Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules 1996 (Updated)

Notification No. F. 4(10) RD & PR/Legal/95, dated 30.12.1996, published in Rajasthan Gazette, Extraordinary, Pt 4-C(i), dated 30.12.1996, page 189 (246)
Last Updated : 9th february, 2022


G.S.R. 104. – In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 102 read with Secs. 3, (5), 7(9), 8, 25(1), 31, 32(1), 33(c), 35(1), 37(3), 38(1), 39(2), 44, 45(3), 53(1), 60, 65(1), (2), 67(2), 68(2), 69, 74(1), (4), 75(1)(2)(3), 77, 78(1), (2), 79(2), 80(1)(3), 81(1), 82(1), 84(1), 89(4), (8), 90 (2), 91(1), 121(3)(5), 122 of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 (Rajasthan Act No. 13 of 1994), and all other powers enabling it in this behalf, the Government of Rajasthan hereby makes the following rules namely:-

CHAPTER 1, Preliminary

1. Short title and commencement. – (1) These rules may be called the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules, 1996.
(2) They shall come into force on the [date] of their publication in the official gazette.
2. Interpretation. – (1) In these rules, unless the subject or the context otherwise requires: –
(i) “Act” means the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 (Rajasthan Act No. 13 of 1994);
(ii) “Accountant General” means the Accountant General, Rajasthan;
[“(ii-a) “Authorized Agency” means the Agency authorized by the State Government, from time to time, for selection to the posts of Primary and Upper Primary School Teacher;”]
[As per Rajasthan Panchayati Raj (Fourth Amendment) Rules 2015 (G.S.R.428) No. F4(7) Amendment/Rules/Legal/PR
/2022/267 dated 15.03.2022 (Amendment in iia), Rajasthan gazette 4(c) published and effective on 15.03.2022]
(iii) “Clear days” includes Sundays and holidays but does not include the day of the meeting and the day of the receipt of notice;
(iv) “Day” means the calendar day beginning and ending at midnight but an absence from head-quarters which does not exceed 24 hours shall be reckoned as one day at whatever hours the absence beings or ends;
(v) “Development Commissioner” means the officer appointed with that designation by the State Government;
(vi) “Director Local Fund Audit Department” means the officer appointed with that designation by the State Government;
(vii) “Form” means a form appended to these rules;
(viii) “Head of office” means the Sarpanch in the case of a Panchayat, Vikas Adhikari in the case of a Panchayat Samiti and Chief Executive Officer in the case of a Zila Parishad;
(ix) “Land Revenue” means the annual demand payable directly to the State Government on any account whatsoever in respect of land or of any interest in or use of land and shall include assigned land revenue;
(x) “Meeting” means a meeting of the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution or of its Standing Committee, if any;
(xi) “Member” means member of Panchayati Raj Institution and includes a Sarpanch;
(xii) ‘Motion” means a proposal made by a member for consideration in the meeting of a Panchayati Raj Institution or a Standing Committee, if any, thereof;
(xiii) “Panchayat”, “Panchayat Samiti” and “Zila Parishad” means the institutions of self Government established under the Act for rural areas respectively at the level of a village, block and a district;
(xiv) “Panchayat Fund” means the fund constituted for each Panchayati Raj Institution by its name under Section 64 of the Act;
(xv) “Patwari” means an official appointed with that designation;
(xvi) “Schedule” means a schedule appended to these rules;
(xvii) “Secretary” “Vikas Adhikari” or “Chief Executive Officer” means the officers appointed with such designation by the State Government or by such authority as may be authorised by the Government in this behalf respectively for a Panchayat, Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad, as the case may be;
(xviii) “Section” means a section of the Act;
(xix) “Tehsildar” means officer appointed with that designation under the provisions of the Rajasthan Land Revenue Act, 1956 (Act No. 15 of 1956);
(xx) “Treasury” shall include Sub-treasury and where a Panchayat keeps its funds in a post office or a branch of a Nationalised bank/Scheduled bank/Gramin Vikas bank, it shall also include such post office or branch of the bank;
(xxi) “Year” means financial year beginning on the 1st April and ending on 31st March following;
(2) All words and expressions used but not defined in these rules have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Act.

CHAPTER 2, Gram Sabha and Vigilance Committee

3. Gram Sabha and its meeting. – The Sarpanch or in his absence, the up-sarpanch of a Panchayat shall convene at least two gram sabhas every year for performing functions enumerated in Section 7 of the Act.
4. Place of the meeting. – (1) Meeting of Gram Sabha shall be held in the village where office of the Panchayat is situated. It shall be held at Panchayat Bhawan or any other convenient public place in the village. It shall not be held at any private house or place.
(2) In case where the population of any other village of the Panchayat circle exceeds 1000 inhabitants, the Sarpanch or in his absence, up-sarpanch may convene the Gram Sabha in two or more groups. Such Gram Sabha may be in addition to the Gram Sabha held at Panchayat Headquarters as per Section 7 of the Act, but any decision in contravention of decisions taken in main Gram Sabha at Panchayat headquarters shall not be implemented.
5. Publication of the Notice of the meeting. – (1) Notice of the day and hour of Gram Sabha meeting, as also stating the business to the transacted thereat, shall be published at least 15 days previous to the day of the meeting by : –
(i) affixing the same at one or more conspicuous places in every village of the Panchayat circle;
(ii) making an announcement of such meeting by beat of drum or any sound amplifying device in every village of panchayat circle :
Provided that special or emergent meeting or general meetings for special purposes may be convened by giving a notice of a shorter period but in no case shall such period be of less than 3 days.
(2) A copy of the notice shall be sent to MLA, Pradhan and elected member of Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad as also to vikas Adhikari.
(3) Panchayat Samiti may suggest, in advance, at least one month before the period prescribed for gram sabha meeting concerned, convenient dates for holding such meetings so as to ensure attendance of extension officers in gram sabha, Sarpanch or in his absence up-sarpanch shall ordinarily issue notice of the gram sabha meeting accordingly.
(4) Notice of Gram Sabha also be sent to all Tehsil level functionaries like Tehsildar, Doctor-in-charge Primary Health Centre, Assistant Engineer Public Health Engineering Department, Assistant Engineer State Electricity Board, Assistant Engineer Irrigation, Doctor In-charge Veterinary Dispensary etc., requesting for their participation.
(5) Vikas Adhikari shall depute an extension officer who shall reach the Panchayat Headquarter one day before the date fixed for such meeting. He shall ensure that proper publicity has been made for such meeting and prescribed quorum of one tenth adult residents should be present. Sarpanch or in his absence Up-Sarpanch shall make due arrangement for publicity accordingly.
6. Adjournment for want of Quorum. – (1) If required quorum does not assemble and meeting is adjourned for want of quorum, it shall in no case be held on the same date. A period of one week, shall at-least, elpase when adjourned meeting of Gram Sabha is fixed.
(2) Proper publicity as provided in Rule 5 above, shall again be made to ensure maximum participation of people.
7. Agenda for Gram Sabha meetings. – Except items enumerated in Sub-Section (3) of Section 3 for Gram Sabha meeting to be held in first quarter of financial year i.e.,April to June and Sub-Section (4) of Section 3 for Gram Sabha meeting to be held in last quarter of Financial Year i.e., January to March, the items enumerated below shall also be included in Agenda for Gram Sabha meeting: –
(i) Compliance of last Gram Sabha meeting.
(ii) Attest mutations of deceased cultivators.
(iii) identification of families for allotment of free house sites.
(iv) Below poverty line families for I.R.D.P. Loan and Subsidy.
(v) Receipt, expenditure and physical progress of development works.
(vi) Fixing priority in proposed plan works in next year.
(vii) Rural sanitation programme, drinking water and drainage.
(viii) Health Programmes-Vaccination and family welfare.
(ix) Methods of increasing own income.
(x) Development of Abadi and Pasture lands.
(xi) Audit objections and replies.
(xii) Comments on report of vigilance committee.
(xiii) Re-Constitution of vigilance committee (only first quarter meeting).
8. Record of proceedings. – (1) It shall be duty of Vikas Adhikari or Extension Officer attending the gram sabha on his behalf, to ensure that Secretary records the proceedings of the meeting truly on the same date.
(2) He shall also ensure that all the items prescribed in Section 3 of the Act and Rule 7 above are thoroughly discussed in gram sabha and proceedings are recorded accordingly. Vikas Adhikari or Extension Officer shall sign the proceedings before departure.
(3) Copies of such proceedings shall be forwarded to the Panchayat Samiti within 15 days and in case such meeting is held in response to requirement of Zila Parishad or the State Government, copy shall also be sent to such authority.
9. Compliance of decisions. – (1) It shall be duty of Panchayat and also of the Panchayat Samiti to ensure compliance of the decisions taken in Gram Sabha meetings.
(2) Compliance report shall be placed before the next Gram Sabha meeting.
(3) Vikas Adhikari of the Panchayat Samiti concerned, shall also maintain Panchayat wise control register mentioning important decisions.
(4) Panchayat Extension Officer and Vikas Adhikari shall review progress of such compliance during their inspection of Panchayats.
10. Monitoring of Gram Sabha meetings. – (1) During the month of April and January every year, Vikas Adhikari shall place the progress of Gram Sabha meetings in the meetings of Panchayat Samiti. He shall forward such report to the Chief Executive Officer also for taking further necessary action.
(2) In case of failure of any Sarpanch or Up-Sarpanch as the case may be, to hold prescribed meeting of Gram Sabha as mentioned in Section 3, Panchayat Samiti shall report the matter to the State Government for action under Section 38 of the Act.
11. Formation of Vigilance Committees. – (1) Sarpanch shall keep on agenda an item for constitution of Vigilance Committee/Committees in the Gram Sabha meeting to be held in the first quarter of the financial year,
(2) Vigilance Committee shall work in close coordination with Panchayat.
(3) Secretary of Panchayat shall also work as Secretary for Vigilance Committee meeting and recording its proceedings.
12. Membership. – (1) Vigilance Committee shall have seven members who are recognized community leaders and generally do not participate in election.
(2) Member of Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad residing in such Panchayat area, can also be a member in such Vigilance Committee by approval of Gram Sabha.
(3) Members may decide to form groups for supervision of development works, trespass on Abadi, Pasture lands, Sanitation and Drinking Water etc.
(4) Members shall elect one person as Chairman to decide dates for holding and presiding meetings.
13. Role of Vigilance Committee. – (1) Role of Vigilance Committee shall not be only to find faults and criticise Panchayat.
(2) Its role shall be constructive, co-operative and advisory though supervisory. Main objective is speedy implementation of development activities, Maintaining quality of words, prevent misuse of funds and objective assessment of complaints from public.
14. Meeting. – (1) First meeting of Vigilance Committee shall be fixed by Secretary immediately after the constitution of the committee on a date convenient to members.
(2) Subsequent dates for meeting shall be fixed by Chairman of Vigilance Committee. Notice of meeting shall be got served by the Secretary.
(3) Vigilance Committee shall meet at least once a month.
(4) Secretary of the Panchayat shall invariable attend all such meetings.
15. Agenda items. – Vigilance Committee shall review the following items: –
(i) Complaints from public on specific issue,
(ii) Quality of construction works under execution,
(iii) Use of Panchayat Fund,
(iv) Trespass in Abadi and Pasture lands,
(v) Notice Board indicating sanction and expenditure on works,
(vi) Other relevant matters like Sanitation, Drainage, Drinking Water, Health, Vaccination etc.
16. Report of Vigilance Committee to be part of Gram Sabha proceedings. – It shall be duty of Sarpanch or in his absence of Up-Sarpanch, to discuss the report of Vigilance Committee in Gram Sabha. It shall form part of gram sabha proceedings.
17. Comments of Sarpanch/Panchas. – (1) Sarpanch/Up-Sarpanch or Panchas or Secretary as the case may be, shall place their comments for consideration of Gram Sabha.
(2) Such comments may also be incorporated in Gram Sabha proceedings.
18. Reconstitution of Vigilance Committee. – Gram Sabha may continue the same committee or reconstitute it every year in its meeting to be held in the first quarter of the financial year.

CHAPTER 3, Transfer of charge and vacation of seats

19. Transfer of charge. – (1) Whenever charge is required to beautiful handed over under Section 25 (1) of the Act, such member, Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson shall get a list prepared of registers and articles in his actual physical possession and hand over them to the person mentioned in Section 25(1). In case of Panchayat, Sarpanch shall hand over the minute book of the meetings of Panchayat to his successor and also verify that Cash book, Pass Book, Cheque Book, Cash balance, Patta register, Gram Sabha meeting register are available in Panchayat Office. Though all such record remains in the custody of Secretary as per Section 78(2) but Sarpanch is also responsible for safe custody of such record.
(2) The person making over and taking over the charge shall both put their signatures and date at the bottom of such list in token of transfer of charge.
(3) Charge list shall be prepared in quadruplicate. One copy shall be sent to the Panchayat Samiti, one to be retained as office copy and two for handing over and taking over persons.
20. Taking assistance of Chief Executive Officer in case of failure to hand over charge. – (1) On failure to hand over charge by any person under Section 25(1), request in writing may be made to the Chief Executive Officer for taking action under Section 88(1) of the Act and the Chief Executive Officer will cause to hand over the charge to newly elected person.
21. Notice of motion of No-confidence. – (1) A written notice of intention to make motion expressing want of confidence under Section 37 in the Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson of a Panchayati Raj Institution shall be in Form 1 and shall be delivered to [the competent authority.]
[As per Rajasthan Panchayati Raj (Ffth Amendment) Rules 2017 (G.S.R.98) No. F4(7)  Amendment/ Rules/ Legal/ PR
/2017 /1457 dated 22.11.2017(Amendment in iia), Rajasthan gazette 4(c) published and effective on 23.11.2017]
(2) Notice of meeting shall be sent by the [competent authority] by post under certificate of posting not less than 15 clear days before the date of meeting and the date and the time appointed therefore in Form II to every directly elected Panch/Member at his ordinary place of residence. Copy of such notice shall also be put on the notice board of such Panchayati Raj Institution :
Provided that in case of a place where there is no post office, or where service of the notice cannot be affected expeditiously, such notice shall be served through Tehsildar concerned.
22. Procedure of enquiry. – (1) Before taking any action under Sub-Section (1) of Section 38, where on its own motion or upon any complaint the State Government may ask the Chief Executive Officer or any other officer to get a preliminary enquiry done and to send his report to the State Government within one month.
(2) If, upon consideration of the report received as aforesaid or otherwise, the State Government is of the opinion that action under Sub-Section (1) of Section 38 is necessary, the State Government shall frame definite charges and shall communicate them in writing to the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson or Member of the Panchayati Raj Institution together with such details as may be deemed necessary. He shall be required to submit a written statement within one month admitting or denying the allegations, giving his defence, if any and whether he desires to be heard in person.
(3) State Government may after expiry of prescribed period and considering such written statement, appointment an Enquiry Officer and also nominate any person to present the case before Enquiry Officer on behalf of the State.
(4) Enquiry Officer shall consider such documentary evidence and take such oral evidence as may be relevant or material in regard to the charges. Opportunity of cross examination of witness shall be provided to the opposite side.
(5) Enquiry Officer shall prepare a report on conclusion of enquiry, recording his findings on every charge as proved or not proved or partly proved along with the reasons therefore, and submit it to the State Government for final decision.
(6) The provisions of the Rajasthan Disciplinary Proceedings (Summoning of witnesses and production of documents) Act, 1959 (Rajasthan Act No. 28 of 1959) and the rules made thereunder shall also apply mutatis mutandis to enquiries being conducted against the Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson or Member of Panchayati Raj Institution as the case may be, under these rules.
(7) State Government shall consider the findings of enquiring Officer and after giving him opportunity of hearing, may either exonerate, or remove such Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson or Member from the Office or pass appropriate orders. In case of removal, it shall also be published in official gazetted :
Provided that findings shall be recorded against them if term of election of such Panchayati Raj Institution has already expired.
23. Procedure for removal in case of disqualification. – (1) Whenever it is represented to, or otherwise brought to the notice of the Chief Executive Officer in case of Panch/Sarpanch and to the State Government in case of Pradhan/Up-Pradhan, Pramukh/Up-Pramukh or Member of a Panchayati Raj Institution, who has been declared to be duly elected as such or who has been appointed as such under any provision of the Act, was not qualified, or was disqualified, for such election or appointment at the time when he was so elected or appointed or has thereafter become disqualified for continuing as such member, the competent authority shall draw up clearly and precisely the alleged disqualification or disqualifications forming the subject of the representation made to it, or otherwise brought to its notice, and shall forthwith issue a notice to such member, which shall: –
(i) Set out the gist of the allegations against, him.
(ii) Fix a date, not less than fifteen days after the date of issue of the notice, on which the inquiry shall be made.
(iii) Require him to show cause, for personal appearance or in writing, why his seat should not be declared by the State Government to be or to have become vacant on the ground of his having been not qualified, or disqualified, as alleged.
(iv) Call upon him to produce, in denial of the allegation, such documentary or other evidence as may be in his possession, and
(v) Invite him to appear personally, if he so desires, on the date fixed by the notice, and a copy of the notice shall be sent also to the information, if any.
(2) On the date fixed by the notice, the Chief Executive Officer or the State Government as the case may be, shall hear the informant, if any, as well as the member if he appears before him and requests for a personal hearing shall consider the document and other evidence produced by them in proof or disproof of the allegation or allegations, shall make such further inquiry as he may think necessary, shall record a finding as to the alleged disqualification or disqualifications and shall either order the proceedings to be dropped or declare the seat of such Member to have become vacant or make such other order as may be proper in the circumstances of the case under Section 39 of the Act.
24. Vacation for absence from meetings. – (1) If, a member has absented himself from three consecutive meetings of the Panchayati Raj Institution, the matter shall be placed before the Panchayati Raj Institution and such Panchayati Raj Institution, if it is satisfied that the member has absented himself from three consecutive meetings without giving information in writing, shall pass a resolution to the effect that the absentee has remained absent on three consecutive meetings and forward a copy of the resolution together with the record of meeting and any other papers that may be relevant to the Chief Executive Officer in case of Panch/Sarpanch and to the State Govermnent in case of others along with their recommendation.
(2) On receipt of the record referred to in Sub-rule (1), the Chief Executive Officer or the State Government as the case may be, may upon perusing the record and considering the recommendation of the Panchayati Raj Institution and after making such further enquiry as he may consider necessary and after giving the absentee an opportunity of being heard declare such seat to have become vacant.
(3) Copies of final orders shall be sent to the Zila Parishad and the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned.
(4) The State Government may for the purpose of satisfying itself as to correctness, legality and propriety of any order passed by the Chief Executive Officer, examine the connected records and may confirm, vary or rescind such order.
25. Vacation of seat for not taking oath. – (1) In respect of a member of a Panchayati Raj Institution, the Chief Executive Officer in case of Panch/Sarpanch and the State Government in other cases, finds that such member has not taken the prescribed oath or affirmation, within three months from the date of notification under Section 23, he shall call for necessary information in the matter from the officers concerned mentioned in Sub-rule (2) of Rule 76 of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj (Election) Rules 1994, so as to reach him within a fortnight of the date of his requisition.
(2) If from such information, it is found that such member has not till then made the required oath of affirmation, the Chief Executive Officer in case of Panch/Sarpanch and State Government in case of Pradhan/Up-pradhan, Pramukh/Up-Pramukh or member may after such further enquiry as he may consider necessary and after giving the concerned member an opportunity of being heard declare such seat to have become vacant or make such other order as he may think proper in the circumstances of the case.
26. Vacation of seats or offices to be published. – The name and designation of the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson or Member whose place has fallen vacant under Section 39 or 41 of the Act, shall be published on the notice Board of the Panchayati Raj Institution, Concerned by the Chief Executive Officer on his behalf or on behalf of the State Govermnent as the case may be. It shall also be reported to the State Government as well as to the State Election Commission.

CHAPTER 4Allowances to Members etc.

27. Payment of allowances to Member etc. – All allowances shall be paid out of own income of Panchayati Raj Institution, concerned.
28. Rates of allowances. – The member of a Panchayati Raj Institution including the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of such institution, shall be paid honorarium and meeting allowance at the rates as laid down by the Government from time to time.
29. Daily allowance. – The Member of a Panchayati Raj Institution including the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of such institution, shall be entitled to a daily allowance at the rates as laid down by the Government from time to time, whenever he participates in any meeting or official work outside the jurisdiction of such Panchayati Raj Institution in which he is a Member or Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson.
30. Travelling allowance. – If any such person as is mentioned in Rule 28 performs any journey for any of the proposes specified in that rule, he shall, in addition to the daily allowance admissible to him thereunder, be also entitled to receive from the funds a travelling allowance for the journey both ways as laid down by the Government from time to time.
31. Claims for allowances. – (1) A claim for daily and travelling allowances admissible under Rules 28 and 30 shall be preferred in writing in Form No. III.
(2) A person claiming travelling and daily allowances shall record on his claim therefore, the following certificates: –
(a) Certified that I was not provided with any free conveyance.
(b) Certified that the T.A. claimed is in accordance with rules and the amount claimed therein is correct.
(c) Certified that I have not claimed/received any amount in respect of this claim, previously from any source.
(d) Certified that I have actually performed the journey.
32. Counter signatures on T.A. Bills. – The T.A. bills of Member shall be countersigned by the Chairpersons of respective Panchayati Raj Institution. The T.A. bills of Chairpersons will not require counter signatures.

CHAPTER 5, Powers, Functions and Duties of Chairperson and Members of Panchayati Raj Institutions

33. Duties and functions of Sarpanch. – Besides holding Gram Sabha Meetings as per Section 3 of the Act and Panchayat Meetings every fortnight as provided in Section 45, Sarpanch shall ensure/assist in discharge of following duties in addition to functions laid down in Section 32 of the Act.
(i) Regulatory functions like: –
(a) Sanitation,
(b) Street lighting,
(c) Safe drinking Water,
(d) Drainage,
(e) Public distribution system,
(f) Maintenance of rural roads,
(g) Registration of births and deaths,
(h) Sarpanch shall inform the Collector/Vikas Adhikari about flood, fire, epidemics and damage to Government properties, buildings pipelines, handpumps, electric lines etc., for taking necessary action, etc.
(ii) Administrative functions like: –
(a) Development of Abadi area,
(b) Development of Grasses and trees in pasture lands through closure and controlled grazing,
(c) Prevent encroachments in Abadi and Gochar lands,
(d) Raise resources for the Panchayat from water reservoirs, Nallas, Natural produce, Skins and Hides of dead animals, Temporary use of land, Sale of Land and the like,
(iii) Development and proper utilisation of local physical resources for ensuring Well being of people.
(iv) Assist in human and animal health, nutrition and family welfare programmes.
(v) Undertake Rural Sanitation Programme.
(vi) Undertake Development of way side facilities on National and State highways so as to raise own resources through auction of sites for Shops, Dhabas, STD booth, Petrol pump, Repair and Service Centres, etc.
(vii) Make efforts for raising public contributions for community work.
(viii) Make special efforts for total literacy, woman education, Prevention of Mrityu Bhoj, restrain Child Marriages, Prevention of un-touchability and oppression against women.
(ix) Help in getting Social Security claims.
(x) Assist in sanction of pension for old people, widows and handicapped persons.
(xi) Prevent misuse of Panchayat funds and bring transparency in functioning of Panchayat by placing income and expenditure details in every Panchayat meeting before signing Cash book. In case Sarpanch does not utilise allotted funds, Collector shall be authorised to utilise such funds through a committee constituted for the purpose.
(xii) Maintain quality of construction work and obtain completion certificate within one month of completion of work.
(xiii) Arrange to issue demand notices and attachment warrants for timely recovery of Panchayat dues and ensuring proper execution through Committee of panchas assisted by Secretary.
(xiv) Arrange for conduct of Audit every year and compliance of Audit objections of his tenure even after the term of his election.
(xv) Display details of works sanctioned and amount spent on a Board at Panchayat Headquarters as well as on work sites.
(xvi) All such other functions as are necessary for the welfare of public.
34. Duty to raise Panchayat sources. – (1) In addition to raising tax revenues, Sarpanch in consultation with other Panchas shall augment non-tax revenues by increasing the rates, fees, charges and penalties, levying nominal taxes on havelies and big pukka houses, tax/fees on dhabas, hotels, automobiles services stations and repair shops petrol/diesel pumps on National and State highways. Efforts shall be made to raise more income every year in addition to existing trends of own income.
(2) Resolution of the Panchayat shall be passed to this effect.
35. Duties and functions of Pradhan. – In addition to the duties enumerated in Section 33 of the Act, Pradhan shall also ensure/assist in discharge of following functions :
(1) Supervisory functions. –
(a) Review and monitoring of functioning of Panchayats.
(b) Provide training and guidance to newly elected Sarpanchas and Panchas especially women, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes.
(c) Co-ordination among Sarpanchas and Member of Panchayat Samiti.
(d) Hold such meetings of Sarpanchas as are necessary.
(e) Maintenance of control register to ensure compliance of provisions of Panchayati Raj Act, 1994.
(f) Compliance of decision of Panchayat Samiti Meetings and Standing Committees through Control Register.
(g) Ensure formation of Standing Committees within three months of election and re-constitution every year keeping in mind that any member of a Standing Committee is elected to Second Committee only when all other Members of Panchayat Samiti have been elected to at least one such Standing Committee.
(h) Putting up display boards of actual expenditure on work site as well as at Panchayat headquarters.
(2) Maintenance functions: – Identify local problems regarding drinking water, electricity, irrigation, public distribution system, revenue, lands, human and animal diseases, crop diseases etc., and invite concerned district level officers in the next Panchayat Samiti Meeting for discussions and redressal of public grievances.
(3) Development functions. – Identify needs of local public and encourage local people and voluntary organisations for people’s participation in development schemes.
(4) Raise own resources. – In consultation with other members, Pradhan shall make all efforts to raise tax revenues as well as non-tax revenues through :
(a) timely collection of education cess on campaign basis,
(b) auction shops owned by Panchayat Samiti or give them on rent,
(c) developing agricultural farms owned by Panchayat Samiti,
(d) competitive auction bids in bone contracts etc.,
(e) proper organisations of cattle fairs,
(f) collection of income from tank bed cultivation and irrigation charges of tanks under the charge of Panchayat Samiti,
(g) disposal of unserviceable items and old record etc.
36. Duties and functions of Pramukh. – In addition to the duties enumerated in Section 35 of the Act, Pramukh shall ensure discharge of following functions : –
(1) Planning – Arrange to consolidate area plans of Panchayat Samitis and Municipalities in the month of December every year as per local needs and resources and get prepared final plan for the whole district in consultation with members and district level officers of concerned departments working for the rural areas of the district as acquired by Section 121 of the Act.
(ii) Supervisory Role – Through Chief Executive Officer as officer-in-charge Panchayats for the district, ensure that –
(a) Gram Sabhas of the Panchayats are regularly held in accordance with the provisions of Act and Rules;
(b) Meetings of Panchayats are held every fortnight and there is no case of negligence of duties cast upon Panchayat through act and rules;
(c) Sort out any difficulties with departments at district level in implementation of programmes through Panchayati Raj Institution;
(d) Timely transfer of funds from Zila Parishad to respective Panchaya Samities and Panchayats as per norms prescribed by the State Government;
(e) Rural sanitation and Rural Housing programme in the district for environmental improvement;
(f) Periodical review of quality of primary education;
(g) Removal of public grievances in rural areas of the district;
(h) Transparent functioning of Panchayati Raj Institutions by proper maintenance of Accounts, prevent misuse of funds, timely audit every year.
37. Role of members of Panchayat Samiti & Zila Parishad. – (1) Member of Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad can participate in meetings of the Panchayat in which the ordinarily resides.
(2) Members can be nominated in Vigilance Committee by Gram Sabha of a Panchayat in which such member resides.
(3) Members shall discharge functions entrusted to them as member of Panchayati Raj Institution or as member of Standing Committee for which they have been elected.
38. Relief in Natural calamities. – (1) Subject to the budget provisions, Pradhan or Pramukh may grant immediate relief as per powers contained in Secs. 33 and 35 of the Act respectively to the victims for food and shelter etc., but they shall immediately inform the Collector to arrange relief to affected families through the State Government.
(2) He may also arrange voluntary contributions for the same.

CHAPTER 6Conduct of Business in Meetings

39. Meetings of Panchayati Raj Institutions. – A Panchayat shall meet at least once a fortnight, a Panchayat Samiti atleast once a month and a Zila Parishad atleast once a quarter, a period of more than four months shall not however, intervene between any two meeting of a Zila Parishad:
[Provided that the State Government may issue direction to hold the meeting on such date as fixed by it.]
40. Notice of Meetings. – (1) A notice specifying the place, date and time of the meeting as well as the business to be transacted thereat shall at least seven clear days before the meeting of Panchayat and at least ten clear days before the meeting of a Panchayat Samiti or a Zila Parishad, be given by the Secretary/Vikas Adhikari/Chief Executive Officer respectively to all the members of the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution.
(2) In case of Panchayat, the Sarpanch may convene a special meeting by giving a shorter notice than that specified in Sub-rule (1) but in no case, the period of notice shall be less than three days.
(3) The notice shall be sent by post or such other mode as the Secretary/Vikas Adhikari/Chief Executive Officer may consider expedient to every member of the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution at his ordinary place of residence. The notice shall also be sent, in the case of a meeting of a Panchayat, to the Vikas Adhikari, the Patwari and any other Tehsil level functionary of the State Government or of a Panchayati Raj Institution, whose attendance and participation in the deliberations of such meetings appears to the convener of the meeting to be desirable and, in the case of a meeting of a Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad, to such District and Tehsil level Officers whose attendance in such meeting is considered desirable under Sub-Section (7) of Section 48.
(4) A copy of the notice of every meting shall also be affixed on the Notice Board of the office of the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution.
41. Agenda for a meeting. – (1) The agenda for a meeting will be prepared by the Secretary/Vikas Adhikari/Chief Executive Officer in consultation with the Sarpanch/Pradhan/Pramukh, and may include any subject which, in his opinion, should be considered by the Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad and shall include any subject specified by the Sarpanch/Pradhan/Pramukh.
(2) Motion sought to be made by the members shall also be included in the agenda provided that the Chairperson of the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution may disallow any motion which is in his opinion contravenes the provisions of the Act or the rules made thereunder and his decision shall be final.
(3) In case of the agenda of panchayat, the following items shall be included invariably: –
(i) Compliance of last meeting;
(ii) Statement of Income and expenditure as per cash book;
(iii) Mutations of deceased cultivators;
(iv) Removal of encroachments in Abadi and pasture lands;
(v) Utilisation of funds under various schemes;
(vi) Physical progress of construction works;
(vii)Review of village Sanitation, Street Lighting, Rural Roads, Drinking Water, Anganvadi, Fair Price Shops, Maintenance of School Buildings;
(viii) Vaccination and Family Welfare.
42. Special meeting. – The Chairperson of a Panchayati Raj Institution may, whenever he thinks fit, and shall, on the request of not less than one third of the total number of members of such Panchayati Raj Institution within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the request, call a special meeting of a Panchayati Raj Institution. If the Chairperson fails to do so, the Deputy Chairperson or Vikas Adhikari in case of Panchayat, Chief Executive Officer in case of Panchayat Samiti and Divisional Commissioner in the case of Zila Parishad and after giving three clear days notice in the case of a Panchayat and seven clear days notice in the case of a Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad to all the members of the Panchayati Raj Institution call such meeting.
43. Mode of putting the question of vote. – When a question is put to vote, the presiding authority shall call for a show of hands and he shall count the hands shown for or against and declare the result. In case of equality of votes, the Chairperson shall have a casting vote.
44. Minutes of the proceedings of the meetings. – (1) The proceedings of the meeting of a Panchayati Raj Institution shall be in Hindi and shall, in the minutes book, be recorded by the Secretary in the case of a Panchayat, by the Vikas Adhikari in the case of a Panchayat Samiti and by the Chief Executive Officer in the case of a Zila Parishad.
(2) Proceedings shall include the attendance of members present along with their signatures and the decisions taken. Although, it will not be necessary to give details of the debates or discussions held with regards to the various resolutions moved in the meeting, it will be the duty of the official recording the proceeding to give details of every resolution which in his opinion is inconsistent with the provision of the Act or any other law or the rules made thereunder or instructions issued by the State Government along with reasons.
(3) A copy of the proceedings shall be sent, in the case of a Panchayat, to the Panchayat Samiti in the case of a Panchayat Samiti, to a Zila Parishad as well as to all the members of the Panchayat Samiti and in the case of a Zila Parishad to all the members of the Zila Parishad. Such copies shall be sent within fifteen days. In case of any resolution in contravention of Act or rules as referred in Sub-rule (2). Secretary and Vikas Adhikari shall report within twenty-four hours to the Chief Executive Officer and in case such resolution has been taken by Zila Parishad, Chief Executive Officer and in case such resolution has been taken by Zila Parishad, Chief Executive Officer shall report to Director Rural Development. The Secretary/Vikas Adhikari/Chief Executive Officer shall also forward relevant extract of the minutes of the meeting to the district Tehsil level Officers of the departments concerned for necessary action at their level.
45. Certain restrictions on speaking. – (1) A member while speaking shall not –
(a) comment in any matter on which a judicial decision is pending;
(b) make a personal charge against a member of Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson of a Panchayat Raj Institution or any officer of the Government;
(c) use offensive expressions about the conduct of proceedings of the Parliament or of the Legislature of any State or any other Panchayati Raj Institution;
(d) utter defamatory words;
(e) use his right of speech for the purpose of obstructing the business of the Panchayati Raj Institution; or
(f) persist in irrelevant or in tedious repetition of his own arguments or of the arguments used by other members in the debate.
(2) No member shall speak more than once except the proposed who has the right of reply.
46. Duration of speeches. – The presiding authority shall regulate the duration of speeches in his own discretion.
47. Procedure when a member has a pecuniary interest in the subject under consideration of meeting. – (1) The presiding authority may prohibit any member from voting on or taking part in the discussion of any subject in which he believes such member to have, apart from its general application to the public, any direct or indirect pecuniary interest by himself or as partner.
(2) Such member may challenge the decision of the presiding authority who shall thereon put the question to the meeting and the decision of the meeting shall be final. The concerned member shall not, however, be entitled to vote when such question is put to the meeting.
48. Arrangement of business for Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad meetings. – (1) The arrangement of business to be transacted at a meeting shall ordinarily be as follows : –
(a) oath or affirmation, if necessary;
(b) confirmation of the proceedings of the preceding meeting;
(c) a statement of the action taken on the decisions of the preceding meeting;
(d) perusal of the proceedings of Standing Committees;
(e) information regarding important paper (Audit Report, Inspection Report, Circulars, Instructions etc.);
(f) physical and financial progress report of schemes in progress for the preceding three months;
(g) implementation of the annual plan proposals;
(h) review of employment generation and poverty alleviation programmes;
(i) rural sanitation and rural housing programmes;
(j) steps taken to increase own income and progress of revenue collection;
(k) any other business which may be permitted by the presiding authority to be taken up.
(2) The presiding authority may, in his own discretion or on the motion of any member, make such variations in the relative procedure of the various items of business enumerated in Sub-rule (1) as he may consider necessary looking to the special circumstances of a case.
49. Withdrawal of a member. – The presiding authority may direct any member whose conduct is, in his opinion, grossly disorderly, to withdraw immediately from the meeting and any member so ordered to withdraw shall do so forthwith and absent himself during the reminder of the day’s sitting.
50. Suspension of a sitting. – The presiding authority may in case of a grave disorder arising in the meeting of a Panchayati Raj Institution suspend any sitting for a time to be decided by him.
51. Procedure for conduct of meetings of Standing Committee. – (1) The Chairman of a Standing Committee may at any time call a meeting when there is sufficient agenda items to be discussed. [At least one meeting shall be held in every month]:
[Provided that the State Government may issue direction to hold the meeting on such date as fixed by it.]
(2) Procedure for notice of meeting recording the minutes, voting on decisions, restrictions on speaking and conduct of meetings shall be same as for special meeting of Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad.
(3) Quorum for Standing Committee shall be of three including the Chairman of such Committee.
52. Conflicting resolutions of Standing Committees. – In any case in which two or more Standing Committees have passed conflicting resolutions, the Vikas Adhikari shall place the matter before the Panchayat Samiti and the Chief Executive Officer before the Zila Parishad and pending final decision of Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad, the Vikas Adhikari/Chief Executive Officer shall withhold all action in regard to the matter at issue.
53. Attendance of officers. – (1) Vikas Adhikari or Chief Executive Officer [shall be Secretary for the meetings and shall attend all the meetings] of Standing Committees unless he is prevented due to illness, leave or urgent official business outside the headquarters of Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad.
(2) In such case [an officer appointed by the Vikas Adhikari or Chief Executive Officer, as the case may be, shall perform the functions of Secretary and attend] such meetings and shall inform about the decisions taken to the Vikas Adhikari or Chief Executive Officer on return as the case may be.
[(3) If it shall appear to a Standing Committee that the presence of an Officer of the Government Posted in the jurisdiction of Panchayati Raj Institution concerned is desirable at its meetings, the Vikas Adhikari or the Chief Executive Officer shall inform such Officer not less than three days before the date of meeting and such Officer shall unless prevented by sickness or other reasonable cause, attend the meeting.]
54. Compliance of decisions. – It shall be duty of Vikas Adhikari/Chief Executive Officer to inform the Pradhan/Pramukh about decisions made by Standing Committees and action taken on them before the next meeting of Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad respectively.
55. Stay orders by Standing Committee for administration and finance. – While considering appeal against decisions of Panchayats by Panchayat Samiti in respect of un-authorised encroachment or un-authorised construction, stay application shall not be decided without: –
(a) giving opportunity of hearing to Panchayat,
(b) verifying title to the land,
(c) perusing construction permission accorded by Panchayat.
56. Member’s right to obtain information and of access to the records. – A member of a Panchayati Raj Institution shall have the right to obtain information on any matter pertaining to the Administration and of access to the records of such Panchayati Raj Institution or Standing Committee thereof, if any, during office hours after giving due notice to the Secretary/Vikas Adhikari/Chief Executive Officer, who may, however, with the approval of the Chairperson of the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution and for reasons to be recorded in writing, refuse to give any particular information or access to any particular records.

CHAPTER 7Imposition, Assessment and Collection of Taxes & Fees

57. Resolution by Panchayati Raj Institution for imposition of tax/fee. – Every Panchayati Raj Institution deciding to levy any tax or fee or surcharge under Secs. 65, 66, 67, 68 and 69 or to enhance any of such rates shall pass a resolution in general meeting to that effect and publish the purport thereof for the information of persons likely to be affected thereby.
58. Publication of notice inviting objections. – (1) The concerned Panchayati Raj Institution shall issue a notice of the said resolution for such general information inviting objections to the imposition of such tax or fees or surcharge.
(2) A copy of the above notice shall be affixed on the notice board of Panchayat concerned, Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad and forward a copy of Tehsildar and Collector for information.
(3) The Panchayati Raj Institution may also issue a press note to local newspapers for general publicity.
(4) Zila Parishad while proposing to impose surcharge on stamp duty shall also send copy of notice to district registrar and sub-registrar of the district and in case of surcharge on agricultural produce, to the Director, Agricultural Marketing and Secretary Krishi Upaj Mandi Samitis in the district.
59. Period for objections. – A period of not less than one month from the date of such notice shall be allowed for filing objection.
60. Consideration of objections. – (1) After expiry of the period of notice, objections from persons likely to be affected by the imposition of enhancement proposed by Panchayati Raj Institution, shall be considered in its general meeting.
(2) The Panchayati Raj Institution may approve the proposal with or without modifications or may reject the same and shall again pass the resolution for levying of said tax or taxes or fees :
Provided that, if the resolution relates to a tax proposed to be imposed under Clauses (d) and (g) of Sub-Section (1) of Section 65 or Sub-Section (2) of Section 68, prior sanction of State Government shall also be obtained regarding levy and rate of such tax.
61. Prior sanction of the Government. – In case of imposition of taxes requiring prior sanction of the State Government, Panchayati Raj Institution concerned shall send a copy of its resolution along with a summary of the objection received by it together with its comments thereupon and a letter of request to the Director, Rural Development for sanction of the State Government.
62. Publication and operation of the Resolution. – (1) After passing of the resolution under Sub-rule (2) of Rule 60 and after receiving approval of the State Government, if required, Panchayati Raj Institution shall finally publish a notice specifying:
(a) the details of the tax so sanctioned.
(b) the rate at which it shall be levied.
(c) the date from which it shall be assessed and levied.
(d) any other particulars necessary for the information of the persons affected.
(2) Such notice shall also be published in a manner specified in Rule 58.
63. Preparation of demand and conducting of census of assessee. – The tax shall be assessed and levied from the date specified in notice issued under Rule 62.
(2) Tehsildar, shall get the demand prepared and census conducted through Patwari Concerned after receipt of resolution under Rule 62.
(3) Patwari shall inform the programme of conducting census of assesses to the Vikas Adhikari and the Panchayat who may associate Panchayat Extension Officer, Panchas and Secretary to assist in such census and preparation of demand.
(4) Demand shall be prepared by Patwari in Form No. IV.
64. Approval of assessment by Tehsildar. – (1) Tehsildar shall, after the demand assessment of taxes has been prepared by Patwari, get it checked and make corrections, if any, approve and shall forward a copy to Patwari concerned.
(2) In consonance with the approved demand, Patwari shall issue demand slips to the assesses concerned in Form No. V.
65. Due dates of taxes. – (1) The taxes assessed as per Rule 64, shall be collected as per demand slips to be issued by Patwari in the month of April. Amount of tax shall be deposited in yearly instalment in the month of May.
(2) Interest of the rate of 12% shall be levied from 1st of June for delayed payment.
66. Appeal against assessment. – Any assessee having any objection to such assessment may appeal to the Sub-Divisional Officer if tax has been levied by a Panchayat, to the Collector if tax has been levied by a Panchayat Samiti and to the Divisional Commissioner if tax has been levied by Zila Parishad in accordance with the provisions contained in Section 71 of the Act.
67. Recovery of taxes. – (1) The taxes shall be recovered by the Patwari who will be paid 5% as collection charges by way of deducting such amount from the gross tax receipts deposited in P.D. Account of Panchayat Samiti concerned or Panchayat account.
(2) Details of such deposits indicating challan/receipt No. and date shall be forwarded every month to the Tehsildar, Vikas Adhikari and Panchayat concerned.
(3) The Patwari will also maintain demand collection Register in Form VI for each Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti as the case may be. A separate register or a separate portion will be used for each year.
(4) Panchayati Raj Institution concerned shall bear the cost of forms and registers necessary for recovery of such taxes.
(5) In case of taxes are not recovered by the Patwari as provided in Sub-rules (1), (2) and (3) above, the same shall be recovered as an arrear of land revenue, as provided in Section 70 of the Act.
(6) Surcharge on stamp duty shall be collected by sub-registrar for properties transferred in rural areas in the district and transferred to P.D. Account of Zila Parishad as per procedure laid down by Finance Department.
(7) Surcharge on agricultural produce be collected by Secretary Mandi Committee in the district and deposited monthly in the P.D. Account of Zila Parishad of the district.
68. Levy of fees. – [(1) A Panchayat may levy fees for the services rendered to the public subject to the maximum rates as under:]-
(i) Application fees :
Rs. 10/-
(ii) Certificate for residence, caste, income etc. Rs. 20/- (50% of SC/ST).
(iii) Certificate of successors for mutation etc. Rs. 40/- (50% for SC/ST).
(iv) No objection certificate for electricity or piped water supply. Rs. 40/- (50% for SC/ST).
(v) Application for purchase of Abadi Land. Rs. 20/-
(vi) Expenses for preparation of site plan and site inspection Rs. 50/-
(vii) Ration card including application form and printing Rs. 10/-
(viii) Registration of birth and death after 30 days. Rs. 20/-
(ix) Permission for building construction Rs. 2/- (per sq. mtrs. for pakka construction).
(x) Addition/Alteration in site plan already approved by Panchayat. Rs. 100/-
(xi) Regularization of unauthorised Construction without permission of Panchayat provided there is clear title and right of way is not distributed. Rs. 10/- (per sq. mtr.) maximum    Rs. 1000/.
(xii) Petrol/Diesel pump
Rs. 2500/- (per year)
(xiii) Dabba/Restaurant
Rs. 1000/- (per year)
(xiv) Any other business unit.
Rs. 200/- (per year).
(xv) Resolution for No objection Certificate for mining    Rs. 5000/-
(xvi) Mobil Towers
Rs. 10000/- (per year)
(xvii) Fees for Guest – House/Hotel/Motel/Rest House
(a) up to 5 rooms.
Rs. 1000/- per year.
(b) 6 to 10 rooms.
Rs. 2500/- per year.
(c) 11 to 15 rooms.
Rs. 4000/- per year.
(d) 16 and moor rooms.
Rs. 5000/- per year.
(2) A Panchayat leading to levy such fees shall pass a resolution in the general meeting and publish a notice on Notice Board inviting objections/suggestions of the residents of Panchayat circle within 30 days.
(3) After expiry of 30 days from the date of notice, Panchayat may again pass a resolution with or without modifications and decide to charge such fees from first of the next month.
69. Taxes and fees on fairs. – (1) Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad may decide to levy taxes/fees to regulate the fairs and festivals organised and regulated by them within their jurisdiction.
(2) Such Panchayati Raj Institution may designate any officer as Mela Officer.
(3) If any cattle fair is organised, the rate of Rawanna fee will be decided by the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution.
(4) Purchaser shall not take his Cattle out of the fair area unless he has obtain a Rawanna in form VIII after payment of prescribed fee.
(5) If any purchaser is found taking his Cattle out of the fair area without a Rawanna, he shall be liable to pay a penalty not exceeding Rs. 200/- per animal at the discretion of Mela Officer.
(6) Check posts shall be established for entry and exit of Cattle, Entry pass shall be issued to all Cattle entering the Mela premises in Form VII by Mela Officer/Check post in-charge.
(7) Every sale carried in the Mela shall be registered in form IX and purchaser will be issued copy thereof on payment of charge fixed by Panchayati Raj Institution concerned.
(8) No Rawanna shall be issued unless a copy of registration referred to in Sub-rule (7) is produced.
[70.***]OLD LAW 6
71. Entertainment Tax on Cinema/Theatre/Video Shops. – (1) Panchayat Samiti shall recover entertainment tax as per notification No. F. 8(76) FD/Gr. IV/73 dated 9.3.1976 at the rate of 100% of the cost of the ticket/charges exceeding Rs. one per person. In case regular tickets are not issued, amount of tickets per month be assessed and 100% tax recovered accordingly.
(2) If amount due is not deposited on demand, it shall be recovered as an arrear of land revenue through Collector of the district.
72. Maximum rates of tax on trade, callings, professions and industries. – (1) Panchayat Samiti may levy tax subject to maximum as under: -(Rs.)
(i) Advocates
300/- per year
(ii) Oil presses, cotton presses, printing presses/warehouses and other industries (except cottage industries), 1000/- per year
(iii) Money lenders
1000/- per year
(iv) Wholesale and retail traders, auctioneers, contractors, commission agents, brokers, workshops
500/- per year
(v) Clinics, nursing homes, private hospitals 300/- per year
(vi) Private practitioners, vaidyas, homoeopaths, dentists, veterinary surgeons
150/- per year
(vii) Architects/engineers
300/- per year
(viii) Keepers of hotels, lodging houses, boarding houses 500/- per year
(ix) Editors/proprietors of News papers 250/- per year
(x) Professional Artists, Photographers, actors, dancers, musicians
120/- per year
(xi) Owners of circus/cinema/video shops 1000/- per year (in addition to 100% entertainment tax on sale of tickets).
(xii) Dealers in animals, vehicles, dairy 250/- per year
(2) Procedure for imposition of taxes as provided in Rules 58 to 60 shall be followed except that prior sanction of the Government shall not be required.

Building Tax

73. Building Tax. – A tax on buildings under Clause (a) of Sub-Section (1) of Section 65 may be leviable on the buildings within the Panchayat circle and shall not exceed the following limits, namely
Maximum amount of tax per annum
(i) Where constructed pakka roofs area is upto 500 sq. ft Rs. 100/-
(ii) When area is 501 to 1000 sq. ft. [Rs. 300/-]
(iii) When area is 1001 to 2000 sq. ft. [Rs. 500/-]
(iv) When area is more than .2000 sq. ft. [Rs. 1000/-]
Provided that no tax shall be payable for houses not constructed with stone bricks, or not having stone slabs/RCC Roof.
74. Exemption from tax. – (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Act or in these rules, a building tax shall not be levied on inns, dharamsalas, libraries, schools, dispensaries, reading rooms and buildings used for religious and charitable purpose, subject, however, to the provision that no rent is earned from the whole or any part thereof.
(2) All buildings within a Panchayat circle belonging to the Central Government or the State Government as well as all such buildings belonging to or vested in a Panchayat or a Panchayat Samiti or a Zila Parishad or a Municipal Board shall be exempted from the payment of buildings tax under Rule 73.
(3) No building tax shall be levied on kaccha houses, I.R.D.R selected families, Indira Avas, and pakka houses having floor area of less than 200 sq. ft.
75. Preparation of assessment list. – (1) For the purpose of the building tax the Panchayat shall cause to be prepared a list of occupiers/owners possessing or owning, as the case may be, buildings situated within the Panchayat circle.
(2) The list shall contain area of Pakka construction and Kaccha construction separately.
(3) Rental income, if any, may also be indicated.
(4) If the building is in exempted category as per Rule 7, fact should be mentioned in assessment list.
(5) Tax shall be assessed as per area of Pakka houses within the maximum rates specified in Rule 73.
76. Publication of assessment list. – (1) The assessment list prepared under Rule 75 shall be published by affixing a copy thereof on the notice board of the Panchayat, along with a notice inviting objections thereto within fifteen days from the date of the publication of the assessment list.
(2) A proclamation shall be made by beat of drum in the whole of the Panchayat circle to the effect that the list has been so published and could be inspected at the Panchayat office and that objections thereto could be filed before the Panchayat within fifteen days of the date of publication of the assessment list.
(3) The Panchayat shall hear any objections that may be made within the said period and the assessment list shall be amended, if necessary and signed by the Sarpanch.
(4) A copy of the assessment list so finalised shall be pasted on the notice board of the Panchayat.
77. Realisation of building tax. – The building tax shall be realised in advance for the whole year, commencing on the 1st of April. .

