent Court on such dispute.
(2) The Panchayat shall neither sell any Abadi land nor allow Pakka structure within the following specified limits: –
(a) one hundred feet of a railway line;
(b) one hundred and fifty feet from the central line of the National Highway.
(c) seventy-five feet from the central line of the State Highways and major District Roads;
(d) fifty-five feet from the central line of other district roads and village roads.
(3) The allotment of pasture lands and unculturable wastelands for extension of Abadi within the Panchayat Circle shall be governed by rules made under the Rajasthan Land Revenue Act.
(4) Any Abadi land required by the State Government shall be given by the Panchayat without any cost.
(5) The State Government, may by notification in the Official Gazette, withdraw the powers of disposal of Abadi land from all or any of the Panchayats if it considers expedient to do so, in the public interest and may confer on any other officer.
162. Allotment of Abadi land to Government Institutions. – (1) Panchayat may allot lands free of charge within the Abadi area to Schools, Dispensaries, and Anganvadi, up to 500 sq. yards subject to confirmation by the Zila Parishad concerned.
(2) Any other allotment free of charge or at a concessional price shall be only with the prior approval of the State Government.
163. Temporary use of land. – (1) Panchayat shall not be below any use of Abadi land free of charge, and shall charge lease rent for temporary use of land in religious fairs, cattle fairs, festivals, market areas, and open places.
(2) Lease rent of not less than Rs. 2/- per square foot shall be charged annually for temporary use of Abadi land.
(3) Lease rent shall be charged at double the rate in the bazaar area.
(4) The Panchayat shall prepare a survey record; prepared through a committee of three Panch assisted by the Secretary, indicating the area of Abadi land under temporary use over Patta of the landholder.
(5) The Panchayat shall auction such sites for temporary use of land for running shops in big religious and other fairs well in advance after publicity.
164. Letting out of Panchayati Raj Buildings and Shops. – (1) Any Panchayati Raj Institution may let out their buildings to government offices, banks, post offices, etc., on rent not less than the rates assessed by the competent officer of the Public Works Department.
(2) Shops and other commercial sites are leased out for not more than three years and only through open auction by a Committee consisting of 3 members as under: –
(a) Chief Executive Officer, Accounts Officer, and one Member of Zila Parishad nominated by Pramukh for buildings of Zila Parishad.
(b) Vikas Adhikari, Accountant and one Member of Panchayat Samiti nominated by Pradhan for immovable properties of Panchayat Samiti.
(c) the committee as per Rule 151 at the Panchayat level.
(3) The agreements for leasing out such premises on rent shall include the condition of a 10% increase in rental amount every year.
(4) In case the premises are not vacated after three years time limit, or it is sub-let to some other persons in violation of the terms of the agreement, or rent is not deposited regularly, Chief Executive Officer shall get the premises vacated after giving Show Cause Notice for eviction of premises if requested by the concerned Panchayat or Panchayat Samiti.
(5) Panchayat and Panchayat Samiti may also negotiate the matter for extending the terms of the three years, but in such case yearly increase in rent shall be 20% amount every year by mutual agreement.
165. Survey of trespassers on Panchayat Lands and removal of encroachments. – (1) Panchayat shall form a committee consisting of three Panchas assisted by the Secretary to conduct a survey of trespassers in Abadi Land, tank bed, and grazing grounds in January and July every year to detect cases of trespass on common lands.
(2) All such trespasses along with details of the area and nature of trespass shall be entered in a register by the Secretary.
(3) Panchayat shall issue notices to such trespassers in the Abadi area for eviction of land trespassed. Whenever it is brought to the notice of Panchayat on its member or secretary that trespass is being committed, Sarpanch may issue an injunction order prohibiting the trespasser to commit trespass or carry out construction failing which encroachment or construction will be removed at his risk and cost date of hearing will be fixed when Panchayat may pass suitable order after giving the trespasser a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
(4) In case Panchayat thinks that if such trespass is regularised, it shall not violate the conditions mentioned in Rule 146, it may decide to allot the trespass land at market price.
(5) All such trespass cases found on pasture land or tank bed shall be reported in writing to the Tehsildar along with Panchayat Resolution for registering cases and eviction of trespassers.
(6) Panchayat may take police assistance as per Section 110 of the Act directly or by requesting Sub-divisional Magistrate for removal of encroachment on Panchayat land.
(7) Panchayat shall ensure that all the amounts of Penalties imposed by the Tehsildar on trespassers of pasture lands are deposited fully in the Panchayat fund.
166. Appeals. – (1) An appeal shall lie as per Section 61 of the Act from an original order of the Panchayat confirming the sale of Abadi land under Rule 154 or transfer of Abadi land under Rule 156 or allotment of lands under Rules 157, 158 or 159 r/w Rule 160 to the Panchayat Samiti.
(2) Appeal may be filed within 30 days from the date of the order appealed, exclusive of the time requisite for obtaining a copy thereof.
167. Sale deed. – (1) After payment has been made as provided in Rule 153, the sale has been confirmed as provided in Rule 154, and the appeal if any under Rule 166 has been disposed of, or if no appeal has been preferred, the time limits prescribed therefore has expired a deed set out in Form XXIII evidencing the sale of Abadi land shall be executed on behalf of the Panchayat.
(2) Patta shall be signed by Sarpanch and Secretary jointly.