78. Octroi posts and octroi limits. – If a Panchayat decides to impose an octroi under Clause (b) of Sub-Section (1) of Section 65, the Octroi limits shall be the outer limits of the Panchayat circle and the Panchayat may: –
(a) Describe the routes by which the goods and animals liable to octroi shall be brought within the octroi limits and;
(b) Establish such octroi posts as it may think necessary, placing each such post in charge of the Panchayat and arrange there for such establishment as it may think fit.
(c) Octroi may be levied at the rate not exceeding half percent of the value of goods. Prior permission of the State Government shall be obtained for levy of octroi at a rate exceeding half percent.
(d) In case of industries having fixed capital investment exceeding Rs. five lacs., prior permission of the State Government shall be obtained for levy of octroi.
79. Duties of persons bringing goods and animals. – (1) All persons bringing or receiving goods or animals liable to pay octroi within the octroi limits shall exhibit or produced all bills, invoices, receipts or other documents of a like nature which they may possess relating to the goods or animals to enable the octroi official to ascertain, assess and collect the amount of octroi duty leviable and such persons shall afford the octroi official every facility for the purpose of having their goods appraised and when required to do so shall permit them to inspect, weigh examine, measure or otherwise appraise or deal with the whole or any portion of the goods or animals for the purpose of assessing or collecting octroi duty thereon, checking the payment of such duty or carrying out any other provisions of these Rules.
(2) In the event of there being no invoice or bill or other relevant document in the possession of the person bringing dutiable goods or animals or of non-acceptance by the octroi official of the value as shown therein, a declaration shall be made and signed by such persons and octroi shall be levied as per market price of the goods or animals after getting the value thereof appraised in the markets.
80. Inspection of goods. – Every person shall, on demand, permit an octroi official to inspect the goods in his possession.
81. Assessment of Octroi. – Where an advalorem octroi is leviable the amount thereof shall be calculated according to the full value of the goods or animals as given in the original bill or invoice or other; documents or on their market price as the case may be:
Provided that Panchayat may impose octroi on goods transported by a Co-operative Society at agreed rates per month:
Provided further that the Panchayat may impose and recover octroi duty on goods imported for the purpose of processing by any industry located in the Panchayat Circle on agreed rates monthly, however subject to the condition that the purpose of import is verified by the General Manager District Industries centre concerned.
Explanation- “Full value” does not include railway freight, commission or other incidental charges.
82. Payment of Octroi. – (1) Octroi shall be payable on demand by the officer-in-charge of an octroi post.
(2) Octroi duty on goods or animals liable to octroi shall be paid at an octroi post or Panchayat Office.
(3) Where there is no octroi post, importer shall file a declaration of value of goods imported and satisfy the Sarpanch or Secretary on the basis of actual vouchers.
(4) Upon payment the official-in-charge of an octroi post of Secretary shall draw up a receipt in duplicate in Form X, of which one copy shall be given to the importer and the other shall remain as counterfoil in the receipt book.
(5) Traders doing regular business in Panchayat area may also declare the value of goods likely to be imported on monthly basis and deposit octroi in advance. Panchayat shall be free to assess the actual value of such goods on the basis of vouchers/sale by such trader.
83. Goods brought by Railway or motor transport agency. – (1) Goods or animals brought by railway shall be deemed to have entered the octroi limits as soon as they pass beyond the railway goods or luggage yard and they then become liable to octroi duty in the same manner as goods or animals brought by road.
(2) Goods or animals brought by motor transport agencies or other means or transport shall be liable to pay octroi duty, if they are so liable at the octroi post, or where there is no such post, octroi duty shall be paid at the Panchayat Office.
84. Goods received by post. – (1) Goods by post parcels, shall, if they are liable to pay octroi, be produced at the Panchayat Office and the amount of octroi thereon shall be assessed, realised and paid in accordance with Sub-rule (4) of Rule 82.
(2) The Panchayat may make arrangements with postal authorities whereby a list of all goods received by post parcels, along with the names of the addresses, may be obtained at the Panchayat Office and if any such parcel is not produced at the Panchayat Office within a month of the receipt thereof, the Panchayat may take such steps against the addressee as may be provided for in the bye-laws.
85. Goods for immediate transportation. – (1) If person in-charge of octroi outpost is satisfied on the basis of goods receipt with the driver of the vehicle that goods are for immediate transportation outside the limits of Panchayat, he may charge in Form XI only such amount as may be fixed by the Panchayat for escorting the goods outside the Panchayat limits.
(2) Period of transit shall not ordinarily exceed four hour but in case of break-down of vehicle etc., Sarpanch may relax it suitably up to 24 hours.
(3) If any travelling agent brings any goods for sale or exhibition he shall deposit due octroi duty but may claim refund for goods unsold and transported outside Panchayat limit within 7 days.
(4) If any travelling agent residing in Panchayat circle takes out goods for sale, he shall give a complete list of articles at octroi post in duplicate. One copy shall be returned duly verified to the agent. In case, he brings back whole or part of such goods within a period of 15 days, no octroi shall be charged if goods were same as mentioned in the list.
86. Exemption from Octroi. – Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, octroi shall not be levied on the following goods, namely: –
(i) head loads of cow-dung, fuel, grass, fodder and brush-wood;
(ii) goods on which octroi payable is less than one rupee;
(iii) arms for the use of the military, police or any other departments of the State or the Central Government;
(iv) articles manufactured or produced in the Panchayat Circle;
(v) bonafide personal and household goods imported by a person on the occasion of his coming to take up his residence within the Panchayat Circle;
(vi) wearing apparel with or without lace, utensils, furniture and articles of food belonging to a marriage party;
(vii) machinery imported into any Panchayat Circle for the purpose of setting up new industries or for expansion thereof or for renovation and repairs of machinery in existing Industries, if the importer produces a certificate from the Industries Department of the State verifying the purpose of such import;
(viii) fertilizer imported into Panchayat Circle;
(ix) all fabricating materials, raw materials and construction materials, brought into any Panchayat Circle for the purpose of setting up new industries or for expansion of existing industries subject to production of certificate from the Director of Industries, Rajasthan, Jaipur or his duly authorised representative that these items are necessary for the aforesaid purposes :
Provided that the exemption shall be available for a period of seven years from the date of establishment/expansion of the industry, subject to certificate given by Director, Industries Department;
(x) any other thing exempted by the State Government through a special order.
Explanation. – (1) The exemption on construction materials shall apply to the material used in the construction of factory shed, office building and chowkidars quarters. It shall not apply to other categories.
(2) Raw materials shall not include packing material furniture and fixtures, petrol, oil, lubricants, coal, timber, wood, air conditioning and refrigeration plant and other articles used for electrification.
87. Penalty for evading payment of Octroi. – If goods or animals passing into a Panchayat Circle are liable to the payment of octroi duty, every person who with intent to defraud the Panchayat causes or abets the introduction of, or himself introduces or attempts to introduce within the octroi limits any such goods or animals in respect of which octroi due on such introduction has neither been paid nor tendered shall be punishable with fine which may extend to ten times the amount of such octroi.
88. Bye-laws. – Bye-laws, not in consistent with these rules, may be made by the Panchayat under the Act to supplement these rules in the regulation, assessment, realization and payment of octroi due thereunder.
Vehicle tax

89. Register of vehicles liable to tax. – (1) When a Panchayat has decided to levy a tax on vehicles under Clause (c) of Sub-Section (1) of Section 65 and the procedure laid down in Rules 58 to 62 has been observed in respect thereof, the Panchayat shall cause to be prepared a register of vehicles liable to such tax, specifying therein the name and address of the owner of each such vehicle and the amount of the tax due in respect thereof.
(2) Any person who keeps or piles any vehicle on hire whether he be the owner of such vehicle or a person who possesses it or has the loan of it or has the charge of it in any other capacity shall be deemed to be the person liable to pay the tax on the vehicle.
(3) Every person who becomes possessed of any vehicle, for which he is liable to pay the tax, shall, within fifteen days of his becoming so possessed of the same, bound to give notice in writing to the Sarpanch of the fact of his having become possessed of such vehicle.
(4) Any person whose name is registered in the register referred to in Sub-rule (1), or the agent of any such person, shall be permitted, free of charge, to inspect and take extracts from any portion of the said register which relates to such person.
(5) The Panchayat shall cause such register to be corrected as and when necessary.
90. Exemption from vehicle tax. – No vehicle tax shall leviable in respect of a vehicle
(a) if it is a motor vehicle within the meaning of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (Central Act, 59 of 1988), or
(b) if it is used for the purposes of cultivation; or
(c) if it is a vehicle belonging to the Central or State Government and is used for public purposes, or
(d) if it belongs to the Panchayat Sarniti or Zila Parishad.
91. Recovery of tax in advance and issue of licence. – (1) The vehicle tax shall be payable every year in advance.
(2) When any person pays the amount of tax due in respect of any vehicle, the Panchayat shall grant him a license to keep or use such vehicle for the period to which the payments relatives in Form No. XII.
92. Recovery of tax when not paid. – (1) If the tax in respect of a vehicle is not paid in accordance with Sub-rule (1) of Rule 91 the Sarpanch or any other official authorised by the Panchayat in this behalf may at any time seize and detain the vehicle unless such person can prove to the satisfaction of Sarpanch or authorised official that he has paid the vehicle tax.
(2) If the vehicle seized be not claimed and the tax due thereon be not paid within fifteen days from the vehicle shall be sold by public auction and the proceeds of the sale shall be applied in the payment of tax due on the vehicle.
(3) In addition to the amount due as tax such penalty not exceeding twice the amount of the tax as the Panchayat may direct and a sum of Rs. 200/- (Rupees two hundred) on account of charges incurred in connection with seizure, detention and sale, will also payable and recoverable out of the sale proceeds.
(4) If the owner of the vehicle or the person entitled thereto claims the same within a week from the date of seizure or at any time before sale, it shall be returned to him on payment of the tax due thereon and such penalty not exceeding Rs. 200/A. Panchayat may direct.
Tax on Commercial Crops

93. Submission of returns. – After the preliminary procedure laid down in Rules 58 to 62 has been observed for the imposition of the tax on commercial crops under Clause (f) of Sub-Section (1) of Section 65, it shall be the duty of every person frowning on the land occupied by him within the panchayat circle any commercial crops, as defined in the explanation to Section 65, to submit, not less than a month before harvesting such crop, a report of the same to the Sarpanch of the panchayat and to furnish a return containing the following particulars: –
(a) name of the village in which the lands so grown upon are situated;
(b) area of the lands in terms of hectares in which such commercial crop has been grown upon;
(c) the nature of the commercial crop grown; and
(d) the name, father’s name and residence of such grower.
94. Enquiry and assessment of tax. – (1) The Sarpanch shall make or cause to be made such inquiry as he may consider necessary for the purpose of verifying the return and may, if he thinks fit, cause the area under cultivation to be ascertained by actual measurement or from girdawari record maintained by Patwari.
(2) On the completion of such inquiry, a committee consisting of three panchas and the Secretary shall assess the area in which a commercial crop has been grown, the likely total produce thereof and the amount of tax leviable thereon.
(3) After the assessment has been made under Sub-rule (2), the Sarpanch shall cause to be given to the person who furnished the return, a notice of such assessment.
(4) Rate of tax on commercial crops shall be an amount equivalent to rates of land revenue.
95. Failure to submit return. – If any person fails to submit a return required by Rule 93, the Sarpanch with the approval of the committee referred to in Sub-rule (2) of Rule 94 may on information received from the Patwari or otherwise, at any time make the assessment contemplated by Rule 94 to the best of his judgment and shall, in every such case inform, by notice, the person growing the commercial crop on any land within the Panchayat Circle of such assessment.
96. Reduction of assessment. – On receipt of information from or on behalf of an assessee that due to any agricultural calamity the commercial crop has in any way been damaged or injured, the Sarpanch shall make inquiry and if in his opinion substantial damage to the crop is proved, he may make a suitable reduction in the assessment with the approval of the committee referred on the Sub-rule (2) of Rule 94.
Water tax

97. Resolution for imposing water tax. – In case a Panchayat decides to impose water tax under Clause (e) of Sub- Section (1) of Section 65, for arranging the supply of safe drinking water within the Panchayat Circle, and its maintenance, the Panchayat concerned shall pass a resolution for its intention to do so.
98. Water tax and other charges. – (1) In a village where drinking water is supplied through a public tap, pump and tank scheme or hand pumps by the Panchayat or entrusted to it for running and maintenance or where some charge is to be paid by Panchayat for drinking water supply to the Government, every resident of that village shall pay monthly water tax of Rs. 1/- (Rupee one) per head per month in case of piped water supply and Rs. 0.50 (Fifty paise) in other cases irrespective of the fact whether he uses the public tap, hand pump or not. Where water is supplied to the premises of a consumer, without a meter, a flat rate of Rs. 20/- (Rupees twenty) per tap per family shall be charged.
(2) In case a meter is provided to the consumer by the Panchayat concerned the water charges and meter rent at the rate of Rs. 5/- per month shall be calculated and recovered as per rates determined from time to time by Public Health Engineering Department. The consumer shall also be permitted to provide his own meter. In such case meter rent of Rs. 5/- shall not be charged.
(3) No person shall obtain water from the public tap for construction purposes either himself or through his servants or agents unless permission is obtained from the concerned Panchayat, after payment of specified charges in advance. In case any person is found using water from the public tap for construction purposes in contravention of the rules, he shall be liable to pay fine upto Rs. 200/- in addition to the amount of water tax and a continuing penalty up to Rs. 10/- per day as Panchayat may decide.
99. Recovery of water tax. – The recovery of water tax shall be made in the following manner: –
(a) The Panchayat concerned shall prepare separate bills for public tap as well as for private connections and shall arrange to serve the same upon the person concerned at least seven days before the actual date of payment.
(b) Every such bill shall specify the amount, the nature thereof, the person from whom it is due and the period for which it is due and the rebate of 20% for depositing within due date.
(c) In case of payment of water tax is not made by the person within seven days rebate will not be allowed and full amount of bill shall be recovered through process of attachment warrant after giving 15 days notice.
(d) In case of private connections at the premises of the consumer, the connection shall be disconnected in default of payment of water charges in time after giving 15 days notice to the consumer. The said connection shall be renewed up to two times the dues along with penalty up to two times the dues levied by Panchayat.
100. Framing of Bye-laws for water tax. – The Panchayat concerned may frame detailed bye-laws to regulate the water supply scheme in its Panchayat circle.
Pilgrim Tax
101. Imposition of Pilgrim Tax. – A Panchayat may decide to impose a pilgrim tax under Clause (d) of Sub-Section (1) of Section 65, after following the procedure laid down in Rules 58 to 62.
102. Period of tax. – In case of a place of permanent pilgrimage, tax may be imposed throughout the year or in case of religious fairs, it could also be restricted to such periods.
103. Tax on Pilgrim Vehicles. – During such period tax may also be levied on parking of vehicles at different rates for business, cars, taxis, etc.
104. Procedure for collection. – Panchayat may either collect the tax through check post or may allot contract for such collection of tax through public auction.
Recovery of Fees and Taxes

105. Bill for dues. – (1) For the amount of any tax/fee or other dues payable to the Panchayat, ademand slip shall be prepared in Form V and sent to the person liable therefor.
(2) Every such bill shall specify the amount due, the nature thereof, the person from whom it is due and the period for which it is due.
106. Notice of demand. – If the sum so due is not paid to the Panchayat Office within fifteen days from the presentation of the bill therefor, the Panchayat may cause to be served upon the person to whom such bill have been presented a notice of demand in Form No. XIII.
107. Warrant of attachment and sale. – (1) If the person on whom a notice of demand has been served does not, within fifteen days from the service of such notice of demand, either pay the sum demanded in the notice or show cause to the satisfaction of the Panchayat why it should not be realised, such sum with all costs of the recovery may be recovered by means of a warrant of attachment and sale of the movable property of the defaulter, issued by the Panchayat in Form XIV.
(2) Every such warrant shall be signed by the Sarpanch, or, in his absence, by the Up-Sarpanch and shall subject to the provision contained in Sub-rule (3), be addressed to the Secretary or other Clerk of the Panchayat.
(3) Where the property proposed to be attached and sold is beyond the jurisdiction of the Panchayat issuing the warrant of attachment and sale, such warrant shall be addressed to the Sarpanch of the Panchayat within whose jurisdiction such property lies for the time being and, where it is in an area for which there is no Panchayat, it shall be addressed to the Tehsildar having jurisdiction.
(4) The Sarpanch of the Panchayat or the Tehsildar receiving the warrant under Sub-rule (3) may endorse it to any subordinate officer.
(5) A warrant issued under this rule shall be for the attachment and sale of only so much part of the movable property of the defaulter as will suffice to meet the demand of the Panchayat, and the costs of attachment and sale.
108. Exemption from attachment. – The following property shall not liable to attachment and sale under Rule 107, namely: –
(a) the necessary wearing apparel and bedding of the defaulter, his wife and children;
(b) the tools of artisans;
(c) where the defaulter is an agriculturist, his implements of husbandry, seed-grain, food stuffs for his family for the coming eight months and his cow or calf and filly;
(d) such ornaments as a woman is prohibited from parting with by custom;
(e) the wages of labourers and domestic servants whether payable in money or kind; and
(f) salary to the extent of 50% for maintenance.
Explanation. – In Clauses (a) and (f) “salary” of “wages” means the total monthly emoluments, excluding any allowance declared exempt from attachment under any statutory order of the State or Central Government derived by a person from his employment whether on duty or on leave.
109. Entry for attachment. – It shall be lawful for any officer to whom a warrant of attachment and sale under rule 107 is addressed or endorsed to break open at any time between sunrise and sunset any outer or inner door of a building in order to effect attachment directed in the warrant, if he has reasonable grounds for believing that such building contains property which is liable to seizure under the warrant and if after notifying his authority and purpose and duly demanding admittance he cannot otherwise obtain admittance:
Provided that such officer shall not enter or break open the door of any apartment appointed for woman, until he has given reasonable notice of his intention, and has given such woman an opportunity to remove herself.
110. Attachment. – (1) Subject to the provisions contained in Sub-rule (5) of Rule 107 and further subject to the exceptions specified in Rule 108, the officer to whom a warrant of attachment and sale is addressed or endorsed shall be competent to attach. wherever it may be found, any movable property of the person named in the warrant.
(2) Such officer shall, on attaching the property, forthwith make an inventory thereof before removing the same or entrusting with any other person on furnishing sufficient security to his satisfaction, and every inventory prepared under this sub-rule shall be attested by two respectable persons of the locality in whose presence it has been prepared.
111. Sale of property subject to decay. – When the property attached is subject to speedy and natural decay, the same may be sold forthwith unless the amount of the demand is tendered and the proceeds of the sale be kept in deposit.
112. Objection of attachment. – (1) Any person having a claim upon the property under attachment may file an objection against such attachment within ti fifteen days from the date thereof.
(2) Such objection shall be investigated into and disposed of by the Sarpanch of the Panchayat issuing the warrant or, in case such warrant has been addressed under Sub-rule (3) of Rule 107 the Sarpanch or another Panchayat or, as the case may be, to the Tehsildar having jurisdiction by such Sarpanch or Tehsildar.
(3) If the objection is allowed, the property attached shall be realised from attachment or, if it has been sold under Rule Ill, the sale proceeds thereof shall be paid to the objector.
(4) Pending the final disposal of the objection, the sale of the attached property shall not be ordered and, if ordered, shall stand postponed.
(5) Nothing in Sub-rule (4) shall relate to or in any way affect a sale made under, Rule 111.
113. Sale of attached property. – (1) In the following cases, namely: –
(i) When an objection to the attachment has not been filed under Rule 112 or, if filed, has been disallowed, and
(ii) When the defaulter has failed to pay the amount of the demand after the attachment of his property within fifteen days of such attachment and property attached has not been sold under Rule 111.
Such property shall be ordered to be sold by public auction on a date to be fixed therefor, which shall not be earlier than the twentieth day after the date of attachment.
(2) A notice of such sale by public auction shall be proclaimed by beat of drum in the vicinity of the place, and at some central place in the village or town, where the property to be sold is for the time being:
Provided that from the date of the issue of a notice to the date on which the auction commences, at least fifteen days time shall have lapsed.
(3) Bids shall be called for at such auction and the person making the highest bid shall be declared to be the purchaser of the property so auctioned.
(4) The entire amount of the bid shall be paid by the purchaser on the spot.
(5) The Sarpanch or any panch of the Panchayat issuing the warrant of attachment and sale under Rule 107, the Sarpanch or any officer to whom it is addressed to endorsed and any officer engaged or employed in the sale of the attached property shall not take part at any sale thereof under this rule.
114. Appropriation of sale proceeds. – (1) From out of the proceeds of the sale of any property under Rule 111 or Rule 113 shall be paid, in the order of priority hereinafter mentioned: –
(i) the cost incurred in such sale and the dues, if any, on account thereof;
(ii) the cost of the attachment including the cost of maintaining any attached livestock at the rates for their maintenance in a panchayat cattle pound; and
(iii) the demand of the Panchayat for the recovery of which the attachment and sale as were ordered.
(2) Upon the payment referred to in Clause (iii) of Sub-rule (1) being made and credited in the Panchayat accounts, a receipt for the same shall be given to the defaulter.

CHAPTER 8, Cattle Pounds

115. Appointment and duties of pound keeper. – (1) A pound keeper may be separately appointed by the Panchayat or his duties may be entrusted to any contractor appointed through open auction. It shall be the duty of the pound keeper: –
(a) to maintain the following records to the pounds: –
(i) cattle pound register in Form No. XV;
(ii) receipt book showing particulars of the impounded cattle in Form No. XVI.
(iii) pass books showing delivery of the cattle impounded in Form No. XVII and XVIII, and
(iv) account of charges to be paid by the owner of the cattle in Form No. XIX and sale proceeds;
(b) to prepare such statements as may be directed from time to time by the panchayat; and
(c) to keep the cattle impounded safe and arrange for protection from heat, cold and rain and also to feed them.
(2) All expenses relating to the pound and feedings and watering the impounded cattle shall be charged to the Panchayat Fund and all incomes therefrom shall be deposited into it.
116. Persons who can seize cattle. – Any of the following persons may seize or cause to be seized any cattle and bring or cause to be brought the cattle within twenty-four hours to the pound established for the purpose: –
(a) the cultivator or occupier of any land which the cattle has trespassed over and has caused damage to or any crop or produce therein;
(b) the person who has advanced cost for the cultivation of the crop or produce on any land which the cattle has trespassed over and has caused damage to;
(c) the vendee or mortgagee of such crop or produce or any part thereof or the land which the cattle has trespassed over and caused damage to;
(d) the buyer of such crop or produce or any part thereof or the land which the cattle has trespassed over and has caused damage to;
(e) the person in-charge of public roads, play grounds, plantations, canals, drainage work, embankments and the like, to any public servant who finds the cattle causing damage to such roads, grounds, plantations, canals, embankments and the like or the sides or slopes of such roads, canals, drainage works, embankments or found straying thereon;
(f) a person appointed on behalf of the persons mentioned in Clauses (a) to (b) to watch such land; and
(g) the chowkidar and any public servant who finds the cattle straying.
117. Rates of feeding etc. and fines to be exhibited. – A list of fines and of the rates of charges for feeding and watering shall be pasted in a conspicuous place on or near the pound.
118. Entry of the cattle in register. – When cattle are brought to a pound, the pound keeper shall enter in a register in Form XV: –
(a) the number and description of the cattle;
(b) the day and hour on and at which they were brought;
(c) the name and residence of the seizer;
(d) the name and residence of the owner of the cattle if known; and
(e) marks of identification of the cattle such as colour, horn, tail, hair etc.
119. Receipt of the cattle to be given. – (1) After impounding the cattle so brought, the pound keeper shall prepare a register in duplicate and shall give the seizer or his agent a copy of such receipt and obtain his signature or thumb mark, as the case may be, on the counterfoil of the receipt book in token of its acknowledgement. Description of each cattle show be noted in the register provided for the purpose.
(2) In case name of the owner of cattle is known, pound keeper may arrange to inform him if convenient.
120. Hours during which cattle may impounded. – Cattle may be impounded at any time during the day and up to 10 p.m. in the night subject to the condition that the seizer of the cattle while impounding them, in his presence, shall obtain a receipt of such cattle from the pound keeper.
121. Panchayat to fix hours of feeding and watering cattle. – The Panchayat shall fix up the hours of feeding and watering the cattle and only fine shall be recoverable in case of those cattle which were neither fed nor watered.
122. Arrangements for watering the cattle. – Panchayat shall make proper arrangements for vessels for watering the cattle impounded.
Explanation. -This arrangement shall be in addition to the arrangement which the Panchayat may make for taking the cattle for watering at the appointed time.
123. Delivery of the cattle to the owner. – (1) If the owner of the cattle or his agent appears within 3 days and claims the cattle, the pound keeper shall deliver to him the cattle, on payment of the fines and charges as fixed by Panchayat in respect of such cattle.
(2) The owner of the cattle or his agent on taking back the cattle shall sign in token of receipt of the cattle in the register prescribed for the purpose.
124. Release of cattle on ground of wrongful seizure. – If the owner or his agent appears and refuses to pay the said fines and expenses, on the ground that the seizure was illegal and the owner is about to make a complaint, then on deposit of fines and charges if any incurred in respect of the cattle, the cattle shall be delivered to him.
125. Sale on failure to pay lines etc. – If the owner or his agent appears and refuses or fails to pay or deposit the said fines and charges, the cattle be sold by public auction by the Panchayat after giving a notice of five days. The fines liable and expenses of feeding and watering, together with the expenses of sale, if any, shall be deducted from the proceeds of the sale. The remaining cattle and the balance of the purchase money, if any, shall be delivered to the owner or his agent, together with an account showing: –
(i) the number of cattle seized;
(ii) the time during which they have been impounded;
(iii) the amount of fines and charges incurred;
(iv) the manner in which the proceeds have been disposed.
Note. – The owner or his agent shall give a receipt for the cattle delivered to him and for the balance of the purchase money if any paid to him according to such account. If the owner of the cattle or his agent refuses to pay or deposit the fines and expenses incurred in respect of the cattle, then a written report may be obtained, if possible, from him.
126. Receipt for recovery of fines etc. – If the cattle are released, the owner of the cattle or his agent shall be given one of the duplicate copies of the receipt in Form No. XVII and his signature obtained in the register in token of his having paid the fines or charges if any, incurred on the cattle, below the receipt. After adding the amount of the receipt to the amount of the last receipt the total shall be written in place of the total money received. This total shall be progressively increased which shall only be written when both the foils of the receipt are prepared.
127. Receipt to be given to the buyer. – If the cattle are auctioned the buyer shall be given a receipt in Form No. XIX duly signed by the Sarpanch of the Panchayat.
128. Unclaimed cattle. – If the cattle be not claimed within three days from the date of their being impounded, the pound keeper shall enter the fact in the register in Form No. XV and make a report to the Panchayat.
129. Pound keeper’s report regarding unclaimed cattle. – In the report which the pound keeper shall make in accordance with Rule 128, he shall enter the details of expenses of feeding and other expenses, if any.
130. Disposal of cattle not released within 3 days. – On receiving a report about the cattle not released with in 3 days, the following action shall be taken after opening a file thereof : –
(a) The Panchayat shall give a notice to the effect that any person who may have objection to the auction of the cattle concerned, should prove it and that no objection shall be entertained after expiry of the period as may be specified (which shall not be less than 30 days) in such notice. In the notice the following particulars necessarily be stated: –
(i) the number & description of the cattle;
(ii) the place where they were seized; and
(iii) the place where they are impounded.
Note. – Such a notice shall be published in the village nearest to the place of seizure.
(b) While publishing the notice, the Panchayat shall simultaneously and conditionally auction such cattle and the auction money realised shall be deposited in suspense account. Following shall be the condition of auction of the cattle: –
(i) the buyer of the cattle shall not transfer the ownership of cattle within a period of 30 days in case no objection is filed, and by the final decision of such an objection, if filed, and
(ii) he shall also return the cattle to the Panchayat on payment of the auction money and the expenses of feeding of the cattle :
Provided that if the Panchayat is unable to effect the sale of the impounded cattle by public auction either for want of bidder or on account of the auction sale not fetching full price of the cattle, the Panchayat may send the cattle to the neighbouring Panchayat or cattle fair in-charge for sale and the latter shall conduct the auction sale proceedings in respect of such cattle and shall remit the sale proceeds to the former after deduction the expenses of sale proceedings.
Note. – The auction will be held for three days but no such period of three days shall be necessary if the auction fetches full price of the cattle earlier.
(c) If any objection be filed by any person during the period of notice, the Panchayat shall require him to prove his ownership of the cattle. The Panchayat shall order the return of the cattle to the person who filed the objection if he proves them to be his own.
Explanation. – During the period of proceedings if the Panchayat is satisfied that the cattle area of the person filing the objection and that no further action is necessary then the Panchayat, with a view that the expenses of feeding and watering may not unnecessarily increase, may, if it thinks proper, deliver the cattle to such person on production of adequate security.
(d) In case of delivery of the cattle to the person filing the objection, the fine and expenses of feeding shall be recovered from him. The fine and expenses of the period the cattle remained in the pound shall be deposited in the account of the cattle pound and out of the expenses of feeding, the Panchayat shall pay such feeding charges as it thinks fit up to the day of the conditional auction. The balance, if any, shall be carried to the funds of the Panchayat.
(e) In case no objection is received from any person or the cattle could not be proved of the person who filed objection, the Panchayat, while ordering the auction of the cattle, shall deposit the fine and expenses of feeding the cattle into the account of the cattle pound and the balance, if any, of the auction money shall be carried to the funds of the Panchayat
Provided that the conditional auction shall be final only after the final decision of the appeal made against the decision of the Panchayat.
131. Inspection of Cattle Pound. – The cattle pound shall be open to inspection by any officers of the Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department. At the time of inspection, the inspecting officer shall examine that total of columns in the register and shall see that the progressive totals in the receipt are accurately posted and that they tally with the amounts deposited in the Panchayat Fund. They shall also examine and count the cash, if any, with the Pound Keeper.
132. Scale of feeding and watering charges and rates of tine. – The following shall be the scale of charges of feeding and watering:-
S.No. Cattle
Rates of fine Feeding charges per say
1. Elephant
Rs. 50/- Rs. 150/-
2. Camel
Rs. 50/- Rs. 50/-
3. Horse
Rs. 50/- Rs. 50/-
4. Buffalo
Rs. 25/- Rs. 25/-
5. Cow and Bullock
Rs. 25/- Rs. 25/-
6. Donkey
Rs. 10/- Rs. 10/-
7. Calf
Rs. 10/- Rs. 10/-
8. Goat
Rs. 10/- Rs. 10/-
9. Sheep
Rs. 10/- Rs. 10/-
10. Others
Rs. 10/- Rs. 10/-
Note – (1) Cattle should include female cattle, where it is mentioned.
(2) In case of cattle left for grazing by the owners intentionally during nights, fine shall be charged at double the rate. Incentive of Rs. 20/- may be paid out of fine to the person as an incentive for bringing such cattle.
133. Advance to the pound keeper. – A Panchayat shall advance an amount upto Rs. 100/- to the pound keeper for purposes of management who shall make the necessary arrangement under the supervision of the Panchayat for the feeding and watering of the cattle impounded. Every pound keeper who receives advance money shall have to give in writing a receipt to the effect that the money is due from him and he shall render its account such receipt shall be kept on the safe file of the Panchayat. Any balance of such an advance, if due, from the Pound Keeper at the close of financial year shall be shown in the monthly account of March every year. The advance which may be given to the Pound Keeper shall be part of the Panchayat Fund:
Provided that the daily income of the cattle pound shall be deposited by the Pound Keeper on the next day with the Panchayat.
134. Prohibition as to the bidding in auction. – No member of the Panchayat or employee thereof shall offer his bid in the auction.
135. Provisions where the ownership of cattle is in dispute in a Court of Law. – In case where the ownership of the impounded cattle is in dispute in a Court of law or otherwise. The Court may direct that the cattle shall be kept in the cattle pound of the Panchayat for a period to be specified in that order and that the approximate charges on account of feeding of the cattle etc., shall be deposited in advance by the party concerned:
Provided that if this party does not pay in advance the sum fixed by the Panchayat under this rule or there is no such party to pay the aforesaid sum, the Court may pass appropriate order as it thinks fit.

CHAPTER 9, Immovable Properties

136. Panchayat properties. – [(1) All common lands and public streets together with pavements, stones and other material thereof within the Panchayat Circle as well as all Government lands lying within the Abadi Area shall vest in and belong to a Panchayat. All other Government lands within the Panchayat Circle shall be managed by Panchayat subject to such conditions and restrictions as may be imposed by the State Government, from time to time.]
(2) The State Government may, subject to such conditions and restrictions, as it may think fit to impose, vest in the Panchayat any land, properties, works, materials, things belonging to the State Government.
(3) All properties mentioned in Sub-secs. (1) and (2) shall be under the direction, management and control of the Panchayat and shall be held by it as a trustee for the purposes of this Act.
(4) All the markets and fairs except those managed by the State Government or Panchayat Samiti, that are held on the lands vested or vesting in the Panchayat, shall be managed and regulating by it.
(5) Income from sale proceeds or lease of such properties or material produce there from and any dues levied or imposed in respect of markets and fairs, held on such lands, shall from part of Panchayat fund and shall be applied by the Panchayat in the achievement of objects of Panchayat Raj Act.
(6) The State Government, may resume any such property vested in the Panchayat: –
(i) if the panchayat is found upon enquiry to have mismanaged the same or utilised in contravention of terms and conditions imposed at the time of vesting, or
(ii) if the same is otherwise required by the State Government in the public interest, on such terms, as the State Government may determine.
137. Register of immovable properties. – The Panchayati Raj Institutions shall maintain a register in Form XX of all buildings and other immovable properties vested in it or placed at its disposal.
138. Maintenance of properties. – It shall be duty of a Panchayati Raj Institution concerned to keep all properties referred in Rule 136 in proper condition and shall arrange for their essential repair or white washing when the same is considered necessary. Special efforts shall be made to keep all school buildings safe and free from danger.
139. Inspection of properties. – (1) All Chairpersons shall visit the properties once a year to ensure safety and proper maintenance of such properties.
(2) Vikas Adhikari/Chief Executive Officer shall inspect the register and the properties once a year during inspection of Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti respectively.
Abadi Land

140. Abadi Land. – “Abadi Land” means nazul and land lying within the inhabited areas of a Panchayat Circle which vests or has been vested in or has been placed at the disposal of a Panchayat by or under an order of the State Government.
141. Sale of land. – All sales of land by a Panchayat shall ordinarily be made through auction unless there are special reasons for not doing so. Panchayat may decide to sell such land through auction programme fixed in advance.
142. Preparation of a plan. – (1) Whenever land for development of Abadi is transferred to a Panchayat, it shall get a development plan prepared for rural area by officer of the Town Planning posted in the department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj not below the rank of Assistant Town Planner. It shall be approved by Senior Town Planner of the Department Future development of such rural area will be done as per approved development plan.
(2) Schemes for housing, commercial areas and other projects will be prepared as per approved development plan. Implementation of such schemes will be done as per approved plan only:
Provided that for rural areas where development plan has not been approved, projects/schemes for planned development of residential and commercial area will be prepared and approved by the village planner not below the rank of assistant town planner posted in the department of rural development & Panchayati Raj.
(3) The State Government may acquire private lands as per rules, for the implementation of such projects/schemes, if need be.
(4) The disposal of plots in approved development projects/schemes will be done by auction and allotment as per directions of the State Government.
(5) Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad authorised by the State Government for the implementation of such projects/schemes will be eligible to get loans from financial institutions as per rules.
143. Auction of plots in Abadi Area. – (1) Panchayat shall prepare a list of plots including scattered plots within the Abadi Area, keeping in mind the space needed for public streets/roads, drainage and other public purposes.
(2) Panchayat shall try to maintain building line, as far as possible, while deciding to auction any scattered plot.
(3) Any area of 100 sq. yards or more for residential purposes and 200 sq. feet for commercial purposes shall be auctioned as scattered plot.
144. Allotment of strip of land. – (1) Panchayat may allot a strip of land upto 100 sq. yards for residential purposes and 200 sq. ft. for commercial purposes at prevailing market price.
(2) Strip of land shall be allotted only to such persons whose existing house/shop is adjoining such strip and there is no other applicant for the same.
(3) In case more than one persons have houses/shops adjoining the strip, it shall be put in auction.
145. Application for purchase. – (1) A person desirous of purchasing any Abadi land/stray plot or a strip of land from the panchayat shall make an application in writing to the Panchayat, giving such description thereof as may be sufficient to identify the land purposed to be purchased.
(2) The applicant shall, along with his application, deposit a sum of Rupees Twenty five towards the expenses for site inspection.
(3) The applicant shall also deposit Rupees Twenty five for preparation of map, if the site map has not been enclosed with the application. In such case Secretary shall prepare a site map after site inspection in the presence of the applicant.
146. Site inspection. – (1) Secretary shall register such application in a register in Form XXI and open a file.
(2) Secretary shall lay all such pending files in the next Panchayat meeting for deputing a committee of three panchas for site inspection.
(3) Panchas shall inspect the site within 15 days and submit their opinion to the Panchayat as to the desirability of the sale applied for, after taking into consideration the following matters, namely: –
(a) Whether the sale applied for will affect the facilities for going and coming enjoyed by the villagers;
(b) Whether such sale will affect the rights of easements owned by other persons;
(c) Whether such sale will affect the beauty and cleanliness of the locality;
(d) The names of adjoining residents desirous of buying such land,
(e) Such other matters as may appear to be relevant.
147. Provisional decision. – (1) The Panchayat shall then provisionally decide at a meeting whether the proposed sale should or should not be made.
(2) If it decides not to make the sale, the application shall be rejected and the fact shall be communicated to the applicant. In such case, applicant shall not be entitled to any refund of fee.
148. Issue and publication of notice. – (1) If the Panchayat provisionally decides that the sale should be made, it shall publish a notice in Form XXII inviting objections to the proposed sale with one month from the date of publication on the manner laid down in Sub-rule (2).
[Provided that during the period 24.2.2005 to 23.3.2005 period of inviting objections will be seven days in place of one month.]
[Provided that [during the Rajasv abhiyan or Prashasan Gaon ke sang abhiyan or any other abhiyan organised by order of the State Government for sale of land and Patta Vitran], period of inviting objections shall be seven days in place of one month.]
(2) The notice referred to in Sub-rule (1) shall be prepared in duplicate and one copy thereof shall be affixed to a conspicuous place on the proposed to be sold, the other copy being returned to the Panchayat Office after obtaining the signatures of at-least two respectable persons of the locality thereon, in token of such affixation.
149. Disposal of objections. – The objections, if any, received in response to the notice issued under Rule 148 shall be disposed of by the Panchayat after giving the parties concerned a responsible opportunity of being heard.
150. Auction of the land. – (1) If no objection is received under Rule 148 within one month, or if all objections received have been disposed of under Rule 149, the Panchayat shall by resolution order the auction of the land proposed to be sold on a date, not earlier than one month from the date of the resolution and at the time and place to be specified.
[Provided that during the period 24.2.2005 to 23.3.2005 the date of auction after resolution of Panchayat will be seven days in place of one month.]
(2) Thereupon a notice of such auction, and of the date, time and place specified in Sub-rule (1) shall be proclaimed by a beat of drum/by any other sound amplifying device, and copy of auction notice shall be displayed near the site as well as conspicuous places in the village market and on the notice board of the Panchayat.
151. Auction Committee. – (1) All auctions of immovable property shall be made by an auction committee consisting of:
(1) Sarpanch
(ii) Up-Sarpanch
(iii) Chairman of vigilance committee
(iv) One panch belonging to women/Scheduled Caste/Tribe/OBC as nominated by Panchayat if not represented otherwise
(v) Land Revenue Inspector or in his absence Patwari who shall be informed well in advance. Three members shall constitute quorum of Auction Committee.
(2) The auction shall be held at site and will not be finalised till end of the day.
152. Market price. – (1) It shall be duty of the Auction Committee to ensure that there is free and fair competition among the bidders.
(2) Auction Committee shall keep in mind the prevailing market price of such land.
(3) Final bid shall in no case be less than the index rate fixed by the Sub-Registrar of the area on the basis of previous sales of lands for the purpose of stamp duty.
(4) Vikas Adhikari shall obtain such index rates for every village from the office of the Sub-Registrar in the month of April and inform the Panchayat concerned.
(5) Bids shall be started from index rates as conveyed by Vikas Adhikari under Sub-rule (4) and index rates shall be market price below which no sale shall be finalised by the Panchayat.
153. Payment and resale on failure. – (1) The person who made the last highest bid, shall deposit 10% of the amount of bid immediately and 15% within 24 hours and balance within 60 days.
(2) Failing payment as provided in Sub-rule (1), the land shall forthwith be resold:
Provided that a resale on failure to pay the balance of the amount of bid shall be held after a fresh notice has been issued as provided in Sub-rule (2) of Rule 150 and 10% of auction price deposited at the time of original sale shall be forfeited to the Panchayat:
Provided further that any deficiency in the price fetched at such resale shall be payable by the person who failed to make the payment as aforesaid and shall be recoverable from him as panchayat dues.
154. Confirmation of sale. – (1) The acceptance of highest bid shall be subject to confirmation by the Panchayat and the authorities prescribed in Sub-rule (3).
(2) Panchayat, in its next meeting to be held not earlier than 15 days from the date of auction shall sanction the highest bid if no objection has been received.
(3) Where the highest bid amount exceeds [Rupees fifty thousand] the Panchayat shall obtain prior approval as under: –
(a) the Panchayat Samiti having jurisdiction if the amount does not exceed [Rupees two Lakhs];
(b) the Zila Parishad concerned if the amount does not exceed [Rupees five lakhs];
(c) the State Government if the amount exceeds [Rupees five lakhs].
Note. – Confirmation for sale of strip land or sale by negotiation in excess of Rs. 10,000/- shall also be required before issue of patta.
(4) The authority specified in Sub-rule (3) may refuse to confirm a bid if in its or his opinion, the full value of the land to be sold has not been made or procedure laid down above has not been adhered to and in such cases the amount deposited by the highest bidder shall be refunded without interest.
(5) Balance amount of 75% shall be deposited within two months from the date of auction or within one month from the date of communication of confirmation of the bid.
155. Possession. – Panchayat shall not hand over the physical possession of auctioned property unless the highest bid has been confirmed by the competent authority mentioned in Rule 154(2) or 154(3).
156. Transfer of Abadi land by private negotiation. – (1) The Panchayat may transfer any Abadi land by way of sale by private negotiation in the following cases: –
(a) Where any person has a plausible claim of title to the land and an auction may not fetch reasonable price;
(b) Where there is a trespass or for any other reason to be recorded in writing. Panchayat thinks that an auction would not be convenient mode of disposal of the land;
(c) Where it is strip of land as per Sub-rules (1) and (2) of Rules 144 and there is only one applicant.
(2) In no case such abadi land, shall be transferred on a rate below index price fixed by Sub-Registrar and conveyed by Vikas Adhikari as prevailing market price for the village.
(3) Such market price in a bazaar or commercial area shall not be less than double the price fixed for residential areas.
157. Regularisation of old houses. – [1][Where the persons are in possession of the old houses in Abadi land and desire to get a patta issued, patta may be issued by the Panchayat in Form XXIII-A after depositing the charges as under : –
(i) For area upto 300 sq. yards or constructed area including 25 percent of constructed area subject to maximum area 300 sq. yards:
(a) For old houses constructed more than fifty years before the date of commencement of these rules
Rs. 100 /-
(b) For old houses constructed [during the seventy years immediately preceding to date of 31st December, 2016].
Rs. 200/-
(ii) For area, exceeding the area specified in clause (i) above, on such excess area 25 percent of the market rates recommended by the District Level Committee constituted under Clause (b) of Rule 58 of the Rajasthan Stamp Rules, 2004:
Provided that no fees shall be charged under sub-clause (a) an only 10 percent fees shall be charged under sub-clause (b) of clause (i) above from the families included in the list of below poverty line.]
“Provided further that during the Period of Prashasan Gaon Ke Sang Abhiyan 2021, the fee shall be charged at the rate of equivalent to fifty percent of the rates specified under clause (i) and (ii) above.” 
[NO.F.139 (45) PR/LEGAL/AMEND/2021/860]
158. Allotment of lands to weaker sections. – (1) The Panchayat may allot Abadi land up to [300 sq. yards] in village Abadis at concessional rate to members of Scheduled Caste, scavengers, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, village artisans, landless persons dependent on wage labour, IRDP selected families, Handicapped, Nomatic Tribes, Gadia Lohar who do not own house sites/house and also to flood victims whose house have been washed away or the house sites have been rendered unfit for future habitation due to floods [and patta of such land may be issued in Form XXIII-C]
[IA. the Panchayat may allot abadi land upto [300 Sq. Yards] in village Abadi at concessional rate to ex-service men in bordering Panchayat Samiti areas.]
(2) Rates to be charged from such allottees will be as under :
(a) In villages having population less than 1000 (1991 census). Rs. 2/- per sqr. mtr.
(b) In villages having population from 1001 to (1991 census). Rs. 5/- per sqr. mtr. 2000
(c) In villages having population more than 2000 (1991 census). Rs. 10/- per sqr. mtr.
Provided that the State Government may allot such lands free of charges to any such category of persons.
[Provided further that in case of allotment of abadi land to the families of below poverty line, the Panchayat may allot the land free of charge.]
[(2-A) The Panchayat may allot Abadi land upto 300 Sq. Yards free of charge to nomadic sheep reares.]
[(2-B) The State Government may allot Abadi land to oustees of irrigation project, equal to the house sites or house owned by them subject to maximum of 300sq. yards free of charge.]
(3) Abadi land allotted free of charge shall be non-transferable. A seal in block letters “NOT FOR SALE” shall be affixed on the face of all such Pattas. In case any allottee transfers on sells such house site/house to any other persons, allotment shall automatically stand cancellation, ownership shall vest in the Panchayat along with construction or material lying thereon and transferee will be ejected to trespasser on such Abadi Land.
[(3A ) Thirty percent of Land allotted under this rule shall be allotted to widows and divorce women.]
(4) Panchayat may however by a resolution in the meeting, decide to allot such land by negotiation to such trespasser on market price on compassionate grounds.
(5) The allottee shall be debarred form any subsequent allotment in future.
(6) Provisions contained in Sub-rules (3), (4) and (5) shall also be applicable for shop sites allotted to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes etc., in Panchayat areas.
(7) For allotment of houses sites to flood victims at another place/places, the Panchayat concerned shall invite applications from such persons along with an undertaking that in case of allotment of house sites at another place/places, the house sites washed away in flood aiong with material shall vest in the Panchayat concerned free from all encumbrances.
159. Allotment of lands on concessional price. – (1) The Panchayat may allot plots up to 500 sq. yards from Abadi land available with to Ex-Service Military Personnel (Non-commissioned ranks) who do not own any Abadi land on priority basis, at 50% of the market price as mentioned in Sub-rule (5) of Rule 152.
[(2) The Panchayat may also allot plots upto 1500 sq. yards in abadi area, on priority basis, for construction of godowns/ offices to-
(i) Primary Agricultural Cooperative Society/Large Sized Multipurpose Marketing Society, at 50% of the Market price as mentioned in sub-rule (5) of Rule 152;
(ii) Gram Sewa Sahakari Samiti or Kray Vikary Sahakari Samiti, free of charge subject to confirmation by the State Government.]
160. Transfer and allotments subject to approval. – All such transfers exceeding value of Rs. 10,000/- shall be subject to confirmation by authority mentioned in Sub-rule (3) of Rule 154.
161. Exclusion of certain categories of Abadi land from the power of sale. – (1) If the ownership of any Abadi land is in dispute, such land shall not be sold by the Panchayat and the proceedings of sale there of shall be stayed as soon as it is brought to the notice of the Panchayat that such a dispute exists, till a decision of the competent Court on such dispute.
(2) The Panchayat shall neither sell any Abadi land nor allow Pakka structure within the following specified limits: –
(a) one hundred feet of a railway line;
(b) one hundred and fifty feet from the central line of National Highway.
(c) seventy-five feet from the central line of the State Highways and major District Roads;
(d) fifty-five feet from the central line of other district roads and village roads.
(3) The allotment of pasture lands and unculturable waste lands for extension of abadi within the Panchayat Circle shall be governed by rules made under the Rajasthan Land Revenue Act.
(4) Any abadi land required by the State Government shall be given by the Panchayat without any cost.
(5) The State Government, may by notification in the Official Gazette, withdraw the powers of disposal of Abadi land from all or any of the Panchayats, if it considers expedient to do so, in the public interest and may confer on any other officer.
162. Allotment of Abadi land to Government Institutions. – (1) Panchayat may allot lands free of charge within Abadi area to School, Dispensary, Anganvadi, upto 500 sq. yards subject to confirmation by the Zila Parishad concerned.
(2) Any other allotment free of charge or at concessional price shall be only with the prior approval of the State Government.
163. Temporary use of land. – (1) Panchayat shall not below any use of Abadi land free of charge, and shall charge lease rent for temporary use of land in religious fairs, cattle fairs, festivals, market area, open places.
(2) Lease rent of not less than Rs. 2/- per square feet shall be charged annually for temporary use of Abadi land.
(3) Lease rent shall be charged at double the rate in bazaar area.
(4) The Panchayat shall prepare a survey record; prepared through a committee of three Panch has assisted by Secretary, indicating the area of Abadi land under temporary use in excess of Patta of land holder.
(5) The Panchayat shall auction such sites for temporary use of land for running shop in big religious and other fairs well in advance after through publicity.
164. Letting out of Panchayati Raj Buildings and Shops. – (1) Any Panchayati Raj Institution may let out their buildings to government offices, bank, post office etc., on rent not less than the rates assessed by the competent officer of Public Works Department.
(2) Shops and other commercial sites be leased out for not more than three years and only through open auction by Committee consisting of 3 members as under: –
(a) Chief Executive Officer, Accounts Officer and one Member of Zila Parishad nominated by Pramukh for buildings of Zila Parishad.
(b) Vikas Adhikari, Accountant and one Member of Panchayat Samiti nominated by Pradhan for immovable properties of Panchayat Samiti.
(c) committee as per Rule 151 at the Panchayat level.
(3) The agreements for leasing out such premises on rent shall include the condition of 10% increase of rental amount every year.
(4) In case the premises are not vacated after three years time limit, or it is sub-let to some other persons in violation of terms of agreement or rent is not deposited regularly, Chief Executive Officer shall get the premises vacated after giving Show Cause Notice for eviction of premises, if requested by the concerned Panchayat or Panchayat Samiti.
(5) Panchayat and Panchayat Samiti may also negotiate the matter for extending the terms of the three years, but in such case yearly increase in rent shall be 20% amount every year by mutual agreement.
165. Survey of trespassers on Panchayat Lands and removal of encroachments. – (1) Panchayat shall form a committee consisting of three Panchas assisted by Secretary to conduct survey of trespassers in Abadi Land, tank bed and grazing grounds in the months of January and July every year to detect cases of trespass on common lands.
(2) All such trespasses alongwith details of area and nature of trespass shall be entered in a register by the Secretary.
(3) Panchayat shall issue notices to such trespassers in Abadi area for eviction of land trespassed. Whenever it is brought to the notice of Panchayat on its member or secretary that a trespass is being committed, Sarpanch may issue an injunction order prohibiting trespasser to commit trespass or carry out construction failing which encroachment or construction will be removed at his risk and cost a date of hearing will be fixed when Panchayat may pass suitable order after giving the trespasser a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
(4) In case Panchayat is of the opinion that if such trespass is regularised, it shall not violate the conditions mentioned in Rule 146, it may decide to allot the trespass land on market price.
(5) All such trespass cases found on pasture land or tank bed shall be reported in writing to the Tehsildar along with Panchayat Resolution for registering cases and eviction of trespassers.
(6) Panchayat may take police assistance as per Section 110 of the Act directly or by requesting Sub-divisional Magistrate for removal of encroachment on Panchayat land.
(7) Panchayat shall ensure that all the amounts of Penalties imposed by Tehsildar on trespassers of pasture lands are deposited fully in Panchayat fund.
166. Appeals. – (1) An appeal shall lie as per Section 61 of the Act from an original order of the Panchayat confirming the sale of Abadi land under Rule 154 or transfer of Abadi land under Rule 156 or allotment of lands under Rules 157, 158 or 159 r/w Rule 160 to the Panchayat Samiti.
(2) Appeal may be filed within 30 days from the date of order appealed from, exclusive of the time requisite for obtaining a copy thereof.
167. Sale deed. – (1) After payment has been made as provided in Rule 153, the sale has been confirmed as provided in Rule 154, and the appeal if any under Rule 166 has been disposed of, or if no appeal has been preferred, the time limits prescribed therefore has expired a deed set out in Form XXIII evidencing the sale of Abadi land shall be executed on behalf of the Panchayat.
(2) Patta shall be signed by Sarpanch and Secretary jointly.
[167A. Revalidation of Sale deed, Patta or Lease deed. – Any person who desires to get revalidate Sale deed, Patta or Lease deed issued by the Panchayat, he may apply, along with original Sale deed, Patta, or Lease deed and fee, as may be specified by the State Government, from time to time, to the Panchayat for revalidation. The Panchayat may, after satisfying itself with the record of the Panchayat, revalidate the Sale deed, Patta or Lease deed, as the case may be, and make an endorsement to this effect on the Sale deed, Patta or Lease deed.]
168. Patta bahi. – (1) A record of all sales through auction, by negotiation or by allotment for which Pattas are issued shall be kept by the Panchayat in Patta Bahi maintained in Form XXIV.
(2) Panchayat shall forward a copy of Patta in the first week of every month to Vikas Adhikari. Vikas Adhikari shall maintain a Panchayat wise ledger indicating month and year alongwith number of Pattas issued by such Panchayat during the month on the basis of copy of Patta Bahi so received. Vikas Adhikari shall initial such entry as a token of verification so as to prevent to Pattas in the back dates.
(3) Panchayat Samiti shall get the Patta books printed in triplicate at their level. All such Pattas shall bear book number and serial number and a record of issue of such Patta books will be maintained Panchayatwise at Panchayat Samiti level. First copy of Patta will be issued to the allottee, second copy will be retained in Panchayat office and third copy will be sent to the Panchayat Samiti for record. Panchayat Samiti, shall keep them in safe custody.
Grazing Grounds

169. Grazing grounds. – (1) In case a common grazing ground in any village has not been placed at the disposal of any Panchayat, it shall send its proposal for the taking over or establishing a new grazing ground to the Tehsildar.
(2) On receipt of such proposal, the Tehsildar shall take action forthwith and intimate to the Panchayat about the decision taken within a period of three months from the date of the receipt of proposal from the Panchayat. If the sanction is not received by the Panchayat within a period of three months of the submission of the proposal, it may move the Vikas Adhikari who shall take steps for the allotment of grazing ground.
(3) The income from the trees and other natural produce growing on common grazing grounds shall be credited to the Panchayat fund.
(4) The Panchayat may lease out such trees or natural produce by private contract or public auction and may also sell dried, decaying and fallen trees in the aforesaid manner subject to the law for the time being in force.
(5) Cow dung on grazing grounds may also be sold out by Panchayat by private contract or public auction.
(6) A Panchayat may extend the area of a grazing ground in case of increase in the number of cattle heads in which case sanction will be applied for as in the case of establishing a new grazing ground.
(7) The pasture lands shall not be utilized for any other purpose except for grazing cattle.
(8) Where any pasture land has been occupied unlawfully by any person, or has been utilised for any other purpose, the Panchayat shall make an application to the Tehsildar concerned under the law for the time being in force on the basis of survey record prepared as per Rule 165.
170. Development of grazing grounds. – (1) It shall be duty of the Panchayats to take all steps for development of suitable type of grasses, shrubs and plants in grazing grounds and prevent encroachments. For this purpose Panchayat shall give control of Charagah land of each village to [a five members committee] headed by a Ward Panch of the village concerned and four members to be elected by Gram Sabha.
(2) Grasses from closed area may be sold through open auction or private contract.
(3) Funds of development schemes may be utilised for labour intensive works of development of grazing grounds.
171. Grazing charges. – A Panchayat may charge such fees for grazing of cattle as it may by a resolution determine but the fee shall not exceed the rates specified below:
(i) Buffaloes, Cows, Camels, Horse per cattle head Rs. 10/- [per month]
(ii) Goats, Sheep and other animals per cattle head Rs. 5/- [per month]
Water Reservoirs
172. Water reservoirs. – (1) It shall be duty of Panchayats to raise maximum own income from such water tanks/reservoirs which have been handed over or may be handed over to them.
(2) The Panchayats may lease out tank water for fisheries development, Singhada cultivation, Kamal Jad production and sale of natural produce of trees on Tank banks by private contract or public auction.
(3) Tank Bed Cultivation may also be given through public auction or private contract after competitive bidding. Desalting contracts of anicuts may also be given to cultivators to increase own income.
(4) Panchayat shall also recover irrigation charges as per water rates fixed by Zila Parishad or Irrigation Departments in case irrigation is also done through water reservoirs in Panchayat area.
(5) All such income shall be credited to Panchayat fund.
Agricultural Farms and Orchards

173. Agricultural lands. – (1) The Panchayati Raj Institutions having their own agricultural land, may lease out such lands through public auction.
(2) The Panchayats having mango trees or such other orchards shall also lease them out on annual contract basis through public auction.
(3) The contractors shall be given only for a period of one year for Kharif and Rabi seasons.
(4) Contractor shall vacate the farm and remove the agricultural produce latest by Akshaya Tritya. This fact may be mentioned in the terms of the contract.
(5) A portion of the agricultural farm should be kept reserved for agricultural demonstration and social forestry.
(6) Auction shall be held on a near 15th of May every year in the presence of an auction committee consisting of Chief Executive Officer, Tehsildar and Vikas Adhikari.
(7) While allotting contracts, preference shall be given to Government Departments or organisations, like Rajasthan State Seed Corporation, National Seed Corporation, NAFED etc.

CHAPTER 9A,  change of use of land in abadi area 

173A. Change of use of land in abadi area on payment of conversion charges. – (1) Any person who intends to use any land held by him in abadi area of a village for the purpose other than that for which the same was,-
(i) originally allotted or sold by the State Government, any Panchayat, any other local authority or any other body or authority in accordance with law for the time being in force; or
(ii) being used on or before 5th June, 2015 (i.e. on or before the commencement of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj (Third Amendment) Act, 2015 (Act No. 28 of 2015)) and not covered under clause (i);
may apply in Form XLVIII to the Officer or Authority authorised by the State Government:
Provided that where a land was allotted or sold by the State Government, any Panchayat, any other local authority or any other body or authority for the purposes of residential use at concessional rate or free of cost, use of such land shall not be allowed to be changed.
Provided further that the change of use of land for the establishment of Tourism unit or Heritage Hotel shall be governed by the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj (Allotment, Change of Use of Land and Regularization of Abadi Land in Panchayat Area for Tourism Units) Rules, 2015.
(2) The Officer or Authority, authorized by the State Government, on receipt of such application shall invite objections from the persons of the locality around the land of which change of use is sought by affixing a notice on conspicuous place of locality, notice board of the Panchayat and the office of such Officer or Authority and by announcing the same in the neighborhood by beat of drum or any amplifying device. The notice shall also be published in newspaper having vide circulation in the locality.
(3) Such notice shall specify a date, not being less than thirty days, by which objections may be filed.
(4) If any objection is filed within the specified period, such Officer or Authority shall consider the objection and providing an opportunity of being heard to the objector and the applicant and pass an order rejecting or accepting the objection. Where objection is accepted the application for change of use of such land shall be rejected and where objection is rejected, the said officer or authority shall allow the desired change of use of such land as per . sub-section (3) of section 107-A of the Act.
(5) The conversion charges payable for conversion of residential abadi land for non-resic ential purposes shall be as under:
S.N. Purpose
1 2
1. Commercial purpose
Rs. 10/- per sq. mtrs. or 10% amount of the DLC rate of residential abadi land, whichever is higher.
2. Industrial Area/Industrial /Industrial Estate-purpose Rs.5/- per sq. mts. or 5% amount of the DLC rate of residential abadi land, whichever is higher.
3. Public Utility purpose
Without conversion charges upto 1000 sq. meters and for exceeding 1000 sqr. meters Rs.5/- per sq. meters or 5% of DLC rate, whichever is higher.
4. Institutional purpose
Rs.5/- per sq. mts. or 5% of DLC rate of residential abadi land, whichever is higher.
5. Medical Facilities purpose
Rs.10/- per sq. mts. or 10% DLC rate of residential abadi land, whichever is higher.
6. establishment of solar or wind power plant 10 percent of the rates prescribed For industrial purpose
(6) If a person intends to change of use of land held by him from any non residential purpose to any other non-residential purpose, he shall submit an application in Form XLVIII to the Officer or Authority authorised by the State Government along with a receipt of deposit of difference amount of conversion charges, if any:
Provided that the amount already deposited shall not be refunded, in any case.
(7) If a person intends to change of use of land from any other purposes to residential purpose, he may apply to the Officer or Authority authorised by the State Government in Form XLVIII. Such application shall be considered by such Officer or Authority and if found in order, he may order for change of use of land. No conversion charges shall be payable for such change of use of land.
(8) The conversion charges shall be exempted fully or partially in following cases, namely: –
(i) No conversion charges shall be payable by any department of the Central Government or State Government or a local authority for change of use of land for non-residential or any official use;
(ii) Fifty percent of the conversion charges shall be payable in case of change of use of land for establishment of eligible unit as approved by the specified authority under the provisions of the Rajasthan Investment Promotion Scheme, 2003;
(iii) Fifty percent of the conversion charges shall be payable in case of change of use of land for establishment of enterprise, for modernization, expansion or diversification of existing enterprise or for revival of sick industrial enterprise holding a valid entitlement certificate under the “provisions of the Rajasthan Investment Promotion Scheme, 2010; and
(iv) No conversion charges shall be payable in case of change of use of land, on recommendation of the Department of Technical Education, for the purpose of establishment of technical education institution.
(9) Where the Officer1 or Authority authorised by the State Government allows the application and passes order for such change of use of land, such Officer or Authority shall also issue notice to the applicant to deposit, within thirty days, the conversion charges for desired change of use of land and also other dues, if any.
(10) Whenever the applicant deposits the required charges and also other dues, if any, within the period specified in the notice issued under sub-rule (9), the Officer or Authority authorised by the State Government shall proceed to grant him permission for change of use of abadi land in Form XLIX.
(11) Where the applicant fails to deposit the amount within the period specified in sub-rule (9), the Officer or Authority shall order for rejection of the application.
(12) Where, on the representation of the applicant, the State Government is satisfied with the reasons given by the applicant and holds a view that delay needs to be condoned, it may order for restoration of the application and issue direction for grant of permission if the applicant deposits the required amount of conversion charges for change of use of land within seven days of such order:
Provided that no such representation shall be entertained if made after a lapse of 180 days from the date of order made under sub-rule (11).
(13) Whenever an order under sub-rule (12) is passed and required amount of conversion charges or other dues, if any, are deposited by the applicant within the period specified in the said order, the Officer or Authority authorised by the State Government shall grant him permission for change of use of land in Form XLIX.
(14) Soon upon the receipt of permission granted under sub-rule (10) or (13), as the case may be, and verifying the fact of depositing the amount of charges, the Panchayat shall issue a fresh lease deed in Form L by superseding the earlier lease deed or patta, as the case may be.
173B. Manner in which permission for sub-division and re-constitution of plots may be obtained. – (1) Any person who intends to sub-divide or reconstitute his plot or plots situated in abadi area of a village, shall obtain permission of the Officer or Authority authorised by the State Government. Application for permission shall be made in Form LI.
(2) The application under sub-rule (1) shall be accompanied by proof for satisfaction of the Officer or Authority authorised by the State Government that plot or plots of the land intended to be subdivided or reconstituted belongs to the applicant and the land is a abadi land of the village.
(3) The site plan and key map of such plot or plots of land, which shall be drawn to a suitable scale showing boundaries of aforesaid land and the adjoining areas with plot numbers or khasara numbers, as the case may be, shall be enclosed.
(4) Existing structures, kachcha or pucca and use to which they are put, roads and access to the proposed site should be mentioned in the details of said plan.
(5) Other existing physical features such as nallah, water bodies, well, electric, telephone, water supply lines and sever lines, if any, should also be indicated on the site plan as an additional information.
(6) The north direction of plot or plots should be clearly indicated on the site plan as well as the scale thereof and index of notations etc. •
(7) The proposed uses of land should be clearly stated in the application or separately appended as a land use schedule providing therein,-
(i) the sizes of plots, their setbacks;
(ii) right of way to roads with width of the pavement; and
(iii) open spaces, if any, in the vicinity;
(8) In addition to the above, the applicant shall also furnish such other information as may be required by the Officer or Authority authorised by the State Government.
(9) The application for sub-division or reconstitution of the plot or plots in the abadi area of a village shall be disposed of by the Officer or Authority authorized by the State Government within forty five days from the date of receipt of the application.
(10) When the application for the sub-division or reconstitution is allowed, the Officer or Authority passing the order for approval of sub-division or reconstitution ask the applicant to deposit charges as specified in rule 173-D, within thirty days and when such charges are deposited, such Officer or Authority shall grant permission for the sub-division and reconstitution of the plot 01 plots in Form LII to which the approved plan of sub-division or reconstitution shall be appended, duly authenticated.
(11) if the charges required to be paid is not deposited by the applicant within the period specified in sub-rule (10) the application shall be rejected.
(12) Where the application for sub-division or reconstitution is rejected owing to default in depositing the amount of charges within a stipulated period, the order of rejection passed by the Officer or Authority authorised by the State Government may be revoked by the State Government if an application is filed within 90 days from the date of rejection. While revoking the order of rejection and allowing the application for sub-division or the reconstitution, the State Government may impose a penalty, as it may deem fit, not exceeding rupees fifty thousand, such officer or authority shall grant permission in Form LII in compliance of the order of the State Government.
173C. Terms and conditions subject to which the subdivision or re-constitution of plot or plots may be allowed. – (1) No plot which is intended for residential purpose shall be less than 30 sqr. meters and more than 1000 sqr. meters while being considered for sub-division or reconstitution.
(2) No plot which is commercial or intended to be used for commercial purpose shall be less than 10 sqr. meters and more than 1000 sqr. meters while being considered for sub-division or reconstitution.
(3) No sub-division or reconstitution of plot or plots shall be allowed in the abadi area of a village if such sub-division or reconstitution is contrary to any scheme or plan, if any, in operation in the Panchayat circle or falls within the ambit of restrictions imposed by the State Government by any general or special order keeping in view the density of population in the abadi area.
(4) No plot, which was allotted or granted free of cost or at concessional rate by the Panchayat, shall be permitted to be subdivided or reconstituted.
173D. Charges to be levied on sub-division or reconstitution of plots. – The rates of charges to be levied for subdivision or reconstitution of plots shall be rupees five per sq, mtrs. or two percent amount of the prevailing rates recommended by the District Level Committee constituted under the Rajasthan Stamp Rules, 2004 for residential abadi land, whichever is higher.
173E. Appeal. – (1) Any person aggrieved by an order passed under sub-rule (4) and sub-rule (7) of rule 173-A made by the Officer or Authority authorised by the State Government may prefer an appeal within sixty days from the date of order to the [***] State Government.
(2) Such appeal shall be accompanied by a fee of rupees five hundred which shall be deposited with the panchayat concerned and a photo copy of the receipt shall be enclosed with the appeal as a proof of depositing the fee.
(3) The decision of the [State Government] on such appeal shall be final.
173F. Every allotment, sale or other transfer of land shall be for specified purpose. – Every allotment, sale or otherwise transfer of land in abadi area of a village shall be made for specified use and such use of land shall clearly and invariably be mentioned in the Patta or other document evidencing such allotment, sale or otherwise transfer.
173G. Maintenance of record of abadi land. – Every Panchayat shall maintain record of abadi land situated within the Panchayat area of a village in Form LIII.
173H. This chapter to have overriding effect. – The provisions of this chapter shall have overriding effect notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in these rules.
Explanations. – For the purposes of this chapter,-
(a) “allotment” means allotment of abadi land and shall include regularisation thereof;
(b) “application” means a completed application submitted to the Authority or Officer concerned, along with required documents and charges, if any;
(c) “Commercial purpose” means the use of any premises for any trade or commerce or business, which shall include a shop, commercial establishment, bank, office, guest house , hostel, hotel, restaurant, dhaba(whether pucca or temporary structure), show-room, cinema, multiplex, petrol pump, weigh bridge, godown, workshop or any other commercial activity and shall also include the use thereof partly for residential and partly for commercial purposes but shall not include tourism units;
(d) “Institutional purpose” means the use of any premises or an open area by any establishment, organization or association for the promotion of some object specially of general utility, charitable, educational or like nature, except public utility purpose;
(e) “Public Utility purpose” means dharmshala, religious place, gaushala or public park;
(f) “Medical Facilities purpose” shall include Clinics, Dispensaries, Medical hospitals, Diagnostic centers and Nursing-homes.

CHAPTER 10, Works, Contracts and Purchases

174. Annual Auction Plan by Panchayati Raj Institutions. – (1) Panchayati Raj Institution shall prepare an annual action plan equivalent to value of 125 percent of its share of funds allocated in the preceding year before beginning of each financial year, preferably in the Gram Sabha meeting held in the last quarter of the financial year. No work can be taken up unless it forms the part of the Annual Action Plan.
(2) While preparing the annual action plan, completion of the incomplete works shall be given priority over the taking up of new works. No work shall be taken up which cannot be completed within two financial years.
(3) While preparing the plan of works, care shall be taken to safeguard the interests of the weaker section in the village and priority shall be given to works benefiting the Schedule Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Women and other Weaker Sections of the village society.
(4) Only those works may be taken up whose size, cost and nature are such that they may be implemented at the local level, and labour intensive and cost effective and do not involving high level of technical inputs.
(5) Works taken up should be of durable nature and should meet appropriate technical standards and specifications.
175. Estimates and schedule of rates. – (1) Panchayati Raj Institution concerned shall get the plan, design or specification and the estimate of the cost of works likely to be incurred in the execution thereof, prepared through qualified overseer or engineer or through any other agency.
(2) Panchayati Raj Institution may prepare such estimate on the basis of schedule of rates given in directives issued by Zila Parishad/DRDA from time to time.
(3) Estimates shall be technically approved by officers mentioned in Sub-rule (2) of Rule 176.
176. Sanction of works. – (1) If the estimate of the plan design or specification so prepared does not exceed the limit prescribed by the Government, the Panchayat may, subject to the availability of funds at its disposal, sanction by its resolution, the execution of the work.
(2) Technical approval shall be accorded by the competent authority prescribed by the Government from time to time.
(3) In order to facilitate the technical scrutiny of the plan of action of the Panchayati Raj Institutions, Zila Parishad/DRDA may prepare and approve standard signs and cost estimates of those items of works which are generally taken up by the Panchayati Raj Institutions.
(4) Works may be executed by Panchayati Raj Institutions on the basis of approved cost norms and sanctions issued by State Government from time to time.
177. Executive of works. – (1) The execution of work sanctioned under Sub-rule (4), of Rule 176, shall subject to the provisions of this rule, be mainly the responsibility of Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti.
(2) The execution of work shall not be commenced until: –
(a) it has been duly sanctioned,
(b) necessary funds for the same are available or have been made available,
(c) technical approval has been obtained as per Rule 176(2) or 176(3).
(3) Junior Engineer of Panchayat Samiti shall be responsible for site inspection of the works executed by Panchayats and Panchayati Samiti at plinth level, roof level and on completion to ensure quality of construction and technical specifications of the works. The details of measurements of works shall be entered in the measurement book kept for this purpose.
(4) Committee of Panchas/Members may be entrusted with the supervisions of execution of such works on site.
(5) Vikas Adhikari shall physically verify 10% works on site and Chief Executive Officer shall check at least 10% works every month during inspection of Panchayat/Panchayat Samitis.
178. Completion Certificate. – (1) It shall be the duty of Panchayati Raj Institution concerned to report the completion of work within a week for issue of completion certificate.
(2) Technical Officer competent to issue completion certificate shall visit the work within one month and issue the same.
(3) Completion certificate shall be signed by the Sarpanch and Junior Engineer both.
179. Periodical Progress Report. – (1) A monthly progress report shall be prepared indicating work wise amount sanctioned, expenditure during the month, cumulative expenditure, physical progress, percentage expenditure on wages/ material, employment of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Women /Landless labour.
(2) Such report shall be sent to next higher authority and Zila Parishad/DRDA.
180. Register of works. – (1) Every Panchayati Raj Institution shall keep a register of works in Form XXV for each work undertaken by it.
(2) Separate file shall be maintained for each work which will contain a copy of sanction, estimate, plan etc., of the work concerned.
(3) A separate register shall also be maintained for public contributions received for each work.
181. Ban on contractors. – (1) Panchayati Raj Institution concerned shall not execute any work through contractors. No middleman shall be engaged so that full benefit of wages to be paid reach the workers.
(2) Panchayati Raj Institutions may however procure material on contract basis for such works after following the procedure for inviting tenders for purchase of construction material.
Contracts and Deeds
182. Contracts by the execution of deeds on behalf of Panchayati Raj Institutions. – (1) All contracts made by a Panchayati Raj Institution or on its behalf shall be expressed to be made in the name of such Panchayati Raj Institution.
(2) They shall be verified and signed by Sarpanch and Secretary jointly on behalf of Panchayat, Pradhan and Vikas Adhikari jointly on behalf of Panchayat Samiti, Pramukh and Chief Executive Officer jointly on behalf of Zila Parishad.
[182A. Detailed procedure for works. – In planning, sanction and execution of works, every Panchayati Raj Institution and any other executing agency shall follow the procedure and directions as specified in Gramin Karya Nirdeshika issued by the State Government.]
[183. Procurement of materials and services.] – (1) The Panchayati Raj Institution shall procure cement, lime stones, bricks, stone slabs, bajri, wood etc., required for construction works [or other articles or services] at the lowest prices.
[(la) An Annual Action Plan for procurement of materials and services by the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned shall be finalized by 31st January every year or by any other date as may be decided by the State Government in this behalf’ and shall be displayed on the Notice Board of the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned and on the official website of the district concerned.
(1b) Every Panchayat Samiti shall determine the Basic Schedule of Rates, hereinafter referred to as the BSR, of the materials and services to be procured by a Gram Panchayat within its jurisdiction. Such BSR shall be prepared at least once in a year by 15th February or by any other date as may be decided by the State Government. The BSR shall be finalized by a committee consisting of the following, namely:-
(i) Block Development Officer
(ii) Assistant Engineer working in the Panchayat Samiti Office   Member Secretary
(iii) Assistant Engineer, Public Works Department of the Panchayat Samiti area  concerned
(iv) Assistant Engineer, Water Resources Department of the Panchayat Samiti area concerned
(v) Accountant or Junior Accountant of the Panchayat Samiti   Member
(vi) Gazetted Officer working at Panchayat Samiti headquarters nominated by the District Collector/District Program Co-ordinator Member
Note. – In the event of the post of Assistant Engineer, Panchayat Samiti being vacant, the Block Development Officer shall co-opt a other Assistant Engineer working in another department within the area of the Panchayat Samiti.
(1c) Approval of the BSR, finalized by the committee constituted under subrule (lb), shall be obtained from the District Level Rate Finalization Committee consisting of the following, namely:-
(i) District Collector
(ii) Chief Executive Officer, Zila Parishad   Member
(iii) District Level Officer of the Public Works Department   Member
(iv) District Level Officer of the Water Resources Department   Member
(v) District Level Officer of the Forest Department   Member
(vi) Executive Engineer, Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
(vii) Senior most functionary of the Industries Department working at the District Headquarter
(viii) Executive Engineer, Engineering of the Zila Parishad   Member Secretary]
(2) Material should be of good quality as per specifications and I.S.I. mark if it is a standard item.
(3) Material shall be purchased from manufacturer or wholesale supplier directly rather than through a contractor or a middleman.
(4) Panchayati Raj Institution may assess the demand for such material required during the year and may invite open tenders if the total value exceeds Rs. 30,000/-.
(5) Purchase may be avoided to be made in small parts.
[(6) Tenderer must be a dealer registered under the Rajasthan Value Added Tax Act, 2003 (Act No. 4 of 2003). The Tenderer must mention his registration number (TIN) in the tender and enclose a copy of tax clearance certificate issued by the concerned Assessing Officer, failing which the tender shall be rejected.]
[[184. Procurement to be made by tenders.] – (1) No tenders shall be required if purchase amount is less than Rs. 3001/-, and it may be done on single quotation basis or on rate contract approved by Central/State Government of Zila Parishad.
(2) If amount of purchase is more than Rs. 3000/- but up to Rs. 50,000/- it may be made on limited tender basis by inviting competitive rates from not less than three suppliers dealing in such material.
(3) Open tenders shall be invited in sealed cover, if amount of purchase exceeds Rs. 50,000/-.
[4. The Gram Panchayat shall follow the following procedure for procurement of materials and services, namely:-
(a) The materials and services to be procured by the Gram Panchayat concerned through limited or open tender shall not ordinarily exceed the latest Basic Schedule of Rates as finalized under the provisions of sub-rule (1b) and (1c) of Rule 183.
(b) In case where the rates of items invited at the Panchayat level through limited or open tender is up to 10% in excess of the latest Basic Schedule of Rates, the dram Panchayat concerned shall refer such matters to the Panchayat Samiti within a maximum period of one week and such case shall be examined by the Rate Finalization Committee constituted under sub-rule (lb) of Rule 183 and the decision of such Committee shall be final,
(c) In cases where the rates of items invited at the Panchayat level through limited or open tender is more than 10% but up to 25%, the same shall be referred by the Committee constituted under sub-rule (lb) Rule 183 to the District Collector alongwith its comments recommendations within a maximum period of one week. The reference so received shall be examined by the District Level Rate Finalization Committee constituted under sub-rule (lc) of Rule 183. The committee shall examine all such matters referred to it and decide the same within a maximum period of 10 days.]
Note -The limited tender will be allowed up to the limit of Rs. 50,000/- in each case up to an annual limit of Rs. 20,000/-.]
185. Notice inviting tenders. – (1) The notice inviting open tenders in sealed cover shall be issued specifying: –
(a) Articles required, quantity, specifications as regards quality and approximate value and other necessary details e.g., rates may be quoted for each item or in groups etc.
(b) The date and time of submission of tenders in the office of Panchayati Raj Institution concerned.
(c) 2% earnest money of the estimated value to be deposited with the tender.
(d) The date and time at which the tenders will be opened.
(e) Authority competent to accept the tender or reject without assigning any reason therefor.
(2) A copy of such tender notice in Hindi shall be pasted at the office of the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned and such other places as may be deemed fit and copies shall also be sent to reputed firms, dealers and suppliers.
(3) Advertisement shall be sent in at least one news paper having wide circulation in the district.
[(4) The period of notice shall be as under: –
(a) 10 days, if tender amount is more than Rs. 50,000/- but up to Rs. 5,00,000/-:
(b) 15 days, if tender amount is more than Rs. 5,00,000/- but up to Rs. 10,00,000/-;
(c) 30 days, if tender amount is more than Rs. 10,00,000/-;
Provided than in case of urgent requirement which shall be recorded in writing the purchase committee and committee at the level of department, may reduce the period of notice for open tender from 30 days to 20 days and from 15 days to 10 days.]
186. Opening of tenders. – (1) On, but not before the date and time specified in the notice, tenders shall be opened by purchase committee in the office of Panchayati Raj Institution concerned in the presence of such tenderers or their representative as may be present at that time. It shall be verified that seals are intact and date and time of opening shall be endorsed on each tender by the officers present by signing the tender.
[Provided that the meeting of the Purchase Committee, constituted under , clause (a) of sub-rule (2) may be held at the Gram Panchayat or Panchayat Samiti office.]
(2) Purchase Committee shall be constituted as under: –
(a) Panchayat level: –
(i) Sarpanch (Chairman)
(ii) Up-Sarpanch
(iii) Chairman of vigilance committee.
(iv) Secretary.
[(v) Junior Fngineer of Panchayat Sanjili
(vi) Accountant or Junior Accountant of Panchayat Samiti
A Gram Panchayat shall procure materials and services through such a Purchase Committee. To constitute the quorum of the committee, the presence of the Junior Engineer and Accountant or Junior Accountant of the Panchayat Samiti, Sarpanch and Secretary of Gram Panchayat shall be essential.]
(b) Panchayat Samiti level: –
(i) Pradhan (Chairman)
(ii) Vikas Adhikari
(iii) Junior Engineer
(iv) Senior most Account Official of Panchayat Samiti
(c) Zila Parishad level: –
(Rates contracts for purchase of furniture, stationery, school articles and office items).
(i) Pramukh (Chairman)
(ii) Chief Executive Officer
(iii) Accounts Officers/Assistant Accounts Officer of Zila Parishad or Treasury Officer of the district
(iv) An officer nominated by Collector
(v) Two Vikas Adhikaris of the districts.
(3) All the tenders except those which are rejected due to reasons recorded thereon, shall be tabulated, scrutinized and comparative statement of item wise rates shall be prepared.
187. Rejection of Tenders. – Tenders received after the due date and time, or which do not fulfill the requirements of notice issued under Rule 185 or with which no earnest money has been deposited within due time, or which are otherwise not in order shall ordinarily be rejected.
188. Acceptance of Tenders. – (1) All tenders which upon being opened by the Committee are found to be in order and are not rejected under Rule 187 shall be placed for final approval by the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned.
(2) Lowest tender shall ordinarily be accepted and where it is considered necessary to reject the lowest tender, the reasons therefor shall be recorded in writing.
(3) When the tender is in respect of more than one articles for example stationery article or construction materials, the comparative prices can be considered either individually for each article or conjointly for all articles or for specified groups of article, so long as the sum total of the tender, accepted is the lowest, provided that the intention of the Panchayati Raj Institution to select the lowest tender in any of these ways is made in the tender notice.
(4) If the tender is considered conjointly for all articles or for groups of articles, the cost of the probable requirements in respect of all the articles or of all the articles in each group, as the case may be, shall be worked out with reference to the rates given in each tender and the lowest tender will be that according to which the total cost of the probable requirements of all the articles proposed to be taken together works out to be the least.
(5) Panchayat Samiti may finalise rates for purchase of construction material at their level and circulate such rates list for guidance of Panchayats within their jurisdiction who may procure those items locally on the same rates but in no case higher than such rates.
(6) Where the capacity for supply and the integrity of the tenderer are not known, his tender need to necessarily be rejected, and such additional security or bank guarantee may be taken from such tenderer as deemed necessary.
189. Calling upon fresh tenders. – If no tender is accepted and it is found necessary to purchase materials, goods or stores, fresh tender shall be invited according to the procedure laid down in the foregoing rules.
[190. Purchase from Co-operative Societies. – If price is reasonable and quality is satisfactory, purchase shall be preferably made from the following registered Co-operative Societies of the area concerned, namely :-
(1) Gram Sewa Sahakari Samiti Limited,
(2) Kray Vikray Sahakari Samiti Limited,
(3) Zila Sahakari Upbhokta Bhandar Limited. ]
191. Agreement. – (1) When a tender is accepted, a deed of agreement in Form No. XXVI with such variation as the circumstances of the case may require, will be executed by the person whose tender is accepted.
(2) Such deed shall include a clear statement of the conditions under which the contract is given, and shall specify the penalty to which the tenderer shall be liable for breach of any of those conditions.
192. Exemption from Purchase Rules. – Nothing contained in Rule 183 to 191 shall apply to the purchase of: –
(a) Controlled articles at controlled rates through a permit issued on the orders of the State Government, by their agents,
(b) Articles from any institution run by the State Government,
(c) Articles on rate contract of the Central Government, State Government, or Zila Parishad for the district,
(d) Any article which is permitted to be purchased by any general or special order of the State Government without inviting tenders or quotations.

CHAPTER 11, Budget, Accounts and Audit

193. Budget – The budget is a statement of the estimate of the receipts and expenditure of a Panchayati Raj Institution for any year.
194. Preparation of a budget. – (1) Budget estimates shall be prepared by Secretary for Panchayat, Vikas Adhikari for the Panchayat Samiti and Chief Executive Officer for Zila Parishad and presented in the general meeting of the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned by 15th February. In case of a Panchayat, budget shall also be placed before Gram Sabha as provided in Sub-Section 4 of Section 3 of the Act.
(2) The budget shall contain probable estimate of receipts and expenditure during each financial year and shall provide for provisions as mentioned in Section 74 of the Act and should be as close and accurate as possible.
(3) The sums to be provided in the estimates of receipt and expenditure under a particular head of account must be such as can be reasonably expected to be received or expended during the year and must include the receipt or payments of arrears during that year.
(4) Budget shall be prepared in prescribed Form No. XXVII for Panchayat and Form No. XXVIII for Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad.
195. Contents of Budget. – (1) The budget among other things should contain adequate and suitable provisions for: –
(a) opening balance in its funds, and estimated income of the Panchayati Raj Institution for the budget year.
(b) estimated income shall be separately indicated for :
(i) own income from
(a) Tax Revenue
(b) Non-Tax Revenues like fees, penalties, fairs, income from sale of land, temporary use of land, kine house, grazing grounds, water reservoirs, agricultural farms, orchards, bone contracts, rental income from shops and buildings, etc.
(ii) Grant-in-aid from State Government under different heads like share against land revenue, maintenance grant, development grant, establishment grant, incentive grant, matching share, education, rural sanitation, housing, improved chulha, water supply and cleaning and general purpose grant;
(iii) Receipts from Central Government through District Rural Development Agency for Rural Development Works and Employment generation,
(c) expenditure proposed on establishment and discharge of their duties under the Act and Rules. Estimates should be :-
(i) for existing expenditure and for
(ii) new expenditure separately indicating special reasons for new items.
(d) Due discharge of all liabilities in respect of loans and for all other commitments like refunds etc.
(e) Working balance not less than 20% of the estimated receipts of own income for the year.
(2) Budget shall also contain :
(i) Actuals of the previous year as compared with original estimates for that year;
(ii) Revised estimates for the current year as compared with the original estimates for that year; and
(iii) Budget estimates for the ensuing year as compared with the original or revised estimates for the current year.
196. Budget Calendar. – The following programme shall be adhered to strictly in preparation and scrutiny of the budget estimates :
(a) Last date for finalising the budget and passing by respective Panchayati Raj Institution.
15th February
(b) Last date for submission to next higher authority as provided in Sub-Section (4) of Section 74 of the Act.
28th February
(c) Last date for returning the budget estimates by sanctioning authority. 20th March.
197. Sanction of budget. – (1) Sanctioning authority except points as mentioned in Sub-Section (4) of Section 74 of the Act, shall also scrutinize the following:
(i) provisions contained in Rules 194 and 195 have been followed in preparation of the budget,
(ii) the estimate of receipt and expenditure is correct and provided for the collection of loans outstanding or falling due during the budget year,
(iii) the income from sale of Abadi and is not utilised on establishment charges,
(iv) the recommendations of the Panchayat and Development Department issued from time to time have been duly considered in framing the budget,
(v) provision has been made for obligatory charges like sanitation, electricity, water, rural roads, maintenance and repairs of school buildings and development activities etc., in Panchayat budgets and provision for pay and allowances, contingencies development works as well as repayment of loans, if any, in Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad budgets.
(vi) variations between the figures of the budget year and those of the previous year have been adequately explained.
(2) The sanctioning authority shall sanction the budget with or without modifications, as it thinks fit, after satisfying on the points mentioned in Sub-rule 1.
(3) The sanctioned budget shall be returned to the respective Panchayati Raj Institution on or before 20th March.
198. Estimate for establishment. – Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad shall also separately prepare estimate of expenditure on establishment indicating :
(i) sanctioned strength cader wise, pay scale, rate of pay, dearness allowance, increments which will fall due during the currency of the budget year.
(ii) probable savings due to vacancies.
199. Re-appropriation from one budget head to other. – The amount provided under any head in the budget passed for a financial year, may be transferred wholly or partly to any other head subject to following conditions –
(i) That due provision is ensured for services or liabilities which it is obligatory for a Panchayati Raj Institution to execute, maintain or pay for in accordance with the Act or rule made thereunder,
(ii) That Panchayat has obtained the approval of Gram sabha for transferring un-utilised budget of previously sanctioned works for new works in lieu of un-spent balances during the year,
(iii) That grant-in-aid from the State Government/Central Government is spent on the purposes for which it has been sanctioned.
(iv) That amount of one major head is not transferred to other major head.
200. Non-budgeted expenditure to be incurred with permission. – (1) No Panchayati Raj Institution shall incur any item of expenditure not included in the sanctioned budget or in excess of the budget allotment without the prior permission of the sanctioning authority, Supplementary/revised budget may be prepared for such expenditure.
(2) Care shall be taken to see that budget limits are not exceeded.
201. Quarterly Review. – Panchayati Raj Institution shall get prepared a quarterly statement of budget provision and cumulative expenditure on each head and place it in the meeting to be held in the months of April, July, October and January every year along with physical targets and achievements as well as reasons for slow pace of expenditure, if any.

202. Assessment and collection of Revenue. – (1) It shall be duty of the Head of office of a Panchayati Raj Institution to ensure proper maintenance of accounts of revenue as well as expenditure.
(2) Head of office shall also be responsible for timely receipt and collection of revenues, he shall ensure that dues are correctly and regularly assessed, collected and promptly credited to the fund, he will accordingly arrange to obtain from all the sources where revenue arises, returns regarding the progress of realisation and cause them to be noted in the demand and Collection Register in Form No. VI.
203. Checks to leakage of revenue. – In order to ensure that all the revenue collected is correctly brought to account and there is no leakage, the head of office will see that adequate checks are exercised and may, for this purpose, arrange to have test inspections of account of receipt carried out.
204. Revenue arrears. – No amount due to the Panchayati Raj Institution shall be left outstanding without sufficient reasons and where such dues appear to be irrecoverable, the orders of the competent authority for their adjustment, remission, reduction of demand or write off must be sought without any avoidable delay.
205. Credit to follow actual realisation. – No sum may be credited as revenue unless it has been actually realised.
206. Deposit in P.D. Account/Bank or Post Office. – (1) All amounts received in Panchayat Office shall be deposited in Post Office or Bank.
(2) All amounts received by Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad shall be deposited in P.D. Account in Government Sub-Treasury/Treasury.
(3) All grants from the State Government shall be transferred to P.D. Account to concerned Zila Parishad on quarterly basis.
(4) The Chief Executive Officer shall ensure that share of respective Panchayats/Panchayat Samitis is transferred to their accounts promptly.

207. Drawal of money. – Money will not be drawn from the fund unless it is required for immediate disbursement, on an item of expenditure under any rule or on a specific order of the competent authority.
208. Standard of financial propriety. – Head of office of any Panchayati Raj Institution should be guided by established standards of financial propriety and must exercise the same vigilance as a person of ordinary prudence would exercise in respect of expenditure of his own money.
209. Liability not to be incurred without budget provision. – No authority will incur expenditure or enter into any liability unless there is a budget provision for it and the expenditure has been sanctioned by the competent authority.
210. Control of expenditure. – Head of office must see that not only the total expenditure is kept within the limits of authorised appropriation, but also the funds allotted are expended in the interest and service of the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned and upon objects for which provision has been made. In order to exercise proper control, he should keep himself closely acquainted with the progress of expenditure, commitments and liabilities incurred but not paid.
211. Drawal of funds. – (1) Money shall be drawn only through cheques. Payment to third parties for the amount exceeding Rs. 1,000/- shall also be made through [account payee] cheques. Parties may obtain payment direct from bank/Treasury/Sub-treasury. A reference to cheque number and date will invariably be given on the concerned bill so that no double payment of the same bill may be made.
(2) Head of office shall be personally responsible to draw only such amount through cheque which has been passed in the bills authorised in the meeting by competent sanction. In no case there shall be excess drawl of money:
Provided that when cheque require joint signatures, and it is not possible to obtain signature of Sarpanch/Pradhan/Pramukh for more than ten days but payments are to be made urgently, Vikas Adhikari may sign cheques in place of Sarpanch, Chief Executive Officer in place of Pradhan and Collector in place of Pramukh but reasons therefor shall be recorded in writing as regards urgency for such payments.
(3) Imprest money as permanent advance for unforeseen contingent expenditure shall also be authorised by respective Panchayati Raj Institution under Sub-Section (3) of Section 64 but it should normally be as under: –
(a) Panchayat ……[Rs. 10000/-]
(b) PanchayatSamiti/Zila Parishad ………[Rs. 25,000/-]
[The aforementioned amount shall, in addition to the provisions mentioned in the General Finance and Accounts Rules related to unforeseen contingent expenditure, may also be spent on such items related to construction works in respect of which payment cannot be made by Account Payee cheque but in all such cases the reasons for not making the payment by Account Payee cheque shall be recorded in the relevant record of the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned. After having recorded the reasons as above, the imprest amount may be withdrawn through Bearer cheques.]
Person having custody of permanent advance shall acknowledge receipt of such advance on first of April every year.
(4) Head of office shall physically verify at the end of the month that any money in excess of the aforesaid limits are deposited back into the P.D. Account/Bank.
[(5) Head of the Office/Sarpanch/Secretary/Cashier of the Panchayati Raj Institution shall be personally liable, if the cash balance in the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned exceeds the limit prescribed above, at the end of month. In such case, they shall be jointly liable to pay the interest @ 18% per annum on such excess amount. The amount of the interest so payable shall be recovered equally from Head of the Office/Sarpanch and Secretary/Cashier.]
212. GPF/State Insurance/LIC deductions etc. – (1) The duty of making proper deductions from pay bills on account of Provident Fund, State Insurance, Income Tax, Life Insurance and House Rent deductions etc., shall devolve on the drawer of the bill.
(2) No Vikas Adhikari shall draw cash against GRE, State Insurance, Life Insurance, Income Tax deductions from salaries of employee. He shall get such cheques prepared alongwith salary bills in the name of Director State Insurance/G.P.E./Income Tax Officer/L.I.C. branch simultaneously and dispatch during first week of the month. Vikas Adhikari concerned shall be held personally liable for violation of such procedure.
213. Power of Vikas Adhikari in the absence of Secretary. – In case of Panchayat, all moneys shall be drawn with the joint signature of Sarpanch and Secretary as per provisions of Sub-Section (5) of Section 64 of the Act, in case of absence or illness or leave of Secretary, Vikas Adhikari of the Panchayat Samiti in whose jurisdiction such Panchayat falls, sign cheque or that Panchayat alongwith Sarpanch to facilitate immediate and urgent payments.
214. Expenditure out of own income of Panchayati Raj Institution. – (1) Panchayati Raj Institution may incur expenditure from own income raised through taxes, fines fees and other assets placed at their disposal with the approval of the general meeting or Standing Committee, as per the limits specified by the Government from time to time.
(2) Expenditure from own income shall be incurred only after meeting liability of Pay, Allowances and contingency.
(3) All expenditure will be subject to the availability of own income funds after taking into account other commitments and assurances.
(4) Income from education cess will be spent only on educational buildings/activities but it will be possible to spend own income from other sources on such buildings/activities also.
(5) No expenditure will be incurred outside the jurisdiction of Panchayati Raj Institution.
(6) Yearly budget estimate for receipt and expenditure of own income shall be prepared and got approved by Panchayati Raj Institution concerned.
(7) No expenditure will be done on the basis of anticipated own income.
215. Advances to employees. – (1) Advances to employees for purchases of conveyance, advance for food grains and festivals shall be governed by the terms and conditions as applicable to State Government employees from time to time except that such advances may be granted out of own income. If its own income is not sufficient for this purpose, the advances may be granted from other resources which may be available with Panchayati Raj Institution. The interest received shall be treated as income of the Panchayati Raj Institution and shall be credited to its fund.
(2) Advances for works or other specific purposes shall be got adjusted at the most within three months failing which it will amount to temporary embezzlement and un-utilised cash balance shall be deposited back along with 18% interest.
216. Loans. – (1) Loans granted to a Panchayati Raj Institution by the State Government or any Corporation of the Central or State Government will be the first charge on the fund and loan instalments shall be paid regularly on the due dates failing which the State Government may adjust the amount due out of the grant-in-aid payable or take other suitable steps to recover the money.
(2) Panchayati Raj Institution may obtain loans for rural housing, construction of shops and other purposes and utilise and repay its instalments as per terms and conditions of financial corporation for Panchayati Raj Institutions. Panchayati Raj Institutions concerned may charge one percent as agency charges for services rendered for maintenance of loan accounts.
(3) Outstanding loans will continue to be recovered by Panchayat Samitis and deposited with the State Government in relevant head of revenue.
217. Specimen Signature. – Specimen signatures of Vikas Adhikari/ Pradhan and Chief Executive Officer/Pramukh shall be sent to District Treasury and concerned Sub-treasury. In case of Panchayat, specimen signature of Sarpanch/Secretary shall be sent to Bank Post Office concerned in which accounts are maintained.
218. Cheque Books. – (1) Cheque books of treasury/sub-treasury or bank/ post office shall be kept in charge of Head of Office. They shall be kept under lock and key.
(2) All cheque books when received, will be counted and each foil of the cheque book distinctly marked with a rubber stamp bearing name of the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution.
219. Pay and Allowances. – (1) Pay and allowances of the officers and staff and honorarium and allowances to members shall be second charge on the resources of the fund.
(2) In case of failure of a Panchayati Raj Institution to pay salaries on due dates, the State Government may direct the Vikas Adhikari to freeze the cash balances and make payments by drawing such amounts.
220. Due date. – Pay and allowance earned by the officers and employees shall become due for payment on the first working day of the following month.
221. Acknowledgement of payments. – The Head of office shall be personally responsible for the amount drawn on a bill/cheque signed by him until he has paid it and obtained legally valid receipt for it from the payee.
222. Pay and advances on transfer. – Provisions of pay and advances on transfers shall be governed by the Rules of State Government servants as applicable from time to time.
223. Other charges. – (1) All incidental and miscellaneous expenses incurred for the management of office are flexible and fluctuating in nature and utmost care has to be taken to economies it. The office drawing the bill shall be responsible to see that the items of expenditure included in the bill are of obvious necessity and any articles purchased have been secured at fair and reasonable rates.
(2) Drawl of advances for other charges should be made on duly supported vouchers with payee’s receipt or on firms or contractor’s proforma bills and drawal of advances should not be allowed unless required for meeting any special nature of expenditure.
224. Refund of Revenue. – Before admitting any demand for refund of revenue, the original credit must be traced in the cash book and the related receipt be also linked and an entry of refund should be made distinctly in red ink in these documents so as to guard against second claim. Where tax or cash is refunded, cross reference shall also be given in Demand and Collection Register.
225. Over payments/wrong payments. – (1) Head of office is responsible for making prompts recovery of any overpayment made out of the fund even though made in good faith.
(2) In case such payment has been made due to some fraud, F.I.R. shall also be lodged against such person at the Police Station for wrongfully defrauding and receiving the money.
226. Payment of Time-barred claims. – (1) Payment of time barred claims of salary, travelling allowance/medical reimbursement outdo three years, shall be made by head of office after pre-check by Junior Accountant.
(2) All such claims of more than three years shall require prior sanction of the Chief Executive Officer after pre-check by Accountant/Assistant Accounts officer of Zila Parishad:
Provided that: –
(a) Propriety of the claim is established,
(b) Orders or documents on which claim is based are available,
(c) Reference to previous bills when claim was not drawn is given,
(d) Reasons for delay are explained.
(3) Contingent claims up to 3 years shall require prior sanction of Chief Executive Officer whereas after three years it shall require sanction of the Director Rural Development and Panchayati Raj.
227. Powers of Regional Officer and Head of Office under G.F. & A.R. – (1) Financial powers of Regional Officer not specified in these rules, shall be exercised as per GF & AR by the Chief Executive Officer in regard to employees posted in the district.
(2) Powers of Head of Office as per GF & AR and not specified in these rules, shall be exercised by the Sarpanch for the Panchayat, Vikas Adhikari for Panchayat Samiti and the Chief Executive Officer for Zila Parishad.
Maintenance of Accounts

228. All cash transactions to be accounted for. – All cash transactions to which the Panchayati Raj Institution is a party, shall without any reservations, be brought to account, Transparency shall be ensured in maintenance of accounts.
229. Cash Book. – (1) A cash book shall be maintained by each Panchayati Raj Institution in Form No. XXIV for keeping a record of the receipt and payment of money.
(2) All cash transaction shall be entered in the Cash Book in full as soon as they occur and attested by head of office in token of check.
(3) Cash Book shall be closed regularly and head of office shall initial each entry in token of its correctness.
(4) At the end of each month, the head of office should verify the cash balance in the chest with the balance as per cash book and record a signed and dated certificate to the following effect: –
Certified that the cash balance has been checked and found as under: –
In case of difference between the actual cash and the balances per cash book, it shall be explained.
(5) A surprise check of physical cash balance shall also be made twice a month to prevent any misuse of money.
(6) Panchayat shall also maintain a separate cash book for funds allotted for development schemes.
230. Receipt of money. – (1) When money is collected or paid into office, a receipt shall be given to the payer in Form No. XXX.
(2) Receipt shall be signed by the Secretary/Cashier.
(3) Amount shall be written both in figures and words.
(4) Head of Office shall satisfy himself that the amount has been correctly entered in the Cash Book.
(5) Blank receipt books shall be kept in safe custody and proper account of receipt books shall be maintained.
231. Security of Cashier. – (1) The person in-charge of cash shall give adequate and valid security commensurate with the amount of cash likely to be kept in his custody.
(2) Security shall be in form of fidelity bound which shall be renewed before due date for its expiry.
(3) Allowance at the rates prescribed by the State Government shall be payable to Cashier accordingly.
232. Double lock. – (1) All cash exceeding the amount of fidelity bound shall be kept in strong iron chest under double lock arrangement.
(2)All the keys of the same lock shall he kept in one person’s custody. Keys of other locks shall be in custody of Head of Office. The chest shall never be opened unless both the custodians of the keys are present.
233. Security of cash. – A security guard may be arranged from Police Station on payment to accompany the cashier when heavy cash balance is brought by him from the bank to office or vice versa.
234. Presentation of claims. – (1) All claims for payment will be prepared in Form XXXI and presented at the office of the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned where they will be checked and passed for payment by head of office.
(2) The officer making a payment order is personally responsible to see that the claim is complete and genuine in all respects and affords sufficient information as to the nature of payment made.
235. Vouchers. – (1) For every payment of money, the officer spending money of the fund shall obtain a voucher setting forth full and clear particulars of the claim and all information necessary for proper classification in Accounts.
(2) Every voucher must bear or have attached to it an acknowledgement of the payment by the person by whom or in whose behalf the claim is put forward.
(3) Each voucher must bear a pay order by head of office specifying the amount in words and figures.
(4) All vouchers shall be serially numbered date wise starting from first of April and must be stamped or written in read ink ‘PAID’ on the face of vouchers so that they may not be used second time.
(5) Head of office shall initial voucher also at the time of verifying payments in cash book on expenditure side.
(6) Vouchers shall be kept in safe custody for audit and shall be destroyed only after prescribed period has elapsed.
236. Ledger. – (1) A ledger in Form No. XXXII shall be kept and maintained in each Panchayati Raj Institution for showing expenditure incurred under various heads of expenditure incurred out of the fund.
(2) In ledger, a page or some pages shall be allotted for each head of expenditure provided for in the sanctioned budget and will be posted from cash book regularly.
237. Register of Revenues. – (1) A register of revenue receipts in Form XXXIII shall also be kept and maintained in each Panchayati Raj Institution for recording receipts therein on account of all taxes, fees and other income.
(2) Separate page or pages according to the requirements shall be allotted for each head of income, tax or fee and posting shall be made from cash book regularly.
238. Reconciliation of Accounts. – (1) It shall be duty of Panchayat Secretary to reconcile the deposit and drawals with bank/post office pass book every month on the basis of Panchayat record and get mistakes corrected, if any.
(2) In case of Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad, Cashier shall reconcile the P.D. Account in Treasury/Sub-treasury every month.

239. Stock Register. – (1) A stock register in Form XXXIV shall be kept and maintained by each Panchayati Raj Institution in which shall be entered the receipt and issue of all stocks and other movable properties of the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned.
(2) The account of stores will be maintained for each item separately. Entries on receipt side will be made directly from the bill of the supplier, stores shall be issued as per genuine indents and proper receipt shall be obtained for issue of stores. It may be correctly entered on issue side of Stock Register.
240. Custody of Stores. – (1) The person entrusted with the custody of stores will be responsible for their safety and keeping them in good condition and protecting them from loss, damage or deterioration.
(2) He shall ensure proper and timely maintenance of machines, telephones, type writers, photo copier, collars and other office equipment to keep them in working condition at all times.
241. Consumable Store. – (1) A separate register shall be maintained for consumable stores and stationery articles in Form XXXIV itself.
(2) Head of office shall fix quarterly norms for issue of stationery articles for each officials/section. Norms shall be so fixed as to avoid misuse or excessive use.
242. Physical Verification. – (1) Physical verification of stores will be carried out at least once in a year and in token of having done so, he will record a certificate and make a note of excesses/shortage actually found.
(2) Proper action shall be taken by head of office for recovery of loss of any store articles by fixing responsibility after proper enquiry.
243. Disposal of unserviceable/obsolete/surplus store articles. – (1) Head of office shall constitute a committee of three persons including one person from Accounts section to prepare a survey list for declaring store articles as obsolete/unserviceable/surplus.
(2) Powers of write off shall be as under: –
(a) Sarpanch/Vikas Adhikari-Store articles up to a book value of Rs. 10,000/-.
(b) Chief Executive Officer- Store articles up to a book value of Rs. 20,000/
(c) Director Rural Development- up to Rs. 50,000/-.
(d) Development Commissioner – up to Rupees two laths.
(3) All such store articles shall be disposed of by destruction/auction after competent sanction and proceeds thereof shall be credited to the fund.
244. Disposal of unserviceable vehicles. – (1) A Committee shall be constituted at the Zila Parishad level for condemnation and auction of vehicles (Jeep, Car, Pickup, Tractor, Motor Cycle, Three Wheeler, Bull Dozers) of Panchayati Raj Institutions as under:
(a) Chief Executive Officer-Chairman
(b) Accounts Officer/Assistant Accounts Officer of Zila Parishad- Member.
(c) M.T.O. of Police Department/M.V.I. of Transport Deptt./District Pool mechanic at District Headquarter and technical officer of State Garage at Divisional Headquarter.
(2) Above committee will ensure that the vehicle has covered prescribed distance and life as under: –
Nature of vehicle K.M.(Lakh)
1. Motor Cycle/Three wheeler
1.2 7
2. Light Motor vehicles
2 8
3. Medium Motor vehicles
3 10
4. Heavy Motor Vehicles
4 10
5. Tractors/Bull Dozers
20,000 hours of use 10
(3) Such vehicles which have completed the prescribed distance and life but fit for use in the opinion of committee, shall not be condemned.
(4) Committee members shall physically inspect the vehicle before condemnation and shall certify that: –
(a) The vehicle has covered the prescribed distance and life.
(b) The vehicle is beyond economic repairs and uneconomical to operate due to excessive consumption of Petrol/Diesel.
(c) That the replacement of parts shall cause heavy expenditure and further running of the vehicle shall be uneconomical.
Chief Executive Officer shall issue orders for auction of condemned vehicles on recommendation of the committee.
(5) In case vehicle has not covered the prescribed minimum Distance or life, or vehicle has been lying un-used for last seven years or vehicle has met with an accident and will not be useful after repairs, the committee shall recommend the case certifying that: –
(a) the vehicle is beyond economic repairs and uneconomical to operate.
(b) the replacement of parts shall cause heavy expenditure and further running of vehicle shall be uneconomical.
(c) the total cost of repairs and replacement of parts shall be Rs ……. as certified by the surveyor of Motor Garage Department.
Powers of condemnation of such vehicles shall be with the Development Commissioner.
(6) Condemned vehicles shall be auctioned at the district level by the committee consisting of :
(a) Additional Collector (Development)
(b) Chief Executive Officer
(c) Treasury Officer or Accounts Officer of Zila Parishad.
A.D.M. (Dev.) or C.E.O. whosoever is senior, will act as Chairman :
Provided that vehicles purchased from consolidated fund of the State shall be auctioned through State Motor Garage at Divisional Headquarters concerned.
(7) Sale proceeds of vehicles auctioned by Committee in Sub-rule (6), shall be deposited in the fund of Panchayati Raj Institution concerned and sales tax shall be deposited in Govt. account.
Accounts and Returns

245. Quarterly Return of Accounts. – A quarterly statement of account of income and expenditure will be prepared by Panchayati Raj Institutions and sent to next higher authority in Form No. XXXV. Quarterly accounts for the quarter ending June, September, December and March should be dispatched latest by 15th of the month following the quarter to which the accounts relate. A progressive total of all items of income and expenditure provided in the budget will be made out while preparing such statement of account and figures advised to the next higher authority.
246. Abstract of Annual Accounts. – (1) At the end of the year, a Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti shall prepare an abstract of Annual Accounts in Form XXXVI showing its income and expenditure under each head of budget and sent it to the State Government through Zila Parishad by following first May.
(2) Abstract of annual accounts will be accompanied by a statement of grants-in-aid in Form XXXVII under different heads of accounts from the State Government, expenditure incurred, supported by utilisation certificates, signed by Head of Office clearly mentioning that the grant entirely or in part has been spent specifically for the objects and purposes for which it was given, the accounts of which have been properly maintained, and the connected vouchers are in his custody. Chief Executive Officer will closely scrutinise these statements and send them to the State Government along with his comments, a copy of which will also be given to the Panchayat Samiti/Panchayat concerned.
(3) Each Panchayat Samiti will also enclose a statement of loans and amount outstanding in Form No. XXXVIII along with annual accounts.
(4) Along with annual accounts, a list of works undertaken under the various schemes with the progress of expenditure as provided in Form XXXIX will also be attached.
(5) The annual accounts will also be accompanied by a statement of assets and liabilities of the Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti in Form No. XI.
247. Accounts and Returns of Zila Parishads. – (1) Every Zila Parishad shall also prepare a quarterly statement of income and expenditure as stated in Rule 245 and sent it to the State Government.
(2) Similarly every Zila Parishad shall prepare Annual Accounts of income and expenditure as stated in Rule 246 and sent it to the State Government by 15th of May.