[167A. Revalidation of Sale deed, Patta, or Lease deed. – Any person who desires to get revalidated Sale deed, Patta, or Lease deed issued by the Panchayat, may apply, along with the original Sale deed, Patta, or Lease deed and fee, as may be specified by the State Government, from time to time, to the Panchayat for revalidation. The Panchayat may, after satisfying itself with the record of the Panchayat, revalidate the Sale deed, Patta or Lease deed, as the case may be, and make an endorsement to this effect on the Sale deed, Patta or Lease deed.]
168. Patta bahi. – (1) A record of all sales through auction, by negotiation, or by allotment for which Pattas are issued shall be kept by the Panchayat in Patta Bahi maintained in Form XXIV.
(2) Panchayat shall forward a copy of Patta in the first week of every month to Vikas Adhikari. Vikas Adhikari shall maintain a Panchayat-wise ledger indicating month and year along with several Pattas issued by such Panchayat during the month based on a copy of Patta Bahi so received. Vikas Adhikari shall initial such entry as a token of verification to prevent Pattas in the back dates.
(3) Panchayat Samiti shall get the Patta books printed in triplicate at their level. All such Pattas shall bear book number and serial number and a record of the issue of such Patta books will be maintained Panchayatwise at the Panchayat Samiti level. The first copy of Patta will be issued to the allottee, the second copy will be retained in the Panchayat office and the third copy will be sent to the Panchayat Samiti for the record. Panchayat Samiti shall keep them in safe custody.
Grazing Grounds
169. Grazing grounds. – (1) In case a common grazing ground in any village has not been placed at the disposal of any Panchayat, it shall send its proposal for the taking over or establishing a new grazing ground to the Tehsildar.
(2) On receipt of such proposal, the Tehsildar shall take action forthwith and intimate to the Panchayat about the decision taken within three months from the date of the receipt of the proposal from the Panchayat. If the sanction is not received by the Panchayat within three months of the submission of the proposal, it may move Vikas Adhikari who shall take steps for the allotment of grazing ground.
(3) The income from the trees and other natural produce growing on common grazing grounds shall be credited to the Panchayat fund.
(4) The Panchayat may lease out such trees or natural produce by private contract or public auction and may also sell dried, decaying, and fallen trees in the aforesaid manner subject to the law for the time being in force.
(5) Cow dung on grazing grounds may also be sold out by Panchayat by private contract or public auction.
(6) A Panchayat may extend the area of grazing ground in case of an increase in the number of cattle heads in which case sanction will be applied for as in the case of establishing a new grazing ground.
(7) The pasture lands shall not be utilized for any other purpose except for grazing cattle.
(8) Where any pasture land has been occupied unlawfully by any person or has been utilized for any other purpose, the Panchayat shall make an application to the Tehsildar concerned under the law for the time being in force based on survey record prepared as per Rule 165.
170. Development of grazing grounds. – (1) It shall be the duty of the Panchayats to take all steps for the development of a suitable type of grasses, shrubs, and plants in grazing grounds and prevent encroachments. For this purpose, Panchayat shall give control of the Charagah land of each village to [a five members committee] headed by a Ward Panch of the village concerned and four members to be elected by Gram Sabha.
(2) Grasses from the closed area may be sold through an open auction or private contract.
(3) Funds of development schemes may be utilized for labor-intensive works of development of grazing grounds.
171. Grazing charges. – A Panchayat may charge such fees for the grazing of cattle as it may be a resolution determined but the fee shall not exceed the rates specified below:
(i) Buffaloes, Cows, Camels, Horse per cattle head Rs. 10/- [per month]
(ii) Goats, Sheep, and other animals per cattle head Rs. 5/- [per month]
Water Reservoirs
172. Water reservoirs. – (1) It shall be the duty of Panchayats to raise maximum own income from such water tanks/reservoirs which have been handed over or may be handed over to them.
(2) The Panchayats may lease out tank water for fisheries development, Singhada cultivation, Kamal Jad production, and sale of the natural produce of trees on Tank banks by private contract or public auction.
(3) Tank Bed Cultivation may also be given through public auction or private contract after competitive bidding. Desalting contracts of anicuts may also be given to cultivators to increase their own income.
(4) Panchayat shall also recover irrigation charges as per water rates fixed by Zila Parishad or Irrigation Departments in case irrigation is also done through water reservoirs in the Panchayat area.
(5) All such income shall be credited to the Panchayat fund.

Agricultural Farms and Orchards
173. Agricultural lands. – (1) The Panchayati Raj Institutions having their own agricultural land, may lease out such lands through public auction.
(2) The Panchayats having mango trees or such other orchards shall also lease them out on an annual contract basis through public auction.
(3) The contractors shall be given only for one year for the Kharif and Rabi seasons.
(4) Contractor shall vacate the farm and remove the agricultural produce latest by Akshaya Tritya. This fact may be mentioned in the terms of the contract.
(5) A portion of the agricultural farm should be kept reserved for agricultural demonstration and social forestry.
(6) Auction shall be held on a near 15th of May every year in the presence of an auction committee consisting of the Chief Executive Officer, Tehsildar, and Vikas Adhikari.
(7) While allotting contracts, preference shall be given to Government Departments or organizations, like Rajasthan State Seed Corporation, National Seed Corporation, NAFED, etc.

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