248. Audit of Accounts. – (1) The audit of the accounts of Panchayati Raj Institutions shall be governed by the provisions of the Rajasthan Local Fund Audit Act, 1954, and Rajasthan Local Fund Audit Rules, 1955 made under the said Act.
(2) A test audit of the accounts may also be carried out on behalf of the Controller and Auditor General of India.
249. Arrangements for Audit. – The Panchayati Raj Institution concerned shall make suitable arrangements to enable the auditor to hold his office for conducting audit and shall keep all records, statements etc., ready for purpose of audit and produced these in the manner as demanded by the Audit.
250. Preparation of Financial Statements. – Panchayati Raj Institution shall prepare the financial statements prescribed by the Local Fund Audit Rules, 1955 and actual accounts of the period for which audit has become due, and produce these when demanded by the Audit.
251. Audit Report – The Audit Report of the Director, Local Fund Audit shall be sent to the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned. A copy of the audit report to Panchayats shall also be sent to Panchayat Samiti concerned. Likewise a copy of the audit report of Panchayat Samitis shall also be sent to Zila Parishad concerned who will see that the irregularities pointed out by audit are promptly attended to and rectified.
252. Compliance of Audit Reports. – (1) Compliance of the audit reports sent by the Director, Local Fund Audit shall be made in accordance with the procedure laid down in Rule 28 of the Rajasthan Local Fund Audit Rules, 1955.
(2) Chief Executive Officer and Chief Accounts Officer, Zila Parishad shall review the progress of compliance of audit reports every quarter in the presence of Deputy Director Local Fund Audit posted at regional head quarters and take all steps to get them complied on campaign basis.
(3) Chief Executive Office shall specifically review the paras indicating embezzlement, loss of revenue, over payments, wrong payments etc., and initiate department action or criminal proceedings against defaulters.
(4) All efforts shall be made by Chief Executive Officer and Vikas Adhikaris for recovery of loss of revenue pointed out in audit reports.
253. Write off. – (1) All losses of money, irrecoverable revenues, loans, advances will be written off by Panchayati Raj Institution only with the prior approval of the State Government.
(2) In case where any loss is caused through fraud, forgery, defalcation, serious negligence of any servant, warranting disciplinary action or through flaw in rules and procedure requiring rectification or amendment, the Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad will first review such a case and take appropriate disciplinary action before recommending the case to the State Government for approval of “Writ off”.
(3) A copy of all sanctions to “Write off’ losses will also be communicated to the Director, Local Fund Audit.
254. Forms. – In case of non-availability of forms, the corresponding forms of State Government may be adopted for use in the office of Panchayati Raj Institution.
255. State Government’s power to issue instructions. – The State Government may issue such instructions as may be necessary from time to time for the proper observance of these rules.

CHAPTER 12, Recruitment and Other Service Condition

256.Persons ineligible for employment.—(1) No person shall be employed in a Panchayati Raj Institution in a permanent, temporary or part-time capacity, if he—

(a) is not of good character, or

(b) has been dismissed for misconduct from the service of any other Panchayati Raj Institution or any other local authority or the State or Central Government, or

(c) has been convicted of an offense involving moral turpitude, or

(d) is a member of any Panchayati Raj institution or of a municipality, or

(e) is less than 18 years and more than 40 years of age on the first day of January following the last date fixed for receipt of applications: Provided that the restriction of minimum or maximum age limit shall not apply to part-time employees.

(f) is a son, grandson, real brother or any other near relative of a member of the Panchayat: Provided that if after the appointment of the employee any of his relative is elected as such member, he shall not be discharged.

(2) Disqualification for appointment.—(a) No male candidate who has more than one wife living shall be eligible for appointment to the Services unless the Government, after being satisfied that special grounds, do not exempt any candidate from the operation of this rule. 

256 – (2) Disqualification for appointment-  No male candidate who is married to a person having already a wife shall be eligible for appointment to the service unless Government after being satisfied that there are special grounds for doing so, exempt any female candidate from the operation of this rule.

(b) no female candidate who has married a person who already has a wife shall be eligible for appointment to the service unless the Government, after being satisfied that there are special grounds for doing so, does not exempt that woman candidate from the operation of this rule.

[(c) No Candidate shall be eligible for appointment to the service who has more than two children on or after 1.6.2002 :

Provided that the candidate having more than two children shall not be deemed to be disqualified for appointment so long as the number of children he has on 1.6.2000 does not increase :

Provided further that where a candidate has only one child from earlier delivery but more than one children are born out of a single subsequent delivery the children so born shall be deemed to be one entity while counting the total number of children.]

No. F4(2) AM/Rule/Legal/PR/2020/5000

257. Strength of Service. – The strength of the service shall be such as may be fixed from time to time under Sections 79, 80 and 83 of the Act.

258. Categories of posts. – (1) There shall be the following categories of posts to be appointed in Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishad:-

(a) State Service posts : –

(i) Chief Executive Officer

(ii) Vikas Adhikari

(iii) Accounts Officers

(iv) Assistant Engineers

(v) and such other categories of posts as are prescribed by the Government from time to time.

(b) Subordinate Service: –

(i) Extension Officer (Panchayat, Education, Co-operative, progress).

(ii) Assistant Accounts Officer.

(iii) Accountant/ Junior Accountant

(iv) Junior Engineer

[(c) Ministerial and subordinate posts in Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad service)

(i) Assistant Office Superintendent;

(ii) Clerk Grade I;

(iii) Clerk Grade II;

(iv) Drivers;

(v) Primary and Upper Primary School Teachers;

(vi) Village level worker-cum-Secretary Panchayat;

(vii) Fitter; and

(viii) Hand Pump Mistry.]

(d) Class IV Service posts.

[(e) Ex offico officer:

(i) Ex offico Panchayat Elementary Education Officer.]

(2) Panchayat may however appoint part time person on contract basis with prior permission of the Chief Executive Officer for management of properties and cattle pound etc., out of own income and Class IV servant for panchayat office out of general purpose grant from the State Government.

[(3) Panchayat may appoint any person as Gram Panchayat Sahayak, on part time or on fixed honorarium or a contract basis, for Panchayat, Office or for any other work with prior permission of the Chief Executive Officer. He shall be paid from the grant received for the purpose from the State Government on recommendation of the State Finance Commission or out of own income of the Panchayat.]

259. Methods of Recruitment’s. – (1) The posts of state service may be filled in by transfer on deputation from appropriate service.

(2) The costs of Vikas Adhikaris shall be filled in from appropriate cadres of the State Government as laid down in Act or rules framed for this purpose.

(3) The post of Panchayat Extension Officer shall be filled in by 100% promotion from V.L.W-cum-Secretary Panchayat.

(4) The posts of other extension officer shall be filled in by transfer on deputation from Education, Co-operative and Statistical Departments respectively.

“(5) The post of junior engineers shall be filled in by direct recruitment as per the procedure prescribed under the Rajasthan Rural Development and Panchayati Raj State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1998.” 

[NO.F.4 (4) Ame. Rules/LEGAL/PR/2022/101]

[(5A) The post of fitter shall be filled in, from Public Health Engineering Department, on deputation.

(5B) Post of Hand Pump Misty shall be filled in, from Hand Pump Mistries regularized in Panchayat Samities as per Government Order No. F. 13 (147)Vidhi/Gravipa/High Court/94/3882, Dated 30.12.1995.]

(6) Recruitment of posts encadred in Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad Services as per Sub-Section (2) of Section 89 shall be made district wise through District Establishment Committee as per provisions of Secs. 80 and 90 of the Act.


[Provided that the list for selection to the post specified in clause (iii) of sub-section (2) of the section 89, shall be prepared by the Authorized Agency at the State Level:]

[Provided further that the vacancies on the post of Village Level worker and Clerk Grade-II, so determined shall be intimated to the Commissioner, Panchayati Raj, Rajasthan.]

(7) Recruitment of class IV service may be done through Employment Exchange or in the manner laid down by the government from time to time.

[(8) Selection for the post of Gram Panchayat on part time or on fixed honorarium or on contract basis shall be made [***] in the manner as may be laid down by the State Government from time to time.]

[(9) Any Officer of the School Eduction Department shall be declared as ex officio Panchayat Elementary Education Officer by the School Education Department.]

260. Sources of recruitment for Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad Services. – Vacancies will be filled:-

(a) by direct recruitment in the lowest grade of each category,

(b) by promotion from a lower to a higher grade in the same category,

(c) by transfer of persons holding corresponding posts under Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad or the Government :

Provided that the vacancies in the category of Upper Division Clerks may be filled in by direct recruitment from amongst the candidates holding degree in Arts, Science, Agriculture or Commerce of a University, Established by Law in India, if no member of the service found eligible for promotion to fill up such vacancies and it be not possible to fill up such vacancies by transfer in accordance with these Rules.

261. Reservation of vacancies for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes. – (1) Reservation of vacancies for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes shall be 16% and 12% respectively or in accordance with the orders of the Government for such reservation in force at the time of recruitment i.e. by direct recruitment and by promotion.

(2) The vacancies so reserved for promotion shall be filled in by Seniority-cum-merit.

(3) In filling the vacancies so reserved the eligible candidates who are members of the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe shall be considered for appointment in the order in which their names appear in the list prepared by the Committee, whether for direct recruitment or for promotion, irrespective of their relative rank as compared with other candidates.

(4) Appointments shall be made strictly in accordance with the rosters prescribed separately for direct recruitment and promotion. In the event of non-availability of the eligible and suitable candidates amongst the Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe, as the case may be, in a particular year, the vacancies so reserved for them shall be tilled in accordance with the normal procedure and an equivalent number of additional vacancies shall be reserved in the subsequent year. Such of the vacancies which remain so unfilled shall be carried forward to the subsequent three recruitment years in total and thereafter such reservation would lapse.

(5) Reservation of vacancies for Other Backward Classes shall be 21% or in accordance with the orders of the Government for reservation in force at the time of direct recruitment. In the event of non-availability of eligible and suitable candidates amongst other backward classes in a particular year, the vacancies so reserved for them shall be filled in accordance with the normal procedure.

262. Reservation of vacancies for other categories. – Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, certain percentage of posts to be filled in by direct recruitment shall be reserved for physically handicapped candidates as per rules of the State Government and shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of the [Rajasthan Employment of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2000.]

(2) Other provisions regarding reservation of vacancies shall also be applicable as prevailing in the State Government from time to time.

263. Determination of vacancies. – Subject to the provisions of these rules, and the directions of Government, if any, the Panchayat Samiti or the Zila Parishad shall determine and intimate to the Committee every year, the number of vacancies anticipated under each category during the year and the number of persons likely to be recruited by each method:


[Provided that the vacancies on the post specified in clause (iii) of sub-section (2) of Section 89, so determined shall be intimated to the Director, elementary Education, Rajasthan:]

[Provided further that the vacancies on the post of Village Level worker and Clerk Grade-II, so determined shall be intimated to the Commissioner, Panchayati Raj, Rajasthan.]

264. Nationality. – A candidate for appointment to the service must be a bonafide citizen of India.

265. Age. – A candidate for direct recruitment must have attained the age of eighteen years and must not have attained the age of [forty years] on the first day of January following the last date fixed for receipt of applications :

Provided that: –

“(i) the upper age limit mentioned above shall be relaxed by,- (a) 5 years in the case of male candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, More Backward Classes and Economically Weaker Sections; (b) 5 years in the case of woman candidates belonging to General Category; and (c) 10 years in the case of woman candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, More Backward Classes and Economically Weaker Sections.” [No. F4(2) AM/Rule/Legal/PR/2020/490]

(ii) the upper age limit for ex-servicemen shall be fifty years,

(iii) the upper age limit for persons already working as Secretaries of Panchayats shall be relax able up to the period of service rendered as Panchayat Secretary subject to a maximum limit of three years,

(iv) there shall be no age limit in the case of widows and divorced women,

Explanation. – In the case of widow, she will have to furnish a certificate of death of her husband from the competent authority and in the case of a divorcée, she will have to furnish the proof of divorce,

(v) the upper age limit for persons who were within the prescribed age limit on their temporary appointment under a Panchayat Samiti or a Zila Parishad shall be relax able up to the period of service rendered by them under Panchayat Samiti or a Zila Parishad,

(vi) the upper age limit mentioned above shall apply in the case of an ex-prisoner, who had served under the Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads on a substantive basis on any post before his conviction and was eligible for appointment under these rules,

(vii) the upper age limit mentioned above shall be relaxed by a period equal to the term of imprisonment served in the case of an ex-prisoner, who was not over-age before his conviction and was eligible for appointment under these rules.

[(viii) the candidate who crossed the upper age limit after 1.1.1999, shall be eligible for recruitment as Primary and Upper Primary School Teacher [General Education/Special Education ) in Government service up to 23.5.2007.]

[(ix) there shall no upper age limit for persons appointed as Hand Pump Mistries under Sub-rule (5-B)of Rule 259 provided such person do not attain the age of super annuation.]

[(X) If a Candidate would have been entitled in respect of his/ her age for direct recruitment in any year in which no such recruitment was held, he/ she shall be deemed to be eligible in next following recruitment, if he/ she is not over age by more than 3 years.”.]

[(ix) the upper age limit mentioned above, for the person who is continuously working on contract basis under any scheme of the department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj as Junior technical Assistant, Junior Engineer, Gram Rozgar Sahayak, Data Entry Operator, Computer Operator with Machine (except engaged through placement agency). L.D.C., Lekha Sahayak, Co-ordinator IEC, Co-ordinator Training, Co-ordinator Supervision or on any post, shall be relaxed by a period equal to the service rendered by him subject to maximum of 5 year.]


266. Academic qualification. – A recruit must possess minimum qualification as under: –

[(1) L.D.C. (95% by direct recruitment and 05% by promotion)          A. For direct recruitment,-

(i) Senior Secondary from a recognized board or its equivalent examination,


“O” or Higher Level Certificate Course conducted by DOEACC under control of the Department of Electronics, Government of India.


Computer Operator & Programming Assistant (COPA)/ Data Preparation and Computer Software (DPCS) certificate organized under National/ State Council of Vocational Training Scheme.


Diploma in Computer Science/ Computer Applications from a University established by law in India or from an institution recognized by the Government.


Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering from a polytechnic institution recognized by the Government.


Certificate Course in Information Technology (RSCIT) conducted by Vardhman Mahaveer Open University, Kota under control of Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited.

B. For promotion, Secondary’ from a recognized board, and five year experience on the post of Class IV.]

[(2) V.L.W-cum-Secretary (100% by direct recruitment)     (i) Graduate or qualification declared equivalent thereto by the Government


“O” or Higher Level Certificate Course conducted by DOEACC under control of the Department of Electronics, Government of India


Computer Operator and Programming Assistant (COPA)/ Data Preparation and Computer Software (DPCS) certificate organized under National/ State Council of Vocational Training Scheme


Diploma in Computer Science/ Computer Application from a University established by law in India or from an institution recognized by the Government


Diploma in Computer Science and Engineering from a polytechnic institution recognized by the Government


Certificate Course in Information Technology (RSCTT) conducted by Vardhman Mahaveer Open University, Kota under control of Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation limited.]

“(3) Primary and Upper Primary School Teacher (100 percent by direct recruitment) (A) General Education Level-(i) Class I to V Level-(ii) Class VI to VIII 

(B) Special Education Level-

      (i) Class I to V Level-

     (ii) Class VI to VIII      ) (A) General Education Level-(i) Class I to V Level-(ii) Class VI to VIII Qualification as laid down by the National Council for Teacher Education under the provisions of subsection (1) of section 23 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Central Act. No. 35 of 2009), from time to time and must have passed the R.E.E.T./R.T.E.T.. Qualifications as laid down by the National Council for Teacher Education under the provisions of subsection (1) of section 23 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Central Act. No. 35 of 2009), from time to time, and (i) for the teacher of Social Studies, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with at least one subject as an optional subject from amongst History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Public Administration, Philosophy, Accountancy, Economic & Financial Management and Banking & Business Economics; (ii) for the teacher of Science and Mathematics, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with at least one subject as an optional subject from amongst Chemistry, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Micro-Biology, Biotechnology, Bio-chemistry and Mathematics; (iii) for the teacher of language, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with the corresponding language as an optional subject; (iv) the candidate who has Graduated in Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.) or B.A.B.Ed./B.Sc. B.Ed., i.e. a candidate with the qualification of four years integrated course, must also have passed the qualifying examination with the corresponding subject; and (v) must have passed the R.E.E.T./R.T.E.T. in the subject applying for. Qualification as laid down by the National Council for Teacher Education under the provisions of subsection (1) of section 23 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Central Act. No. 35 of 2009), from time to time and must have passed the R.E.E.T./R.T.E.T.. Qualifications as laid down by the National Council for Teacher Education under the provisions of subsection (1) of section 23 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Central Act. No. 35 of 2009), from time to time; and (i) for the teacher of Social Studies, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with at least one subject as an optional subject from amongst History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Public Administration, Philosophy, Accountancy, Economic & Financial Management and Banking & Business Economics; (ii) for the teacher of Science and Mathematics, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with at least one subject as an optional subject from amongst Chemistry, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Micro-Biology, Biotechnology, Bio-chemistry and Mathematics; (iii) for the teacher of language, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with the corresponding language as an optional subject; (iv) the candidate who has Graduated in Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.) or B.A.B.Ed./B.Sc. B.Ed., i.e. a candidate with the qualification of four years integrated course, must also have passed the qualifying examination with the corresponding subject; and (v) must have passed the R.E.E.T./R.T.E.T. in the subject applying for

.” 3. Amendment of schedule-I.- In serial number 5 of schedule-I of chapter-XII of the said rules,- (i) in column 5 against sub-item level-(ii) Class VI to VIII of item (a) General Education of column 2, for the existing expression “History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Public Administration and Philosophy”, the expression “History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Public Administration, Philosophy, Accountancy, Economic & Financial Management and Banking & Business Economics” shall be substituted; and (ii) in column 5 against sub-item level-(ii) Class VI to VIII of item (b) Special Education of column 2, for the existing expression “History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Public Administration and Philosophy”, the expression “History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Public Administration, Philosophy, Accountancy, Economic & Financial Management and Banking & Business Economics” shall be substituted.

[No. F4(2) AM/Rule/Legal/PR/2020/808]


[Provided that that the person who has appeared or is appearing in the B.Ed/B.S.T.C/D.S.E/B.Ed. (Special Education) examination, shall be eligible to apply for the post of primary and upper primary school teachers (General Education/Special Education) but he shall have to submit proof of having acquired the said educational qualification to the [District Establishment Committee] before the declaration of result of the competitive examination.]

“Provided that the person who has appeared or is appearing in the final year examination of the course which is the requisite educational qualification for the posts specified in clause (1) and (2) above for direct recruitment, shall be eligible to apply for the said posts but he/she shall have to submit proof of having acquired the requisite educational qualification to the appropriate selection agency,- (1) before appearing in the main examination, where selection is made through two stages of written examination and interview ; (2) before appearing in interview where selection is made through written examination and interview ; (3) before appearing in the written examination or interview where selection is made through only written examination or only interview, as the case may be.” [No. F4(2)  AM/Rule/Legal



[(3A) Hand Pump Mistry  V class pass with 3 months training under TRYSEM programmes.


          Free lance hand pump repair having experience of two years in repairing of Hand Pump.]

(4) Driver (90% direct 10% by promotion)      VIII class pass possessing Driving License and having 3 years experience of Driving light/heavy Motor Vehicle.

[(5) Class IV (100% by direct recruitment)

          V Class pass]

[266A. Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the widow/ divorcée women, who have been given appointment on the post of teacher after relaxing required educational qualification of B.S.T.C/ B.Ed. under the erstwhile proviso to rule 266 shall be regularized from the date they acquire the requisite educational qualification.]

267. Character. – A candidate for direct recruitment to the Service must produce to the Committee a certificate of good character from the Principal, Academic Officer of the University, College, School or Institution into which he was last educated and two such certificates written not more than six months prior to the date of application from two responsible persons not connected with the University, College, School or Institution and not related to him.

Note – A conviction by a Court of Law need not by itself, entail the refusal of a certificate of good character. The circumstances of the conviction should be taken into account and if they involve no moral turpitude or association with crimes of violence or with a movement which has as its objective the overthrow by violent means of Government as by Law established, the mere conviction need not be regarded as a disqualification.

268. Physical fitness. – A candidate for direct recruitment to the service must be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of his duties as a member of the Service, and must produce, if selected for appointment, a certificate to that effect from the Medical Officer.

269. Canvassing. – No recommendation for recruitment either written or oral other than that required under the Rules shall be taken into consideration. Any attempt on the part of a candidate to enlist support directly or indirectly for his candidature by other means may disqualify him for recruitment.

Procedure for Direct Recruitment

270. Inviting of applications. – On a requisition for direct recruitment to the service having been made by the Panchayat Samiti on the Zila Parishad to the District Establishment Committee, applications shall be invited by the Committee through open advertisement in daily news paper having wide circulation.

271. Form of applications. – The application shall be made in the format prescribed by the Committee and application form duly filled in along with prescribed application fee in form of Postal Order or Demand Draft shall be considered.

272. Scrutiny of applications. – The committee shall scrutinize the applications received by it and require as many candidates eligible for appointment under these rules to appear before it for interview/written test.

[273. * * *]


274. Preparation of a merit list by the Committee. – (1) The committee shall prepare a merit list of candidates considered suitable for appointment to [each grade or category of posts except the post of Village level worker. Primary and Upper Primary School Teacher and Clerk Grade-II, in the district] and shall on receipt of requisition from the Panchayati Samitis or Zila Parishads allot candidates from the list in the order in which their names occur in the list:

Provided that: –

(i) the number of candidates in the merit list prepared by the Committee shall not exceed one and a half time the number of vacancies actually available at the time such merit list is prepared; and

(ii) the merit list of candidates so prepared shall remain valid for a period of one year in general and up to end of academic session for teachers. After expiry of such period, it will be deemed to have lapsed.

(2) The Panchayat Samitis or Zila Parishads shall take into consideration the requirement of Rule 261 while sending their requisitions to the Committee.

275. Allotment by the State Government. – The State Government may allot candidates in order of merit from the list of a district where there are no vacancies to another district where there may be vacancies for appointment, provided that the candidates are not available in the merit list of the latter district.

276. Appointment by Panchayat Samitis or Zila Parishad. – The Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad shall appoint the candidates allotted by the Committee in the order in which their names are forwarded by the Committee.

277. Recruitment of a Member of the family of the deceased employee. – (1) In the case of a deceased employee of the Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad service, one member of his family who is not already employed under the Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad/Central/State Government or Statutory Board/ Organisation/ Corporation, owned or controlled by the Central/State Government, shall on making an application for the purpose, be given a suitable employment the service, as soon as practicable only against an existing vacancy, in relaxation of the normal recruitment rules, provided such member fulfils the educational qualifications prescribed for the post and is also otherwise qualified for such service. In the event of non-availability of a vacancy or in case any of the members of the family being unqualified or minor, is not found suitable or eligible for immediate employment, then such case shall be considered immediately on the availability of the post or any or one of them becoming qualified or eligible for such employment under these rules.

(2) Rules made by the State Government and as amended from time to time in this behalf shall be applicable to such employees also.

[“277A. Procedure and method for direct recruitment to the posts of Primary and Upper Primary School Teacher.- Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, procedure for direct recruitment to the posts of Primary and Upper Primary School Teacher shall be made in the following manner, namely:- (i) the posts of Primary and Upper Primary School Teacher shall be filled in by direct recruitment through a competitive examination conducted by the authorized agency;

(ii) the syllabus of the competitive examination for direct recruitment to the posts of Primary and Upper Primary School Teacher shall be such as may be determined by the State Government, from time to time;

(iii) applications for direct recruitment to the posts of Primary and Upper Primary School Teacher to be filled in shall be invited by the authorized agency by advertising the posts in such manner as it may deem fit and shall be made in such form as it may approve. Candidates shall be required to state in the application form the names of districts in order of their preference in which they want to serve; (iv) subject to the provisions of these rules, the advertisement shall, inter alia, contain,-

(a) a clause that any candidate who accepts assignment on the post being offered to him/her shall, during the period of probation, be paid monthly fixed remuneration at the rate fixed by the State Government, from time to time and the scale of pay of the post as shown else-where in the advertisement shall be allowed only from the date of successful completion of the period of probation;

(b) number of posts to be filled in as the result of such examination, indicating separately the number of posts reserved for candidates of the Schedule Castes, Schedule Tribes, Sahariyas, Backward Classes, More Backward Classes, Economically Weaker Sections, Women Candidates, Person with benchmark disability, Sports Persons and Ex-servicemen, if any and the number of posts for Scheduled Area and any other category notified by the State Government, from time to time;

(c) last date of submission of applications forms;

(v) in addition to the advertisement, the authorized agency may issue such other instructions for the guidance of the candidates in such other manner as the authorized agency may deem fit;

(vi) a candidate for direct recruitment to the post in the Service shall pay to the authorized agency such fee as is fixed by it, from time to time and in such manner, as may be indicated by it;

(vii) no claim shall be entertained for refund of fee nor the fee shall be held in reserve for any other recruitment except when the advertisement is canceled by the authorized agency because of withdrawal of requisition or for any other reason, in which case the amount shall be refunded: Provided that no claim for refund of fees shall be entertained after a period of one month from the date of cancelation of advertisement by the authorized agency;

(viii) the applications which are found to be incomplete or which have not been filled in accordance with the instructions issued by the authorized agency shall be rejected by it at the very initial stage. The authorized agency shall permit the remaining candidates to appear in the competitive examination provisionally to whom they consider it proper to grant the letter of admission. No candidate shall be admitted to the competitive examination unless he/she holds the letter of admission to that examination granted by the authorized agency before appearing at the competitive examination, it shall be ensured by the candidate himself/herself that he/she fulfills the all eligibility criteria including conditions regarding age, educational and professional qualifications provided in these rules. Being allowed to take the examination shall not entitle a candidate to presumption of eligibility. The authorized agency will subsequently scrutinize the applications of such candidates only who are qualified in the competitive examination;

(ix) the decision of the authorized agency regarding the admission to the competitive examination and eligibility of a candidate shall be final;

(x) the authorized agency shall prepare category wise merit list of the candidates declared successful on the basis of the marks obtained in the competitive examination, conducted for the posts of Primary and Upper Primary School Teachers: Provided that the authorized agency may, to the extent of 50% of the finally intimated vacancies, keep names of suitable candidates on the reserve list. The authorized agency may on requisition recommend the names of such candidates in the order of merit to the Director, Elementary Education within six months from the date on which original list was forwarded by the authorized agency. Provided further that the authorized agency shall prepare separate list of the candidates, in accordance with the reservation prescribed by the Government, belonging to the Schedule Castes, Schedule Tribes, Sahariyas, Backward Classes, More Backward Classes, Economically Weaker Sections, Women Candidates, Person with benchmark disability, Sports Persons, Ex-servicemen and other categories, if any, notified by the State Government, from time to time;

(xi) the authorized agency shall send the lists prepared under clause (x) to the Director, Elementary Education Rajasthan, Bikaner for appointment to the posts of Primary and Upper Primary School Teachers;                                                   

(xii) by allocating districts to the selected candidates, district wise information shall be made available to the respective Zila Parishads for appointment/posting in order of merit under these rules by the Director of Elementary Education, Rajasthan, in the order of their preference, in accordance with the category wise posts advertised for districts, according to the manner ascertained by the Government; and

(xiii) appointment shall be given to the candidates by the District Establishment Committee of the district concerned under these rules.”]

[277B. Procedure and method of direct recruitment for the post of Village level workers and Clerk Grade-II. – Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, direct recruitment to the post of Village level workers and Clerk Grade-II shall be made in the following manner, namely:-

(i) the posts of Village level workers and Clerk Grade-II shall be filled in by direct recruitment through a competitive examination conducted by the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services, Selection Board in accordance with these rules;

(ii) the syllabus for competitive examination for direct recruitment to the posts of Village level workers and Clerk Grade-II shall be as determined by the State Government from time to time;

(iii) the application shall be invited by the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board by advertising the posts in such manner, as they may deem fit, and shall be made in such form as they may approve. Candidates shall be required to state in the application form, the names of all the 33 districts in order of their preference, in which they want to serve;

(iv) subject to the provisions of these rules advertisement shall, among other things, contain,-

(a) number of posts to be filled in as the result of such examination, indication separately the number of posts reserved for candidates of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Special Backward class, Woman, Persons with Disability and Sport Persons, if any, and posts of Scheduled Area;

(b) date of submission of applications for admission;

(c) qualification required for admission at the examination and the steps to be taken by candidates to establish their ability;

(d) the advertisement shall contain a clause that a candidate who accepts the assignment on the post being offered to him/her shall be paid monthly fixed remuneration at the rate fixed by the State Government, from time to time, during the period of probation and the scale of pay of the post as shown elsewhere in the advertisement shall be allowed only from the date of successful completion of the period of probation; and

(v) in addition to the advertisement the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board may issue, in such other manner, as the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board may deem fit, such other instructions for the guidelines of the candidates;

(vi) a candidate for direct recruitment to the post in the service shall pay to the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board such fee as is fixed by them, from time to time, in such manner, as may be indicated by them;

(vii) no claim for the refund of the fee shall be entertained nor the fee shall be held in reserve for any other examination except when the advertisement is cancelled by the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board because of withdrawal of requisition by the Commissioner, Panchayati Raj or for any other reason in which case the amount shall be refunded :

Provided that no claim for the refund of fee shall be entertained after a period of one month from the date of issue of the letter of refund by the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board to the candidate;

(viii) the applications which are found to be incomplete or have not been filled in accordance with the instructions issued by the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board shall be rejected by them at the initial stage. The Rajasthan Suborbital and Ministerial Services Selection Board shall permit rest of those candidates to appear in the examination provisionally to whom they consider it proper to grant the certificate of admission. No candidate shall be admitted to the examination unless he holds the certificate of admission to that examination granted by the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board before appearing at the examination, it should be ensured by the candidate himself/ herself that he/ she fulfills the conditions in regard to age. Educational qualification, experience if any, as provided in the rules. Being allowed to take the examination shall not entitle the candidate to presumption for eligibility. The Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board shall scrutinize later on the application of such candidates only, who qualify in the written examination.

(ix) the decision of the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board as to the admission of a candidate to an examination and eligibility shall be final.

(x) the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board shall prepare category wise merit list of the candidates declared successful in the examination conducted for selection of Village level workers or Clerk Grade-II examination as the case may be :

Provided that the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board may, to the extent of fifty percent of the finally intimated vacancies, keep names of suitable candidates on the reserve list. The Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board may on requisition recommend the name of such candidates in the order of merit to the Commissioner, Panchayati Raj, within six months from the date on which original list was forwarded by the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board :

Provided further that the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board shall prepare separate list of the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward classes, Special Backward class, Woman, Persons with Disabilities and Sports Persons in accordance with the reservation prescribed by the Government, from time to time.

(xi) the name of the candidates shall be arranged in the respective list in the order of aggregate marks obtained by them in the examination.

(xii) the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board shall send these lists to the Commissioner, Panchayati Raj who shall notify it for the information of concerned appointing authority. Out of these list of Commissioner, Panchayati Raj shall allot district to the candidates according to the preference of candidate written in application form.]

Procedure for Recruitment by Promotion and Transfer

278. Criteria for selection. – (1) For purposes of promotion, a selection on the basis of seniority-cum-merit shall be made from amongst the members of the service serving in the district eligible for such promotion : Provided that the substantive members of the service under these rules or the substantive members of the service under the Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads Class IV Services Rules, 1959 who are otherwise eligible for any other higher post in the service as per the conditions prescribed under Rule 266 of these rules may be appointed to such posts by way of promotion as per procedure laid down in this chapter. Such appointments shall, however be subject to the provisions of Rules 284 to 286 of these rules.

(2) In selecting the candidates for promotion regard shall be had to their :-

(a) academic and technical qualifications and knowledge;

(b) tact, efficiency and intelligence;

(c) integrity, and

(d) previous record of service,

(e) minimum experience of five years on the existing post.

(3) 10% posts of Drivers and 15% posts of Lower Division Clerks shall be filled in by promotion from members of Class IV service in accordance with the existing rules of the State Government or as amended from time to time :

Provided that conditions laid down in Sub-rule (2) are fulfilled.

[(4) No person shall be considered for promotion for 5 recruitment years from the date on which his promotion becomes due, if he/she has more than two children on or after 1.6.2002;

Provided that the person having more than two children shall not be deemed to be disqualified for promotion so long as the number of children/he/she has on 1.6.2002 does not increase;

Provided further that where a Government Servant has only one child from the earlier delivery but more than one child are born out of a single subsequent delivery, the children so born shall be deemed to be one entity while counting the total number of children.]

279. Procedure for selection. – (1) Whenever vacancies in various grades and categories of service in the district are to be filled by promotion, the committee shall invite recommendations from the Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishad. After taking into consideration the recommendations received and the Annual Confidential Reports and other service records of persons recommended for promotion, and those proposed to be superseded, it shall prepare, a list of persons suitable for promotion in the grade and category in order of seniority, giving reasons for supersession of persons, if any.

(2) The Zone of eligibility for promotion shall be five times the number of vacancies to be filled in on the basis of seniority-cum-merit.

280. Allotment and Appointment. – (1) On receipt of requisitions from the Panchayat Samitis or Zila Parishad, the Committee shall allot persons from the list, in the same order in which their names occur in the list.

(2) The Panchayat Samitis or Zila Parishad shall, on receipt of the allotment from the Committee, appoint the persons so allotted to the posts for which they are selected by the Committee.

281. Transfer of a Government Servant to posts in the Service. – Upon receipt of a requisition from a Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad to the effect that no member of the service is available for appointment to the post in the service by promotion or transfer from other Panchayat Samities or Zila Parishad and the post is to be filled by transfer of a person holding a post in the State Service corresponding is to be filled by transfer of a person holding a post in the State Service corresponding to a post in the Service, the Chief Executive Officer shall, after obtaining the consent of such Government Servant and approval of the Head of the Department concerned in this behalf, send recommendation for transfer of such person to the Committee. The Committee shall then allot such person to the concerned Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad. The Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad, as the case may be, shall then appoint the person so allotted to the post on terms and condition laid down in these rules.

282. Recruitment by transfer to the service of Government servants declared surplus. – (1) When a Government servant is or is likely to be rendered surplus due to reduction/abolition of posts under the Government, he may, with his consent, be appointed by transfer to the service, in the manner hereinafter provided in this rule, on a post declared by the Government to be equivalent to the post held by such Government servant immediately before such transfer.

(2) A list of such persons rendered surplus under the Government shall be sent to the Director, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, hereinafter in this part referred to as the Director, who shall, out of such list, select persons for posts in the service for each district and allot the persons so selected to the Committees to the extent of the vacancies existing in the Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishad concerning such Committees. A copy of the list sent to the Director shall also be simultaneously sent to the Head of the Department concerned.

283. Absorption of members of the service rendered surplus on reduction/abolition of posts. – (1) On reduction/abolition of certain posts in the service a list of persons rendered surplus shall be communicated by the Panchayat Samiti or Leila Parishad to the Government with a copy to the other Chief Executive Officers on the basis of which the Government shall prepare a district wise list of persons thus rendered surplus in the service.

(2) Surplus personnel who can be absorbed within the district will be appointed by the Committee in accordance with the number of vacancies then existing in the service or similar posts or on posts declared by the Government to be equivalent to the posts in the service brought under reduction.

(3) The Committee shall accordingly allot such persons to the Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad concerned which shall appoint persons so allotted to similar posts or to equated posts in the service on terms and conditions as may be applicable to such equated posts.

(4) A list of such persons who are proposed to be absorbed outside the district will be sent by the Director to the Chief Executive Officer concerned who shall absorb them on similar or equated posts.

Urgent Temporary Appointment

284. Filling up of vacancies by urgent temporary appointment. – (1) In case no selection has been made or no person selected by the Committee is available, at any time for filling a vacancy, appointment may be made by the Appointing Authority or urgent temporary basis for a period not exceeding six months, provided that such person shall be appointed only on contract basis with the prior approval of the District Establishment Committee in case of Panchayats and approval of the State Government in case of Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad.

(2) If it is proposed to fill the vacancy by direct recruitment temporarily, the nearest Employment Exchange may be asked to send a panel of names of persons possessing the required qualifications at least five times the number of vacancies to be so filled. The appointing authority will then appoint from out of the panel of candidates the persons suitable for the post.

(3) If it is proposed to fill vacancy by promotion temporarily, the senior most employee in the next lower grade may be so appointed by the Appointing Authority :

Provided that if the record of the senior most employee is not satisfactory, the person immediately below him may be so appointed.

(4) The period of such temporary appointment may however, be extended beyond six months, only with the previous concurrence of the Committee.

(5) The Temporary appointment made under this Rule shall terminate as soon as a candidate selected by the Committee is made available. Candidates so made available and placed at the disposal of Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad shall be appointed by the Appointing Authority forthwith, on the vacancies against which temporary appointments have been made, and on their reporting for duty, persons holding temporary appointments shall be deemed to have vacated their office and shall not be entitled to any salary thereafter.

285. Seniority. – Seniority in lowest grade or category of the service shall be determined by the date of confirmation and in other higher posts filled by promotion shall be determined from the date of regular selection :

Provided :-

(i) that if two or more persons are appointed to posts in the same grade or category under the same order or orders of the same date, their seniority shall be in the same order in which their names appear in the list prepared by the Committee,

(ii) that the seniority of persons appointed by transfer shall be fixed below the persons substantively appointed and he will be the junior most though his pay will be protected as personal pay.

(iii) that persons appointed by promotion in a particular year shall be senior to persons appointed by direct recruitment.

[286. ***]


[286A. Pay during probation. – A Probationer trainee appointed to the service by direct recruitment, shall be paid monthly fixed remuneration during the period of probation at such rates as may be fixed by the Government from time to time.]

287. Unsatisfactory progress during probation. – (1) If it appears to the Zila Parishad or Panchayat Samiti as the case may be, that a member of a service has not made sufficient use of his opportunities or that he has failed to perform, satisfactorily the Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad may remove him from service, or in case he has a substantive post, revert him thereto :

Provided that the Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad may extend the period of probation of any member of the service by a period not exceeding one year in all.

(2) A probationer reverted or removed from service during or at the end of the period of probation under Sub-rule (1) shall not be entitled to any compensation.

288. Confirmation. – A probationer shall be confirmed in his appointment at the end of the period of his probation if the Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad is satisfied that his integrity is unquestionable, his work is satisfactory and that he is otherwise fit for confirmation.

289. Transfer within the district. – (1) The name of the employee desiring transfer or desired to be transferred within the district shall be communicated to the [Administration and Establishment Committee of Zila Parishad concerned]by the Panchayat Samiti.

(2) Posting by transfer of such an employee shall be made by the Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad concerned on the recommendation of the [Administration and Establishment Committee of Zila Parishad]

(3) State Government may issue orders regarding transfers from time to time. In case [Administration and Establishment Committee of Zila Parishad] Standing Committee of Panchayat Samiti does not agree, Chief Executive Officer/Vikas Adhikari as the case may be, shall carry out orders of the State Government.

(4) On transfer of the employees, his confidential roll and service record will be transmitted, without avoidable delay, to the Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad to whom his services have been transferred.

290. Transfer outside the district. – (1) The name of the employee desiring transfer or desired to be transferred from one district to another shall be communicated to the Director by the Panchayat Samiti or the Zila Parishad, as the case may be.

(2) Posting by transfer of such an employee shall be made by the Panchayat Samiti or the Zila Parishad concerned on the recommendation of the State Government against the vacant posts existing at such time. The State Government may transfer any member of service [from any places of posting to any other place of posting whether within the same Panchayat Samiti or] from one Panchayat Samiti to another Panchayat Samiti within the same district or outside it, from one Zila Parishad to another Zila Parishad, or from Panchayat Samiti to Zila Parishad or from a Zila Parishad to Panchayat Samiti and may also stay the operation of, or cancel, any order of transfer made under these rules. Chief Executive Officer or Vikas Adhikari concerned shall carry out such orders:

[Provided that the employees of posts specified in clause (i) and (iv) of sub-section (2) of Section 89 of the Act, shall not be transferred outside the district in which they were appointed.]

(3) On transfer of an employee, his confidential roll and service record will be transmitted without avoidable delay to the Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad to whom his services have been transferred.

291. Seniority on transfer. – Seniority of an employee transferred outside the district, by the State Government under Sub-Section (8-A) of Section 89 shall be determined by the Committee of the District to which he is transferred :-

(i) if the transfer is made on the request of the employee, his seniority shall be fixed at the bottom of the seniority list of the cadre to which he belongs; and

(ii) if the transfer is made on administrative or other reasons, his seniority shall be fixed on the basis of his continuous length of substantive service on an analogous post.


292. Scales of pay and dearness allowance. – The scales of pay and dearness allowance admissible to a member of the service shall be such as may be fixed by the Government from time to time in respect of corresponding class or category of Government Servants or in respect of any particular category of post in the service.

Other Provisions

293. Regulations of pay, leave, allowances, pension etc. – Except as provided in these rules, the pay, allowances, increments, GPF, State Insurance deductions, pension, Gratuity, Voluntary retirement, Compulsory Retirement etc., leave, deputation and other conditions of service of the members of the service shall be regulated mutans mutandis by the Rajasthan Service Rules, 1951 and the Rajasthan Travelling Allowance Rules as amended from time to time.

[293A. House rent allowance, travelling allowance, daily allowance, leave and other benefits for Hand Pump Mistries. – Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the house rent allowance, travelling allowance, daily allowance, leave (all types), encasement of leave and additional facilities shall be admissible to Hand Pump Mistries as per specific government Orders from time to time.]

294. Payment of pension. – (1) A member of the service shall be entitled to the payment of pension by the Government out of the consolidated fund of the State and every Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad shall make and pay pension contribution to the Government of that account in accordance with the rates laid down in Appendix-V to the Rajasthan Service Rules.

(2) Pension payment order shall be issued by the Director Local Fund Audit on receipt of Pension Papers from the Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad concerned. Payment may be drawn from Treasury/Bank authorised by the Director Local Fund Audit as per the request of Pensioner.

(3) Chief Executive Officer Zila Parishad shall be competent to issue provisional pension payment order to the pensioner as per provisions of Rajasthan Service Rules.

295. Unsatisfactory progress during training. – If a member of the service fails to undertake training after having been nominated by the Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad or the State Government or after joining the aforesaid training fails to carry on studies satisfactorily or complete the training or fails to appear at and pass the prescribed examinations of such training without just and reasonable cause he shall be liable to refund the amount of stipend if any, received by him during such training and shall also be liable to disciplinary action.

296.Power to relax rules. – On a reference by the Panchayat Samitis/Zila Parishads, concerned, in an exceptional case where the Administrative Department is satisfied that operation of the rules relating to age or regarding requirement of experience for recruitment, if any, causes undue hardship in any particular case of where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to relax any of the provisions of these rules with respect to age or experience of any person, it may, with the concurrence of the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms, relax the relevant provisions of these rules to such extent and subject to such conditions as it may consider necessary for dealing with the case in a just and equitable manner, provided that such relaxation shall not be less favourable than the provisions already contained in these Rules.

Posts in Ministerial and Subordinate Service Schedule – I

S.No  Name of the post and Pay scale   Source of Recruitment with percentage      Qualification and experience for direct recruitment  Promotion    Remark

                    Direct Recruitment By Promotion                   Post from which promotion will be considered          Qualification/Experience/for promotion  

1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8

1.       Panchayat Extension Officer (1400-2600)                 100.00%                 V.L.W. Secretary Panchayat       Five years experience on the post indicated in Col. 6        

[1-A   Officer Assistant    –         100% –         U.D.C.         Five years experience on the post mentioned in column 6  -]

2.       [Clerk Grade-I]                 100.00%                 [Clerk Grade-II]      –do–

3.       [Clerk Grade-II]     85.00%        15.00%        [(i) Secondary of recognised Board.]

(ii) Typing speed of 20 and 25 words per minutes in Hindi and English Typing respectively.       Class IV       Qualification as indicated in Col. 5 

4.       V.LW-cum-Secretary       100.00%                 [Graduate or qualification declared equivalent thereto by the Government]                               [xxx]

[5.      Teacher for Class I to V and VI to VIII

(a) General Education Level-(i) Classes I to V

Level-(ii) Classes VI to VIII       100% by direct recruitment          –         Qualification as laid down by the National Council for Teacher Education under the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 23 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Central Act No. 35 of 2009), from time to time and must have passed the R.E.E.T/R.T.E.T.

Qualifications as laid down by the National Council for Teacher Education under the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 23 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Central Act, No. 35 of 2009), from time to time; and


(i) for the teacher of Social Studies, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with at least one subject as an optional subject from amongst History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Public Administration and Philosophy;

(ii) for the teacher of Science and Mathematics, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with at least one subject as on optional subject from amongst Chemistry, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Micro-Biology, Bio-technology, Biochemistry and Mathematics;

(iii) for the teacher of language, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with the corresponding language as an optional subject;

(iv) the candidate who has Graduated in Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.) or B.A.B.Ed/B.Sc. B.Ed., i.e. a candidate with the qualification of four years integrated course, must also have passed the qualifying examination with the corresponding subject; and

(v) must have passed the R.E.E.T./R.T.E.T. in the subject applying for.                         –

          (b) Special Education Level-(i) Classes I to V

Level-(ii) Class VI to VIII           –         Qualifications as laid down by the National Council for Teacher Education under the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 23 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Central Act No. 35 of 2009), from time to time and must have passed the R.E.E.T./R.T.E.T.

Qualifications as laid down by the National Council for Teacher Education under the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 23 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Central Act No. 35 of 2009), from time to time.


(i) for the teacher of Social Studies, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with at least one subject as an optional subject from amongst History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Public Administration and Philosophy;

(ii) for the teacher of Science and Mathematics, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with at least one subject as on optional subject from amongst Chemistry, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Micro-Biology, Bio-technology, Biochemistry and Mathematics;

(iii) for the teacher of language, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with the corresponding language as an optional subject;

(iv) the candidate who has Graduated in Elementary Education (B.EI.Ed.) or B.A.B.Ed./B.Sc. B.Ed., i.e. a candidate with the qualification of four years integrated course, must also have passed the qualifying examination with the corresponding subject; and

(v) must have passed the R.E.E.T./R.T.E.T. in the subject applying for.]                       

6.       Driver 90.00%        10.00%        VIII Class pass possessing driving license and having three years experience of driving light heavy motor vehicle          Class IV          Qualification as indicated in Col. 5       

[6A    Hand Pump Mistry

(2550-3200) Pay Scale No. 1      –         –         V Class pass with 3 months training under TRYSEM program


Free lance hand pump repair having experience of 2 years in repairing of Hand Pump    –         –         Post shall be filled in from Hand Pump Mistries regularized in Panchayat Samiti as per Govt. order No. F. 13 c 147)/Vidhi/Gravipa/High Court/94/3882, dt 30.12.1995,]

[7.      Class IV       100.00%      –         V Class pass –         –          -]

CHAPTER 13, Disciplinary Action and Penalties

297. Conduct Rules. – All the provisions contained in the Rajasthan Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1971 as amended from time to time shall apply mutatis mutandis to the employees of Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad Service.
298. Suspension. – (1) The appointing authority of any authority to which it is subordinate or any other authority empowered by the State Government in that behalf may place under suspension any officer or servant of a Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad.
(2) The provisions contained in Rule 13 of the Rajasthan Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1958 and directives of the State Government as issued from time to time shall be followed while making such orders.
299. Penalties. – (1) All or any of the prescribed punishment on Class IV employees and minor penalties on all persons holding appointments to posts encacdred in the service constituted under Section 89 of the Act may be imposed by Vikas Adhikari/Chief Executive Officer as provided in Sub-Section (2) of Section 91 of the Act.
(2) Major penalties shall be imposed only by District Establishment Committee as provided in Sub-Section (3) Section 91.
(3) Provisions contained in Rule 14 of the Rajasthan Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1958 shall apply mutatis mutandis in this respect.
300. Procedure for imposing penalties. – Procedure of enquiry as laid down in Rules 16, 17, 18 and 19 of the Rajasthan Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1958 shall be followed in this respect.
301. Appeals. – (1) Appeal against the order of suspension or punishment may be preferred as per provisions of Sub-secs. (4) and (5) of Section 91 of the Act.
(2) All other provisions as contained in Rules 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 of Rajasthan Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1958 as amended from time to time shall apply mutatis mutandis in this respect.
302. Review and Revisions. – Powers of review and revision lie with the State Government in accordance of Section 97 of the Act.

CHAPTER 14, Use of Vehicles

303. Controlling Officer. – Vehicles provided for the use of a Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad shall be under the control respectively of the Vikas Adhikari and the Chief Executive Officer who will be the Controlling Officer in respect of the vehicles so provided. The Controlling Officer shall be responsible for the proper use, care and maintenance of the vehicles and will regulate the journeys in accordance with these rules.
Maintenance of Vehicles

304. Number plates. – (1) All vehicles of the Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads shall, in addition to the number plate, exhibit plates in front and at the rear indicating the name of the Panchayat Samiti or the Zila Parishad to which they have been allotted.
(2) The registered number of the vehicles shall be painted clearly and distinctly on all types of vehicles.
305. Record of vehicles. – In respect of each vehicle under his control, the Controlling Officer shall be responsible for the maintenance of :-
(a) a log book in Form No. XLI
(b) a register in Form No. XLII showing cost of petrol or diesel oil etc., consumed and other incidental receipts and expenditure; and
(c) an inventory of equipment in Form No. XLIII.
306. Precautions in respect of consumption of Petrol/Diesel/Oil. – (1) The petrol, diesel or power line tanks of vehicles shall be fitted with locks and the keys thereof shall be kept in the possession of the Controlling officer or any Officer authorised by him who should be present when petrol, diesel or power line is put in the tank.
(2) The log-book shall be examined and signed by a responsible officer at the close of each month showing the total fuel and oil consumed during the month, the total distance covered and the average kilo meterage of per liter of fuel or oil consumed. It shall then be put up to the Controlling Officer, who shall examine and satisfy himself that the average consumption of fuel and oil is reasonable, and countersign it. If the consumption of fuel or oil is high, he will take immediate steps to look into the causes and take suitable steps.
307. Inspection of inventory. – The inventory shall be checked by the Controlling Officer or by a responsible officer deputed by him for the purpose every six months and any loss arising out of negligence or default shall be recovered from the person concerned. A report of inspection shall be prepared and kept on record. If the inspection is carried out by an officer other than the Controlling Officer, the report shall be placed immediately after inspection before the Controlling Officer.
308. Testing and servicing of Vehicles. – (1) The Controlling Officer shall have each vehicle tested every month regarding fitness for journeys and place a report on record.
(2) He will also submit a half yearly report, to the Panchayat Samiti or the Zila Parishad, as the case may be, about the kilometers run and the expenditure incurred on the maintenance of each vehicle.
(3) Each vehicle shall be serviced and lubricated after it has run for 1500 kilometers.
(4) The place where the vehicle shall be taken for service or lubrication or repair shall be decided by the concerned Standing Committee of the Panchayat Samiti or the Zila Parishad as the case may be, by a resolution.
309. Handing over on vacation of office. – In the event of the Controlling Officer vacating the office, the vehicles shall be handed over to his successor with complete equipment, spare parts, spare wheels, tyres and tools, and with the record referred to in Rule 305. The certificate of handing over and taking over shall be prepared and signed by the relieved and relieving authorities on each of the three records given in Rule 305.
310. Meters. – Each vehicle shall be fitted with a meter and, in case of tractors, with hour meter. It shall be responsibility of the Controlling officer to see that the meters are kept in proper working order. As soon as a meter falls out of order, steps should be taken to get it repaired or replaced as the case may be. The Controlling Officer shall ensure that the meter is not tampered with.
311. Entry in the log-book. – (1) The person using the vehicle shall note in the log-book in his own hand, the meter reading at the start and at the completion of each journey. He shall also indicate whether the journey undertaken was on official duty and if so the purpose of the journey shall be briefly recorded. It shall not be enough merely to state that the journey was official.
(2) When more than one officer travel together in a vehicle, the senior-most officer will make entries in the log book.
(3) If any officer fails or refuses to indicate the particulars of the journey undertaken by him, this fact should be reported immediately by the driver of the vehicle to the Controlling Officer.
312. Insurance. – All vehicles shall be insured against third party risk with State Insurance Department or a registered insurance company.
Use of Vehicles

313. Restrictions on the use of vehicles. – (1) The vehicles are intended for use of bonafide, official duty within the jurisdiction of the Panchayat Samiti or the Zila Parishad, as the case may be. Vehicles shall not be used for journeys outside the jurisdiction of the Panchayat Samiti or the Zila Parishad, as the case may be, without the previous sanction of the Director, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj except that they may be taken for repairs or servicing to the places duly approved under Sub-rule (4) of Rule 308. The Panchayat Samiti vehicles may also be used for attending meetings at district head quarters, dropping district Level Officers, the Pramukh and Headquarters Officers of the Development Department to the neighbouring block.
(2) Vehicles of Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad may be used by non-officials as per orders issued by the Government from time to time.
314. Conditions for use of vehicles. – (1) In addition to the Chairpersons of the Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads and the Chairman of the Standing Committees of the said Panchayati Raj Institutions, the Vikas Adhikari and Extension Officers in the case of a Panchayat Samiti and the Chief Executive Officer/Additional Chief Executive Officer and the Headquarters Officers of the Rural Development and Panchayati Raj department are, subject to the provision of Sub-rule (2), entitled to the use of the vehicles for official purposes.
(2) The use of vehicles shall be subject to the following conditions: –
(i) the vehicles shall be used primarily for inspection of development works and other activities of the Panchayat Samiti or the Zila Parishad.
(ii) the vehicle shall not be used for journey from residence to the office and vice versa :
Provided that whenever any case of serious sickness within the area of the Panchayat Samiti is reported and no ambulance is made available by the hospital for carrying the patient from the village to the hospital, the vehicle may be detailed for such purpose on payment of charges at the rate of Rs. 2.60 per KM or as determined by the State Government from time to time.
(3) The vehicles may also be used by Headquarters officers of the Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department.
315. Vehicles be driven only by driver. – Vehicles shall only be driven by the authorised driver thereof. No member of the Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad or Officer thereof shall drive the vehicles.

CHAPTER 15, Administration of Panchayati Raj Institutions

316. Office. – (1) The Office of Panchayati Raj Institution shall be lodged and held in the building specially constructed for the purpose or in any other public building available at its headquarters.
(2) Where no such building as is referred to in Sub-rule (1) is available, a suitable building for the purpose may be taken on rent.
(3) The Head of Office shall make suitable seating arrangement for the Panchas/Members and the staff of Panchayati Raj Institution and for the public attending the office.
(4) The office shall normally remain open from 10.00 A.M. to 5.00 RM. on all working days except on Sundays or other public holidays.
(5) Head Office shall make arrangements for the requisite articles of stationery, furniture, forms and registers etc., and make necessary arrangements for its safety and security.
317. Seal. – (1) Each Panchayati Raj institution shall have a seal inscribed with its name and shall use the same on all correspondence, orders and copies issued by it.
(3) Such seal shall ordinarily remain in the custody of Head of Office.
318. Files and Registers. – (1) All correspondence, forms and other papers shall be maintained properly in Separate files, opened subject wise.
(2) All files and registers shall be kept in office and shall not be taken by any member or staff to a place other than the office of Panchayati Raj Institution and all files on which action is complete and no further action is to be taken, shall be closed and shall be consigned to the record room.
319. Channel of correspondence. – Unless otherwise expressly provided in the Act or in any Rule or Bye-law made thereunder, any direction of the State Government, Panchayat shall correspond with .Panchayat Samiti, panchayat Samiti shall correspond with Zila Parishad and Zila Parishad shall correspond with the State Government.
320. Officer Incharge of Panchayati Raj. – (1) Chief Executive Officer shall act as Office Incharge Panchayati Raj at the district level for general superintendence, guidance and direction of all Panchayati Raj Institutions in the district.
(2) Director Rural Development and Panchayati Raj will act as Officer Incharge panchayati Raj Institutions at the State level for enforcement of provisions of Panchayati Raj Act, 1994, Rules, made or notification issued thereunder.
Inspection of records and grant of copies

321. Application for inspection. – (1) Any person desiring to inspect a register, book, file or record of a Panchayati Raj Institution shall submit an application in writing specifying the entries or papers, as the case may be, to be inspected and shall pay in advance a fee of Rs. 5/- for the search of such record.
(2) If the application be for urgent inspection, double the fee Rs. 10/- shall be paid.
322. Search for record etc. and order for inspection. – Upon receipt of the application under Rule 321 and payment of fees provided for therein, head of office shall cause the relevant register, book, file or record to be searched and put up before him, shall examine the entries or papers sought to be inspected and shall make an order allowing inspection of the same if he does not consider the same to be objectionable or contrary to public interest or if such inspection is not prohibited.
323. Information regarding expenditure on construction works. – (1) Every Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti shall exhibit on a notice board placed at a conspicuous place at its headquarters, the details of construction works sanctioned and executed during the five years along with its estimate and amount actually spent.
(2) Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti concerned shall also exhibit such board on the work site indicating name of the work, amount spent and the date of completion for general information of the public.
(3) Any person or voluntary organisation may apply for inspection of records pertaining to any such work by depositing Rs. 5/- and such muster rolls or vouchers may be shown to him. He may be permitted to note any details of such information on a separate piece of paper and necessary facility may be provided for the same.
(4) Pen, ink, fountain pen and the like shall no be used during inspection, but notes may be taken by pencil and the person inspecting the record shall not make, breakup or deface the record.
324. Grant of copies. – (1) If upon search under Rule 322, the relevant register, book, file or record is found, and it is decided by head of-office to grant copies or extracts from the same, the applicant will deposit a copying fee at the rate of Rs. 2/- for every 200 words or part thereof and for the purpose of calculating the amount of such fee where figures have to be copied, five figures shall be taken as equivalent to one word.
(2) For obtaining copies urgently, the copying fee should be charged at double the rate, specified in Sub-rule (1).
325. Preparation and issue of copies. – On receipt of the copying fee, the copies or extracts shall be got prepared and shall be certified as true by the head of office or any other officer authorised by him after scrutiny, and furnished to the applicant if he appears in person to receive the same or authorities some one to receive it or send him by post, if the applicant has deposited the postage stamps for the purpose.
326. Time for grant of copies. – (1) Copies shall ordinarily be issued within 4 days.
(2) Urgent copies shall be furnished within 24 hours.
327. Grounds for rejection. – (1) When an inspection/grant of copy is disallowed, the application thereof shall be rejected by an endorsement thereon stating briefly the reasons therefore and applicant shall be informed accordingly.
(2) No copy shall be granted of official correspondence, papers and of a document which is itself a copy.
328. Register of applications for inspection/grant of copies. – (1) Register shall be maintained in the office of every Panchayati Raj Institution for entering such applications indicating name of the applicant/voluntary agency, date of application and amount deposited in Form No. XLIV.
(2) All inspecting officer shall inspect such register at the time of their inspection.
(3) Chief Executive Officer shall ensure compliance of Rules 321 to 325 and review it from time to time.
Appointment of Counsel

329. Appointment of Counsel in suits and proceedings by or against Panchayati Raj Institution. – (1) When the State Government and the Panchayati Raj Institution are both parties in any Civil Proceedings and the interests of both in such proceedings are identical, a common counsel shall be engaged andhe shall he paid only one set of fee, half by the State Government and half by the Panchayati Raj Institution.
330. Civil proceedings in which the interests of the Panchayati Raj Institution alone are involved. – (1) In a civil proceedings where the interest of the Panchayati Raj Institution alone are involved and the Panchayati Raj Institution engages a Counsel, the fee payable to the Counsel shall not ordinarily exceed Rs. 2,000/-. Head of Office shall be competent to sanction it.
(2) Sanction of the Standing Committee Administration shall be necessary for payment of fees exceeding Rs. 2,000/- per case.
Administrative Control

331. Administrative power of Sarpanch and duties of Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary. – (1) Gram-cum-Secretary Panchayat shall attend Panchayat Office regularly during office hours and work under directions of Sarpanch.
(2) He shall regularly mark his attendance in a register maintained for the purpose.
(3) In case Secretary is in charge of more than one Panchayat, Vikas Adhikari shall fix the days of every week when he shall attend a particular Panchayat. In such case he shall mark attendance only for such days.
(4) Sarpanch shall send certificate of attendance for such days on 20th of every month to the Panchayat Samiti for payment of salary to such Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary. No salary shall be payable for the period of absence unless due leave was got sanctioned for the same.
(5) It shall be duty of the Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary to inform the Sarpanch concerned about the leave sanctioned to him by Vikas Adhikari. He shall mark such leave in attendance register also.
(6) Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary shall maintain secrecy about Panchayat record and shall not allow inspection of record or grant of copies to any applicant without specific permission of Sarpanch.
(7) He shall promptly execute the orders of Panchayat, attend Panchayat meetings regularly and punctually, record its proceedings correctly maintain Panchayat files, records, and registers.
(8) He shall receive money on behalf of panchayats, maintain account books, prepare budget, and furnish all the information and prescribed returns and statements to the Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti on prescribed dates.
(9) Arrange all payments sanctioned by Panchayat.
(10) Prepare demand of assesses of tax/fees and ensure issue of demand slips in the month of April.
(11) Assist Patwari in collection of taxes for panchayat in the month of May.
(12) Get Annual Action plan prepared before the Gram Sabha to be held in the last quarter of financial year and forward to Panchayat Samiti for sanction by D.R.D.A.
(13) Get priority of works decided in Gram Sabha in view of probable allocation of funds.
(14) Get sanctioned works executed under the supervision of Committee of Panchas.
(15) Maintain muster rolls and other accounts of construction works as per terms and conditions of sanction.
(16) Maintain quality of works and technical specifications.
(17) Inform Junior Engineer of Panchayat Samiti within a week from the date of completion and get completion certificate within one month.
(18) Accompany Committee of Panchas in the month of July and January every year to survey un-authorised trespass cases in Abadi land and Gochar lands.
(19) Maintain survey register for such trespasses and report such cases to Panchayat/Tehsildar for ejectment/regularisation as per Panchayat/Revenue Rules.
(20) Dispose of applications for purchase of Abadi land expeditiously as per Rules.
(21) Arrange purchase of material on competitive prices by following prescribed procedure.
(22) Assist Panchayat/Sarpanch in efficient discharge of duties laid down in Rules 33 and 34.
(23) Maintain Birth and Death Registers.
(24) Hold First meeting of Vigilance Committee and assist members of Vigilance Committee in monthly meetings.
(25) Perform such other functions which Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti may entrust from time to time.
332. Annual report about performance of Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary. – Sarpanch shall send comments on the performance of above duties by Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary to the Vikas Adhikari who shall enclose such remarks with annual performance appraisal of such Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary.
333. Administrative power of Pradhan and duties of Vikas Adhikari. – (1) The Pradhan may, after every meeting of Panchayat Samiti give such instructions to Vikas Adhikari regarding implementation of decisions and resolutions of Panchayat Samiti as may be considered necessary to ensure speedy implementation of such decisions and resolutions.
(2) The Vikas Adhikari shall inform the Pradhan of the decisions and resolutions.
(3) Vikas Adhikari shall submit to the Pradhan a report on progress of the implementation of decisions and resolutions of the Panchayat Samiti and the Standing Committees thereof, before the next meeting of the Panchayat Samiti and Committees as the case may be, so that Pradhan may place it before the Panchayat Samiti.
(4) Casual leave to the Vikas Adhikari shall be sanctioned by Pradhan.
(5) Vikas Adhikari shall assist Pradhan in efficient discharge of his duties mentioned in Rule 35.
(6) Vikas Adhikari shall include such items in Agenda of meetings of Panchayat Samiti and Standing Committees as directed by Pradhan.
(7) Submit copy of tour programme of Vikas Adhikari and all extension officers for information of Pradhan.
(8) Consult Pradhan with regard to transfers of employees.
(9) Seek approval of Pradhan with regard to transfers of employees.
(10) Work shoulder to shoulder with Pradhan in case of natural calamities for providing food and shelter to victims and fodder for cattle and control of epidemics of human beings, cattle or crops.
(11) Put up all important papers and circulars etc., regularly before Pradhan and discuss steps to be taken for speedy execution of programmes and successful implementation of policies.
(12) Pradhan shall send remarks in the month of April every year regarding performance of Vikas Adhikari to Chief Executive Officer who shall enclose them, with the Annual performance appraisal to be sent to the Director Rural Development and Panchayati Raj.
334. Other powers and duties of Vikas Adhikari. – In additional to the duties of Vikas Adhikari as laid down in Section 81 of the Act, he shall also exercise powers and perform duties as under –
(1) Sanction Casual Leave and leave of all kinds except special disability leave and leave for going outside India to all officers and staff working in Panchayat Samiti.
(2) Approve Tour programme of all officers and staff working in panchayat samiti and Countersign their TA. bills.
(3) Transfer any member of the service within the area of the Panchayat Samiti after 2 years or before two years with approval of Standing Committee, Administration.
(4) To prepare Agenda for meetings of Panchayat Samiti and Standing Committees.
(5) To keep minute book of proceedings in safe custody and record proceedings correctly.
(6) Send copies of proceedings of the meetings of Panchayat Samiti to Zila Parishad.
(7) Inform the State Government through Chief Executive Officer regarding any decision taken in violation of Act, Rules, Notification or directives of the State Government.
(8) Take speedy action on decision of meeting and submit progress report in subsequent meetings and get conflicting decisions of Standing Committees resolved in Panchayat Samiti meeting.
(9) Implement programmes and policies effectively through Extension Officers and Panchayats.
(10) Achieve physical targets of various programmes and also pay attention to their qualitative aspect.
(11) Implementation of 20 Point Programme effectively.
(12) Successful execution of transferred schemes of education and water supply etc.
(13) Effective supervision and monitoring of all schemes.;
(15) Submit quarterly and annual accounts to Panchayat and Development Department on prescribed time schedule.
(16) Timely preparation and submission of budget by 15th February.
(17) Make available required information and record to the members of Panchayat Samiti.
(18) Supervision and effective control on officers and staff of Panchayat Samiti.
(19) Keep control on expenditure.
(20) Day to day checking of cash transaction and correct maintenance of account books.
(21) Appointments of Class IV.
(22) Conduct monthly meeting of Gram Sevaks and Extension Officers to review Progress of activities.
(23) Prepare Annual Administration report of Panchayat Samiti.
(24) Send Annual Performance Appraisal of all officers and staff.
(25) Increase own resources of Panchayat Samiti by 15% every year.
(26) Present six monthly income expenditure account before Panchayat Samiti in the month of November.
(27) Proper use of Grant-in-aid from State Government.
(28) Keep cheque books and receipt books in safe custody.
(29) Keep keys of double lock safe secure in personal custody.
(30) Take proper security of cashier and store keeper.
(31) Issue completion certificates of work after spot verification.
(32) Obtain receipts of permanent advance in the month of April every year.
(33) Take action for embezzlement, fraud and loss of money promptly.
(34) Initiate disciplinary action, recovery of loss and police action if necessary at proper time.
(35) Ensure timely audit of accounts of Panchayats and Panchayat Samiti.
(36) Arrange for special audit in case of police cases registered for embezzlement and fraud.
(37) Simultaneous deposit of GPF/Insurance deductions by Cheque alongwith salary bills to prevent fraud.
(38) Initial all vouchers and cash book entries to avoid double use of vouchers and misappropriation.
(39) Proper use of vehicles as per rules.
(40) Full use of power as head of Office.
(41) Inspection of all Panchayats once a year and encourage them to raise own resources through taxes/fees and other properties at their disposal.
(42) Physical verification of 10% construction works and check quality of works.
(43) Physical verification of 10% IDRP loanees.
(44) Special checking of Indira Avas & Jeevan Dhara works.
(45) Maintain control register of Gram Sabha and Paneliayat meetings.
(46) Monitoring of monthly return of Patta register of Panchayats in Panchayat Samiti office to prevent issue of Pattas in back dates.
(47) Maintain proper coordination with District Level Officers and take proper technical guidance.
(48) Inspection of own office twice a year.
(49) Inspection of ten schools every month and ensure that all the teachers are posted in schools as per sanctioned strength and no teacher is working on deputation in any school of Panchayat Samiti without written approval of the Chief Executive Officer.
(50) Ensure compliance of job charts by all Extension Officers.
(51) Send D.O. letter to Chief Executive Officer regarding progress and problems on 5th of every month.
(52) Work as Chief Executive of Panchayat Samiti.
335. Terms and conditions for appointment of Additional Chief Executive Officer. – (1) The State Government may appoint an officer of the appropriate Service to be appointed as Additional Chief Executive Officer in Zila Parishad to assist the Chief Executive Officer in due discharge of his duties under the Act.
(2) Such officer shall be on deputation and shall draw pay and allowances as admissible to him in his parent department.
(3) He shall be junior to the Chief Executive Officer in rank/seniority.
336. Other powers and functions of the Chief Executive Officer. – In addition to the powers and duties laid down in Section 84 of the Act, the Chief Executive Officer shall assist the Pramukh in discharge of functions specified in Rule 36 and perform additional duties and exercise powers as under:-
(1) He shall act as Officer Incharge Panchayati Raj for the district who shall provide necessary guidance and advice in the implementation of rural developmental schemes and programmes in the district.
(2) He shall provide guidance to Panchayats and Panchayat Samitis in implementation of the provisions of Act and Rules.
(3) He shall monitor the compliance of provisions regarding regular and timely holding of meetings of Gram Sabha, Panchayats and Panchayat Samitis.
(4) Take action for removal of member of conduct preliminary enquiry in case of disqualification coming to his knowledge and conduct special meeting when no confidence motion is received against Panch/Sarpanch, Pradhan/Up-Pradhan.
(5) Ensure that full charge is handed over by predecessors to the successors after election of chairpersons or transfer of officers.
(6) Ensure that Standing Committees are formed within 3 months after election and all the members are given due representation in Standing Committees.
(7) Send immediate report to the State Government regarding decisions taken or resolutions passed in violation of the provisions of Act, Rules, Notifications, or other directives of the Government.
(8) Initiate action for immediate relief for food, shelter, fodder, medicines etc., in case of natural calamities like outbreak of epidemics of human beings, cattle or crops.
(9) Exercise prefect supervision and control over officers and staff of Panchayati Raj Institutions in the district.
(10) Ensure financial discipline in Panchayati Raj Institutions of the district.
(11) Co-ordinate with various district level officers executing rural development schemes.
(12) Ensure timely preparation of district plan through district planning committee.
(13) Review quarterly progress of implementation of such plan.
(14) Take steps for speedy implementation as per directives by Zila Parishad.
(15) Ensure that vigilance committees are active at Panchayat level.
(16) Monitor that budgets are prepared as be scheduled programme by Panchayati Raj Institutions and prescribed quarterly and annual returns of income and expenditure are sent within due dates.
(17) Arrange for smooth working of Panchayat’s by posting Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary or arranging persons on contract basis out of own resources of Panchayats or general purpose grant released to them by State Government.
(18) Immediate transfer of funds received from State Government to Panchayats and Panchayat Samitis.
(19) Physical verification of atleast 10 construction works of Panchayats and Panchayat Samitis per month.
(20) Regular inspection of schools, primary health centres, Ayurved veterinary dispensaries, Anganvadi Centres and such other institutions, Vaccination programme, family welfare campus, drinking water situation, fair price shops, maintenance of rural roads, rural sanitation, electrification, drainage, rural housing programme, fisheries, development use of village tanks and Gochar lands, cattle pounds in rural areas of the district during tours.
(21) Timely recruitment of candidates through District Establishment Committee and allotment for filling up of vacancies.
(22) Take disciplinary actions for dereliction of duties by members of Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad Service.
(23) Exercise effective control over Vikas Adhikaris and other staff on deputation with Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishad and send them for training, refresher courses from time to time.
(24) Sanction leave upto two months to employees on deputation of Panchayati Raj Institutions.
(25) Send Annual performance appraisal reports of Vikas Adhikaris and Officer and Staff posted in Zila Parishad on the basis of work report as per duties and function assigned to them.
(26) Transfers of members of Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad Service within the district as per general guide lines or decision of Zila Parishad. No Gram Sevak shall be posted in Home Panchayat.
(27) Inspection of Panchayat Samitis and 20 Panchayats during a year.
(28) Inspection of own office once in six months.
(29) Exercise powers of regional officer as per provisions of GF & AR as regards purchases, sanctions, write off, time barred claims and all such other financial matters.
(30) Sanctions to Panchayat Samitis to spend own resources as provided in Rule 214.
(31) Ensure attendance of all district level officers concerning execution of rural development programmes in the district.
(32) Ensure effective implementation of employment generation and poverty alleviation programmes by Panchayats and Panchayat Samitis.
(33) Attend meetings of Panchayats/Panchayat Samitis to review progress of schemes and provide general guidance.
(34) Encourage Panchayat/Panchayat Samitis to raise own income by 15% every year through taxes and non-tax revenues like fees and management of properties entrusted to them.
(35) Watch recovery of outstanding loans by Panchayat Samitis.
(36) Take action for recovery of losses of revenue, embezzlements and cases of misappropriation/deflection detected or pointed out by audit reports.
(37) Initiate police against persons involved in fraud, forgery, embezzlement etc., and arrange special audit in such cases.
(38) Get prepared Annual Administration Reports during April.
(39) Ensure transparency in functioning of Panchayati Raj Institutions.
(40) Ensure that Panchayat/Panchayat Samitis exhibit yearwise list of construction works done during last five years along with their estimate and actual expenditure and right of information is not denied to any person or voluntary agency.
337. Administrative Control by Pramukh. – (1) Director Rural Development and Panchayati Raj shall obtain written comments of Pramukh which will be attached as a part of Annual Performance Appraisal Report of the Chief Executive Officer regarding performance of his work during the year.
(2) Casual leave of Chief Executive Officer shall be sanctioned by “[Pramukh on the recommendation of the Collector].
Tours and Inspection

338. Norms of tours for elected representatives. – Limit of annual tour days for elected representatives will be as fixed by the Government from time to time.
339. Norms of Inspection for officers –
Inspection Officer
(i) Panchayat (a) Panchayat Extension Officer Half yearly.
(b) Vikas Adhikari
Once a year
(c) Chief Executive Officer
20 Panchayats per year.
(d) Dy. Commissioner posted at Hqrs. 20 Panchayats per year.
(ii) Panchayat Samiti (a) Vikas Adhikari Half yearly
(b) Chief Executive Officer
(c) Dy. Commissioner posted at 5 per year H.Qrs. Once a year if No. of Panchayat Samitis in the District are not more than 6. In case of other districts 6 Panchayats Samitis per year but same Panchayat Samiti shall not be inspected repeatedly.
340. Tour days for officers. – (1) No officer shall remain on tours for more than 10 days in a month in addition to meetings at Zila Parishad/DRDA, Court attendance or trainings/workshop etc., organised at State level.
(2) All the Vrkas Adhikaris, Extension Officers Junior Engineer, Account and Cashier shall remain at their headquarters on Mondays and Thursdays for arranging due payments and removal of public grievances. Fixing of meetings etc., should be avoided on these days.
341. Inspection of properties and works during field tours. – (1) All the elected representatives as well as officers shall inspect the properties belonging to or placed at the disposal of Panchayats/Panchayat Samitis that they are properly maintained.
(2) School building shall be inspected particularly to ensure safety of life of children and suggest improvement in quality of education.
(3) Construction work completed or in progress shall also be inspected to verify quality of construction and their proper use.
342. Duties and functions of Panchayat Extension Officer. – Panchayat Extension Officer shall act as friend, guide and philosopher for Panchayats under his jurisdiction. He shall specifically perform following duties:-
(1) Detailed Inspection of Panchayat records Accounts, Files, Properties, Works, Minute Book of Gram Sabha and Panchayat Meetings, compliance by Secretary, Assessment of Taxes, Recovery of dues Cattle pound, Grazing grounds etc., for two days per Panchayat.
(2) To supervise the Performance of duties by Sarpancha and Gram Sevak as laid down in Rules 33 and 332 respectively.
(3) Inspection of all Panchayats twice a year or inspection of 50 Panchayats every year.
(4) Compliance of Audit Report, Vigilance Committee and Gram Sabha decisions.
(5) Guidance for imposition of taxes/fees and raising non- tax revenues by 15% every year.
(6) Monitor Rural Sanitation, Rural Housing, Improved Chulha, Biogas and development of wayside facilities on national/State highways.
(7) Verification of physical assets of I.R.D.R Families.
(8) Report cases misuse of loan/subsidy to Vikas Adhikari.
(9) To attend Gram Sabha meetings and perform duties assigned in Rules 5 and 8.
(10) Conduct preliminary enquires as entrusted to him.
(11) Perform all other duties assigned by Vikas Adhikari/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad/State Government from time to time.
343. Duties and functions of Co-operative Extension Officer. – Co-operative Extension Officer shall be responsible for boosting co-operative movement in rural areas of the Panchayat Samiti. He shall perform following functions –
(1) Increase the membership of existing Co-operative Societies.
(2) Formation of Dairy Co-operative Societies on milk routes, encourage castration of bulls, artificial insemination, purchase of improved breeds of cows and buffalos so as to increase income through higher milk yield,
(3) Formation co-operative marketing societies for fruits and vegetables in potential areas.
(4) Maintain register of I.R.D.P selected families, arrange genuine preparation of loan forms, processing through banks, sanction of loans and disbursement of subsidy.
(5) 100% physical verification of assets created by I.R.D.P families and schemes of Scheduled Caste Development Corporation.
(6) Self employment loans to Trysem Trained Youths.
(7) Assist Vikas Adhikari in Camps for Loan Melas.
(8) Participate in District level Meetings of the office of Assistant Registrar.
(9) Inspect Co-operative Societies in the area.
(10) Deal with Rural Housing projects and loan accounts relating to such schemes.
(11) Asses the bankable projects and assist bankers in preparation of credit plan every year.
(12) Attend meetings of credit coordination committee.
(13) To attend Gram Sabha Meetings and perform duties assigned in rules 5 and 8.
(14) Perform all other functions allotted by Vikas Adhikari/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad/State Government, from time to time.
344. Duties and functions of Progress Extension Officer (Statistics). – Progress Officer shall be mainly responsible for review of progress and evaluation of programmes undertaken by the Panchayat Samiti. His main functions shall be as under:-
(1) Compilation of Statistics and its analysis.
(2) Maintenance of permanent statistical records.
(3) Assist in evaluation of progress of plans and other developmental activities.
(4) Prepare reports and returns for review of progress.
(5) Prepare survey reports.
(6) Verification of progress reports on site in case of doubt.
(7) Publication of progress reports and prepare manuscript and do proof reading for the same.
(8) Timely submission of monthly/quarterly/annual progress reports to district and state level officers and pay special attention to reliability of data.
(9) Provide guidance training to Gram Sevak-cum-Secretaries of panchayats for preparing required statistics correctly.
(10) Ensure benefits under social security schemes.
(11) Prepare progress charts/maps and keep them uptodate.
(12) To attend Gram Sabha meetings and perform duties assigned in Rules 5 and 8.
(13) perform all other functions allotted by Vikas Adhikari/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad/State Government from time to time.
345. Duties and functions of Education Extension Officer. – Education Extension Officer shall be primarily responsible for universal primary education of boys and girls in rural areas of Panchayat Samitis and improving quality of education in schools. His main functions will be:-
(1) Preparing proposals for opening of new schools so that facility of Primary schools is available to all residents within one kilometre radius.
(2) Increase enrollment of boys and girls to cover all the families by organising enrollment campaign.
(3) Conduct survey of children in age group 6-11 and 11-14 not coming to school every year in the month of July.
(4) Formation of village education committees to bring 100% children to schools and assist in school programmes of enrollment, tournaments, cultural programmes etc.
(5) Arrange to send children to non-formal education centres for extensive coverage.
(6) Prepare lady teachers for Saraswati Yojana in hamlets/villages having no school within one kilometres.
(7) Inspect schools twice a year :
(a) assess quality of teaching,
(b) ensure use of equipment supplied under operations Black Board Scheme.
(c) check postings of teachers as per sanctioned strength and as per teacher student ratio.
(8) Keep uptodate schoolwise statistics about buildings, rooms, room sizes, play grounds, boundary walls, furniture, other equipment, library books, play material, Tat Pattis, tree plantation etc.
(9) Keep uptodate schoolwise details of classwise enrollment of boys and girls and number of children not attending any school.
(10) Prepare regular programme of teaches training through District institute of Education and Training.
(11) Touring for 120 days and 60 nights during a year.
(12) Necessary guidance in monthly meeting of teachers on pay distribution day and making pay centre schools as ideal schools of Panchayat Samiti in all respects.
(13) Get annual developmental plan prepared for every school and get it implemented through parents/villagers.
(14) Arrange Teacher-Parents day every 3 months.
(15) Uptodate maintenance of service books of teachers.
(16) 50% expenditure of education cess on school buildings and equipments.
(17) Maintain all other records pertaining to educational activities.
(18) To attend gram sabha meetings and perform duties assigned in Rules 5 and 8.
(19) Perform all other functions allotted by Vikas Adhikari/Development Department from time to time.
346. Duties and functions of Junior Engineer. – Junior Engineer will be responsible for preparing estimates and design plan of works, give layout on site, inspection of quality of works under construction and arranging timely payments after entering the physical measurements in measurement book. He will perform the following functions:-
(1) Possess knowledge about terms and conditions of the schemes implemented by Panchayat Samiti.
(2) Possess knowledge of standard designed and cost estimates issued by the State Government.
(3) Possess knowledge about financial limits of grants in each case and share of people’s contribution.
(4) Possess knowledge of prevailing market rates of construction materials.
(5) Basic Schedule of Rates approved for the area for development works.
(6) Maintain dairy and Measurement Book.
(7) Maintain details of measurement and valuation of Panchayat Samiti buildings along with blue prints and undertake maintenance after sanction of Panchayat Samiti.
(8) Assist Panchayat Secretaries to maintain property register correctly and check unauthorised trespass.
(9) Assess potential sites for Anecuts, tanks, Nadis etc.
(10) Maintain works register in Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti.
(11) Prepare estimates of works as per Annual Action plan approved in Gram Sabha.
(12) Give technical instructions and layout after sanction of works.
(13) Site inspection of work at plinth level, roof level and on completion.
(14) Issue instructions in writing in case of poor construction or deviation of specification.
(15) Timely issue of utilisation certificates for payment of instalments.
(16) Issue completion certificate within one month of completion of work and put up for counter signature of Vikas Adhikari upto one lakh/Assistant Engineer upto two lakhs/XEN upto 5 lakhs.
(17) Remain at headquarters on all Mondays and Thursdays to arrange payment for works.
(18) Shall be responsible for construction of rural latrines, soak pit, urinals in schools and other items under rural sanitation programme and imparting technical training and guidance to local masons.
(19) Shall attend Gram Sabha meetings as nominee of Vikas Adhikari and perform duties assigned in Rule 5 and 8.
(20) Perform all other functions allotted by Vikas Adhikari/Assistant Engineer/Executive Engineer/Panchayat Samiti/State Government from time to time.
Training and Refresher Courses

347. Training Programmes/Refresher Course. – (1) Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department shall make special efforts for human resource development and prepare training modules for elected representatives as well as officials including Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary, Junior Accountants and Junior Engineers.
(2) Short term courses shall be arranged for Pradhans and Pramukhs at Indira Gandhi Panchayati Raj Sansthan, Jaipur, and for Sarpanchas and Members of Panchayati Samiti Zila Parisad, courses may be arranged at district level by Zila Parishad. Special training programmes/workshops may be arranged for women Sarpanchas and Scheduled Caste/Schedules Tribe/Other Backward Classes Sarpanchas elected for the first time.
(3) Refresher courses for Panchas may be arranged at Panchayat Samiti level or through voluntary organisations.
(4) Six months induction course for Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary shall be arranged at Panchayat Training Centres.
(5) Every Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary must get 5 days refresher course at least once in three years.
(6) Junior Engineers/Junior Accountants may also be imparted training at Gram Sevak Training Centres having Accounts and Engineering Staff.
(7) Course content should include managerial, technical and functional aspects.
Annual Performance Appraisal Reports

348. Preparation of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports of Vikas Adhikari and Chief Executive Officer. – (1) The Pradhan shall at the end of every financial year send a report as to the performance of Vikas Adhikari during the year to the Chief Executive Officer who shall initiate report on the working of Vikas Adhikari and send it along with report received by him from Pradhan to the Collector for review. The collector after putting up his remarks shall send it to the Director Rural Development and Panchayati Raj for acceptance.
[(2) The Pramukh shall, at the end of every financial year send a report as to the performance of Chief Executive Officer during the year to the collector who shall initiate report on the word of Chief Executive Officer and send it alongwith report received by him from pramukh to the Director, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj for review. The Director, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj after putting up his remarks shall send it to the Development Commissioner for acceptance.]
(3) The report shall ultimately be deposited with Department of Personnel for R.A.S. Officers and concerned Heads of Departments in other cases.
349. Preparation of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports of other Officers. – Annual performance appraisal reports in respect of other officers shall be filled as follows:-
Sl. No. Officer reported upon
Reporting Officer Reviewing Officer Accepting Officer
1. Assistant Engineer Zila Parishad C.E.O. Executive Officer
Chief Collector D.R.D.
(Director Rural Development)
2. Assistant Secretary Zila Parishad C.E.O.
D.R.D. D.C.
(Development Commissioner)
3. Junior Engineer
V.A. (Vikas Adhikari) C.E.O.
(along with comments of A.E.N.) D.R.D.
4. Panchayat Extension Officer (P.S.) V.A.
E.E.O. D.R.D.
5. Panchayat Extension Officer (Z.P) C.E.O.
D.R.D. D.C.
6. Panchayat Extension Officer (Collectorate) Collector
7. Other Extension Officers
V.A. C.E.O.
8. District Education Officer (Z.P) C.E.O.
Additional Director (Rural) Education Department
9. Senior Dy. D.E.O./ Dy. D.E.O.
(District Education Officer) (Z.P) C.E.O. D.R.D.
10. Accounts Officer/A.A.O. (Z.P)
C.E.O. Chief Accounts Officer (D.R.D. Officer) D.R.D.
District Planning Committee

350. Members of District Planning Committee. – (1) The District Planning Committee as envisaged in Section 121 of the Act, shall have in all 25 members, out of whom 20 members shall be elected from amongst and by the elected representatives of Zila Parishad and Municipal bodies in proportion to ratio of population of rural areas and urban areas in the district.
(2) Five nominated members shall be as under –
(a) Collector of the district
(b) Additional Collector, District Rural Development Agency
(c) Chief Executive Officer Zila Parishad
(d) Two persons from M.Ps. MLAs or persons representing Voluntary agencies nominated by the State Government.
351. Election of Members. – (1) Procedure of election shall be the same as prescribed for election of members of a Standing Committee of Zila Parishad.
(2) Such meeting for election of members shall be called by the Collector or officer nominated by him not below the rank of additional collector who will be assisted by the Chief Executive Officer.
352. Powers and functions of District Planning Committee. – (1) Main function shall be to consolidate the annual plans prepared by Panchayat Samitis and Municipal bodies of the district.
(2) Consider issues of common interest as laid down in Sub-Section (7) of Section 121 of the Act.
(3) Forward the district plan to the State Government.
(4) Chief Planning Officer shall act as Secretary of the Committee. Annual
Administration Report

353. Annual Administration Report of Panchayats. – (1) The Sarpanch of every panchayat shall cause to be prepared by the 20th of April every year a report on the administration of Panchayat during the financial year immediately preceding in prescribed Form No. XLV which shall be placed before and adopted in Panchayat meeting and sent to the Panchayat Samiti concerned. It shall also contain a note of important activities of Panchayat during the year.
[(1-A) The Sarpanch of every Panchayat shall publish a list of Bhama Shah Card Holders of Panchayat concerned, by 20th April of every financial year.]
(2) The Panchayat Samiti after examining reports of all Panchayats within its jurisdiction, cause to be prepared and send a consolidated report in respect thereof in the form of a narrative, together with its views thereon to the Chief Executive Officer by 15th June of the said year.
354. Preparation of Annual Administration Report by Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad. – (1) Every Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad shall as soon as may be after the close of the year prepare a report on its Administration in the Form No. XLVI.
(2) Zila Parishad shall review the reports received from Panchayats/Panchayats/Panchayat Samitis and if at any time, it transpires as a result of such review that working of any Panchayat or Panchayat Samiti has not been satisfactory, the Zila Parishad may forward a copy of its resolution to the Panchayat Samiti concerned.
(3) Zila Parishad shall forward the report for consideration of the State Government.
355. Publication of Report. – The State Government may publish for the information of the general public such portions thereof or such extracts or such summary thereof as it may consider necessary.
Incentive Grant to Panchayati Raj Institutions

356. Awards. – (1) Cash awards may be granted to best Panchayati Raj Institutions on the basis of their performance regarding raising tax and non-tax revenues, achievement of physical targets under 20 Point Programme, Poverty Alleviation and Employment Generation Programme, people’s participation in Community works and such other parameters of work and service as may be laid down by the State Level Committee for the purpose.
(2) The best Panchayat shall be adjudged at the district level by a committee constituted for the purpose. Committee shall recommend such panchayat who shall get an incentive grant as under for Development works.
I Rs. 2.00 lakhs.
II Rs. 1.00 Lakh
III Rs. 0.50 lakh
(3) The Best Panchayat Samiti shall be adjudged by a Committee constituted at Divisional Level. They shall get an incentive grant for development works as under :
I Rs. 5.00 lakhs
II Rs. 3.00 lakh .
III Rs. 2.00 lakh
(4) The Best Zila Parishad will be adjudged by the State Level Committee constituted for the purpose. They shall get Cash awards as under:
I Rs. 8.00 lakhs
II Rs. 5.00 lakh
III Rs. 2.00 lakh
Recognition of Service Associations

357. Service Association detained. – (1) Service association is a union of certain cadres of Rajasthan Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad Service employees which has been constituted for promoting the common service interests of its members.
(2) Such associations may be formed by Class IV servants or employees included in Sub-Section (92) of Section 89 of the Act.
358. Application of recognition of associations. – Any association desiring to get recognition, shall apply in prescribed Form XLVII along with certificate of registration, three copies of bye-laws, list of members of executive, details of members cadrewise and such other information as desired.
359. Conditions for grant of recognition. – Recognition may be granted by Director Rural Development subject to following conditions-
(1) All the required details are submitted with the application.
(2) Membership is restricted to certain employees of the service only.
(3) Association has been formed with objective of promoting common interests of employees. It has not been formed on the basis of any caste, tribe or any group formed on the basis of some religious books.
(4) Members of the executive are members of such association.
(5) Funds of the association are constituted out of subscription from members.
(6) At least 35% employees of such cadre are members of such associations.
360. Conditions to be followed by recognised Association. – Recognised Association shall be bound by the following conditions-
(1) Recognised Association shall not send any delegation for individual cases but raise only common interests of members.
(2) It will not support matter concerning any one employee.
(3) It will not keep pay political fund, nor it shall propagate idea of any political party.
(4) Submit list of office bearers and Audit Report of accounts before first July every year.
(5) All representations shall be addressed to Secretary or Head of the Department only.
(6) Any amendment in Rules/Bye-laws shall not be done without prior approval of the State Government.
(7) Membership of any other Sangh/Maha Sangh shall also be taken only after prior approval of the State Government.
(8) No member of Association shall indulge in any activity which is punishable under C.C.A. Rules, 1958.
(9) It shall not correspond with any foreign agency.
(10) None of its office bearers shall use disrespectful or improper language with the Government Officials.
(11) It will not participate in any election for Parliament, Assembly or Local bodies by :
(a) contributing to election expenditure
(b) supporting such contesting candidate
(c) assisting in election of any candidate,
(12) It shall not be associated with any political organisation engaged in any political movement.
(13) It shall not be associated with or registered as business union.
361. Disposal of disputes. – Only recognised association shall have right to negotiate dispute of its members. Procedure shall be: –
(1) All grievances shall be disposed of by correspondence or negotiations with Director Rural Development and Panchayati Raj without resorting to any unlawful means.
(2) In case of dispute, it shall be referred to Joint Advisory Committee constituted by Head of the Department. Association shall be bound to agree to recommendation of such committee.
362. Demand of information. – Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj may demand any information from the association to verify that conditions as laid down in Rules 359 and 360 are followed.
363. Recognition to any association for one cadre. – (1) Recognition shall be given to only one association for one cadre.
(2) In case any other association also subsequently applies for recognition for employees of the same cadre, its application shall not be considered upto one year from the date of recognition of the previous union.
(3) After such period, recognition may be continued or withdrawn on merits of each case.
364. Membership of Maha Sangh. – (1) Recognised Association can join membership of only such Maha Sangh which is recognised by the State Government.
(2) Objective of Maha Sangh shall also be to develop the spirit of goodwill and cooperation among members.
(3) Maha Sangh shall also not raise individual disputes but negotiate on common matters.
365. Withdrawal of recognition. – Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj may withdraw such recognition after giving opportunity of hearing if –
(1) Association has violated provision of Rules 359 and 360 or
(2) Recognition was obtained by misrepresentation or fraud or that it was wrongly given or
(3) Has violated any such other condition under these rules.
366. Relaxation of conditions. – Department shall be competent to relax certain conditions for good and sufficient reasons.
367. Destruction of Records. – The following registers, book and papers of a Panchayati Raj Institution shall be destroyed after the expiration of the period specified opposite them, such periods to be reckoned as from the date of their closure or final disposal –
(i) Counterfoil Receipt Books
Three years
(ii) Registers showing demand & collection of taxes and other dues Five years
(iii) Register of correspondence
Three years
(iv) Inspection Book
Three years
(v) Annual Report on the working of Panchayats Five years
(vi) Applications for copies of records One year
(vii) Application for inspection of Records One year
(viii) Forms of oath taken by the Chairpersons and Members & other papers relating to election
Four years
(ix) Audit Report
Fifteen years
(x) Report regarding embezzlement
Fifteen years
(xi) Service Book and Character Rolls Two years after retirement of the person concerned.
(xii) Annual estimates of Receipts & expenditure Three years
(xiii) Vouchers and Bills
Three years after audit.
(xiv) Security Bonds
One year after they, cease to have effect.
(xv) Other miscellaneous papers
Three years

CHAPTER 16, Framing of Bye-laws

368. Publication of draft bye-law. – (1) Whenever it is proposed to make any bye-law, or to modify any existing bye-law, under Sections 103, 104 or Section 105, the draft of the proposed bye-law or modification shall first be published for the information of all persons likely to be affected thereby, together with a notice specifying a date which shall not be less than a month beyond the date of the publication of the draft under Sub-rule (2), on or after which such draft will be taken into consideration by the authority proposing to make the bye-law to modify the existing bye-law.
(2) The draft and the notice under Sub-rule (1) shall be published by affixing the same in atleast two conspicuous places within the area of Panchayati Raj Institution affected as well as at the office of the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned.
369. Disposal of objections and suggestions. – The authority desiring to make the proposed bye-law or modification shall consider all objections or suggestions in respect of the draft published under Rule 368, if received before the date specified in the notice under that rule and may either drop the proposal or decide to make the proposed bye-law or modification with or without any alterations.
370. Further action in respect of proposals under Section 103. – If a Zila Parishad so decides under Section 103 to make the proposed bye-law or modification, the same shall be notified in the Official Gazette under the signature of the Chief Executive Officer.
371. Further action in respect of proposals under Secs. 104 or 105. – (1) If the decision under Rule 369 to make a bye-law or to modify an existing bye-law has been taken by a Panchayat or Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad in exercise of the powers conferred on it by Section 104 or 105 respectively, the proposed bye-law or modification, together with the draft thereof and the notice published under Rule 368 and all objections and suggestions in respect thereof received and disposed of under Rule 369 C shall be submitted by the Panchayat to the Zila Parishad concerned and Panchayat Samiti Zila Parishad to the State Government for approval and no such bye-law or modification shall have effect unless it has been sanctioned by the Zila Parishad or State Government as the case may be.
(2) The bye-law or modification as sanctioned by the Zila Parishad or the State Government under Sub-rule (1) shall be notified in the Official Gazette under the signature of the Sarpanch of the Panchayat, Vikas Adhikari of Panchayat Samiti, Chief Executive Officer of Zila Parishad, as the case may be, and the notification shall mention the fact of the approval and sanction of the Zila Parishad or State Government thereto.
372. Operation of bye-law of modification. – Every bye-law or modification of a bye-law notified under Rules 370 or 371 shall come into operation upon the expiration of one month from the date of notification.
373. Removal of doubts. – Whenever any difficulty or doubt arises as to the interpretation or implementation of these rules, the matter shall be referred to the State Government whose clarification shall be final in such respect.
374. Repeal and Saving. – (1) On and from the date of commencement of these rules, following rules framed under Rajasthan Panchayat Act, 1953 (Rajasthan Act No. 21 of 1953) and Rajasthan Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad Act. 1959 (Rajasthan Act No. 37 of 1959) shall stand repealed –
S. No. Existing Rules
1. Rajasthan Panchayat and Nyaya Up-Samiti Election Rules, 1960.
2. Rajasthan Panchayat and Nyaya Panchayat (Appointment of Counsel) Rules, 1962.
3. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Cooption of Members) Rules, 1979.
4. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Election of Associate Members) Rules, 1965.
5. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Election from Gram Sabha) Rules, 1964.
6. Rajasthan Panehayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Cooption of Members of Standing Committee) Rules, 1959.
7. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Declaration of Krishi Nipun) Rules, 1961.
8. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishad (Election of Pradhan and Pramukh) Rules, 1979.
9. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Retirement of Members of Standing Committee) Rules, 1962.
10. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Associate Members Voting Rights) Rules, 1965.
11. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Selection Commission Conditions of Service) Rules, 1960.
12. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Contributory Provident Fund) Rules, 1969.
13. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Declaration of Vacancies in Standing Committee) Rules, 1969.
[14. Rajasthan Zila Parishads (Cooption of Members) Rules, 1960.]
15. Rajasthan Panchayat and Local Bodies Subordinate Service Commission if (Selection conditions of Service) Rules ,1959.
16. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Jurisdictions over Municipal Areas) Rules, 1960.
17. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Election of Temporary Pradhan) Rules, 1959.
18. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Election of Chairman of Standing Committee) Rules, 1959.
19. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Election of Members of Standing Committee) Rules, 1959.
20. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Election of Up-Pradhan and Up-Pramukh) Rules, 1979.
21. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Election Petition) Rules, 1959.
[22. Rajasthan Zila Parishads (Election of Temporary Pramukh) Rules, 1961.]
23. Rajasthan Zila Parishad (Vocation of Office of Pramukh) Rules, 1965.
24. Rajasthan Panchayat (General) Rules, 1961.
25. Rajasthan Panchayat (General) Social Allotment of Abadi Land for Residential House Sites to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes, Landless Persons, Village Artisans and Small and Marginal Farmers Rules, 1975.
26. Rajasthan Panchayati Samitis (Administrative Powers) Rules, 1960.
27. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Appointment of Counsel) Rules, 1962.
28. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Conduct of Business of Standing Committees) Rules, 1959.
29. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Payment of Allowance to Members) Rules 1961.
30. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Removal of Pradhan and Up-Pradhan) Rules, 1960.
31. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Taxation) Rules, 1960.
32. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Terminal conditions of Deputation of Vikas Adhikaris, Extension Officers and Other Officers) Rules ,1959.
33. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (use of Vehicles) Rules, 1963.
34. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Administration Report) Rules. 1959.
35 Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (conduct of Business) Rules. 1960.
36. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (District Establishment Committee) Rules, 1961.
37. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parsihads (Employment of Physically handicapped) Rules, 1986.
38. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Grant of Copies of Records) Rules, 1963.
39. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parsihads (Grant of Copies of Records) Rules, 1963.
40. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parsihads (Karya Sanchalan) Rules, 1965 in Hindi).
41. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Karya Sanchalan) Rules, 1965 in Hindi).
42. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Motion of No Confidence in Pradhan. Up-Pradhan, Pramukh or Up-Pramukh) Rules, 1961.
43. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Preparation of confidential Report of Vikas Adhikaris and Secretaries) Rules, 1960.
44. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Constitution of Standing Committee) Rules, 1965.
45. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Service) Rules, 1959.
46. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Class IV) Service Rules, 1959.
47. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Recruitments of Dependents of the Members of Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad) Service Rules. 1978.
48. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads Services (Punishments and Appeal) Rules, 1961.
49. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Servants and Pensioners Conduct) Rules, 1969.
50. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads Rules for Grant-in-aid to persons belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Denotifled Tribes for Construction and Repair of Houses, 1961.
51. Rajasthan Zila Parishads (Conduct of Business of (Sub-Committees) Rules, 1960.
52. Rajasthan Zila Parishads (Payment of Allowances to Members) Rules, 1961.
53. Rajasthan Zila Parishads (Use of Vehicle) Rules, 1986.
54. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis Evam Zila Parishads Seva karamchari (Seva Sanghon Ko Manyata) Niyam, 1993 (in Hindi).
(2) Any appointment, notification, tax, fee, order, scheme, licence, permission bye-law, regulation or from made, issued, imposed or granted under the rules so repealed and in force immediately before the date of commencement of these rules, shall in so far as it is not in consist with the provisions of these rules, continue to be in the force as if made, issued, imposed or granted under these Rules, until superseded or modified by any appointment, notification, tax fee, order, scheme. Licence permission, bye-law, regulation or form made, issued imposed or granted under these Rules.
(3) All the actions taken under the Rules so repealed shall be deemed to have been taken under these rules and no action hitherto taken shall be challenged on the ground of such repeal.


Scheme and Syllabus of competitive examination for the post of [School Teachers Classes I to V] (General Education/Special Education).
(1) The competitive examination shall carry 200 marks.
(2) Duration of examination shall be two hours.
(3) The question paper of written examination shall carry multiple choice type questions.
(4) The negative marking in evaluation of answers shall be applicable. For every wrong answer 1/3 marks of the question shall be deducted.
Explanation. – Wrong answer shall mean incorrect answer or multiple answer.
(5) Paper shall include following subjects carrying the number of marks as shown against them.
(i) General knowledge and Current Affairs with Special reference to Rajasthan. 60 marks
(ii) Geographical, Historical and Cultural Knowledge of Rajasthan.
60 Marks
(iii) Educational Psychology 07 Marks
(iv) School Subjects
(a) Hindi 07 Marks
(b) English 07 Marks
(c) Mathematics 07 Marks
(d) General Science 07 Marks
(e) Social Studies 07 Marks
Note—Standard of contents of school subjects shall be of the secondary standard
(v) Educational Methodology
(a) Hindi 07 Marks
(b) English 07 Marks
(c) Mathematics 08 Marks
(d) General Science 08 Marks
(e) Social Studies 08 Marks
Total 200 Marks


Scheme and competitive examination for the post of School Teacher classes VI to VIII-
(1) The competitive examination shall carry 200 marks.
(2) Duration of examination shall be two hours.
(3) The Question paper of written examination shall carry multiple choice type questions.
(4) The negative marking in evaluation of answers shall be applicable. For every wrong answer 1/3 marks of question shall be deducted.
Explanation. – Wrong answer shall mean incorrect answer or multiple answer-
(5) Question paper shall include following subjects carrying the number of marks as shown against them.
(i) General Knowledge and Current Affairs with special reference to Rajasthan
20 Marks
(ii) Geographical, Historical and Cultural Knowledge of Rajasthan 20 Marks
(iii) Educational Psychology
20 Marks
(iv) Children Psychology
20 Marks
(v) School Subject (Contents of the syllabus shall be as per Secondary Standard)
120 Marks
200 Marks
Note. – The standard of the paper shall be of the Senior Secondary Level.]
Form I
[See Rule 21 (1)]
Form of the Written Notice of Intention to Make a Motion Expressing Want of Confidence
In the Sarpanch/Up-Sarpanch of …….. a Panchayat
In the Pradhan/Up-Pradhan of …….. a Panchayati Samiti
In the Pramukh/Up–Pramukh of …….. a Zila Parishad.#
The Chief Executive Officer/Development Commissioner, Zila Parishad Rajasthan, Jaipur#
We, the undersigned elected members of the ……… Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad# hereby give this notice to you of our intention to make a motion of no-confidence in Shri ……..the Sarpanch/Up-Sarpanch/Pradhan/Up Pradhan/Pramukh/Up-Pramukh# of our Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad# and also annex hereto a copy of the proposed motion of no-confidence.
Yours Faithfully,
Place ………..
Date …………
# Deleted whichever is not applicable.
Form II
[See Rule 21(2)]
Form of the Notice of a Meeting of the Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad to be held for consideration of the No-confidence Motion Against the Sarpanch/Up-Sarpanch/Pradhan/Up-Pradhan/Up-Pramukh
Shri ……………
Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad ………
Dear Sir.
This notice is hereby given to you of ……the meeting of Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad which shall beheld at the office of the said Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad on ……… (date) at …….. (time) for consideration of the motion of no-confidence which has been made against Shri ……….. the Sarpanch/Up Sarpanch/Pradhan/Up-Pradhan/Pramukh/ Up Pramukh of the said Panchayat Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad
A copy of the motion is annexed hereto.
Chief Executive Officer/Development Commissioner
Place ………
Date ……….
Form III
[See Rule 31]
Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad ……..
TADA Bill of Shri …….. Designation ………..
Particulars of journeys and halt Kind of Journey by Rail, Road or other Railways/Motor Lorry/Steamer/Aero plane fare
Departure Arrival
Amount of fare
Station Date
Hour Station
Date Hour
mode   Rs.
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
Incidental Charges Daily Allowance
Local Transport
Actual Expenses Purposes of Journey Remarks
Km. Rate
Amount No. of days
Rate Amount
Particulars Amount
Ps.     Rs.
Ps.   Rs.
10 11
12 13
14 15
16 18
Amount (in words)
1. Certified that I was not provided with any free locomotion at the expense of Government Local Fund or a Local Body.
2. Certified that the payment of this bill have not been received before.
3. Certified that I have actually travelled in the same class of accommodation for which TA. has been claimed.
4. Certified than on Sunday or other holiday for which daily allowance has been claimed by me, I was actually in camp.
Station : ………..
Date : …………..
Counter signature Counter signed for Rupees (in words)
Abbreviated classification
Controlling Officer
Date :………..
For Treasury Use
Pay Rs …….. Rupees (in words)
Examined and entered
Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad Accountant Payee’s discharge
Date Vikas Adhikari/Chief Executive Officer
Received payment Paid Rs……..on …… Vide Cash Book Item No …………
Signature Cashier Vikas
Adhikari/Chief Executive Officer

Form IV
[See Rule 63]
Assessment of Demand of Taxes for the period ending………
Name of Panchayat ………….. Panchayat Samiti …………. District ……. Name of Tax ……….. Rate of Tax …………..
Name of Village Name of Assessee and father’s Name, occupation and address Areas Current Demand
Total Remarks
1 2
3 4
5 6
Date : ………..
Signature of Patwari
Form V
[See Rules 64 and 105]
Demand Slip
Book No ……………. S. No. ………….
Village ……………. Panchayat ………
District …………. Panchayat Samiti ……….
  For the Year ………..
(Counter Foil)
Date Name of Assessee and father’s name,occupation and address Name of Tax Demand
Current Total
1 2
3 4
5 6
Form VI
[See. Rule 67]
Demand and Collection Register
Panchayat Samiti ……………….
Panchayat ………….
For the year …………
S No. Name of Village
Name, Father’s Name, Occupation and Addresses of the assessee
Name of Tax Areas
Current demand Total
Ref. to demand slip Amount paid
Total Ref. of receipt
Ref. to recovery statement Remarks
Date Arrear
Current demand   No.
Date No.
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
11 12
13 14
15 16
Form VII
[See Rule 69(6)]
Cattle Entry Pass (in Red Colour)
Book No …………..
S.No ……………..
Date ……………..
1 Out post No …………………
2. Name of breeder bringing the cattle ………….. S/o …………Caste …………. R/o ……………….
3. Place from where cattle brought ……….. Tehsil ………………. District …………….. State …………..
S. No. Kind of Animal
Number Date of Return
1 2
3 4
Special instructions: –
1 . Every trader/owner of cattle must obtain entry pass failing which he shall be liable to penalty at the time of departure.
2. The fact of sale must be got entered in Mela Office immediately after sale.
3. The fact of entry or exit of cattle for grazing of the incident of death of animal must be got entered on entry pass failing which tax will be charged for such animal also.
[See Rule 69(4)]
Rawana (White Colour)
Book No …………..
Serial No ………..
Date ………………..
Cattle fair tax recovered from……….. (name of purchaser of cattle) S/o …….. R/O ……… as under :
Description of Cattle Number
Price Mela Tax
Maximum Minimum
1 2
3 4
5 6
Form IX
[See Rule 69(7)]
Registration of Sales
S. No. Date
Name of purchaser with address Description of cattle Purchased Number Price
Mela tax Name & address of seller
Max Min
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
Form X
[See Rule 82(4)]
Receipt of Taxes/Octroi Duty
Receipt Book No ………… S. No ……………………..
Village …………….. Panchayat ……………….
Panchayat Samiti ………………. District …………………..
Name of Depositor
(With father’s name: occupation and address)
Date Amount received with details
Reference to demand slip
  Name of Tax
Amount No.
1 2
3 4
Signature/T.I. of Tax payer In case of Octroi duty : Signature of Patwari
Date Value of goods
Description of goods Rate of octroi Amount of octroi
1 2
3 4
Date : ………
Signature of Octroi Collector
Form XI
[See Rule 85 (1)]
Receipt for Transit Goods
Panchayat …………………… Panchayat Smity………. District……………..
Book No……………………….. S.No…………………
Name of octroi out-post……..
Name of importer…………. S/o……………. R/o…………………
Description of goods Value
Rate Amount Rs.
1 2
3 4
Railway/Goods Receipts No………. Date………………
Place of dispatch………………..
Pass No…………………… Date……………..
Signature of the Importer Signature of In-charge Octroi Outpost
Form XII
[See Rule 91]
Form of License of Vehicle
Shri………S/o………resident of………has paid the vehicle tax for the year and is permitted to keep a vehicle described below within the Panchayat circle for the aforesaid period.
[See Rule 106]
Form of Demand Notice
Panchayat……………Panchayat Samiti………….. Zila Parishad………..Case No………….Year………………..
In the above case, a sum of Rs………..is due from you and in spite of demand slip dated you did not deposit the outstanding dues, hence you are hereby ordered to deposit the above amount within fifteen days failing which your movable property will be taken under custody and action for the realization of dues will be taken.
Given under may hand seal this day the……………………
Signature of Sarpanch
Form XIV
[See Rule 107]
Warrant of Attachment and Sale
Panchay at………………Panchayat Samiti……………Zila Parishad………..Case No……………..Year………….
In the above case a sum of Rs…………….is due from Shri…….S/o…..R/O and the same has not been paid inspite of notice of demand and demand slip and the time limit of 15 days has also expired. In pursuance of Rule 107 under Sub-Section (2) of Section 65 of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994, you are hereby authorised to take under attachment the movable property of……………….excluding the articles exempted by law and produce the same before the Panchayat, attach and sell the said movable property according to law and deposit the sale proceeds in the Panchayat.
Given under any hand and seal this day the…………………
Signature of Sarpanch
Form XV
[See Rules 115 and 118]
Cattle Pound Register (Kine-House)
S. No. Date and time of the animal
No. of receipt granted on the entry of the animal
Description of animal Identification mark of the animal and appearance Name of the person bringing the animal and place of residence
Name of owner of the animal and place of residence if known
Date, time manner of disposal of the animal i.e., sold, released, or released or treated as unclaimed property
Time Manner
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
Receipt and No. of the disposal of the animal sold released treated as or unclaimed property No. of days for which the animal remained in kine house Fine and feeding charges realised Amount deposited in Panchayat fund or paid to the owner of the animal
Total deposited in Panchayat fund or paid to the owner of the animal
Name and addressed of individual obtaining the animal
Signatures or Thumb impression of individual obtaining the animal
Signature or incharges of cattle pound (Kind House)
Feeding Charges Panchayat fund
Owner of animal          
11 12
13 14
15 16
17 18
19 20
Form XVI
[See Rules 115 and 119]
Receipt for the Entry of Animal (In Two Foils)
Book No……….. Date………………………
Serial No…………….. Panchayat …………………..
Name of Kine-House………………….
Panchayat Samity…….
Date and entry of animal Name and place of residence of the individual bringing the animal
No. of animals admitted and description etc
Name and place of the residence of the owner if it is known
Kine-House Register Number Remarks
1 2
3 4
5 6
Signature of Kine-House Incharge
[See Rule 115 and 126]
Pass for the Release of Animal From Kine-House
Book No……….. Date………………………
Serial No…………….. Panchayat …………………..
Name of Kine-House………………….
Panchayat Samity…….
Date and time of entry of the animal Date and time of release of the animal No. of animals and description Name and place of residence of individual taking the animal
Fine realised Grazing fee realised Any other recovery
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
Signature of Kine-House Incharge
[See Rules 115 and 126]
Pass for the Release of Animal
(To be Kept in The Panchayat)
Book No……….. Date……………………….
Serial No…………….. Panchayat ………………..
Name of Kine-House……………… Panchayat Samiti……………
Serial Number of the Kine House Register
Date and time of release of the animal Amount of fine Grazing Fee
Any other recovery Remarks
1 2
3 4
5 6
Total Including previous total
Signature of Kine-House Incharge
Form XIX
[See Rules 115 and 127]
Receipt to be given to the purchaser of animal
Receipt to be given to the purchaser of animal
Book No…………… Book No………………….
Serial No……….Dated the…..19…. Serial No…. Dated the….. 19…. Name of Name of
Kine House…………… Kine House………..
Panchayat………. Panchayat……….
Panchayat Samiti…………… Panchayat Samiti…………..
Kine-House Register Number Description o f animal and class Identification mark or appearance Name of purchaser of animal and place of residence Cost at which animals were sold by auction Particulars of entry in Cash book Remarks
1 2
3 4
5 6
Signature of purchaser of animals
Signature of Sarpanch
Form XX
[See Rules 137]
Register of Buildings and other Immovable Property…………
Panchayat………………… Panchayat Samiti……………..
Serial No. Date of receipt of property Particulars of property
Value Purpose of which used
Annual income if any Remarks
1 2
3 4
5 6
Form XXI
[See Rule 146]
Panchayat…………….. Panchayat Samiti…………….
Serial No. Date of receipt of property Particulars of property
Value Purpose of which used
Annual income if any Remarks
1 2
3 4
5 6
[See Rule 148]
Notice Inviting Objections Regarding Proposed Sale of Abadi Land.
Panchayat…………… Panchayat Samiti………. Zila parishad………..
Notice is hereby given that Shri……S/o………residence of…..has applied to this panchayat the land described below:-
(Description of Land)
If any one has any objection to the sale of the above mentioned land, he should file his objections within one month of the thereof.
[[During the Rajasv abhiyan or Prashasan Gaon ke sang abhiyan or any other abhiyan organised by order of the State Government for sale of land and Patta Vitran], period of filing objections will be seven days in place of one month]
Signature of Panchayat
Signature of Sarpanch
[See Rule 167(1)]
Sale Deed of Abadi Land
This Deed of Sale is made on the………….day of……….between Panchayat established under the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 (Rajasthan Act No. 13 of 1994), being a body corporate by virtue of the provisions of Section 9 of that Act, (hereinafter called “the Vendor”, of the one part and……..S/o…….resident of……..(hereinafter called the “Purchaser”), of the other part.
1. The land described in the Schedule hereto and more particularly described in the plan annexed hereto which shows it as bounded in red, vests in the Vendor for the purpose of the Vendor.
2. The said land was put up to auction for sale on behalf of the Vendor on day of……….(pursuant to the application of Shri……..for purchase of the land) and the Purchaser’s bid of Rupees………being the highest was accepted.
This said land has been sold by negotiation at market rate of Rs………(applicable for sale by negotiation) and has been auctioned by Resolution No……….dated……….of Vendor Panchayat and confirmed by Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad/State Government vide order No……..dated……..
3. The said auction was held in accordance with Rules 150 to 152 of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules, 1996; as amended upto date and
4. The Purchaser has deposited the said sum of Rupees to the credit of the Vendor.
Now this Deed Witnesses as follows: –
I . In pursuance of the said auction/sale and in consideration of the sum of Rupees……..paid by the purchaser as aforesaid (the receipt whereof the Vendor hereby acknowledges), the Vendor hereby; transfer to the purchaser the land described in the Schedule hereto and more particularly described in the plan annexed hereto which shows it as bounded in red. To hold the same to the Purchaser as absolute owner subject to the payment of such cesses and taxes as may be lawfully assessed or imposed thereon and subject to the restrictions imposed by the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 and rules and bye-laws made thereunder as for the time being in force.
2. It is hereby agreed that the expression “the Vendor” hereinbefore used includes the successor and assigns of the Vendor, and the expression “the Purchaser” hereinbefore used includes his heirs, representatives, successors and assigns.
(Schedule and Plan to be annexed)
Signed on behalf of…………..Panchayati in pursuance of resolution No……….dated………of that Panchayat.
Signature of Sarpanch/Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary Purchaser’s Signature Witness
No. 1……………….
Witness No. I………………
Witness No. I……………………..
Witness No. II…………………….
[See Rule 157 (1)]
Patta of Residential Land
Gram Panchayat………………
Panchayat Samiti…………………
This Deed in made on the …. ……. day of between (Name of Panchayat) Panchayat established under the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 (Rajasthan Act No. 13 of 1994), (hereinafter called “the Allotting Authority”) of the one part…………..and S/o, W/o, D/o………resident of………..(hereinafter called “the allottee”), of the other part.
The land described in the Scheduled annexed hereto which shows it as bound in red, vests in the Allotting Authority for the purpose of the allotment.
This patta issued in favour of Sh./Smt………..S/o/W/o……….resident of under Rule 157 (1) of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules, 1996 with following conditions.
1. The aforesaid allottee is in possession of old house more than fifty year/constructed during last fifty years from the date of commencement of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules, 1996 on Panchayat Abadi Land. The allottee has deposited fce rupees One Hundred/Two Hundred.
2. The area of land is marked in red ink in annexed map plan.
3. The allottee can mortgage the document for taking loan from Government Under taking, Co-operative Bank, Commercial Bank or any other financial institution for reconstruction of the house.
4. The allottee shall be liable to pay all taxes or other charges payable to Government or local authority.
Issued by Gram Panchayat………..on date……..in compliance of resolution No……….
Signature Secretary
Signature Sarpanch
Demarcation –
1. North……………………..
2. South……………………..
3. East………………………
4. West……………………….
Map:- (Land is shown in map is de-marked in red ink)
Measurement: –
North Direction:………………………
South Direction:………………………
East Direction:……………………….
West Direction………………………..
Total area……………………….Sq.Yard.
Signature Secretary
Signature Sarpanch
Not for use
(in red link)
[See Rule 157(2)]
Allotment of Abadi Land/Regularisation of families possessing hutment/kucha.
Gram Panchayat ………………………..
Panchayat Samiti ………………………..
District ………………………(Rajasthan)
This Deed of allotment is made on the ………day of……..between (Name of Gram Panchayat) Panchayat established under the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 (Rajasthan Act, No. 13 of 1994), being a body corporate by virtue of the provisions of Section 9 of the that Act, (hereinafter called “the Allotting Authority”), on the one part and Smt. ………… W/o ………… resident of (hereinafter called “the allottee”), of the other part.
The land described in the Scheduled annexed here to which shows it as bound in red, vests in the Allotting Authority.
Whereas as family of allottee does not have any house or housing site any where and in possession of abadi land by way of construction a hutment/kutcha house upto year 2003 on the aforesaid land.
Whereas the Gram Panchayat has allotted and handed over possession of the land to the allottee under Rule 157 (2) of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules, 1996.
Whereas panchayat has agreed to allot above land measuring ……. Sq. yard (maximum 300 yards) on the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned.
And Whereas the Panchayat had handed over possession of the demised land to allottee on …………………..
Now this Deed Witnesses as Follows:
1. This allotment is being made after following the procedure laid down in the rules.
2. Such land has been allotted free of cost to Smt for residential purpose with reference to his application to the allotting authority.
3. Allottee and his heirs have no right to transfer land to anybody and shall be in possession of allottee himself except provided in condition No.4.
4. To construct the house on this land the allottee will have right to mortgage the document for taking the loan from Government Undertaking. Co-operative Bank or from any other financial institution.
5. This plot can be utilized as residential purpose.
6. The allotting authority reserves the right to cancel the allotment of land if any false information is given by the allottee or if he transfers the plot to any person.
7. The allottee shall be bound to comply with the plans approved by Gram Panchayat for systematic development of village.
8. Allotting authority reserves the right to cancel the allotment, if the applicant violates any condition or provisions of rules. Before cancellation of allotment the allotting authority shall given the opportunity of hearing to the allottee.
9. The allottee shall be liable to pay all taxes or charges payable to Government and other local authority.
Issued by Gram Panchayat ……….. is on date ……… is compliance of resolution No. …………………
Signature Secretary
Signature Sarpanch
Demarcation –
1. North ………………………..
2. South ………………………..
3. East ………………………..
4. West. ………………………..
Map :- (Land is shown in map is demarked in red ink) Measurement :-
North Direction ………………………..
South Direction ………………………..
East Direction ………………………..
West Direction ………………………..
Total Direction : ……………………….. Sq Yard
Signature Secretary
Signature Sarpanch
[See Rule 158]
Allotment of Abadi Land at concessional rate/free of cost
Gram Panchayat ………………………..
Panchayat Samiti ………………………..
District ……………………. (Rajasthan)
This Deed of allotment is made on the ………… day of …….. between (Name of Panchayat) Panchayat established under the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 (Rajasthan Act, No. 13 of 1994). Being a body corporate by virtue of the Provisions of Section 9 of the that Act. (hereinafter called “the Allotting Authority”) of the one part and ………… S/o ……….. resident of ………….. (hereinafter called “the allottee “), of the other part.
Whereas the allottee requested for allotment of land for construction of house at concession rate/free of cost and the Panchayat agree to allottee the same.
Whereas the Gram Panchayat has allotted and handed over possession of the land to allottee under Rule 158 of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules, 1996.
Whereas the Gram Panchayat has allotted and handed over possession of land to allottee under Rule 158 of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj. Rules, 1996.
And Whereas Panchayat has agreed to allot land measuring …. Sq. yards (upto 150 yards) on the terms and conditions hereinafter mention for the residential purpose –
And Whereas the Panchayat had handed over possession of the demised land to allottee.
Now this Deed Witnesses as Follows :
1 . The allottee is eligible for allotment at Concessional rate/free of cost.
2. Land which is indicated in the annexed map allotment in red ink is transferred to allottee for residential purpose.
3. Allottee and his heirs have no right to transfer land to anybody and shall be in possession of allottee himself except provided in condition No. 4.
4. To construct the house on this land, the allottee shall have right to mortgage the document by taking the loan from Government Undertaking, Co-operative Bank or from any other financial institution.
5. Such land has been allotted at the rate of ………./- or free of cost to allottee for residential purpose with reference to his application, as per the provisions of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules, 1996.
6. This plot can be utilized as residential purpose.
7. The allotting authority reserves the right to cancel the allotment of land if any false information is given by the applicant or if he transfers the plot to anybody else.
8. The allottee will be bound to comply with the plans approved by Gram Panchayat with a view to systematic development of village.
9. Allotting authority reserves the right to cancel the plot if the applicant violates any condition or provisions of the rules. Before cancellation of such plot the allotting authority shall give the opportunity of hearing to the allottee.
10. The allottee shall be liable to pay all taxes or charges payable to Government and other local authority.
Issued by Gram Panchayat ………. is on date …….. is compliance of resolution No ………………………..
Signature Secretary
Signature Sarpanch
1. North: ………………………..
2. South: ………………………..
3. East: ………………………..
4. West: ………………………..
Map: – (Land is shown in map is demarked in red ink) Measurement: –
1. North Direction: ………………………..
2. South Direction: ………………………..
3. East Direction: ………………………..
4. West Direction: ………………………..
Total Area………………………..Sq. Yard.
Signature Secretary
Signature Sarpanch”
[See Rule 168 (1)]
Patta Bahi (Register of Sale Deeds) of Abadi Land
Panchayat ……………. Panchayat Samiti ………….. District …………
S.No. File No.
No. and date of order of Panchayat and date of confirmation by higher by authority, if any Plot No. & Size Total Cost of
Name of person obtaining Sale Deed Signature of Recipient of Patta Signature of Secretary/Sarpacnch Date of sending of monthly statement to Panchayat Samiti from No…;to….
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
Form XXV
[See Rule 180]
Register of Works
Name of Panchayat ……………………..
Panchayat Smiti ……………………………..
Particulars of work ……………..
S.No. Date of Commencement of work
Amount sanctioned for the work Amount spent Name of person obtaining Sale Deed Signature of Recipient of Patta Remarks (Date of payment for wages/material be indicated)
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
[See Rule 191]
Form of Agreement
An agreement made this ……….. day of ………. between ………. (herienafter called the approved supplier which expression shall where the context so admits, be deemed to include his heirs, successors, executors and administrators) of the one part and Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad, which expression shall, where the context so admits be deemed to include its successors in office and assigns of the other part.
2. Whereas the approved supplier has agreed with the ……. Panchayat/Panchayat Samit/Zila Parishad to supply ………. all these articles set forth in the Schedule appended hereto in the manner set forth in the conditions of the tender and contract appended herewith and at the rates set forth in column ……… of the Schedule.
3. And whereas the approved supplier has deposited a sum of Rs ……….. in:
(I) Cash/Bank Draft/Banker Cheque No …….. dated …….
(II) Post office/Saving Bank Pass Book duly hypothecated to the Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad
(III) National Saving Certificates/Defence Saving Certificates/Kisan Vikas Patra or any other instrument under National Savings Scheme. (The Certificates being accepted at their surrender value).
4. Now these present witness –
(1) In consideration of the payments to be made by the said Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad at the rates set forth in the Schedule hereto the approved supplier shall duly supply the said articles set forth in ………. and …….. thereof in the manner set forth in the conditions of the tender and contract.
(2) The conditions of tender and contract for open tender as enclosed to the tender notice No …… dated ……… and also amended to this agreement will be deemed to be taken as part of this agreement an are binding on the parties executing this agreement.
(3) Letters No …………. received from tenderer and letter Nos. ………….. issued by the Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad and appended to this agreement shall also form part of this agreement.
(4)(a) The said Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad do hereby agree that if the approved supplier shall duly supply the said articles in the manner aforesaid and observe and keep the said terms and conditions, the Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad will through ……….. pay or cause to be paid to the approved supplier at the time and the manner set forth in the said conditions, the amount payable for each and every consignment.
(b) The mode of payment will be as specified below:-
1 : ………..
2 : ………..
3 : ………..
5. The delivery shall be effected and complied within………. period of……… from the date of this agreement and/or the date or order ……….
S. No. Item
Quantity Delivery Period
6. (1) In case of extension in the delivery period with liquidated damages, the recovery shall be made on the basis of following percentage of value of stores which the tenderer has failed to supply
Note – (I) Fraction of a day in reckoning period of delay in supplies shall be eliminated if it is less than half a day.
(II) The maximum amount of agreed liquidated damages shall be 10%
(III) If the supplier requires an extension of time in completion of contractual supply on account of occurrence of any hindrances, he shall apply in writing to the authority which had placed the supply order, for the same immediately on occurrence of the hindrance but not after the stipulated date of completion of supply.
(2) Delivery period may be extended with or without liquidated damages of the delay in supply of goods is oh account of hindrances beyond the control of the tenderer.
7. All disputes arising out of this agreement and all questions relating to the interpretation of this agreement shall be decided by the Government and the decision of the Government shall be final.
In witness whereof the parties hereto have set their hands on the ……..day …..
Signature of the Approval Supplier
Signature for and on behalf of the Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad
Date ………..
Witness No. I …….
Witness No. II …….
Date …………….
Witness No. I …….
Witness No. II …….
[See Rule 194(4)]
Budget Estimate of a Panchayat
Panchayat Samiti………………
For the year 20……..20………
Zila Parishad………………..
Estimated Income Estimated Expenditure
S. No. Head wise sanctioned budget of previous year Actual Income of previous year Estimated Income of the year 20……..20…… S. No.
Head of expenditure Sanctioned budget of previous year Actual expenditure of previous year Estimate expenditure of the year 20……..20……. Remarks
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
2. Opening Balance
Own income from taxes
(i) Tax on buildings
(ii) Octro including on country liquor
(iii) Pilgrims tax
(iv) Vehicle tax
(v) Water Tax
(vi) Tax on commercial crops
(vii) Any other tax 1
General Administration
(I) Pay of establishment
(II) Traveling allowanace
(A) of establishment
(B) of Panch and Sarpanch
(III) Honorium of Sarpanch/Meeting/Allowance/Refreshment in meeting
(IV) Contingencies(Office expenses, stationery, postage, etc.)
(V) Payment of Collection charge to Patwari.
Construction of public streets, draines, latrines, soak pits
3. Own income from non-tax revenues
(I) Fees
(II) Penalties and fmes
(III) Abadi and
(A) Sale of land
(B) Temporary use of land
(IV) Water Reservoirs
(A) fisheries
(B) Contract for Singhada etc
(C) Tank bed cultivation
(D) Irrigation charges
(E) Natural produce of trees on Tank Bank
(V) Grazing charges
(A) Grazing chages
(B) Sale of natural produce.
(C) Penalties from Trespassers
(VI) Agricultural Farms/Orchards
(VII) Local Fairs
(VIII) Sale of hides and skins of dead animals
(IX) Cattle Pound receipts
(X) Sale of Ration Cards
(XI) Sale of unserviceable articles
(A) Shops and sites
(B) Licenese fees
(C) Patta fees
(D) Others 3.
Construction of buildings (Schools, Dispensary, Anganwadi etc.)
(B) Drinking water supply
Original works
Repairs to
(I) Hand pumps
(II) Wells
(III) Maintenance and construction of river ghats or ghats on tanks or ponds.
Sanitation and construction of drains etc.
(A) Establishment
(B) Maintenance
(C) Other Requisites
Burning and Burial grounds
(A) Construction
(B) Maintenance
Cattle Pounds
(A) Establishment and maintenance
(B) Contingencies
(C) Remuneration to Pound Keeper/Contractor
Medical relief (Vaccination, family welfare camps)
4. Grant-in-aid from the Government
(I) General grant-in-aid @ Rs. 11/- per capita. In Lieu of share of land revenue.
(II) Maintenance grant for repair of school building etc.
(III) General purpose grant for sanitation, electricity, repair of rural roads etc.
(IV) Grant-in-aid to new Panchayats
(V) Incentive grant.
(VI) development grant/Matching share. 10. Maternity and Child Welfare (Anganvadi Centers)
Public Health (Prevention of diseases)
Maintenance of public building vested in the Panchayat including school. buildings
Primary Education
(I) Construction of schools
(II) Construction of quarters for teachers Slaughter houses
(I) construction
(II) Repairs
Slaughter houses
(I) Construction
(II) Repairs
5. Grant-in-aid from Central Government through the D.R.D.A for
(I) jawahar Rozgar Yojana
(II) Apna Gaon Apna Kaam
(III) Other Schemes. 15.
Village defense
Development of Agricultural and Forestry
(I) Agriculture farms/Orchards
(II) Development of grazing grounds.
(III) Social forestry.
(IV) Plantation on road sides.
Waste land development.
6. Grant-in-aid through Panchayat Samit/Zila Parishad for:
(I) Maintenance of hand pumps and other water Supply Scheme
(II) Maintenance of stud bulls.
(III) other grants for development/maintenance functions.
17. Census
Family Planning
Maintenance of stud bulls
Breeding and protecting cattle
Village industries
Assistance for fire.
7. Sums received by way of donations/contributions for Development.
23. Welfare of the people
(I) Maintenance of Akhadas/Clubs
(II) Radio/T.V.
(III) Social and cultural activities
(IV) Library and reading room
8. Sums ordered by a Court or a department to be placed to the credit of Panchayat Funds.
9. Miscellaneous receipts (interest etc.) 24.
Other works of public utility
Miscellaneous/Audit fees
10. Loans, deposits advances
(I) Loan from State Govt./financial Corporation
(II) Deposits
(A) Contractors
(B) others
(III) Advances 26.
Loans, deposits and advances
(I) Repayment of loans
(II) Repayment of deposits
(III) Repayment of advances
Closing balance
11. Total Receipts
29. Grand total
12. Grant Total
(including opening balance)    
  Total Rs.
  Total Rs.
[See Rule 194(4)]
[Part (A)]
Budget estimate of Panchayat Samity………..Zila Parishad…………..
Receipts Expenditure
S. No. Head wise sanctioned budget of previous year Actual Income of previous year Estimated Income of the year 20……..20…… S. No.
Head of expenditure Sanctioned budget of previous year Actual expenditure of previous year Estimate expenditure of the year 20……..20……. Remarks
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
1. Opening Balance
1. 2515-General administration
(I) Pay of establishment including dearness and other allowances.
(II) Traveling allowances
(A) Of establishment
(B) Of Chairperson
(III) Honorarium of Chairperson
(IV) Contingencies (P.O.L., stationery, postage, telephone, electricity and other expenses)
2. Own income form taxes
(I) Trades, callings, professions and industries (P.S)
(II) Education Cess(P.S.)
(III) Fairs(P.S./Z.P.)
(IV) Entertainment tax(P.S)
(V) Water rates(P.S./Z.P)
(VI) Surcharges on stamp duty(Z.P.)
(VII) Surcharges on sale of Agricultural produce (Z.P.)
3. Own income from non-Tax revenues
(I) Appeals fees(P.S.)
(II) Auction of bone contracts (P.S.)
(III) Agricultural farms
(IV) Tractor/Bull dozer/Truck etc. (P.S.)
2. 2202-Primary Education
(I) Pay of establishment including dearness and other Allownaces
(II) Traveling allowances
(III) Other contingencies
(IV) Non-formal education
(V) O.B.B.
(VI) 2225-Incentive to S.C./S.T.
(VII) 2575-B.A.D.P.
(VIII) 2705-C.A.D.
4. Grant-in-aid from the state Government
(I) 3604-General grant in aid in lieu of share of land revenue @ Rs. 1.25 per capita (P.S.)
(II) 2515-Non-plan) -Establishment grant for Administrative expenses including pay and allowances (P.S./Z.P.)
(III) maintenance grant (P.S./Z.P.)
(IV) Incentive grant (P.S./Z.P)
(V) 2215-water supply and cleaning (P.S./Z.P)
(VI)2215 – (plan-Rural) sanitation Programme P.S./Z.P)
(VII) 2202-Primary education P.S./Z.P)
(VIII) 2202- Non-formal education (P.S.)
(IX) 2201-operation Black Board (P.S./Z.P)
(X) 2810-Non-conventional sources of energy (improved Chulha)(Z.P)
(XI) 2216-Rural housing assistance (P.S./Z.P)
(XII) 2211-Family welfare (P.S./Z.P)
(XIII) 2225-Incentive to S.C./S.T. (P.S./Z.P)
(XIV) 2575-B.A.D.P. (P.S./Z.P)
(XV) 2705-C.A..D.(P.S./Z.P)
(XVI) Development of wayside facilities on highways
3. Expenses from own income
(I) Siting fees/Refreshment in meetings
(II) Audit fees.
(III) Conveyance advance
(IV) Gratuitous relief
(V) School articles/equipments(out of education cess)
(VI) construction/Repair of school buildings(do)
(VII) Repair of residential quarters, office building and other property.
(VIII) Development of agricultural farms/tanks etc.
(IX) Collection charges to patwaries.
(X) P.OL. In excess of prescribed limit.
(XI) Purchase/repair of jeep etc.
(XII) Purchase of furniture/other equipments.
(XIII) Any scheme to increase revenues
(XIV) Others
2215-water supply and cleaning
(I) Salaries
(II) maintenance
5. Grant-in-aid from Central Government through D.R.D.A. For
(I) 2505-J.R.Y Establishment (P.S.)
(II) Indira Avas(P.S.)
(III) Jeevan Dhara(P.S)
(IV) Apna Gaon Apna kaam(P.S./Z.P)
(V) 30 Zila 30 kaam (P.S./Z.P)
(VI) United fund (P.S./Z.P)
(VII) Assured employment scheme(P.S.)
2215 (Plan) Rural sanitation programe
(I) subsidy to B.P.L. For house hold latrines etc.
(II) Latrines/Urinals in schools.
(III) Soak pits/drain on Hand pumps/storage tanks.
2810-Non-conventional sources of energy
(I) Subsidy for improved Chulla
(II) Other expenses
6. Public contribution/donations
7. 2216-Rural housing assistance
7. Loans, deposits and advances
(I) Loans from State Government/Financial corporation for shops, housing market etc. (P.S./Z.P)
(II) Deposits:(P.S./Z.P)
(A) Contractors.
(B) Others
(III) Advances(P.S./Z.P) 8.
2211-Family welfare
Development of wayside facilities on highways
8. Miscellaneous(interest etc.)
10. Expenditure on Scheme of rural employment and poverty alleviation
(I) Indira Avas
(II) Jeevan Dhara
(III) Apna Gaon Apna Kaam
(IV) 30 Zila 30 Kaam
(VI) United fund
(VII) Assured employment scheme
(VIII) others
9. Total receipts
10. Grand total (including opening balance)    
Loans for
(I) Rural housing
(II) shops, markets etc.
Total expenditure
Closing balance
Grand total(including closing balance)
  Total Rs,
  Total Rs,
Vikas Adhiari/Chief Executive Officer
[See Rule 194(4)]
Part – B
Detailed estimate of fixed charges viz. Pay of Officers and establishment of Panchayat
Samity……… Zila Parishad……………….. For the year…………………..
Account Head Serial Number
Name or Number Designation
Minimum of pay scale Rate of increment Maximum of pay scale
1 2
3 4
5 6
Actual on 1st March Amount of provision for the period from march to February Date of increment falling due within the period
Amount of increment Total of column 9 &11 Revised estimate for the current year Remarks
8 9
10 11
12 13
Part – C
Statement showing the actual expenditure of Panchayat Samity…………..
Zila Parishad …….for the year…..
Head Original budget
Change during the year Final budget for the year Actuals
Variations Remarks
1 2
3 4
5 6
[See Rule 229]
Cash Book
Panchayat………….Samiti……….Zila Parishad………………..Year
S. No. No. of receipt/Cheque/D.D./Challan and date From whom received Particulars
Ledger A/C. No. Amount
Classification on of Head of Account
Post Officer/Bank/Treasury  
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
S. No. Voucher and date
To whom paid Particulars
Ledger A/C. No. Amount
Classification on of Head of Account
Post Officer/Bank/Treasury  
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
Form XXX From XXX
[See rule 230] [See Rule 230]
Counter Foil Receipt
……..Panchayat/Panchayat Samity
Zila Parishad ……..Panchayat/Panchayat Samity
Zila Parishad
Book No……..
No……….. Book No……..
Received from Shri………………… Received from Shri………………
Item No. Particulars Period Amount of demand of Payment
Register Rs. (In Words)………………………
On account of ……………………..
Total in word Rs……………………………….
For the period……………………….
Head of Office Head of Office
Cashier Cashier
[See Rule 234]
Claim for Payment
Bill No ……………. Date …………………
Head of Account …………………………….
No. of Voucher Particulars
To be entered by Drawing Office received contents Signature and designation of Head of Officer Total rs. (in words)
Appropriation for the current Including this bill Rs………….
Balance available Rs……………
For Office Use
Pay Rs. ………..
Accountant Head of Office
Date ……………..
Place ………………
Paid Rs …………….on ……..(date) vide cash book item No …………….. Cashier
[See Rule 236]
General Ledger
Panchayat……… Panchayat Samiti………….. Zila Parishad……………..
For the year
Date Particulars
Cash Book Folio No. Dr. Amount
Cr Amount Balance Amount
1 2
3 4
5 6
[See Rule 237]
Register of Revenue Realised
Panchayat……… Panchayat Samiti……………….. Zila Parishad…………………..
S. No. Name of tax prayer or any other person from whom sums recovered Monthly rate if any Rs. Arrears of the last year Current demand
Total column (4 & 5) Rs. Receipt No. & date and cash book page No. where amount credited
Amount Rs. Total collection
Amount written off Rs. Balance 6-(9+10) Rs. Initials of the Secretary
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
11 12
[See Rule 239]
Stock Register
Panchayat……… Panchayat Samiti……………….. Zila Parishad…………………..
For the year…………
S. No. Date of purchase
Full Particulars Balance in hand
No. or quantity Total
1 2
3 4
5 6
Reference voucher No. To whom issued or for what purpose No. or quantity issued Balance
Reference of issuing indent No.
8 9
10 11
[See Rule 239]
Quarterly Statement of Accounts
Panchayat……… Panchayat Samiti……………….. Zila Parishad…………………..
For the year…………
Account head Principal head of Revenue Budget head estimate for the year Actual revenue during the quarter Cumulative up to the end of the quarter
1 2
3 4
As per budget head of Expenditure
Account head Principal head of Expenditure Budget head estimate for the year Actual expenditure during the quarter Cumulative total up to the end of the quarter
1 2
3 4
As per budget head of Expenditure
[See Rule 246(1)]
Abstract of Annual Account for the year………..
Panchayat……… Panchayat Samiti…………… Zila Parishad…………………..
Account head No. Principal head of Revenue Budget Provision
Actuals Savings (-)
Excess (+)
1 2
3 4
As per budget head of Expenditure
Account head No. Principal head of Expenditure Budget Provision
Actuals Savings (-)
Excess (+)
1 2
3 4
As per budget head of Expenditure
[See Rule 246(2)]
Statement in Grant-in-aid Received and spent during the year…………
Panchayat……… Panchayat Samiti……………….. Zila Parishad…………………..
Sr. No. Department
Name of the Scheme Amount received during the year Amount spent during the year Particulars about completion certificate etc.
1 2
3 4
5 6
[See Rule 26(3)]
Statement of Loans Received from…..and Payments made
during the year……
Panchayat……… Panchayat Samiti……………….. Zila Parishad…………………..
Sr. No. Name of Department to which the loan relates Reference No. and date of sanction Purpose for which loan was granted Dates on which loan which was received No. of installments fixed
Amount received Amount that became due for repayment during the year including arrears, if any
Amount actually repaid Balance unpaid installment if adjusted out of gran-in-aid.
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
[See Rule 246(4)]
List of Works for the Year………..
Panchayat……… Panchayat Samiti……………….. Zila Parishad…………………..
For the year…………….
S. No. Name of Village
Particulars of work Date of commencement Amount sanctioned
Amount spent Other particulars whether carried out departmentally or through contract, date of completion etc.
1 2
3 4
5 6
Form XL
[See Rule 246(5)]
Statement of Assets and Liabilities
Panchayat……… Panchayat Samiti……………….. Zila Parishad…………………..
For the year…………….
Liabilities Assets
Head Amount
Head Amount
1. Deposits- 1. Loans (Recoverable)
(1) Security deposits from Government servant.
(2) Deposits from Contractors and firms
(3) Other deposits ……….
………. (1) Agriculture
(2) Taccavi
(3) Co-operative
(4) Industrial
(5) Community development ………..
Total ……….
Total ………..
2. Loans repayable to the State: 2. Advances:
(1) Agriculture
(2) Taccavi
(3) Co-operative
(4) Industrial
(5) Community (1)Miscellaneous Advance
(2) Permanent Advance
(3) Advance to Government Servants
(Festival, food grains, development Conveyance, Housing)
Total ……….
Total ………..
3. Other Loans 3. Investment
4. Bills Payable 4. Gran-in-aid
5. Un—utilised specific 5. Interest accrued on loans
    Cash balance:………….
    (1) In Hand ………….
    (2) In P.D. Account ………….
Total ………..
Total ………..
Grand Total ……….
Grand Total ………..
Form XLI
[See Rule 305]
Driver’s Log Bock
Panchayat………….. Zila Parishad……………
Vehicle No………..
Date Time out
In From
To Route
K.M. Reading at Commencement of journey
Details of journey KM Reading at the end of journey
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
Distance travelled in Kms Purpose of Name of persons or particulars of articles carried Authority for making journey Petrol/Diesel in litters
Supplies Lubricating oil in litters
9 10
11 12
13 14
Signature of user Recoveries to the effected if any Rate Amount
Signature of Controlling Officer Remarks
16 17
18 19
[See Rule 305]
Stock Register
Panchayat………….. Zila Parishad……………
Vehicle No………..
Date Petrol/Diesel/Power Line
Oil Spares and replacement
Repair Miscellaneous
Purchase Price Remark
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
[See Rule 305]
List of Tools and Equipment with the Vehicle
Panchayat………….. Zila Parishad……………
Vehicle No………..
Sr. No. Name of tool
Quantity received Date of receipt
Signature of Driver Date on which checked Initial of Controlling officer
1 2
3 4
5 6
[See Rule 328]
Register of Applications for Inspection/grant of Copies
S. No. Name & Address of applicant Date and application
Whether urgent or ordinary Particulars of the document of which copies/inspection is sought
Amount to be paid including search fee Date and time on which inspection made Date of supply of copy/dispatch by post
Signature of the person inspecting/receiving copy
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
Form XLV
[See Rule 353]
General Ledger
Annual Adminstration Report ….Panchayat…….Panchayat Samiti
Year of……..
1. Name of Village and its population under Panchayat Samiti
(i) Name of Villages Population
(B) Total………..
2. Details of concern Panchas and Sarpanches.
Other B/C Other Classes
Male Female
Male Female
Male Female
Male Female
Male Female
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
1. Unanimous Elected
2. Contested Elected
3. Name of the Instituted Panchases Total………….
4. Writs and Appeals against Panchases & Sarpanch
5. Names of Panches whose offices have been declared to have been vacated under Section 39 of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994.
6. Names of Sarpanch or Up-Sarpanch whose office has become vacant under Section 41 of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994.
7. Has any action been taken against the Panchayat under Section 94 of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj. Act, 1994.
8. Details of meetings :-
(I) Total number of Gram Sabha meetings.
(II) Total number of meetings of the Panchayat for.
(A) Development works
(B) Administrative matters
Total A & B
(III) Meetings postponed due to incomplete quorum.
(IV) Resolutions passed unanimously
(V) Resolutions passed by majority.
9. Details regarding staff:-
(A) Secretary: –
(I) Name.
(II) Age.
(III) Educational qualifications
(IV) Trained or untrained
(V) Regular/on contract.
(VI) Full time or part time.
(VII) Pay per month, if on contract
(VIII) Does he work in any other Panchayat, if yes, then mention the name of such panchayat
(B) Other Staff/Contractors for Kine House/Sanitation etc.
(I) Other Clerks (No.)
(II) Peons (No.) .
(III) Staff for lighting (No.)
(IV) Sanitary (No.)
(V) Watch and ward :
(A) Honorary (No.)
(B) On Contract (No.)
(C) In how many villages such arrangements have made by Panchayat (No.)
10. Has panchayat rendered any assistance in natural calamities like fire, flood etc.
(I) No. of families given protection
(II) Estimated value of property saved.
(III) No. of village in which fire/food occurred
11. Has Panchayat organised voluntary labour force for community works and works for uplift of the people ? If yes, then give:-
(I) Number of people participated
(II) Number of hours devoted.
(III)Name of works executed
12. Fairs and hats.
(I) Fairs and hats organised by panchayat (No.)
13. Amount of Small Savings Certificates sold.
14. Has Panchayat seemed life and General Insurance business ? If yes, then:-
(I) No. of persons insured.
(II) Amount of general insurance business secured.
15. Has Abadi Land been allotted free of cost to the persons belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes ? If yes, then:-
(I) Number of families to whom allotted.
(II) Sq. Yards of Land allotted.
16. (I) Does Panchayat undertake and render the Postal Services.
(II) No. of villages not having Postal facility.
17. No. of Panchas and Sarpanch who have attended the Training or other Camps also mention the no. of camps).
18. When the accounts of Panchayat were audited (Date).
19. Name of officials who have inspected Panchayat.
Name of the Officer Date
20. Details regarding bye-laws passed by Panchayat (copy to be enclosed).
Part ‘B’
Physical progress of activities of panchayat during the year
(I) General functions:-
  (A) Cases in which relief was mobilised in natural calamities No.
  (B) Cases in which encroachments on public properties were removed. No.
(II) In the sphere of administration:-
  (A) For how many villages located in Panchayat circle, development plans were prepared.
  (B) In how many villages the premises were numbered. No.
(III) Agriculture including Agriculture extension:-
  (A) Was any waste land developed, how much? Acres
  (B) In how many villages grazing lands were maintained? No.
(IV) Animal husbandry dairying and poultry
  (A) In how many cases medical facilities for cattle provided No.
  (B) Artificial Insemination service provided. No.
  © Maintenance of stud bulls. No.
(V) Social and farm foresty, minor forest produce, fuel and fodder:-
  (A) for the improvement of agriculture how many model agriculture farms were established.
  (B) How many trees were planted on the sides of village and district roads and other public lands under its control? No.
  © Village forests raised.
(VI) Khadi, village and cottage industries:-
  (A) Village industries aided. Names
  (B) How much amount given as aid, loans and advances Rs.
(VII) Drinking water:-
  (A) Construction, repairs and maintenance of drinking water wells, tanks & ponds.
  (B) Prevention and control of water pollution. No.
  © Maintenance of hand pumps and pump and tank schemes. No.
(VIII) Roads, buildings culverts, bridges, ferries, water-ways and other means of communication:-
  (A) Construction, maintenance and repairs of public streets. Km.
  (B)Construction, maintenance and repairs of drains. Metres
  © Construction, maintenance and repairs of bunds. No.
  (D) Construction, maintenance and repairs of bridges/culverts. No.
(IX) Rural electrification including providing for and maintenance of lighting of public streets and other places:-
  New lamps installed for lighting No.
(X) Education (Primary):-
  Position of enrolment and attendance in primary Schools-how many boys and girls out of each one hundred boys and girls of the school going age group were enrolled and how many of such boys and girls were attending the school:-
  (A) Enrolment, as on 15th August:
  (1) Boy
  (2) Girls
  (B) Attendance, as on 1st March:
  (1) Boys
  (2) Girls
(XI) Cultural activities:-
  (A) Established and maintenance of akharas clubs and other places of recreation and games.
  (B) Established and maintenance of theatres for promotion of art and culture
  © Public television and radio-sets installed. No.
(XII) Rural sanitation:-
  (A) Cleaning of public roads, drains, tanks, wells and other public places.
  (B) Maintenance and regulation of burning and burial grounds. No.
  © Construction and maintenance of rural latrines, facility parks, bathing platforms, soak pits etc.
(XIII) Public health and family welfare:-
In how many villages infectious disease spread and out of those in how many villages measures were taken to prevent it. No.
(XIV) Construction and maintenance of Cattle sheds, ponds and cart stands.
  (A) Cattle ponds established and maintained. No.
  (B) For the supply of water to animals for how many ponds arrangements were made for excavation, cleaning and maintenance. No.
(XV) Maintenance of Public parks, play grounds etc:-
  (A) Layout and maintenance of play grounds. No.
  (B) Layout and maintenance of public parks. No.
(XVI) Any other activity which is in furtherance of functions enumerated in the First Schedule to the Act.
Part – C
Income and Expenditure Statement
Panchayat……… Fanchayat Samiti……………….. Zila Parishad…………………..
For the Year……………
S. No. Particulars
Amount assessed during the year Amount realized Total
Last year Balance
      From last years balance
From current     Current year
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
1 Heads of Revenue
Own income from taxes
(i) Tax on buildings
(ii) Octroi including on country liquor
(iii) Pilgrims Tax
(iv) Vehicle Tax
(v) Water Tax
(vi) Tax on commercial crops
(vii) Any other tax 1
Heads of Expenditure
General Administration
(I) Pay of establishment
(II) Traveling allowance
(A) of establishment
(B) of Panch and Sarpanch
(III) Honorium of Sarpanch/Meeting/Allowances/Refreshment in meeting
(IV) Contingencies (office expenses, stationery, postage etc.)
(V) Payment of collection charges to Patwari
2. Own income from non-tax revenues
(I) Fees
(II) Penalties and fines
(III) Abadi and
(A) Sale of land
(B) Temporary use of land
(IV) Water Reservoirs
(A) Fisheries
(B) Contract for Singhada etc.
(C) Tank bed cultivation
(D) Irrigation grounds
(E) Natural produce of trees on Tank Bank
(V) Grazing grounds
(A) Grazing charges
(B) Sale of natural produce
(C) Penalties from Trespassers
(VI) Agriculture Farms/Orchards
(VII) Local Fairs dead animals
(IX) Cattle Pound receipts
(X) Sale of Ration Cards
(XI) Sale of unserviceable articles
(XII) Miscellaneous income
(A) Shops and sites
(B) License fees
(C) Patta fees
(D) Others 2.
Construction of public streets, drains, latrines, soak pits
Construction of buildings (Schools, Dispensary, Anganwadi etc.)
Drinking water supply
(A) Original works
(B) Repairs to
(I) Hand pumps
(II) Wells
(III) Maintenance and construction of river ghats or ghats on tanks or ponds
Sanitation and construction of drains etc.
(A) Establishment expenses-
(B) contingencies
(C) Maintenance of
(I) Drains and Soak pits
(II) Latrines
(III) Manure pits
(A) Establishment
(B) Maintenance
(C) Other requisites
Burning and Burial grounds
(A) Construction
(B) Maintenance
Cattle Pounds
(A) Establishment and maintenance
(B) Contingencies
(C) Remuneration to Pound Keeper/Contractor
3. Grant-in-aid from the State Government
(I) General grant-in-aid @ Rs. 11/- per capita.
In lieu of share of land revenue
(II) Maintenance grant for repair of school building etc.
(III) General purpose grant for sanitation, electricity, repair of rural roads etc.
(IV) Grant-in-aid to new Panchayats
(V) Incentive grant.
(VI) Development grant/matching share 9. Medical relief (Vaccination, family welfare camps)
Maternity and Child Welfare (Anganvadi Centres)
Public Health (Prevention of diseases)
Maintenance of public buildings vested in the Panchayat including school buildings
Primary Education
(I) Construction of schools
(II) Construction of quarters for teachers
Slaughter houses
(I) Construction
(II) Repairs
4. Grant-in-aid from Central Government through the D.R.D.A. For:
(I) Jawahar Rozgar Yojana
(II) Apna Gaon Apna Kaam
(III) Other Schemes 15.
Village defense
Development of Agriculture and Forestry
(I) Agriculture farms/Orchards
(II) Development of grazing grounds
(III) Social forestry.
(IV) Plantation on road sides.
Waste land development
5. Grant-in-aid through Panchayat Samit/Zila Parishad for:
(I) Maintenance of hand pumps and other Water supply Schemes
(II) Maintenance of stud bulls.
(III) Other grants for development/Maintenance functions.
17. Census
Family planning
Maintenance of Stud bulls
Breeding and protecting cattle
Village industries
Assistance for fire
6. Loans from State Government/Financial Corporations 23. Welfare of the people
(I) Maintenance of Akhadas/Clubs
(II) Radio/TV
(III) Social and cultural activities
(IV) Library and reading room.
7. Total receipts
24. Other works of public utility
8. Grant Total
25. Miscellaneous/Audit fees
Loans, deposits and advances
(I) Repayment of loans
(II) Repayment of deposits
(III) Repayment of advances
Total expenditure
Grand Total
[See Rule 354]
Annual Administration Report of Panchayat Samiti Zila Parishad
1. Constitution and Management: –
(1) Was there any change in the jurisdiction of the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution during the year ? Quote the number and date of order.
(2) What is the population of the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution according to the latest census figures available ?
(3) Give the names of the Panchayati Raj Institutions under the jurisdiction of the reporting Panchayati Raj Institutions.
(4) What is the total strength of concerned the Panchayati Raj Institutions ?
For Panchayati Samiti
Directly elected Members. Members of the State Legislative Assembly representing constituencies wholly or partly comprising the Panchayat Samiti area.
For Panchayat Samiti
Directly elected Members Members of the Lok Sabha representing constituencies wholly or partly comprise the Zila Parishad area. Members of the Rajya Sabha registered as electors within the Zila Parishad area.
Members of the State Legislative Assembly representing constituencies wholly or partly comprising the Zila Parishad area.
(5) Was there any election of the Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson during the year and was there any election dispute ?
(6) Whether any Chairperson/Deputy Chairperson or Member resigned from his office. If so, give particulars of the persons who resigned and reasons for such resignation.
(7) If standing committees were constituted, give details thereof.
(8) Whether any additional standing committee were constituted ? If so, give details thereof.
(9) Was the Deputy Chairperson in-charge of Office of the Chairperson ? If so, for what period ?
(10) Was there any motion of non-confidence against the Chairperson or the Deputy Chairperson.
2. Meetings. – How many meetings were held and how many meetings were adjourned for want of quorum ?
3. Management. – (1) Where is the office of the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution located ? If rented, what is the amount of rent paid ? (2) Are the prescribed registers and forms maintained ?
4. Establishment. – (l) State the number of staff employed with their scale of pay.
Cadre Sanctioned strength
Pay scale Vacancies
Action taken
1 2
3 4
(2) Whether the existing staff is sufficient for the efficient discharge of the duties cast upon the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution ? If not, elucidate the jurisdiction for increased staff (details of staff required to be given)
5. Taxes. – (1) Give the particulars of taxes imposed by the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution.
6. Accounts and Audit. – (1) Are the prescribed accounts kept and the accounts of the receipts and expenditure maintained ?
(2) When was the audit of accounts conducted ?
(3) On what date was the audit report received ?
(4) Has a complete compliance report been sent to the Director, Local Fund Audit Department ?
(5) What are the irregularities which have not been complied with ?
(6) What were the amounts of over payments and losses shown in the Audit report ?
(7) Have the over payments been recovered ?
(8) What action has been taken to make good losses caused to the Panchayati Raj Institution Fund ?
7. General. – (1) Was the Panchayati Raj Institution dissolved ? If so, state the period.
(2) Was there any occasion when the State Government exercised powers under Secs. 92, 93, 97 or 100 ? If so, give details.
8. Other important activities.- Description with necessary details of such of the various important activities of the Panchayati Raj Institution as can give a correct picture of its performance during the year under report with reference to its functions enumerated in the relevant Schedule to the Act.
[See Rule 358]
Form of Application for Recognition of Service Association of Members of Panchayat Samiti and Zila Association of Members of Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad Service
Name of the association ……………………
Address ……………………………
Dated the………day of……….20………….
1. The application is made by the persons whose names are subscribed hereunder :
2. The name of the service association on behalf of which the application is made :
3. The address of the Head Office of the service association to which all communications and notice may be addressed
4. The……..service association came into existence on………the date of……20………
5. The service association consists of Panchayat Samiti and………..Zila Parishad servants of the category of…………engaged in the various Panchayat Samiti and Zila parishads in the State and has………..members out of………person employed in the said Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads.
6. Three copies of the rules of the service association are enclosed :
Note- Table I hereto contains information about the rules and their contents and Table 11 hereto indicates the changes made in the rules from time to time.
7. A list of office bearers of the service association in Table III is attached hereto.
8. We have been duly authorised by the service association to make this application on its behalf by resolution.
Signatures Occupation
The number of the rule making provisions for the several matters detailed in column 1 are given in column 2 below:
Matter No. of Rule
(1) (2)
1. Name of the service association. ………
2. Objects for which the service association has been established.
3. Purpose for which the general of the service association shall be utilised. ………
4. Maintenance of list of members. ………
5. Admission or ordinary members. ………
6. Condition under which members are entitled to benefits under the rules. ………
7. Admission of honorary members. ………
8. Manner in which the rules can be amended.
9. Manner in which members of the executive and the other office bearers of the service association shall be appointed or removed.
10. Manner of holding meetings. ………
11. Safe custody of the funds. ………
12. Annual Audit of the accounts. ………
13. Facilities for the inspection of the account books by office bearers and members. ………
14 Manner in which the service association may be dissolved
Table I
Rules of Service Association
Changes made in Rules of Service Association
Serial No. of Rules Changes in Rules Reasons for changes
(1) (2)
……… ………
Dated………… (Signed)
Table III
List of Office Bearers
Name of Service ……………………………………
Name Age
Address Occupation
Dated………………………. (Signed)
Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department
Certificate of Recognition
The Government of the State of Rajasthan in pursuance of Rule 363 of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules, 1996 to hereby recognise……….association/ federation for the purpose of said rules.
Director Rural Development and Panchayati Raj
(See rule 173-A)
Application for Change of use of abadi land
1. Name of applicant……………………………………….
2. Address of the applicant…………………………………………
3. Description of land of which change of land use is desired
(a) Situated at……………………………….
(Attach map of the village to pin point the location in the village also attach the proposed land use plan)
(b) Khasara/Plot number……………………………………….. (Attach khasara/Plot plan as well as site plan containing description all specifications of four sides of the abadi land)
(c) Enclose Patta of the abadi land and mention the name of the authority or body by whom the same was issued.
(d) Is there any dispute or litigation pending in the court or other competent authority with respect to the abadi land in question for which change of use is sought ……………………..(If any, give full details)
(e) Is there any stay order of any court or other authority with regard to the land? if any? give full details thereof and also enclose copy of such order……………………………………….
(f) Present permissible use of abadi land ………………..
(g)Desired change of use of abadi land (give complete details)……….
(h) Reasons for seeking change of use of abadi land…………….
4. If any application for change of use of abadi land, now applied for, was made previously also? If so, give details thereof and also enclose copy of the order passed thereon………………………
5. Give details as to title of the land (such as free hold, lease hold, Pattadhari or otherwise lawful holder) -[enclose true copies of documents]…………………………………… .’……
6. Application fee- give details of fee having been paid- (enclose photo copy of the receipt by which application fee is paid)
Date ………………………………..
Signature of the applicant
(Name of the Applicant) Address of the applicant
Application of the Applicant Shri……………… of………….for change of land use received on …………………(date).
Signature & Seal of Official
receiving the application in the office
of the officer/ Authority
competent to decide the application
[Form XLIX]
[See rule 173-A (10)(13)]
Permission for change of use of land under section 107-A of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994.
File No. ………………………………..
Whereas applicant Shri…………s/o w/o……………address ………..place(village)……..panchayat…………Tehsil………. District……..has filed application for change of use in respect of, abadi land situated in ward No of village falling in Panchayat circle……….Tehsil………..District……….. measuring………………… Sqr. meters binded by limits and area as described in detail in the attached site plan alongwith neighbourhood area as shown in red color, subject to all existing conditions and incumbrances, easements attached to the afore cited land, by claiming right, title and interest in said land and making prayer for allowing change of use of land by invoking provisions contained in section 107-A of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 (Act No. 13 of 1994) and rules made thereunder and has submitted necessary documents in support of his prayer for change of use of land.
Therefore I……………….as Officer/Authority authorised by the State Government under section 107-A of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 have considered his request/prayer made in the Application in Form XLVIII and I am satisfied after perusal and examination of documents submitted by the applicant that his/her request is justified and the desired change of use of the Land may be allowed and the applicant is permitted to make desired change in use of the abadi land provided the Applicant deposits the change of land use charges within thirty days from the date of this order.
Place …………….. official
Date……………….. Seal
Name& designation of
the Officer/Authority
Authorized by the State Government
[Form L]
[See rule 173-A(14)]
Lease Deed
This Indenture is made this day of two thousand …………and…………….. Between the Governor of Rajasthan (hereinafter referred to as Lessor) of the one part and shri/smt……………………………s/o,w/o………………………………………… aged resident of village…………………….Tehsil…………….. Disttrict…………….. ( hereinafter called the Lessee) of the second part.
Whereas the Lessee being the existing Lessee of the Lessor has applied to the Lessor for change of use of abadi land under section 107-A of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 and the rules made thereunder and has requested for grant of permission for change of use of abadi land.
Now this indenture witness that in supersession of the earlier Lease Deed executed on ……………………..(give details) between the Lessor and Lessee and in consideration of the amount of change of use of land charges amounting to Rs. (rupees………………….only) paid by the Lessee (which the Lessor acknowledges) and the sum earlier paid at the time of execution of earlier Lease Deed as consideration for the said Lease Deed now sought to be superseded, The Lessee for himself or his heirs, executors and administrators and assigns covenants with the Lessor in the manner following, that is to say:-
(a) The Lessee shall from time to time pay all taxes, charges, cess etc. levied by the Lessor in accordance with law with respect to the land or buildings erected thereon;
(b) The Lessee shall not deviate in any manner from layout plan nor alter size of plot whether by sub-division, amalgamation or otherwise without seeking permission of the Lessor in accordance with law inforce at the relevant time;
(c) Whenever the title of the Lessee in the abadi Land which is subject matter of this indenture, is transferred in any manner whatsoever, the transferee shall be bound by all the covenants and conditions contained herein and be answerable in all respects therefor;
(d) The Lessee shall use the abadi land for …………..purposes and not for other purposes without seeking permission of the Lessor in accordance with law and that too by paying necessary change of land use charges as specified by law;.
(e) All powers exercisable by Lessor may be exercised by the officers/authorities authorised by him in accordance with law;
(f) This Lease is being granted under section 107-A of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 and rules made thereunder; and
(g) In this Lease the expression “the Lessor” and the expression “the Lessee” herein before used where the context so admits include in the case of Lessor, the successors, assigns and in the case of Lessee, his heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives and the person or persons in whom Lease hold interests hereby created, shall for the time being be vested by assignment or otherwise.
In witness whereof Shri……………….for an on behalf of, by order or direction and by authority under law of the Lessor has set his hand shri/shrimati the Lessee has set into his/her hand the day and year first above written.
1- …………………………
2- ………………………….
For and on behalf of the Governor by authority/direction under law made by the Governor (the Lessor)
Signed by …………………………..
1- ………………………….
2- ………………………….
[Form LI]
[See rule 173-B (1)]
Application for permission for sub-division or reconstitution of plots.
The (Designation of Officer)/Authority
I/We hereby request permission under rulelt3-B of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules, 1996 for sub-division or reconstitution of plot of land situated in abadi area of mohalla/ward of village ……………………….. I/We enclose herewith the following documents:- –
(i) Title deed of ownership/Lessee…………………………… (Enclose true copies of such documents duly attested by a Gazetted Officer)
(ii) Site plan (4 copies) with information as required under the rule 173-B
(iii) Photo copy of the receipt as proof for depositing the fee and Charges.
Date ………………………………..
Signature of applicant
Place……………….. (Name of the Applicant) Address of the applicant
[Form LII]
[See rule 173-B(10) (12)]
Permission for sub-division/reconstitution of Plot
Whereas applicant Shri/Shrimati …………………………. s/o/w/o…………address………..place……….village………… panchayat………………. Distt………………………………………….. has filed application for sub – division/reconstitution of plot of abadi land situated in Ward No…………of village falling in panchayat circle ………… Tehsil ……….. District …. measuring …………. (sqr. metres) [ give complete detail of the plot in case sub -division and give detail of each parcel or plot in case of reconstitution] binded by limits and areas as described in the attached site plan alongwith neighbourhood area as shown in ………… colour, subject to all existing condition and encumbrances, easements attached to the aforecited land and has submitted necessary documents in support of prayer for subdivision/reconstitution of the plot.
Where as I ……………………… as officer/Authority authorised by the State Government under section 107-B of the Rajasthan Panchayat Raj Act, 1994(Act No. 13 of 1994) have considered this request in the application filed in Form LI and I am satisfied after perusal and examination of the documents submitted by the applicant that his/her request for sub division/reconstitution of plot is justified and allowed and therefore the applicant is permitted to sub-divide/reconstitute the plot/plots and he/she has deposited the required charges therefor vide Receipt No. …………….Dated………in………… Panchayat as a sum of Rs ……… as per rate specified in rule 173-D of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rule, 1996.The plan of Sub-division/reconstitution is appended herewith duly authenticated.
Place……………….. Signature
Date……………….. Name & designation of the
Officer /Authority Authorised
by the State Government
[Form LIII]
(See rule 173-G)
Name of the Panchayat……………………………….
Register of abadi land
Sr. No. Ward Number
House/Plot No. or location of plot Boundary marks (with size in sqr. mtrs.)
Occupied by as lessee or otherwise Other information
Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules, 1996
Notification No. F. 4(10) RD & PR/Legal/95, dated 30.12.1996, published in Rajasthan Gazette, Extraordinary, Pt 4-C(i), dated 30.12.1996, page 189 (246)
Last Updated 4th September, 2020 [rj040]
G.S.R. 104. – In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 102 read with Secs. 3, (5), 7(9), 8, 25(1), 31, 32(1), 33(c), 35(1), 37(3), 38(1), 39(2), 44, 45(3), 53(1), 60, 65(1), (2), 67(2), 68(2), 69, 74(1), (4), 75(1)(2)(3), 77, 78(1), (2), 79(2), 80(1)(3), 81(1), 82(1), 84(1), 89(4), (8), 90 (2), 91(1), 121(3)(5), 122 of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 (Rajasthan Act No. 13 of 1994), and all other powers enabling it in this behalf, the Government of Rajasthan hereby makes the following rules namely:-
1. Short title and commencement. – (1) These rules may be called the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules, 1996.
(2) They shall come into force on the [date] of their publication in the official gazette.
2. Interpretation. – (1) In these rules, unless the subject or the context otherwise requires: –
(i) “Act” means the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 (Rajasthan Act No. 13 of 1994);
(ii) “Accountant General” means the Accountant General, Rajasthan;
[(ii-a) “Authorized Agency” means for the purpose of selection to the Post of Primary and Upper Primary School Teacher, the Director, Elementary Education Rajasthan;]
(iii) “Clear days” includes Sundays and holidays but does not include the day of the meeting and the day of the receipt of notice;
(iv) “Day” means the calendar day beginning and ending at midnight but an absence from head-quarters which does not exceed 24 hours shall be reckoned as one day at whatever hours the absence beings or ends;
(v) “Development Commissioner” means the officer appointed with that designation by the State Government;
(vi) “Director Local Fund Audit Department” means the officer appointed with that designation by the State Government;
(vii) “Form” means a form appended to these rules;
(viii) “Head of office” means the Sarpanch in the case of a Panchayat, Vikas Adhikari in the case of a Panchayat Samiti and Chief Executive Officer in the case of a Zila Parishad;
(ix) “Land Revenue” means the annual demand payable directly to the State Government on any account whatsoever in respect of land or of any interest in or use of land and shall include assigned land revenue;
(x) “Meeting” means a meeting of the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution or of its Standing Committee, if any;
(xi) “Member” means member of Panchayati Raj Institution and includes a Sarpanch;
(xii) ‘Motion” means a proposal made by a member for consideration in the meeting of a Panchayati Raj Institution or a Standing Committee, if any, thereof;
(xiii) “Panchayat”, “Panchayat Samiti” and “Zila Parishad” means the institutions of self Government established under the Act for rural areas respectively at the level of a village, block and a district;
(xiv) “Panchayat Fund” means the fund constituted for each Panchayati Raj Institution by its name under Section 64 of the Act;
(xv) “Patwari” means an official appointed with that designation;
(xvi) “Schedule” means a schedule appended to these rules;
(xvii) “Secretary” “Vikas Adhikari” or “Chief Executive Officer” means the officers appointed with such designation by the State Government or by such authority as may be authorised by the Government in this behalf respectively for a Panchayat, Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad, as the case may be;
(xviii) “Section” means a section of the Act;
(xix) “Tehsildar” means officer appointed with that designation under the provisions of the Rajasthan Land Revenue Act, 1956 (Act No. 15 of 1956);
(xx) “Treasury” shall include Sub-treasury and where a Panchayat keeps its funds in a post office or a branch of a Nationalised bank/Scheduled bank/Gramin Vikas bank, it shall also include such post office or branch of the bank;
(xxi) “Year” means financial year beginning on the 1st April and ending on 31st March following;
(2) All words and expressions used but not defined in these rules have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Act.
Gram Sabha and Vigilance Committee
3. Gram Sabha and its meeting. – The Sarpanch or in his absence, the up-sarpanch of a Panchayat shall convene at least two gram sabhas every year for performing functions enumerated in Section 7 of the Act.
4. Place of the meeting. – (1) Meeting of Gram Sabha shall be held in the village where office of the Panchayat is situated. It shall be held at Panchayat Bhawan or any other convenient public place in the village. It shall not be held at any private house or place.
(2) In case where the population of any other village of the Panchayat circle exceeds 1000 inhabitants, the Sarpanch or in his absence, up-sarpanch may convene the Gram Sabha in two or more groups. Such Gram Sabha may be in addition to the Gram Sabha held at Panchayat Headquarters as per Section 7 of the Act, but any decision in contravention of decisions taken in main Gram Sabha at Panchayat headquarters shall not be implemented.
5. Publication of the Notice of the meeting. – (1) Notice of the day and hour of Gram Sabha meeting, as also stating the business to the transacted thereat, shall be published at least 15 days previous to the day of the meeting by : –
(i) affixing the same at one or more conspicuous places in every village of the Panchayat circle;
(ii) making an announcement of such meeting by beat of drum or any sound amplifying device in every village of panchayat circle :
Provided that special or emergent meeting or general meetings for special purposes may be convened by giving a notice of a shorter period but in no case shall such period be of less than 3 days.
(2) A copy of the notice shall be sent to MLA, Pradhan and elected member of Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad as also to vikas Adhikari.
(3) Panchayat Samiti may suggest, in advance, at least one month before the period prescribed for gram sabha meeting concerned, convenient dates for holding such meetings so as to ensure attendance of extension officers in gram sabha, Sarpanch or in his absence up-sarpanch shall ordinarily issue notice of the gram sabha meeting accordingly.
(4) Notice of Gram Sabha also be sent to all Tehsil level functionaries like Tehsildar, Doctor-in-charge Primary Health Centre, Assistant Engineer Public Health Engineering Department, Assistant Engineer State Electricity Board, Assistant Engineer Irrigation, Doctor In-charge Veterinary Dispensary etc., requesting for their participation.
(5) Vikas Adhikari shall depute an extension officer who shall reach the Panchayat Headquarter one day before the date fixed for such meeting. He shall ensure that proper publicity has been made for such meeting and prescribed quorum of one tenth adult residents should be present. Sarpanch or in his absence Up-Sarpanch shall make due arrangement for publicity accordingly.
6. Adjournment for want of Quorum. – (1) If required quorum does not assemble and meeting is adjourned for want of quorum, it shall in no case be held on the same date. A period of one week, shall at-least, elpase when adjourned meeting of Gram Sabha is fixed.
(2) Proper publicity as provided in Rule 5 above, shall again be made to ensure maximum participation of people.
7. Agenda for Gram Sabha meetings. – Except items enumerated in Sub-Section (3) of Section 3 for Gram Sabha meeting to be held in first quarter of financial year i.e.,April to June and Sub-Section (4) of Section 3 for Gram Sabha meeting to be held in last quarter of Financial Year i.e., January to March, the items enumerated below shall also be included in Agenda for Gram Sabha meeting: –
(i) Compliance of last Gram Sabha meeting.
(ii) Attest mutations of deceased cultivators.
(iii) identification of families for allotment of free house sites.
(iv) Below poverty line families for I.R.D.P. Loan and Subsidy.
(v) Receipt, expenditure and physical progress of development works.
(vi) Fixing priority in proposed plan works in next year.
(vii) Rural sanitation programme, drinking water and drainage.
(viii) Health Programmes-Vaccination and family welfare.
(ix) Methods of increasing own income.
(x) Development of Abadi and Pasture lands.
(xi) Audit objections and replies.
(xii) Comments on report of vigilance committee.
(xiii) Re-Constitution of vigilance committee (only first quarter meeting).
8. Record of proceedings. – (1) It shall be duty of Vikas Adhikari or Extension Officer attending the gram sabha on his behalf, to ensure that Secretary records the proceedings of the meeting truly on the same date.
(2) He shall also ensure that all the items prescribed in Section 3 of the Act and Rule 7 above are thoroughly discussed in gram sabha and proceedings are recorded accordingly. Vikas Adhikari or Extension Officer shall sign the proceedings before departure.
(3) Copies of such proceedings shall be forwarded to the Panchayat Samiti within 15 days and in case such meeting is held in response to requirement of Zila Parishad or the State Government, copy shall also be sent to such authority.
9. Compliance of decisions. – (1) It shall be duty of Panchayat and also of the Panchayat Samiti to ensure compliance of the decisions taken in Gram Sabha meetings.
(2) Compliance report shall be placed before the next Gram Sabha meeting.
(3) Vikas Adhikari of the Panchayat Samiti concerned, shall also maintain Panchayat wise control register mentioning important decisions.
(4) Panchayat Extension Officer and Vikas Adhikari shall review progress of such compliance during their inspection of Panchayats.
10. Monitoring of Gram Sabha meetings. – (1) During the month of April and January every year, Vikas Adhikari shall place the progress of Gram Sabha meetings in the meetings of Panchayat Samiti. He shall forward such report to the Chief Executive Officer also for taking further necessary action.
(2) In case of failure of any Sarpanch or Up-Sarpanch as the case may be, to hold prescribed meeting of Gram Sabha as mentioned in Section 3, Panchayat Samiti shall report the matter to the State Government for action under Section 38 of the Act.
11. Formation of Vigilance Committees. – (1) Sarpanch shall keep on agenda an item for constitution of Vigilance Committee/Committees in the Gram Sabha meeting to be held in the first quarter of the financial year,
(2) Vigilance Committee shall work in close coordination with Panchayat.
(3) Secretary of Panchayat shall also work as Secretary for Vigilance Committee meeting and recording its proceedings.
12. Membership. – (1) Vigilance Committee shall have seven members who are recognized community leaders and generally do not participate in election.
(2) Member of Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad residing in such Panchayat area, can also be a member in such Vigilance Committee by approval of Gram Sabha.
(3) Members may decide to form groups for supervision of development works, trespass on Abadi, Pasture lands, Sanitation and Drinking Water etc.
(4) Members shall elect one person as Chairman to decide dates for holding and presiding meetings.
13. Role of Vigilance Committee. – (1) Role of Vigilance Committee shall not be only to find faults and criticise Panchayat.
(2) Its role shall be constructive, co-operative and advisory though supervisory. Main objective is speedy implementation of development activities, Maintaining quality of words, prevent misuse of funds and objective assessment of complaints from public.
14. Meeting. – (1) First meeting of Vigilance Committee shall be fixed by Secretary immediately after the constitution of the committee on a date convenient to members.
(2) Subsequent dates for meeting shall be fixed by Chairman of Vigilance Committee. Notice of meeting shall be got served by the Secretary.
(3) Vigilance Committee shall meet at least once a month.
(4) Secretary of the Panchayat shall invariable attend all such meetings.
15. Agenda items. – Vigilance Committee shall review the following items: –
(i) Complaints from public on specific issue,
(ii) Quality of construction works under execution,
(iii) Use of Panchayat Fund,
(iv) Trespass in Abadi and Pasture lands,
(v) Notice Board indicating sanction and expenditure on works,
(vi) Other relevant matters like Sanitation, Drainage, Drinking Water, Health, Vaccination etc.
16. Report of Vigilance Committee to be part of Gram Sabha proceedings. – It shall be duty of Sarpanch or in his absence of Up-Sarpanch, to discuss the report of Vigilance Committee in Gram Sabha. It shall form part of gram sabha proceedings.
17. Comments of Sarpanch/Panchas. – (1) Sarpanch/Up-Sarpanch or Panchas or Secretary as the case may be, shall place their comments for consideration of Gram Sabha.
(2) Such comments may also be incorporated in Gram Sabha proceedings.
18. Reconstitution of Vigilance Committee. – Gram Sabha may continue the same committee or reconstitute it every year in its meeting to be held in the first quarter of the financial year.
Transfer of charge and vacation of seats
19. Transfer of charge. – (1) Whenever charge is required to be handed over under Section 25 (1) of the Act, such member, Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson shall get a list prepared of registers and articles in his actual physical possession and hand over them to the person mentioned in Section 25(1). In case of Panchayat, Sarpanch shall hand over the minute book of the meetings of Panchayat to his successor and also verify that Cash book, Pass Book, Cheque Book, Cash balance, Patta register, Gram Sabha meeting register are available in Panchayat Office. Though all such record remains in the custody of Secretary as per Section 78(2) but Sarpanch is also responsible for safe custody of such record.
(2) The person making over and taking over the charge shall both put their signatures and date at the bottom of such list in token of transfer of charge.
(3) Charge list shall be prepared in quadruplicate. One copy shall be sent to the Panchayat Samiti, one to be retained as office copy and two for handing over and taking over persons.
20. Taking assistance of Chief Executive Officer in case of failure to hand over charge. – (1) On failure to hand over charge by any person under Section 25(1), request in writing may be made to the Chief Executive Officer for taking action under Section 88(1) of the Act and the Chief Executive Officer will cause to hand over the charge to newly elected person.
21. Notice of motion of No-confidence. – (1) A written notice of intention to make motion expressing want of confidence under Section 37 in the Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson of a Panchayati Raj Institution shall be in Form 1 and shall be delivered to [the competent authority].
(2) Notice of meeting shall be sent by the [competent authority] by post under certificate of posting not less than 15 clear days before the date of meeting and the date and the time appointed therefore in Form II to every directly elected Panch/Member at his ordinary place of residence. Copy of such notice shall also be put on the notice board of such Panchayati Raj Institution :
Provided that in case of a place where there is no post office, or where service of the notice cannot be affected expeditiously, such notice shall be served through Tehsildar concerned.
22. Procedure of enquiry. – (1) Before taking any action under Sub-Section (1) of Section 38, where on its own motion or upon any complaint the State Government may ask the Chief Executive Officer or any other officer to get a preliminary enquiry done and to send his report to the State Government within one month.
(2) If, upon consideration of the report received as aforesaid or otherwise, the State Government is of the opinion that action under Sub-Section (1) of Section 38 is necessary, the State Government shall frame definite charges and shall communicate them in writing to the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson or Member of the Panchayati Raj Institution together with such details as may be deemed necessary. He shall be required to submit a written statement within one month admitting or denying the allegations, giving his defence, if any and whether he desires to be heard in person.
(3) State Government may after expiry of prescribed period and considering such written statement, appointment an Enquiry Officer and also nominate any person to present the case before Enquiry Officer on behalf of the State.
(4) Enquiry Officer shall consider such documentary evidence and take such oral evidence as may be relevant or material in regard to the charges. Opportunity of cross examination of witness shall be provided to the opposite side.
(5) Enquiry Officer shall prepare a report on conclusion of enquiry, recording his findings on every charge as proved or not proved or partly proved along with the reasons therefore, and submit it to the State Government for final decision.
(6) The provisions of the Rajasthan Disciplinary Proceedings (Summoning of witnesses and production of documents) Act, 1959 (Rajasthan Act No. 28 of 1959) and the rules made thereunder shall also apply mutatis mutandis to enquiries being conducted against the Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson or Member of Panchayati Raj Institution as the case may be, under these rules.
(7) State Government shall consider the findings of enquiring Officer and after giving him opportunity of hearing, may either exonerate, or remove such Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson or Member from the Office or pass appropriate orders. In case of removal, it shall also be published in official gazetted :
Provided that findings shall be recorded against them if term of election of such Panchayati Raj Institution has already expired.
23. Procedure for removal in case of disqualification. – (1) Whenever it is represented to, or otherwise brought to the notice of the Chief Executive Officer in case of Panch/Sarpanch and to the State Government in case of Pradhan/Up-Pradhan, Pramukh/Up-Pramukh or Member of a Panchayati Raj Institution, who has been declared to be duly elected as such or who has been appointed as such under any provision of the Act, was not qualified, or was disqualified, for such election or appointment at the time when he was so elected or appointed or has thereafter become disqualified for continuing as such member, the competent authority shall draw up clearly and precisely the alleged disqualification or disqualifications forming the subject of the representation made to it, or otherwise brought to its notice, and shall forthwith issue a notice to such member, which shall: –
(i) Set out the gist of the allegations against, him.
(ii) Fix a date, not less than fifteen days after the date of issue of the notice, on which the inquiry shall be made.
(iii) Require him to show cause, for personal appearance or in writing, why his seat should not be declared by the State Government to be or to have become vacant on the ground of his having been not qualified, or disqualified, as alleged.
(iv) Call upon him to produce, in denial of the allegation, such documentary or other evidence as may be in his possession, and
(v) Invite him to appear personally, if he so desires, on the date fixed by the notice, and a copy of the notice shall be sent also to the information, if any.
(2) On the date fixed by the notice, the Chief Executive Officer or the State Government as the case may be, shall hear the informant, if any, as well as the member if he appears before him and requests for a personal hearing shall consider the document and other evidence produced by them in proof or disproof of the allegation or allegations, shall make such further inquiry as he may think necessary, shall record a finding as to the alleged disqualification or disqualifications and shall either order the proceedings to be dropped or declare the seat of such Member to have become vacant or make such other order as may be proper in the circumstances of the case under Section 39 of the Act.
24. Vacation for absence from meetings. – (1) If, a member has absented himself from three consecutive meetings of the Panchayati Raj Institution, the matter shall be placed before the Panchayati Raj Institution and such Panchayati Raj Institution, if it is satisfied that the member has absented himself from three consecutive meetings without giving information in writing, shall pass a resolution to the effect that the absentee has remained absent on three consecutive meetings and forward a copy of the resolution together with the record of meeting and any other papers that may be relevant to the Chief Executive Officer in case of Panch/Sarpanch and to the State Govermnent in case of others along with their recommendation.
(2) On receipt of the record referred to in Sub-rule (1), the Chief Executive Officer or the State Government as the case may be, may upon perusing the record and considering the recommendation of the Panchayati Raj Institution and after making such further enquiry as he may consider necessary and after giving the absentee an opportunity of being heard declare such seat to have become vacant.
(3) Copies of final orders shall be sent to the Zila Parishad and the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned.
(4) The State Government may for the purpose of satisfying itself as to correctness, legality and propriety of any order passed by the Chief Executive Officer, examine the connected records and may confirm, vary or rescind such order.
25. Vacation of seat for not taking oath. – (1) In respect of a member of a Panchayati Raj Institution, the Chief Executive Officer in case of Panch/Sarpanch and the State Government in other cases, finds that such member has not taken the prescribed oath or affirmation, within three months from the date of notification under Section 23, he shall call for necessary information in the matter from the officers concerned mentioned in Sub-rule (2) of Rule 76 of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj (Election) Rules 1994, so as to reach him within a fortnight of the date of his requisition.
(2) If from such information, it is found that such member has not till then made the required oath of affirmation, the Chief Executive Officer in case of Panch/Sarpanch and State Government in case of Pradhan/Up-pradhan, Pramukh/Up-Pramukh or member may after such further enquiry as he may consider necessary and after giving the concerned member an opportunity of being heard declare such seat to have become vacant or make such other order as he may think proper in the circumstances of the case.
26. Vacation of seats or offices to be published. – The name and designation of the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson or Member whose place has fallen vacant under Section 39 or 41 of the Act, shall be published on the notice Board of the Panchayati Raj Institution, Concerned by the Chief Executive Officer on his behalf or on behalf of the State Govermnent as the case may be. It shall also be reported to the State Government as well as to the State Election Commission.
Allowances to Members etc.
27. Payment of allowances to Member etc. – All allowances shall be paid out of own income of Panchayati Raj Institution, concerned.
28. Rates of allowances. – The member of a Panchayati Raj Institution including the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of such institution, shall be paid honorarium and meeting allowance at the rates as laid down by the Government from time to time.
29. Daily allowance. – The Member of a Panchayati Raj Institution including the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of such institution, shall be entitled to a daily allowance at the rates as laid down by the Government from time to time, whenever he participates in any meeting or official work outside the jurisdiction of such Panchayati Raj Institution in which he is a Member or Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson.
30. Travelling allowance. – If any such person as is mentioned in Rule 28 performs any journey for any of the proposes specified in that rule, he shall, in addition to the daily allowance admissible to him thereunder, be also entitled to receive from the funds a travelling allowance for the journey both ways as laid down by the Government from time to time.
31. Claims for allowances. – (1) A claim for daily and travelling allowances admissible under Rules 28 and 30 shall be preferred in writing in Form No. III.
(2) A person claiming travelling and daily allowances shall record on his claim therefore, the following certificates: –
(a) Certified that I was not provided with any free conveyance.
(b) Certified that the T.A. claimed is in accordance with rules and the amount claimed therein is correct.
(c) Certified that I have not claimed/received any amount in respect of this claim, previously from any source.
(d) Certified that I have actually performed the journey.
32. Counter signatures on T.A. Bills. – The T.A. bills of Member shall be countersigned by the Chairpersons of respective Panchayati Raj Institution. The T.A. bills of Chairpersons will not require counter signatures.
Powers, Functions and Duties of Chairperson and Members of Panchayati Raj Institutions
33. Duties and functions of Sarpanch. – Besides holding Gram Sabha Meetings as per Section 3 of the Act and Panchayat Meetings every fortnight as provided in Section 45, Sarpanch shall ensure/assist in discharge of following duties in addition to functions laid down in Section 32 of the Act.
(i) Regulatory functions like: –
(a) Sanitation,
(b) Street lighting,
(c) Safe drinking Water,
(d) Drainage,
(e) Public distribution system,
(f) Maintenance of rural roads,
(g) Registration of births and deaths,
(h) Sarpanch shall inform the Collector/Vikas Adhikari about flood, fire, epidemics and damage to Government properties, buildings pipelines, handpumps, electric lines etc., for taking necessary action, etc.
(ii) Administrative functions like: –
(a) Development of Abadi area,
(b) Development of Grasses and trees in pasture lands through closure and controlled grazing,
(c) Prevent encroachments in Abadi and Gochar lands,
(d) Raise resources for the Panchayat from water reservoirs, Nallas, Natural produce, Skins and Hides of dead animals, Temporary use of land, Sale of Land and the like,
(iii) Development and proper utilisation of local physical resources for ensuring Well being of people.
(iv) Assist in human and animal health, nutrition and family welfare programmes.
(v) Undertake Rural Sanitation Programme.
(vi) Undertake Development of way side facilities on National and State highways so as to raise own resources through auction of sites for Shops, Dhabas, STD booth, Petrol pump, Repair and Service Centres, etc.
(vii) Make efforts for raising public contributions for community work.
(viii) Make special efforts for total literacy, woman education, Prevention of Mrityu Bhoj, restrain Child Marriages, Prevention of un-touchability and oppression against women.
(ix) Help in getting Social Security claims.
(x) Assist in sanction of pension for old people, widows and handicapped persons.
(xi) Prevent misuse of Panchayat funds and bring transparency in functioning of Panchayat by placing income and expenditure details in every Panchayat meeting before signing Cash book. In case Sarpanch does not utilise allotted funds, Collector shall be authorised to utilise such funds through a committee constituted for the purpose.
(xii) Maintain quality of construction work and obtain completion certificate within one month of completion of work.
(xiii) Arrange to issue demand notices and attachment warrants for timely recovery of Panchayat dues and ensuring proper execution through Committee of panchas assisted by Secretary.
(xiv) Arrange for conduct of Audit every year and compliance of Audit objections of his tenure even after the term of his election.
(xv) Display details of works sanctioned and amount spent on a Board at Panchayat Headquarters as well as on work sites.
(xvi) All such other functions as are necessary for the welfare of public.
34. Duty to raise Panchayat sources. – (1) In addition to raising tax revenues, Sarpanch in consultation with other Panchas shall augment non-tax revenues by increasing the rates, fees, charges and penalties, levying nominal taxes on havelies and big pukka houses, tax/fees on dhabas, hotels, automobiles services stations and repair shops petrol/diesel pumps on National and State highways. Efforts shall be made to raise more income every year in addition to existing trends of own income.
(2) Resolution of the Panchayat shall be passed to this effect.
35. Duties and functions of Pradhan. – In addition to the duties enumerated in Section 33 of the Act, Pradhan shall also ensure/assist in discharge of following functions :
(1) Supervisory functions. –
(a) Review and monitoring of functioning of Panchayats.
(b) Provide training and guidance to newly elected Sarpanchas and Panchas especially women, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes.
(c) Co-ordination among Sarpanchas and Member of Panchayat Samiti.
(d) Hold such meetings of Sarpanchas as are necessary.
(e) Maintenance of control register to ensure compliance of provisions of Panchayati Raj Act, 1994.
(f) Compliance of decision of Panchayat Samiti Meetings and Standing Committees through Control Register.
(g) Ensure formation of Standing Committees within three months of election and re-constitution every year keeping in mind that any member of a Standing Committee is elected to Second Committee only when all other Members of Panchayat Samiti have been elected to at least one such Standing Committee.
(h) Putting up display boards of actual expenditure on work site as well as at Panchayat headquarters.
(2) Maintenance functions: – Identify local problems regarding drinking water, electricity, irrigation, public distribution system, revenue, lands, human and animal diseases, crop diseases etc., and invite concerned district level officers in the next Panchayat Samiti Meeting for discussions and redressal of public grievances.
(3) Development functions. – Identify needs of local public and encourage local people and voluntary organisations for people’s participation in development schemes.
(4) Raise own resources. – In consultation with other members, Pradhan shall make all efforts to raise tax revenues as well as non-tax revenues through :
(a) timely collection of education cess on campaign basis,
(b) auction shops owned by Panchayat Samiti or give them on rent,
(c) developing agricultural farms owned by Panchayat Samiti,
(d) competitive auction bids in bone contracts etc.,
(e) proper organisations of cattle fairs,
(f) collection of income from tank bed cultivation and irrigation charges of tanks under the charge of Panchayat Samiti,
(g) disposal of unserviceable items and old record etc.
36. Duties and functions of Pramukh. – In addition to the duties enumerated in Section 35 of the Act, Pramukh shall ensure discharge of following functions : –
(1) Planning – Arrange to consolidate area plans of Panchayat Samitis and Municipalities in the month of December every year as per local needs and resources and get prepared final plan for the whole district in consultation with members and district level officers of concerned departments working for the rural areas of the district as acquired by Section 121 of the Act.
(ii) Supervisory Role – Through Chief Executive Officer as officer-in-charge Panchayats for the district, ensure that –
(a) Gram Sabhas of the Panchayats are regularly held in accordance with the provisions of Act and Rules;
(b) Meetings of Panchayats are held every fortnight and there is no case of negligence of duties cast upon Panchayat through act and rules;
(c) Sort out any difficulties with departments at district level in implementation of programmes through Panchayati Raj Institution;
(d) Timely transfer of funds from Zila Parishad to respective Panchaya Samities and Panchayats as per norms prescribed by the State Government;
(e) Rural sanitation and Rural Housing programme in the district for environmental improvement;
(f) Periodical review of quality of primary education;
(g) Removal of public grievances in rural areas of the district;
(h) Transparent functioning of Panchayati Raj Institutions by proper maintenance of Accounts, prevent misuse of funds, timely audit every year.
37. Role of members of Panchayat Samiti & Zila Parishad. – (1) Member of Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad can participate in meetings of the Panchayat in which the ordinarily resides.
(2) Members can be nominated in Vigilance Committee by Gram Sabha of a Panchayat in which such member resides.
(3) Members shall discharge functions entrusted to them as member of Panchayati Raj Institution or as member of Standing Committee for which they have been elected.
38. Relief in Natural calamities. – (1) Subject to the budget provisions, Pradhan or Pramukh may grant immediate relief as per powers contained in Secs. 33 and 35 of the Act respectively to the victims for food and shelter etc., but they shall immediately inform the Collector to arrange relief to affected families through the State Government.
(2) He may also arrange voluntary contributions for the same.
Conduct of Business in Meetings
39. Meetings of Panchayati Raj Institutions. – A Panchayat shall meet at least once a fortnight, a Panchayat Samiti atleast once a month and a Zila Parishad atleast once a quarter, a period of more than four months shall not however, intervene between any two meeting of a Zila Parishad:
[Provided that the State Government may issue direction to hold the meeting on such date as fixed by it.]
40. Notice of Meetings. – (1) A notice specifying the place, date and time of the meeting as well as the business to be transacted thereat shall at least seven clear days before the meeting of Panchayat and at least ten clear days before the meeting of a Panchayat Samiti or a Zila Parishad, be given by the Secretary/Vikas Adhikari/Chief Executive Officer respectively to all the members of the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution.
(2) In case of Panchayat, the Sarpanch may convene a special meeting by giving a shorter notice than that specified in Sub-rule (1) but in no case, the period of notice shall be less than three days.
(3) The notice shall be sent by post or such other mode as the Secretary/Vikas Adhikari/Chief Executive Officer may consider expedient to every member of the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution at his ordinary place of residence. The notice shall also be sent, in the case of a meeting of a Panchayat, to the Vikas Adhikari, the Patwari and any other Tehsil level functionary of the State Government or of a Panchayati Raj Institution, whose attendance and participation in the deliberations of such meetings appears to the convener of the meeting to be desirable and, in the case of a meeting of a Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad, to such District and Tehsil level Officers whose attendance in such meeting is considered desirable under Sub-Section (7) of Section 48.
(4) A copy of the notice of every meting shall also be affixed on the Notice Board of the office of the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution.
41. Agenda for a meeting. – (1) The agenda for a meeting will be prepared by the Secretary/Vikas Adhikari/Chief Executive Officer in consultation with the Sarpanch/Pradhan/Pramukh, and may include any subject which, in his opinion, should be considered by the Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad and shall include any subject specified by the Sarpanch/Pradhan/Pramukh.
(2) Motion sought to be made by the members shall also be included in the agenda provided that the Chairperson of the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution may disallow any motion which is in his opinion contravenes the provisions of the Act or the rules made thereunder and his decision shall be final.
(3) In case of the agenda of panchayat, the following items shall be included invariably: –
(i) Compliance of last meeting;
(ii) Statement of Income and expenditure as per cash book;
(iii) Mutations of deceased cultivators;
(iv) Removal of encroachments in Abadi and pasture lands;
(v) Utilisation of funds under various schemes;
(vi) Physical progress of construction works;
(vii)Review of village Sanitation, Street Lighting, Rural Roads, Drinking Water, Anganvadi, Fair Price Shops, Maintenance of School Buildings;
(viii) Vaccination and Family Welfare.
42. Special meeting. – The Chairperson of a Panchayati Raj Institution may, whenever he thinks fit, and shall, on the request of not less than one third of the total number of members of such Panchayati Raj Institution within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the request, call a special meeting of a Panchayati Raj Institution. If the Chairperson fails to do so, the Deputy Chairperson or Vikas Adhikari in case of Panchayat, Chief Executive Officer in case of Panchayat Samiti and Divisional Commissioner in the case of Zila Parishad and after giving three clear days notice in the case of a Panchayat and seven clear days notice in the case of a Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad to all the members of the Panchayati Raj Institution call such meeting.
43. Mode of putting the question of vote. – When a question is put to vote, the presiding authority shall call for a show of hands and he shall count the hands shown for or against and declare the result. In case of equality of votes, the Chairperson shall have a casting vote.
44. Minutes of the proceedings of the meetings. – (1) The proceedings of the meeting of a Panchayati Raj Institution shall be in Hindi and shall, in the minutes book, be recorded by the Secretary in the case of a Panchayat, by the Vikas Adhikari in the case of a Panchayat Samiti and by the Chief Executive Officer in the case of a Zila Parishad.
(2) Proceedings shall include the attendance of members present along with their signatures and the decisions taken. Although, it will not be necessary to give details of the debates or discussions held with regards to the various resolutions moved in the meeting, it will be the duty of the official recording the proceeding to give details of every resolution which in his opinion is inconsistent with the provision of the Act or any other law or the rules made thereunder or instructions issued by the State Government along with reasons.
(3) A copy of the proceedings shall be sent, in the case of a Panchayat, to the Panchayat Samiti in the case of a Panchayat Samiti, to a Zila Parishad as well as to all the members of the Panchayat Samiti and in the case of a Zila Parishad to all the members of the Zila Parishad. Such copies shall be sent within fifteen days. In case of any resolution in contravention of Act or rules as referred in Sub-rule (2). Secretary and Vikas Adhikari shall report within twenty-four hours to the Chief Executive Officer and in case such resolution has been taken by Zila Parishad, Chief Executive Officer and in case such resolution has been taken by Zila Parishad, Chief Executive Officer shall report to Director Rural Development. The Secretary/Vikas Adhikari/Chief Executive Officer shall also forward relevant extract of the minutes of the meeting to the district Tehsil level Officers of the departments concerned for necessary action at their level.
45. Certain restrictions on speaking. – (1) A member while speaking shall not –
(a) comment in any matter on which a judicial decision is pending;
(b) make a personal charge against a member of Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson of a Panchayat Raj Institution or any officer of the Government;
(c) use offensive expressions about the conduct of proceedings of the Parliament or of the Legislature of any State or any other Panchayati Raj Institution;
(d) utter defamatory words;
(e) use his right of speech for the purpose of obstructing the business of the Panchayati Raj Institution; or
(f) persist in irrelevant or in tedious repetition of his own arguments or of the arguments used by other members in the debate.
(2) No member shall speak more than once except the proposed who has the right of reply.
46. Duration of speeches. – The presiding authority shall regulate the duration of speeches in his own discretion.
47. Procedure when a member has a pecuniary interest in the subject under consideration of meeting. – (1) The presiding authority may prohibit any member from voting on or taking part in the discussion of any subject in which he believes such member to have, apart from its general application to the public, any direct or indirect pecuniary interest by himself or as partner.
(2) Such member may challenge the decision of the presiding authority who shall thereon put the question to the meeting and the decision of the meeting shall be final. The concerned member shall not, however, be entitled to vote when such question is put to the meeting.
48. Arrangement of business for Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad meetings. – (1) The arrangement of business to be transacted at a meeting shall ordinarily be as follows : –
(a) oath or affirmation, if necessary;
(b) confirmation of the proceedings of the preceding meeting;
(c) a statement of the action taken on the decisions of the preceding meeting;
(d) perusal of the proceedings of Standing Committees;
(e) information regarding important paper (Audit Report, Inspection Report, Circulars, Instructions etc.);
(f) physical and financial progress report of schemes in progress for the preceding three months;
(g) implementation of the annual plan proposals;
(h) review of employment generation and poverty alleviation programmes;
(i) rural sanitation and rural housing programmes;
(j) steps taken to increase own income and progress of revenue collection;
(k) any other business which may be permitted by the presiding authority to be taken up.
(2) The presiding authority may, in his own discretion or on the motion of any member, make such variations in the relative procedure of the various items of business enumerated in Sub-rule (1) as he may consider necessary looking to the special circumstances of a case.
49. Withdrawal of a member. – The presiding authority may direct any member whose conduct is, in his opinion, grossly disorderly, to withdraw immediately from the meeting and any member so ordered to withdraw shall do so forthwith and absent himself during the reminder of the day’s sitting.
50. Suspension of a sitting. – The presiding authority may in case of a grave disorder arising in the meeting of a Panchayati Raj Institution suspend any sitting for a time to be decided by him.
51. Procedure for conduct of meetings of Standing Committee. – (1) The Chairman of a Standing Committee may at any time call a meeting when there is sufficient agenda items to be discussed. [At least one meeting shall be held in every month]:
[Provided that the State Government may issue direction to hold the meeting on such date as fixed by it.]
(2) Procedure for notice of meeting recording the minutes, voting on decisions, restrictions on speaking and conduct of meetings shall be same as for special meeting of Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad.
(3) Quorum for Standing Committee shall be of three including the Chairman of such Committee.
52. Conflicting resolutions of Standing Committees. – In any case in which two or more Standing Committees have passed conflicting resolutions, the Vikas Adhikari shall place the matter before the Panchayat Samiti and the Chief Executive Officer before the Zila Parishad and pending final decision of Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad, the Vikas Adhikari/Chief Executive Officer shall withhold all action in regard to the matter at issue.
53. Attendance of officers. – (1) Vikas Adhikari or Chief Executive Officer [shall be Secretary for the meetings and shall attend all the meetings] of Standing Committees unless he is prevented due to illness, leave or urgent official business outside the headquarters of Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad.
(2) In such case [an officer appointed by the Vikas Adhikari or Chief Executive Officer, as the case may be, shall perform the functions of Secretary and attend] such meetings and shall inform about the decisions taken to the Vikas Adhikari or Chief Executive Officer on return as the case may be.
[(3) If it shall appear to a Standing Committee that the presence of an Officer of the Government Posted in the jurisdiction of Panchayati Raj Institution concerned is desirable at its meetings, the Vikas Adhikari or the Chief Executive Officer shall inform such Officer not less than three days before the date of meeting and such Officer shall unless prevented by sickness or other reasonable cause, attend the meeting.]
54. Compliance of decisions. – It shall be duty of Vikas Adhikari/Chief Executive Officer to inform the Pradhan/Pramukh about decisions made by Standing Committees and action taken on them before the next meeting of Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad respectively.
55. Stay orders by Standing Committee for administration and finance. – While considering appeal against decisions of Panchayats by Panchayat Samiti in respect of un-authorised encroachment or un-authorised construction, stay application shall not be decided without: –
(a) giving opportunity of hearing to Panchayat,
(b) verifying title to the land,
(c) perusing construction permission accorded by Panchayat.
56. Member’s right to obtain information and of access to the records. – A member of a Panchayati Raj Institution shall have the right to obtain information on any matter pertaining to the Administration and of access to the records of such Panchayati Raj Institution or Standing Committee thereof, if any, during office hours after giving due notice to the Secretary/Vikas Adhikari/Chief Executive Officer, who may, however, with the approval of the Chairperson of the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution and for reasons to be recorded in writing, refuse to give any particular information or access to any particular records.
Imposition, Assessment and Collection of Taxes & Fees
57. Resolution by Panchayati Raj Institution for imposition of tax/fee. – Every Panchayati Raj Institution deciding to levy any tax or fee or surcharge under Secs. 65, 66, 67, 68 and 69 or to enhance any of such rates shall pass a resolution in general meeting to that effect and publish the purport thereof for the information of persons likely to be affected thereby.
58. Publication of notice inviting objections. – (1) The concerned Panchayati Raj Institution shall issue a notice of the said resolution for such general information inviting objections to the imposition of such tax or fees or surcharge.
(2) A copy of the above notice shall be affixed on the notice board of Panchayat concerned, Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad and forward a copy of Tehsildar and Collector for information.
(3) The Panchayati Raj Institution may also issue a press note to local newspapers for general publicity.
(4) Zila Parishad while proposing to impose surcharge on stamp duty shall also send copy of notice to district registrar and sub-registrar of the district and in case of surcharge on agricultural produce, to the Director, Agricultural Marketing and Secretary Krishi Upaj Mandi Samitis in the district.
59. Period for objections. – A period of not less than one month from the date of such notice shall be allowed for filing objection.
60. Consideration of objections. – (1) After expiry of the period of notice, objections from persons likely to be affected by the imposition of enhancement proposed by Panchayati Raj Institution, shall be considered in its general meeting.
(2) The Panchayati Raj Institution may approve the proposal with or without modifications or may reject the same and shall again pass the resolution for levying of said tax or taxes or fees :
Provided that, if the resolution relates to a tax proposed to be imposed under Clauses (d) and (g) of Sub-Section (1) of Section 65 or Sub-Section (2) of Section 68, prior sanction of State Government shall also be obtained regarding levy and rate of such tax.
61. Prior sanction of the Government. – In case of imposition of taxes requiring prior sanction of the State Government, Panchayati Raj Institution concerned shall send a copy of its resolution along with a summary of the objection received by it together with its comments thereupon and a letter of request to the Director, Rural Development for sanction of the State Government.
62. Publication and operation of the Resolution. – (1) After passing of the resolution under Sub-rule (2) of Rule 60 and after receiving approval of the State Government, if required, Panchayati Raj Institution shall finally publish a notice specifying:
(a) the details of the tax so sanctioned.
(b) the rate at which it shall be levied.
(c) the date from which it shall be assessed and levied.
(d) any other particulars necessary for the information of the persons affected.
(2) Such notice shall also be published in a manner specified in Rule 58.
63. Preparation of demand and conducting of census of assessee. – The tax shall be assessed and levied from the date specified in notice issued under Rule 62.
(2) Tehsildar, shall get the demand prepared and census conducted through Patwari Concerned after receipt of resolution under Rule 62.
(3) Patwari shall inform the programme of conducting census of assesses to the Vikas Adhikari and the Panchayat who may associate Panchayat Extension Officer, Panchas and Secretary to assist in such census and preparation of demand.
(4) Demand shall be prepared by Patwari in Form No. IV.
64. Approval of assessment by Tehsildar. – (1) Tehsildar shall, after the demand assessment of taxes has been prepared by Patwari, get it checked and make corrections, if any, approve and shall forward a copy to Patwari concerned.
(2) In consonance with the approved demand, Patwari shall issue demand slips to the assesses concerned in Form No. V.
65. Due dates of taxes. – (1) The taxes assessed as per Rule 64, shall be collected as per demand slips to be issued by Patwari in the month of April. Amount of tax shall be deposited in yearly instalment in the month of May.
(2) Interest of the rate of 12% shall be levied from 1st of June for delayed payment.
66. Appeal against assessment. – Any assessee having any objection to such assessment may appeal to the Sub-Divisional Officer if tax has been levied by a Panchayat, to the Collector if tax has been levied by a Panchayat Samiti and to the Divisional Commissioner if tax has been levied by Zila Parishad in accordance with the provisions contained in Section 71 of the Act.
67. Recovery of taxes. – (1) The taxes shall be recovered by the Patwari who will be paid 5% as collection charges by way of deducting such amount from the gross tax receipts deposited in P.D. Account of Panchayat Samiti concerned or Panchayat account.
(2) Details of such deposits indicating challan/receipt No. and date shall be forwarded every month to the Tehsildar, Vikas Adhikari and Panchayat concerned.
(3) The Patwari will also maintain demand collection Register in Form VI for each Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti as the case may be. A separate register or a separate portion will be used for each year.
(4) Panchayati Raj Institution concerned shall bear the cost of forms and registers necessary for recovery of such taxes.
(5) In case of taxes are not recovered by the Patwari as provided in Sub-rules (1), (2) and (3) above, the same shall be recovered as an arrear of land revenue, as provided in Section 70 of the Act.
(6) Surcharge on stamp duty shall be collected by sub-registrar for properties transferred in rural areas in the district and transferred to P.D. Account of Zila Parishad as per procedure laid down by Finance Department.
(7) Surcharge on agricultural produce be collected by Secretary Mandi Committee in the district and deposited monthly in the P.D. Account of Zila Parishad of the district.
68. Levy of fees. – [(1) A Panchayat may levy fees for the services rendered to the public subject to the maximum rates as under:]-
(i) Application fees :
Rs. 10/-
(ii) Certificate for residence, caste, income etc. Rs. 20/- (50% of SC/ST).
(iii) Certificate of successors for mutation etc. Rs. 40/- (50% for SC/ST).
(iv) No objection certificate for electricity or piped water supply. Rs. 40/- (50% for SC/ST).
(v) Application for purchase of Abadi Land. Rs. 20/-
(vi) Expenses for preparation of site plan and site inspection Rs. 50/-
(vii) Ration card including application form and printing Rs. 10/-
(viii) Registration of birth and death after 30 days. Rs. 20/-
(ix) Permission for building construction Rs. 2/- (per sq. mtrs. for pakka construction).
(x) Addition/Alteration in site plan already approved by Panchayat. Rs. 100/-
(xi) Regularization of unauthorised Construction without permission of Panchayat provided there is clear title and right of way is not distributed. Rs. 10/- (per sq. mtr.) maximum Rs. 1000/.
(xii) Petrol/Diesel pump
Rs. 2500/- (per year)
(xiii) Dabba/Restaurant
Rs. 1000/- (per year)
(xiv) Any other business unit.
Rs. 200/- (per year).
(xv) Resolution for No objection Certificate for mining Rs. 5000/-
(xvi) Mobil Towers
Rs. 10000/- (per year)
(xvii) Fees for Guest – House/Hotel/Motel/Rest House
(a) up to 5 rooms.
Rs. 1000/- per year.
(b) 6 to 10 rooms.
Rs. 2500/- per year.
(c) 11 to 15 rooms.
Rs. 4000/- per year.
(d) 16 and moor rooms.
Rs. 5000/- per year.
(2) A Panchayat leading to levy such fees shall pass a resolution in the general meeting and publish a notice on Notice Board inviting objections/suggestions of the residents of Panchayat circle within 30 days.
(3) After expiry of 30 days from the date of notice, Panchayat may again pass a resolution with or without modifications and decide to charge such fees from first of the next month.
69. Taxes and fees on fairs. – (1) Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad may decide to levy taxes/fees to regulate the fairs and festivals organised and regulated by them within their jurisdiction.
(2) Such Panchayati Raj Institution may designate any officer as Mela Officer.
(3) If any cattle fair is organised, the rate of Rawanna fee will be decided by the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution.
(4) Purchaser shall not take his Cattle out of the fair area unless he has obtain a Rawanna in form VIII after payment of prescribed fee.
(5) If any purchaser is found taking his Cattle out of the fair area without a Rawanna, he shall be liable to pay a penalty not exceeding Rs. 200/- per animal at the discretion of Mela Officer.
(6) Check posts shall be established for entry and exit of Cattle, Entry pass shall be issued to all Cattle entering the Mela premises in Form VII by Mela Officer/Check post in-charge.
(7) Every sale carried in the Mela shall be registered in form IX and purchaser will be issued copy thereof on payment of charge fixed by Panchayati Raj Institution concerned.
(8) No Rawanna shall be issued unless a copy of registration referred to in Sub-rule (7) is produced.
71. Entertainment Tax on Cinema/Theatre/Video Shops. – (1) Panchayat Samiti shall recover entertainment tax as per notification No. F. 8(76) FD/Gr. IV/73 dated 9.3.1976 at the rate of 100% of the cost of the ticket/charges exceeding Rs. one per person. In case regular tickets are not issued, amount of tickets per month be assessed and 100% tax recovered accordingly.
(2) If amount due is not deposited on demand, it shall be recovered as an arrear of land revenue through Collector of the district.
72. Maximum rates of tax on trade, callings, professions and industries. – (1) Panchayat Samiti may levy tax subject to maximum as under: –
(i) Advocates
300/- per year
(ii) Oil presses, cotton presses, printing presses/warehouses and other industries (except cottage industries), 1000/- per year
(iii) Money lenders
1000/- per year
(iv) Wholesale and retail traders, auctioneers, contractors, commission agents, brokers, workshops
500/- per year
(v) Clinics, nursing homes, private hospitals 300/- per year
(vi) Private practitioners, vaidyas, homoeopaths, dentists, veterinary surgeons
150/- per year
(vii) Architects/engineers
300/- per year
(viii) Keepers of hotels, lodging houses, boarding houses 500/- per year
(ix) Editors/proprietors of News papers 250/- per year
(x) Professional Artists, Photographers, actors, dancers, musicians
120/- per year
(xi) Owners of circus/cinema/video shops 1000/- per year (in addition to 100% entertainment tax on sale of tickets).
(xii) Dealers in animals, vehicles, dairy 250/- per year
(2) Procedure for imposition of taxes as provided in Rules 58 to 60 shall be followed except that prior sanction of the Government shall not be required.
Building Tax
73. Building Tax. – A tax on buildings under Clause (a) of Sub-Section (1) of Section 65 may be leviable on the buildings within the Panchayat circle and shall not exceed the following limits, namely
Maximum amount of tax per annum
(i) Where constructed pakka roofs area is upto 500 sq. ft Rs. 100/-
(ii) When area is 501 to 1000 sq. ft. [Rs. 300/-]
(iii) When area is 1001 to 2000 sq. ft. [Rs. 500/-]
(iv) When area is more than .2000 sq. ft. [Rs. 1000/-]
Provided that no tax shall be payable for houses not constructed with stone bricks, or not having stone slabs/RCC Roof.
74. Exemption from tax. – (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Act or in these rules, a building tax shall not be levied on inns, dharamsalas, libraries, schools, dispensaries, reading rooms and buildings used for religious and charitable purpose, subject, however, to the provision that no rent is earned from the whole or any part thereof.
(2) All buildings within a Panchayat circle belonging to the Central Government or the State Government as well as all such buildings belonging to or vested in a Panchayat or a Panchayat Samiti or a Zila Parishad or a Municipal Board shall be exempted from the payment of buildings tax under Rule 73.
(3) No building tax shall be levied on kaccha houses, I.R.D.R selected families, Indira Avas, and pakka houses having floor area of less than 200 sq. ft.
75. Preparation of assessment list. – (1) For the purpose of the building tax the Panchayat shall cause to be prepared a list of occupiers/owners possessing or owning, as the case may be, buildings situated within the Panchayat circle.
(2) The list shall contain area of Pakka construction and Kaccha construction separately.
(3) Rental income, if any, may also be indicated.
(4) If the building is in exempted category as per Rule 7, fact should be mentioned in assessment list.
(5) Tax shall be assessed as per area of Pakka houses within the maximum rates specified in Rule 73.
76. Publication of assessment list. – (1) The assessment list prepared under Rule 75 shall be published by affixing a copy thereof on the notice board of the Panchayat, along with a notice inviting objections thereto within fifteen days from the date of the publication of the assessment list.
(2) A proclamation shall be made by beat of drum in the whole of the Panchayat circle to the effect that the list has been so published and could be inspected at the Panchayat office and that objections thereto could be filed before the Panchayat within fifteen days of the date of publication of the assessment list.
(3) The Panchayat shall hear any objections that may be made within the said period and the assessment list shall be amended, if necessary and signed by the Sarpanch.
(4) A copy of the assessment list so finalised shall be pasted on the notice board of the Panchayat.
77. Realisation of building tax. – The building tax shall be realised in advance for the whole year, commencing on the 1st of April.
78. Octroi posts and octroi limits. – If a Panchayat decides to impose an octroi under Clause (b) of Sub-Section (1) of Section 65, the Octroi limits shall be the outer limits of the Panchayat circle and the Panchayat may: –
(a) Describe the routes by which the goods and animals liable to octroi shall be brought within the octroi limits and;
(b) Establish such octroi posts as it may think necessary, placing each such post in charge of the Panchayat and arrange there for such establishment as it may think fit.
(c) Octroi may be levied at the rate not exceeding half percent of the value of goods. Prior permission of the State Government shall be obtained for levy of octroi at a rate exceeding half percent.
(d) In case of industries having fixed capital investment exceeding Rs. five lacs., prior permission of the State Government shall be obtained for levy of octroi.
79. Duties of persons bringing goods and animals. – (1) All persons bringing or receiving goods or animals liable to pay octroi within the octroi limits shall exhibit or produced all bills, invoices, receipts or other documents of a like nature which they may possess relating to the goods or animals to enable the octroi official to ascertain, assess and collect the amount of octroi duty leviable and such persons shall afford the octroi official every facility for the purpose of having their goods appraised and when required to do so shall permit them to inspect, weigh examine, measure or otherwise appraise or deal with the whole or any portion of the goods or animals for the purpose of assessing or collecting octroi duty thereon, checking the payment of such duty or carrying out any other provisions of these Rules.
(2) In the event of there being no invoice or bill or other relevant document in the possession of the person bringing dutiable goods or animals or of non-acceptance by the octroi official of the value as shown therein, a declaration shall be made and signed by such persons and octroi shall be levied as per market price of the goods or animals after getting the value thereof appraised in the markets.
80. Inspection of goods. – Every person shall, on demand, permit an octroi official to inspect the goods in his possession.
81. Assessment of Octroi. – Where an advalorem octroi is leviable the amount thereof shall be calculated according to the full value of the goods or animals as given in the original bill or invoice or other; documents or on their market price as the case may be:
Provided that Panchayat may impose octroi on goods transported by a Co-operative Society at agreed rates per month:
Provided further that the Panchayat may impose and recover octroi duty on goods imported for the purpose of processing by any industry located in the Panchayat Circle on agreed rates monthly, however subject to the condition that the purpose of import is verified by the General Manager District Industries centre concerned.
Explanation- “Full value” does not include railway freight, commission or other incidental charges.
82. Payment of Octroi. – (1) Octroi shall be payable on demand by the officer-in-charge of an octroi post.
(2) Octroi duty on goods or animals liable to octroi shall be paid at an octroi post or Panchayat Office.
(3) Where there is no octroi post, importer shall file a declaration of value of goods imported and satisfy the Sarpanch or Secretary on the basis of actual vouchers.
(4) Upon payment the official-in-charge of an octroi post of Secretary shall draw up a receipt in duplicate in Form X, of which one copy shall be given to the importer and the other shall remain as counterfoil in the receipt book.
(5) Traders doing regular business in Panchayat area may also declare the value of goods likely to be imported on monthly basis and deposit octroi in advance. Panchayat shall be free to assess the actual value of such goods on the basis of vouchers/sale by such trader.
83. Goods brought by Railway or motor transport agency. – (1) Goods or animals brought by railway shall be deemed to have entered the octroi limits as soon as they pass beyond the railway goods or luggage yard and they then become liable to octroi duty in the same manner as goods or animals brought by road.
(2) Goods or animals brought by motor transport agencies or other means or transport shall be liable to pay octroi duty, if they are so liable at the octroi post, or where there is no such post, octroi duty shall be paid at the Panchayat Office.
84. Goods received by post. – (1) Goods by post parcels, shall, if they are liable to pay octroi, be produced at the Panchayat Office and the amount of octroi thereon shall be assessed, realised and paid in accordance with Sub-rule (4) of Rule 82.
(2) The Panchayat may make arrangements with postal authorities whereby a list of all goods received by post parcels, along with the names of the addresses, may be obtained at the Panchayat Office and if any such parcel is not produced at the Panchayat Office within a month of the receipt thereof, the Panchayat may take such steps against the addressee as may be provided for in the bye-laws.
85. Goods for immediate transportation. – (1) If person in-charge of octroi outpost is satisfied on the basis of goods receipt with the driver of the vehicle that goods are for immediate transportation outside the limits of Panchayat, he may charge in Form XI only such amount as may be fixed by the Panchayat for escorting the goods outside the Panchayat limits.
(2) Period of transit shall not ordinarily exceed four hour but in case of break-down of vehicle etc., Sarpanch may relax it suitably up to 24 hours.
(3) If any travelling agent brings any goods for sale or exhibition he shall deposit due octroi duty but may claim refund for goods unsold and transported outside Panchayat limit within 7 days.
(4) If any travelling agent residing in Panchayat circle takes out goods for sale, he shall give a complete list of articles at octroi post in duplicate. One copy shall be returned duly verified to the agent. In case, he brings back whole or part of such goods within a period of 15 days, no octroi shall be charged if goods were same as mentioned in the list.
86. Exemption from Octroi. – Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, octroi shall not be levied on the following goods, namely: –
(i) head loads of cow-dung, fuel, grass, fodder and brush-wood;
(ii) goods on which octroi payable is less than one rupee;
(iii) arms for the use of the military, police or any other departments of the State or the Central Government;
(iv) articles manufactured or produced in the Panchayat Circle;
(v) bonafide personal and household goods imported by a person on the occasion of his coming to take up his residence within the Panchayat Circle;
(vi) wearing apparel with or without lace, utensils, furniture and articles of food belonging to a marriage party;
(vii) machinery imported into any Panchayat Circle for the purpose of setting up new industries or for expansion thereof or for renovation and repairs of machinery in existing Industries, if the importer produces a certificate from the Industries Department of the State verifying the purpose of such import;
(viii) fertilizer imported into Panchayat Circle;
(ix) all fabricating materials, raw materials and construction materials, brought into any Panchayat Circle for the purpose of setting up new industries or for expansion of existing industries subject to production of certificate from the Director of Industries, Rajasthan, Jaipur or his duly authorised representative that these items are necessary for the aforesaid purposes :
Provided that the exemption shall be available for a period of seven years from the date of establishment/expansion of the industry, subject to certificate given by Director, Industries Department;
(x) any other thing exempted by the State Government through a special order.
Explanation. – (1) The exemption on construction materials shall apply to the material used in the construction of factory shed, office building and chowkidars quarters. It shall not apply to other categories.
(2) Raw materials shall not include packing material furniture and fixtures, petrol, oil, lubricants, coal, timber, wood, air conditioning and refrigeration plant and other articles used for electrification.
87. Penalty for evading payment of Octroi. – If goods or animals passing into a Panchayat Circle are liable to the payment of octroi duty, every person who with intent to defraud the Panchayat causes or abets the introduction of, or himself introduces or attempts to introduce within the octroi limits any such goods or animals in respect of which octroi due on such introduction has neither been paid nor tendered shall be punishable with fine which may extend to ten times the amount of such octroi.
88. Bye-laws. – Bye-laws, not in consistent with these rules, may be made by the Panchayat under the Act to supplement these rules in the regulation, assessment, realization and payment of octroi due thereunder.
89. Register of vehicles liable to tax. – (1) When a Panchayat has decided to levy a tax on vehicles under Clause (c) of Sub-Section (1) of Section 65 and the procedure laid down in Rules 58 to 62 has been observed in respect thereof, the Panchayat shall cause to be prepared a register of vehicles liable to such tax, specifying therein the name and address of the owner of each such vehicle and the amount of the tax due in respect thereof.
(2) Any person who keeps or piles any vehicle on hire whether he be the owner of such vehicle or a person who possesses it or has the loan of it or has the charge of it in any other capacity shall be deemed to be the person liable to pay the tax on the vehicle.
(3) Every person who becomes possessed of any vehicle, for which he is liable to pay the tax, shall, within fifteen days of his becoming so possessed of the same, bound to give notice in writing to the Sarpanch of the fact of his having become possessed of such vehicle.
(4) Any person whose name is registered in the register referred to in Sub-rule (1), or the agent of any such person, shall be permitted, free of charge, to inspect and take extracts from any portion of the said register which relates to such person.
(5) The Panchayat shall cause such register to be corrected as and when necessary.
90. Exemption from vehicle tax. – No vehicle tax shall leviable in respect of a vehicle
(a) if it is a motor vehicle within the meaning of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (Central Act, 59 of 1988), or
(b) if it is used for the purposes of cultivation; or
(c) if it is a vehicle belonging to the Central or State Government and is used for public purposes, or
(d) if it belongs to the Panchayat Sarniti or Zila Parishad.
91. Recovery of tax in advance and issue of licence. – (1) The vehicle tax shall be payable every year in advance.
(2) When any person pays the amount of tax due in respect of any vehicle, the Panchayat shall grant him a license to keep or use such vehicle for the period to which the payments relatives in Form No. XII.
92. Recovery of tax when not paid. – (1) If the tax in respect of a vehicle is not paid in accordance with Sub-rule (1) of Rule 91 the Sarpanch or any other official authorised by the Panchayat in this behalf may at any time seize and detain the vehicle unless such person can prove to the satisfaction of Sarpanch or authorised official that he has paid the vehicle tax.
(2) If the vehicle seized be not claimed and the tax due thereon be not paid within fifteen days from the vehicle shall be sold by public auction and the proceeds of the sale shall be applied in the payment of tax due on the vehicle.
(3) In addition to the amount due as tax such penalty not exceeding twice the amount of the tax as the Panchayat may direct and a sum of Rs. 200/- (Rupees two hundred) on account of charges incurred in connection with seizure, detention and sale, will also payable and recoverable out of the sale proceeds.
(4) If the owner of the vehicle or the person entitled thereto claims the same within a week from the date of seizure or at any time before sale, it shall be returned to him on payment of the tax due thereon and such penalty not exceeding Rs. 200/A. Panchayat may direct.
Tax on Commercial Crops
93. Submission of returns. – After the preliminary procedure laid down in Rules 58 to 62 has been observed for the imposition of the tax on commercial crops under Clause (f) of Sub-Section (1) of Section 65, it shall be the duty of every person frowning on the land occupied by him within the panchayat circle any commercial crops, as defined in the explanation to Section 65, to submit, not less than a month before harvesting such crop, a report of the same to the Sarpanch of the panchayat and to furnish a return containing the following particulars: –
(a) name of the village in which the lands so grown upon are situated;
(b) area of the lands in terms of hectares in which such commercial crop has been grown upon;
(c) the nature of the commercial crop grown; and
(d) the name, father’s name and residence of such grower.
94. Enquiry and assessment of tax. – (1) The Sarpanch shall make or cause to be made such inquiry as he may consider necessary for the purpose of verifying the return and may, if he thinks fit, cause the area under cultivation to be ascertained by actual measurement or from girdawari record maintained by Patwari.
(2) On the completion of such inquiry, a committee consisting of three panchas and the Secretary shall assess the area in which a commercial crop has been grown, the likely total produce thereof and the amount of tax leviable thereon.
(3) After the assessment has been made under Sub-rule (2), the Sarpanch shall cause to be given to the person who furnished the return, a notice of such assessment.
(4) Rate of tax on commercial crops shall be an amount equivalent to rates of land revenue.
95. Failure to submit return. – If any person fails to submit a return required by Rule 93, the Sarpanch with the approval of the committee referred to in Sub-rule (2) of Rule 94 may on information received from the Patwari or otherwise, at any time make the assessment contemplated by Rule 94 to the best of his judgment and shall, in every such case inform, by notice, the person growing the commercial crop on any land within the Panchayat Circle of such assessment.
96. Reduction of assessment. – On receipt of information from or on behalf of an assessee that due to any agricultural calamity the commercial crop has in any way been damaged or injured, the Sarpanch shall make inquiry and if in his opinion substantial damage to the crop is proved, he may make a suitable reduction in the assessment with the approval of the committee referred on the Sub-rule (2) of Rule 94.
97. Resolution for imposing water tax. – In case a Panchayat decides to impose water tax under Clause (e) of Sub- Section (1) of Section 65, for arranging the supply of safe drinking water within the Panchayat Circle, and its maintenance, the Panchayat concerned shall pass a resolution for its intention to do so.
98. Water tax and other charges. – (1) In a village where drinking water is supplied through a public tap, pump and tank scheme or hand pumps by the Panchayat or entrusted to it for running and maintenance or where some charge is to be paid by Panchayat for drinking water supply to the Government, every resident of that village shall pay monthly water tax of Rs. 1/- (Rupee one) per head per month in case of piped water supply and Rs. 0.50 (Fifty paise) in other cases irrespective of the fact whether he uses the public tap, hand pump or not. Where water is supplied to the premises of a consumer, without a meter, a flat rate of Rs. 20/- (Rupees twenty) per tap per family shall be charged.
(2) In case a meter is provided to the consumer by the Panchayat concerned the water charges and meter rent at the rate of Rs. 5/- per month shall be calculated and recovered as per rates determined from time to time by Public Health Engineering Department. The consumer shall also be permitted to provide his own meter. In such case meter rent of Rs. 5/- shall not be charged.
(3) No person shall obtain water from the public tap for construction purposes either himself or through his servants or agents unless permission is obtained from the concerned Panchayat, after payment of specified charges in advance. In case any person is found using water from the public tap for construction purposes in contravention of the rules, he shall be liable to pay fine upto Rs. 200/- in addition to the amount of water tax and a continuing penalty up to Rs. 10/- per day as Panchayat may decide.
99. Recovery of water tax. – The recovery of water tax shall be made in the following manner: –
(a) The Panchayat concerned shall prepare separate bills for public tap as well as for private connections and shall arrange to serve the same upon the person concerned at least seven days before the actual date of payment.
(b) Every such bill shall specify the amount, the nature thereof, the person from whom it is due and the period for which it is due and the rebate of 20% for depositing within due date.
(c) In case of payment of water tax is not made by the person within seven days rebate will not be allowed and full amount of bill shall be recovered through process of attachment warrant after giving 15 days notice.
(d) In case of private connections at the premises of the consumer, the connection shall be disconnected in default of payment of water charges in time after giving 15 days notice to the consumer. The said connection shall be renewed up to two times the dues along with penalty up to two times the dues levied by Panchayat.
100. Framing of Bye-laws for water tax. – The Panchayat concerned may frame detailed bye-laws to regulate the water supply scheme in its Panchayat circle.
Pilgrim Tax
101. Imposition of Pilgrim Tax. – A Panchayat may decide to impose a pilgrim tax under Clause (d) of Sub-Section (1) of Section 65, after following the procedure laid down in Rules 58 to 62.
102. Period of tax. – In case of a place of permanent pilgrimage, tax may be imposed throughout the year or in case of religious fairs, it could also be restricted to such periods.
103. Tax on Pilgrim Vehicles. – During such period tax may also be levied on parking of vehicles at different rates for business, cars, taxis, etc.
104. Procedure for collection. – Panchayat may either collect the tax through check post or may allot contract for such collection of tax through public auction.
Recovery of Fees and Taxes
105. Bill for dues. – (1) For the amount of any tax/fee or other dues payable to the Panchayat, ademand slip shall be prepared in Form V and sent to the person liable therefor.
(2) Every such bill shall specify the amount due, the nature thereof, the person from whom it is due and the period for which it is due.
106. Notice of demand. – If the sum so due is not paid to the Panchayat Office within fifteen days from the presentation of the bill therefor, the Panchayat may cause to be served upon the person to whom such bill have been presented a notice of demand in Form No. XIII.
107. Warrant of attachment and sale. – (1) If the person on whom a notice of demand has been served does not, within fifteen days from the service of such notice of demand, either pay the sum demanded in the notice or show cause to the satisfaction of the Panchayat why it should not be realised, such sum with all costs of the recovery may be recovered by means of a warrant of attachment and sale of the movable property of the defaulter, issued by the Panchayat in Form XIV.
(2) Every such warrant shall be signed by the Sarpanch, or, in his absence, by the Up-Sarpanch and shall subject to the provision contained in Sub-rule (3), be addressed to the Secretary or other Clerk of the Panchayat.
(3) Where the property proposed to be attached and sold is beyond the jurisdiction of the Panchayat issuing the warrant of attachment and sale, such warrant shall be addressed to the Sarpanch of the Panchayat within whose jurisdiction such property lies for the time being and, where it is in an area for which there is no Panchayat, it shall be addressed to the Tehsildar having jurisdiction.
(4) The Sarpanch of the Panchayat or the Tehsildar receiving the warrant under Sub-rule (3) may endorse it to any subordinate officer.
(5) A warrant issued under this rule shall be for the attachment and sale of only so much part of the movable property of the defaulter as will suffice to meet the demand of the Panchayat, and the costs of attachment and sale.
108. Exemption from attachment. – The following property shall not liable to attachment and sale under Rule 107, namely: –
(a) the necessary wearing apparel and bedding of the defaulter, his wife and children;
(b) the tools of artisans;
(c) where the defaulter is an agriculturist, his implements of husbandry, seed-grain, food stuffs for his family for the coming eight months and his cow or calf and filly;
(d) such ornaments as a woman is prohibited from parting with by custom;
(e) the wages of labourers and domestic servants whether payable in money or kind; and
(f) salary to the extent of 50% for maintenance.
Explanation. – In Clauses (a) and (f) “salary” of “wages” means the total monthly emoluments, excluding any allowance declared exempt from attachment under any statutory order of the State or Central Government derived by a person from his employment whether on duty or on leave.
109. Entry for attachment. – It shall be lawful for any officer to whom a warrant of attachment and sale under rule 107 is addressed or endorsed to break open at any time between sunrise and sunset any outer or inner door of a building in order to effect attachment directed in the warrant, if he has reasonable grounds for believing that such building contains property which is liable to seizure under the warrant and if after notifying his authority and purpose and duly demanding admittance he cannot otherwise obtain admittance:
Provided that such officer shall not enter or break open the door of any apartment appointed for woman, until he has given reasonable notice of his intention, and has given such woman an opportunity to remove herself.
110. Attachment. – (1) Subject to the provisions contained in Sub-rule (5) of Rule 107 and further subject to the exceptions specified in Rule 108, the officer to whom a warrant of attachment and sale is addressed or endorsed shall be competent to attach. wherever it may be found, any movable property of the person named in the warrant.
(2) Such officer shall, on attaching the property, forthwith make an inventory thereof before removing the same or entrusting with any other person on furnishing sufficient security to his satisfaction, and every inventory prepared under this sub-rule shall be attested by two respectable persons of the locality in whose presence it has been prepared.
111. Sale of property subject to decay. – When the property attached is subject to speedy and natural decay, the same may be sold forthwith unless the amount of the demand is tendered and the proceeds of the sale be kept in deposit.
112. Objection of attachment. – (1) Any person having a claim upon the property under attachment may file an objection against such attachment within ti fifteen days from the date thereof.
(2) Such objection shall be investigated into and disposed of by the Sarpanch of the Panchayat issuing the warrant or, in case such warrant has been addressed under Sub-rule (3) of Rule 107 the Sarpanch or another Panchayat or, as the case may be, to the Tehsildar having jurisdiction by such Sarpanch or Tehsildar.
(3) If the objection is allowed, the property attached shall be realised from attachment or, if it has been sold under Rule Ill, the sale proceeds thereof shall be paid to the objector.
(4) Pending the final disposal of the objection, the sale of the attached property shall not be ordered and, if ordered, shall stand postponed.
(5) Nothing in Sub-rule (4) shall relate to or in any way affect a sale made under, Rule 111.
113. Sale of attached property. – (1) In the following cases, namely: –
(i) When an objection to the attachment has not been filed under Rule 112 or, if filed, has been disallowed, and
(ii) When the defaulter has failed to pay the amount of the demand after the attachment of his property within fifteen days of such attachment and property attached has not been sold under Rule 111.
Such property shall be ordered to be sold by public auction on a date to be fixed therefor, which shall not be earlier than the twentieth day after the date of attachment.
(2) A notice of such sale by public auction shall be proclaimed by beat of drum in the vicinity of the place, and at some central place in the village or town, where the property to be sold is for the time being:
Provided that from the date of the issue of a notice to the date on which the auction commences, at least fifteen days time shall have lapsed.
(3) Bids shall be called for at such auction and the person making the highest bid shall be declared to be the purchaser of the property so auctioned.
(4) The entire amount of the bid shall be paid by the purchaser on the spot.
(5) The Sarpanch or any panch of the Panchayat issuing the warrant of attachment and sale under Rule 107, the Sarpanch or any officer to whom it is addressed to endorsed and any officer engaged or employed in the sale of the attached property shall not take part at any sale thereof under this rule.
114. Appropriation of sale proceeds. – (1) From out of the proceeds of the sale of any property under Rule 111 or Rule 113 shall be paid, in the order of priority hereinafter mentioned: –
(i) the cost incurred in such sale and the dues, if any, on account thereof;
(ii) the cost of the attachment including the cost of maintaining any attached livestock at the rates for their maintenance in a panchayat cattle pound; and
(iii) the demand of the Panchayat for the recovery of which the attachment and sale as were ordered.
(2) Upon the payment referred to in Clause (iii) of Sub-rule (1) being made and credited in the Panchayat accounts, a receipt for the same shall be given to the defaulter.
Cattle Pounds
115. Appointment and duties of pound keeper. – (1) A pound keeper may be separately appointed by the Panchayat or his duties may be entrusted to any contractor appointed through open auction. It shall be the duty of the pound keeper: –
(a) to maintain the following records to the pounds: –
(i) cattle pound register in Form No. XV;
(ii) receipt book showing particulars of the impounded cattle in Form No. XVI.
(iii) pass books showing delivery of the cattle impounded in Form No. XVII and XVIII, and
(iv) account of charges to be paid by the owner of the cattle in Form No. XIX and sale proceeds;
(b) to prepare such statements as may be directed from time to time by the panchayat; and
(c) to keep the cattle impounded safe and arrange for protection from heat, cold and rain and also to feed them.
(2) All expenses relating to the pound and feedings and watering the impounded cattle shall be charged to the Panchayat Fund and all incomes therefrom shall be deposited into it.
116. Persons who can seize cattle. – Any of the following persons may seize or cause to be seized any cattle and bring or cause to be brought the cattle within twenty-four hours to the pound established for the purpose: –
(a) the cultivator or occupier of any land which the cattle has trespassed over and has caused damage to or any crop or produce therein;
(b) the person who has advanced cost for the cultivation of the crop or produce on any land which the cattle has trespassed over and has caused damage to;
(c) the vendee or mortgagee of such crop or produce or any part thereof or the land which the cattle has trespassed over and caused damage to;
(d) the buyer of such crop or produce or any part thereof or the land which the cattle has trespassed over and has caused damage to;
(e) the person in-charge of public roads, play grounds, plantations, canals, drainage work, embankments and the like, to any public servant who finds the cattle causing damage to such roads, grounds, plantations, canals, embankments and the like or the sides or slopes of such roads, canals, drainage works, embankments or found straying thereon;
(f) a person appointed on behalf of the persons mentioned in Clauses (a) to (b) to watch such land; and
(g) the chowkidar and any public servant who finds the cattle straying.
117. Rates of feeding etc. and fines to be exhibited. – A list of fines and of the rates of charges for feeding and watering shall be pasted in a conspicuous place on or near the pound.
118. Entry of the cattle in register. – When cattle are brought to a pound, the pound keeper shall enter in a register in Form XV: –
(a) the number and description of the cattle;
(b) the day and hour on and at which they were brought;
(c) the name and residence of the seizer;
(d) the name and residence of the owner of the cattle if known; and
(e) marks of identification of the cattle such as colour, horn, tail, hair etc.
119. Receipt of the cattle to be given. – (1) After impounding the cattle so brought, the pound keeper shall prepare a register in duplicate and shall give the seizer or his agent a copy of such receipt and obtain his signature or thumb mark, as the case may be, on the counterfoil of the receipt book in token of its acknowledgement. Description of each cattle show be noted in the register provided for the purpose.
(2) In case name of the owner of cattle is known, pound keeper may arrange to inform him if convenient.
120. Hours during which cattle may impounded. – Cattle may be impounded at any time during the day and up to 10 p.m. in the night subject to the condition that the seizer of the cattle while impounding them, in his presence, shall obtain a receipt of such cattle from the pound keeper.
121. Panchayat to fix hours of feeding and watering cattle. – The Panchayat shall fix up the hours of feeding and watering the cattle and only fine shall be recoverable in case of those cattle which were neither fed nor watered.
122. Arrangements for watering the cattle. – Panchayat shall make proper arrangements for vessels for watering the cattle impounded.
Explanation. -This arrangement shall be in addition to the arrangement which the Panchayat may make for taking the cattle for watering at the appointed time.
123. Delivery of the cattle to the owner. – (1) If the owner of the cattle or his agent appears within 3 days and claims the cattle, the pound keeper shall deliver to him the cattle, on payment of the fines and charges as fixed by Panchayat in respect of such cattle.
(2) The owner of the cattle or his agent on taking back the cattle shall sign in token of receipt of the cattle in the register prescribed for the purpose.
124. Release of cattle on ground of wrongful seizure. – If the owner or his agent appears and refuses to pay the said fines and expenses, on the ground that the seizure was illegal and the owner is about to make a complaint, then on deposit of fines and charges if any incurred in respect of the cattle, the cattle shall be delivered to him.
125. Sale on failure to pay lines etc. – If the owner or his agent appears and refuses or fails to pay or deposit the said fines and charges, the cattle be sold by public auction by the Panchayat after giving a notice of five days. The fines liable and expenses of feeding and watering, together with the expenses of sale, if any, shall be deducted from the proceeds of the sale. The remaining cattle and the balance of the purchase money, if any, shall be delivered to the owner or his agent, together with an account showing: –
(i) the number of cattle seized;
(ii) the time during which they have been impounded;
(iii) the amount of fines and charges incurred;
(iv) the manner in which the proceeds have been disposed.
Note. – The owner or his agent shall give a receipt for the cattle delivered to him and for the balance of the purchase money if any paid to him according to such account. If the owner of the cattle or his agent refuses to pay or deposit the fines and expenses incurred in respect of the cattle, then a written report may be obtained, if possible, from him.
126. Receipt for recovery of fines etc. – If the cattle are released, the owner of the cattle or his agent shall be given one of the duplicate copies of the receipt in Form No. XVII and his signature obtained in the register in token of his having paid the fines or charges if any, incurred on the cattle, below the receipt. After adding the amount of the receipt to the amount of the last receipt the total shall be written in place of the total money received. This total shall be progressively increased which shall only be written when both the foils of the receipt are prepared.
127. Receipt to be given to the buyer. – If the cattle are auctioned the buyer shall be given a receipt in Form No. XIX duly signed by the Sarpanch of the Panchayat.
128. Unclaimed cattle. – If the cattle be not claimed within three days from the date of their being impounded, the pound keeper shall enter the fact in the register in Form No. XV and make a report to the Panchayat.
129. Pound keeper’s report regarding unclaimed cattle. – In the report which the pound keeper shall make in accordance with Rule 128, he shall enter the details of expenses of feeding and other expenses, if any.
130. Disposal of cattle not released within 3 days. – On receiving a report about the cattle not released with in 3 days, the following action shall be taken after opening a file thereof : –
(a) The Panchayat shall give a notice to the effect that any person who may have objection to the auction of the cattle concerned, should prove it and that no objection shall be entertained after expiry of the period as may be specified (which shall not be less than 30 days) in such notice. In the notice the following particulars necessarily be stated: –
(i) the number & description of the cattle;
(ii) the place where they were seized; and
(iii) the place where they are impounded.
Note. – Such a notice shall be published in the village nearest to the place of seizure.
(b) While publishing the notice, the Panchayat shall simultaneously and conditionally auction such cattle and the auction money realised shall be deposited in suspense account. Following shall be the condition of auction of the cattle: –
(i) the buyer of the cattle shall not transfer the ownership of cattle within a period of 30 days in case no objection is filed, and by the final decision of such an objection, if filed, and
(ii) he shall also return the cattle to the Panchayat on payment of the auction money and the expenses of feeding of the cattle :
Provided that if the Panchayat is unable to effect the sale of the impounded cattle by public auction either for want of bidder or on account of the auction sale not fetching full price of the cattle, the Panchayat may send the cattle to the neighbouring Panchayat or cattle fair in-charge for sale and the latter shall conduct the auction sale proceedings in respect of such cattle and shall remit the sale proceeds to the former after deduction the expenses of sale proceedings.
Note. – The auction will be held for three days but no such period of three days shall be necessary if the auction fetches full price of the cattle earlier.
(c) If any objection be filed by any person during the period of notice, the Panchayat shall require him to prove his ownership of the cattle. The Panchayat shall order the return of the cattle to the person who filed the objection if he proves them to be his own.
Explanation. – During the period of proceedings if the Panchayat is satisfied that the cattle area of the person filing the objection and that no further action is necessary then the Panchayat, with a view that the expenses of feeding and watering may not unnecessarily increase, may, if it thinks proper, deliver the cattle to such person on production of adequate security.
(d) In case of delivery of the cattle to the person filing the objection, the fine and expenses of feeding shall be recovered from him. The fine and expenses of the period the cattle remained in the pound shall be deposited in the account of the cattle pound and out of the expenses of feeding, the Panchayat shall pay such feeding charges as it thinks fit up to the day of the conditional auction. The balance, if any, shall be carried to the funds of the Panchayat.
(e) In case no objection is received from any person or the cattle could not be proved of the person who filed objection, the Panchayat, while ordering the auction of the cattle, shall deposit the fine and expenses of feeding the cattle into the account of the cattle pound and the balance, if any, of the auction money shall be carried to the funds of the Panchayat
Provided that the conditional auction shall be final only after the final decision of the appeal made against the decision of the Panchayat.
131. Inspection of Cattle Pound. – The cattle pound shall be open to inspection by any officers of the Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department. At the time of inspection, the inspecting officer shall examine that total of columns in the register and shall see that the progressive totals in the receipt are accurately posted and that they tally with the amounts deposited in the Panchayat Fund. They shall also examine and count the cash, if any, with the Pound Keeper.
132. Scale of feeding and watering charges and rates of tine. – The following shall be the scale of charges of feeding and watering:-
S.No. Cattle
Rates of fine Feeding charges per say
1. Elephant
Rs. 50/- Rs. 150/-
2. Camel
Rs. 50/- Rs. 50/-
3. Horse
Rs. 50/- Rs. 50/-
4. Buffalo
Rs. 25/- Rs. 25/-
5. Cow and Bullock
Rs. 25/- Rs. 25/-
6. Donkey
Rs. 10/- Rs. 10/-
7. Calf
Rs. 10/- Rs. 10/-
8. Goat
Rs. 10/- Rs. 10/-
9. Sheep
Rs. 10/- Rs. 10/-
10. Others
Rs. 10/- Rs. 10/-
Note – (1) Cattle should include female cattle, where it is mentioned.
(2) In case of cattle left for grazing by the owners intentionally during nights, fine shall be charged at double the rate. Incentive of Rs. 20/- may be paid out of fine to the person as an incentive for bringing such cattle.
133. Advance to the pound keeper. – A Panchayat shall advance an amount upto Rs. 100/- to the pound keeper for purposes of management who shall make the necessary arrangement under the supervision of the Panchayat for the feeding and watering of the cattle impounded. Every pound keeper who receives advance money shall have to give in writing a receipt to the effect that the money is due from him and he shall render its account such receipt shall be kept on the safe file of the Panchayat. Any balance of such an advance, if due, from the Pound Keeper at the close of financial year shall be shown in the monthly account of March every year. The advance which may be given to the Pound Keeper shall be part of the Panchayat Fund:
Provided that the daily income of the cattle pound shall be deposited by the Pound Keeper on the next day with the Panchayat.
134. Prohibition as to the bidding in auction. – No member of the Panchayat or employee thereof shall offer his bid in the auction.
135. Provisions where the ownership of cattle is in dispute in a Court of Law. – In case where the ownership of the impounded cattle is in dispute in a Court of law or otherwise. The Court may direct that the cattle shall be kept in the cattle pound of the Panchayat for a period to be specified in that order and that the approximate charges on account of feeding of the cattle etc., shall be deposited in advance by the party concerned:
Provided that if this party does not pay in advance the sum fixed by the Panchayat under this rule or there is no such party to pay the aforesaid sum, the Court may pass appropriate order as it thinks fit.
Immovable Properties
136. Panchayat properties. – [(1) All common lands and public streets together with pavements, stones and other material thereof within the Panchayat Circle as well as all Government lands lying within the Abadi Area shall vest in and belong to a Panchayat. All other Government lands within the Panchayat Circle shall be managed by Panchayat subject to such conditions and restrictions as may be imposed by the State Government, from time to time.]
(2) The State Government may, subject to such conditions and restrictions, as it may think fit to impose, vest in the Panchayat any land, properties, works, materials, things belonging to the State Government.
(3) All properties mentioned in Sub-secs. (1) and (2) shall be under the direction, management and control of the Panchayat and shall be held by it as a trustee for the purposes of this Act.
(4) All the markets and fairs except those managed by the State Government or Panchayat Samiti, that are held on the lands vested or vesting in the Panchayat, shall be managed and regulating by it.
(5) Income from sale proceeds or lease of such properties or material produce there from and any dues levied or imposed in respect of markets and fairs, held on such lands, shall from part of Panchayat fund and shall be applied by the Panchayat in the achievement of objects of Panchayat Raj Act.
(6) The State Government, may resume any such property vested in the Panchayat: –
(i) if the panchayat is found upon enquiry to have mismanaged the same or utilised in contravention of terms and conditions imposed at the time of vesting, or
(ii) if the same is otherwise required by the State Government in the public interest, on such terms, as the State Government may determine.
137. Register of immovable properties. – The Panchayati Raj Institutions shall maintain a register in Form XX of all buildings and other immovable properties vested in it or placed at its disposal.
138. Maintenance of properties. – It shall be duty of a Panchayati Raj Institution concerned to keep all properties referred in Rule 136 in proper condition and shall arrange for their essential repair or white washing when the same is considered necessary. Special efforts shall be made to keep all school buildings safe and free from danger.
139. Inspection of properties. – (1) All Chairpersons shall visit the properties once a year to ensure safety and proper maintenance of such properties.
(2) Vikas Adhikari/Chief Executive Officer shall inspect the register and the properties once a year during inspection of Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti respectively.
Abadi Land
140. Abadi Land. – “Abadi Land” means nazul and land lying within the inhabited areas of a Panchayat Circle which vests or has been vested in or has been placed at the disposal of a Panchayat by or under an order of the State Government.
141. Sale of land. – All sales of land by a Panchayat shall ordinarily be made through auction unless there are special reasons for not doing so. Panchayat may decide to sell such land through auction programme fixed in advance.
142. Preparation of a plan. – (1) Whenever land for development of Abadi is transferred to a Panchayat, it shall get a development plan prepared for rural area by officer of the Town Planning posted in the department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj not below the rank of Assistant Town Planner. It shall be approved by Senior Town Planner of the Department Future development of such rural area will be done as per approved development plan.
(2) Schemes for housing, commercial areas and other projects will be prepared as per approved development plan. Implementation of such schemes will be done as per approved plan only:
Provided that for rural areas where development plan has not been approved, projects/schemes for planned development of residential and commercial area will be prepared and approved by the village planner not below the rank of assistant town planner posted in the department of rural development & Panchayati Raj.
(3) The State Government may acquire private lands as per rules, for the implementation of such projects/schemes, if need be.
(4) The disposal of plots in approved development projects/schemes will be done by auction and allotment as per directions of the State Government.
(5) Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad authorised by the State Government for the implementation of such projects/schemes will be eligible to get loans from financial institutions as per rules.
143. Auction of plots in Abadi Area. – (1) Panchayat shall prepare a list of plots including scattered plots within the Abadi Area, keeping in mind the space needed for public streets/roads, drainage and other public purposes.
(2) Panchayat shall try to maintain building line, as far as possible, while deciding to auction any scattered plot.
(3) Any area of 100 sq. yards or more for residential purposes and 200 sq. feet for commercial purposes shall be auctioned as scattered plot.
144. Allotment of strip of land. – (1) Panchayat may allot a strip of land upto 100 sq. yards for residential purposes and 200 sq. ft. for commercial purposes at prevailing market price.
(2) Strip of land shall be allotted only to such persons whose existing house/shop is adjoining such strip and there is no other applicant for the same.
(3) In case more than one persons have houses/shops adjoining the strip, it shall be put in auction.
145. Application for purchase. – (1) A person desirous of purchasing any Abadi land/stray plot or a strip of land from the panchayat shall make an application in writing to the Panchayat, giving such description thereof as may be sufficient to identify the land purposed to be purchased.
(2) The applicant shall, along with his application, deposit a sum of Rupees Twenty five towards the expenses for site inspection.
(3) The applicant shall also deposit Rupees Twenty five for preparation of map, if the site map has not been enclosed with the application. In such case Secretary shall prepare a site map after site inspection in the presence of the applicant.
146. Site inspection. – (1) Secretary shall register such application in a register in Form XXI and open a file.
(2) Secretary shall lay all such pending files in the next Panchayat meeting for deputing a committee of three panchas for site inspection.
(3) Panchas shall inspect the site within 15 days and submit their opinion to the Panchayat as to the desirability of the sale applied for, after taking into consideration the following matters, namely: –
(a) Whether the sale applied for will affect the facilities for going and coming enjoyed by the villagers;
(b) Whether such sale will affect the rights of easements owned by other persons;
(c) Whether such sale will affect the beauty and cleanliness of the locality;
(d) The names of adjoining residents desirous of buying such land,
(e) Such other matters as may appear to be relevant.
147. Provisional decision. – (1) The Panchayat shall then provisionally decide at a meeting whether the proposed sale should or should not be made.
(2) If it decides not to make the sale, the application shall be rejected and the fact shall be communicated to the applicant. In such case, applicant shall not be entitled to any refund of fee.
148. Issue and publication of notice. – (1) If the Panchayat provisionally decides that the sale should be made, it shall publish a notice in Form XXII inviting objections to the proposed sale with one month from the date of publication on the manner laid down in Sub-rule (2).
[Provided that during the period 24.2.2005 to 23.3.2005 period of inviting objections will be seven days in place of one month.]
[Provided that [during the Rajasv abhiyan or Prashasan Gaon ke sang abhiyan or any other abhiyan organised by order of the State Government for sale of land and Patta Vitran], period of inviting objections shall be seven days in place of one month.]
(2) The notice referred to in Sub-rule (1) shall be prepared in duplicate and one copy thereof shall be affixed to a conspicuous place on the proposed to be sold, the other copy being returned to the Panchayat Office after obtaining the signatures of at-least two respectable persons of the locality thereon, in token of such affixation.
149. Disposal of objections. – The objections, if any, received in response to the notice issued under Rule 148 shall be disposed of by the Panchayat after giving the parties concerned a responsible opportunity of being heard.
150. Auction of the land. – (1) If no objection is received under Rule 148 within one month, or if all objections received have been disposed of under Rule 149, the Panchayat shall by resolution order the auction of the land proposed to be sold on a date, not earlier than one month from the date of the resolution and at the time and place to be specified.
[Provided that during the period 24.2.2005 to 23.3.2005 the date of auction after resolution of Panchayat will be seven days in place of one month.]
(2) Thereupon a notice of such auction, and of the date, time and place specified in Sub-rule (1) shall be proclaimed by a beat of drum/by any other sound amplifying device, and copy of auction notice shall be displayed near the site as well as conspicuous places in the village market and on the notice board of the Panchayat.
151. Auction Committee. – (1) All auctions of immovable property shall be made by an auction committee consisting of:
(1) Sarpanch
(ii) Up-Sarpanch
(iii) Chairman of vigilance committee
(iv) One panch belonging to women/Scheduled Caste/Tribe/OBC as nominated by Panchayat if not represented otherwise
(v) Land Revenue Inspector or in his absence Patwari who shall be informed well in advance. Three members shall constitute quorum of Auction Committee.
(2) The auction shall be held at site and will not be finalised till end of the day.
152. Market price. – (1) It shall be duty of the Auction Committee to ensure that there is free and fair competition among the bidders.
(2) Auction Committee shall keep in mind the prevailing market price of such land.
(3) Final bid shall in no case be less than the index rate fixed by the Sub-Registrar of the area on the basis of previous sales of lands for the purpose of stamp duty.
(4) Vikas Adhikari shall obtain such index rates for every village from the office of the Sub-Registrar in the month of April and inform the Panchayat concerned.
(5) Bids shall be started from index rates as conveyed by Vikas Adhikari under Sub-rule (4) and index rates shall be market price below which no sale shall be finalised by the Panchayat.
153. Payment and resale on failure. – (1) The person who made the last highest bid, shall deposit 10% of the amount of bid immediately and 15% within 24 hours and balance within 60 days.
(2) Failing payment as provided in Sub-rule (1), the land shall forthwith be resold:
Provided that a resale on failure to pay the balance of the amount of bid shall be held after a fresh notice has been issued as provided in Sub-rule (2) of Rule 150 and 10% of auction price deposited at the time of original sale shall be forfeited to the Panchayat:
Provided further that any deficiency in the price fetched at such resale shall be payable by the person who failed to make the payment as aforesaid and shall be recoverable from him as panchayat dues.
154. Confirmation of sale. – (1) The acceptance of highest bid shall be subject to confirmation by the Panchayat and the authorities prescribed in Sub-rule (3).
(2) Panchayat, in its next meeting to be held not earlier than 15 days from the date of auction shall sanction the highest bid if no objection has been received.
(3) Where the highest bid amount exceeds [Rupees fifty thousand] the Panchayat shall obtain prior approval as under: –
(a) the Panchayat Samiti having jurisdiction if the amount does not exceed [Rupees two Lakhs];
(b) the Zila Parishad concerned if the amount does not exceed [Rupees five lakhs];
(c) the State Government if the amount exceeds [Rupees five lakhs].
Note. – Confirmation for sale of strip land or sale by negotiation in excess of Rs. 10,000/- shall also be required before issue of patta.
(4) The authority specified in Sub-rule (3) may refuse to confirm a bid if in its or his opinion, the full value of the land to be sold has not been made or procedure laid down above has not been adhered to and in such cases the amount deposited by the highest bidder shall be refunded without interest.
(5) Balance amount of 75% shall be deposited within two months from the date of auction or within one month from the date of communication of confirmation of the bid.
155. Possession. – Panchayat shall not hand over the physical possession of auctioned property unless the highest bid has been confirmed by the competent authority mentioned in Rule 154(2) or 154(3).
156. Transfer of Abadi land by private negotiation. – (1) The Panchayat may transfer any Abadi land by way of sale by private negotiation in the following cases: –
(a) Where any person has a plausible claim of title to the land and an auction may not fetch reasonable price;
(b) Where there is a trespass or for any other reason to be recorded in writing. Panchayat thinks that an auction would not be convenient mode of disposal of the land;
(c) Where it is strip of land as per Sub-rules (1) and (2) of Rules 144 and there is only one applicant.
(2) In no case such abadi land, shall be transferred on a rate below index price fixed by Sub-Registrar and conveyed by Vikas Adhikari as prevailing market price for the village.
(3) Such market price in a bazaar or commercial area shall not be less than double the price fixed for residential areas.
157. Regularisation of old houses. – [1][Where the persons are in possession of the old houses in Abadi land and desire to get a patta issued, patta may be issued by the Panchayat in Form XXIII-A after depositing the charges as under : –
(i) For area upto 300 sq. yards or constructed area including 25 percent of constructed area subject to maximum area 300 sq. yards:
(a) For old houses constructed more than fifty years before the date of commencement of these rules
Rs. 100 /-
(b) For old houses constructed [during the seventy years immediately preceding to date of 31st December, 2016].
Rs. 200/-
(ii) For area, exceeding the area specified in clause (i) above, on such excess area 25 percent of the market rates recommended by the District Level Committee constituted under Clause (b) of Rule 58 of the Rajasthan Stamp Rules, 2004:
Provided that no fees shall be charged under sub-clause (a) an only 10 percent fees shall be charged under sub-clause (b) of clause (i) above from the families included in the list of below poverty line.]
“Provided further that during the Period of Prashasan Gaon Ke Sang Abhiyan 2021, the fee shall be charged at the rate of equivalent to fifty percent of the rates specified under clause (i) and (ii) above.” [NO.F.139 (45) PR/LEGAL/AMEND/2021/860]
158. Allotment of lands to weaker sections. – (1) The Panchayat may allot Abadi land up to [300 sq. yards] in village Abadis at concessional rate to members of Scheduled Caste, scavengers, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, village artisans, landless persons dependent on wage labour, IRDP selected families, Handicapped, Nomatic Tribes, Gadia Lohar who do not own house sites/house and also to flood victims whose house have been washed away or the house sites have been rendered unfit for future habitation due to floods [and patta of such land may be issued in Form XXIII-C]
[IA. the Panchayat may allot abadi land upto [300 Sq. Yards] in village Abadi at concessional rate to ex-service men in bordering Panchayat Samiti areas.]
(2) Rates to be charged from such allottees will be as under :
(a) In villages having population less than 1000 (1991 census). Rs. 2/- per sqr. mtr.
(b) In villages having population from 1001 to (1991 census). Rs. 5/- per sqr. mtr. 2000
(c) In villages having population more than 2000 (1991 census). Rs. 10/- per sqr. mtr.
Provided that the State Government may allot such lands free of charges to any such category of persons.
[Provided further that in case of allotment of abadi land to the families of below poverty line, the Panchayat may allot the land free of charge.]
[(2-A) The Panchayat may allot Abadi land upto 300 Sq. Yards free of charge to nomadic sheep reares.]
[(2-B) The State Government may allot Abadi land to oustees of irrigation project, equal to the house sites or house owned by them subject to maximum of 300sq. yards free of charge.]
(3) Abadi land allotted free of charge shall be non-transferable. A seal in block letters “NOT FOR SALE” shall be affixed on the face of all such Pattas. In case any allottee transfers on sells such house site/house to any other persons, allotment shall automatically stand cancellation, ownership shall vest in the Panchayat along with construction or material lying thereon and transferee will be ejected to trespasser on such Abadi Land.
[(3A ) Thirty percent of Land allotted under this rule shall be allotted to widows and divorce women.]
(4) Panchayat may however by a resolution in the meeting, decide to allot such land by negotiation to such trespasser on market price on compassionate grounds.
(5) The allottee shall be debarred form any subsequent allotment in future.
(6) Provisions contained in Sub-rules (3), (4) and (5) shall also be applicable for shop sites allotted to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes etc., in Panchayat areas.
(7) For allotment of houses sites to flood victims at another place/places, the Panchayat concerned shall invite applications from such persons along with an undertaking that in case of allotment of house sites at another place/places, the house sites washed away in flood aiong with material shall vest in the Panchayat concerned free from all encumbrances.
159. Allotment of lands on concessional price. – (1) The Panchayat may allot plots up to 500 sq. yards from Abadi land available with to Ex-Service Military Personnel (Non-commissioned ranks) who do not own any Abadi land on priority basis, at 50% of the market price as mentioned in Sub-rule (5) of Rule 152.
[(2) The Panchayat may also allot plots upto 1500 sq. yards in abadi area, on priority basis, for construction of godowns/ offices to-
(i) Primary Agricultural Cooperative Society/Large Sized Multipurpose Marketing Society, at 50% of the Market price as mentioned in sub-rule (5) of Rule 152;
(ii) Gram Sewa Sahakari Samiti or Kray Vikary Sahakari Samiti, free of charge subject to confirmation by the State Government.]
160. Transfer and allotments subject to approval. – All such transfers exceeding value of Rs. 10,000/- shall be subject to confirmation by authority mentioned in Sub-rule (3) of Rule 154.
161. Exclusion of certain categories of Abadi land from the power of sale. – (1) If the ownership of any Abadi land is in dispute, such land shall not be sold by the Panchayat and the proceedings of sale there of shall be stayed as soon as it is brought to the notice of the Panchayat that such a dispute exists, till a decision of the competent Court on such dispute.
(2) The Panchayat shall neither sell any Abadi land nor allow Pakka structure within the following specified limits: –
(a) one hundred feet of a railway line;
(b) one hundred and fifty feet from the central line of National Highway.
(c) seventy-five feet from the central line of the State Highways and major District Roads;
(d) fifty-five feet from the central line of other district roads and village roads.
(3) The allotment of pasture lands and unculturable waste lands for extension of abadi within the Panchayat Circle shall be governed by rules made under the Rajasthan Land Revenue Act.
(4) Any abadi land required by the State Government shall be given by the Panchayat without any cost.
(5) The State Government, may by notification in the Official Gazette, withdraw the powers of disposal of Abadi land from all or any of the Panchayats, if it considers expedient to do so, in the public interest and may confer on any other officer.
162. Allotment of Abadi land to Government Institutions. – (1) Panchayat may allot lands free of charge within Abadi area to School, Dispensary, Anganvadi, upto 500 sq. yards subject to confirmation by the Zila Parishad concerned.
(2) Any other allotment free of charge or at concessional price shall be only with the prior approval of the State Government.
163. Temporary use of land. – (1) Panchayat shall not below any use of Abadi land free of charge, and shall charge lease rent for temporary use of land in religious fairs, cattle fairs, festivals, market area, open places.
(2) Lease rent of not less than Rs. 2/- per square feet shall be charged annually for temporary use of Abadi land.
(3) Lease rent shall be charged at double the rate in bazaar area.
(4) The Panchayat shall prepare a survey record; prepared through a committee of three Panch has assisted by Secretary, indicating the area of Abadi land under temporary use in excess of Patta of land holder.
(5) The Panchayat shall auction such sites for temporary use of land for running shop in big religious and other fairs well in advance after through publicity.
164. Letting out of Panchayati Raj Buildings and Shops. – (1) Any Panchayati Raj Institution may let out their buildings to government offices, bank, post office etc., on rent not less than the rates assessed by the competent officer of Public Works Department.
(2) Shops and other commercial sites be leased out for not more than three years and only through open auction by Committee consisting of 3 members as under: –
(a) Chief Executive Officer, Accounts Officer and one Member of Zila Parishad nominated by Pramukh for buildings of Zila Parishad.
(b) Vikas Adhikari, Accountant and one Member of Panchayat Samiti nominated by Pradhan for immovable properties of Panchayat Samiti.
(c) committee as per Rule 151 at the Panchayat level.
(3) The agreements for leasing out such premises on rent shall include the condition of 10% increase of rental amount every year.
(4) In case the premises are not vacated after three years time limit, or it is sub-let to some other persons in violation of terms of agreement or rent is not deposited regularly, Chief Executive Officer shall get the premises vacated after giving Show Cause Notice for eviction of premises, if requested by the concerned Panchayat or Panchayat Samiti.
(5) Panchayat and Panchayat Samiti may also negotiate the matter for extending the terms of the three years, but in such case yearly increase in rent shall be 20% amount every year by mutual agreement.
165. Survey of trespassers on Panchayat Lands and removal of encroachments. – (1) Panchayat shall form a committee consisting of three Panchas assisted by Secretary to conduct survey of trespassers in Abadi Land, tank bed and grazing grounds in the months of January and July every year to detect cases of trespass on common lands.
(2) All such trespasses alongwith details of area and nature of trespass shall be entered in a register by the Secretary.
(3) Panchayat shall issue notices to such trespassers in Abadi area for eviction of land trespassed. Whenever it is brought to the notice of Panchayat on its member or secretary that a trespass is being committed, Sarpanch may issue an injunction order prohibiting trespasser to commit trespass or carry out construction failing which encroachment or construction will be removed at his risk and cost a date of hearing will be fixed when Panchayat may pass suitable order after giving the trespasser a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
(4) In case Panchayat is of the opinion that if such trespass is regularised, it shall not violate the conditions mentioned in Rule 146, it may decide to allot the trespass land on market price.
(5) All such trespass cases found on pasture land or tank bed shall be reported in writing to the Tehsildar along with Panchayat Resolution for registering cases and eviction of trespassers.
(6) Panchayat may take police assistance as per Section 110 of the Act directly or by requesting Sub-divisional Magistrate for removal of encroachment on Panchayat land.
(7) Panchayat shall ensure that all the amounts of Penalties imposed by Tehsildar on trespassers of pasture lands are deposited fully in Panchayat fund.
166. Appeals. – (1) An appeal shall lie as per Section 61 of the Act from an original order of the Panchayat confirming the sale of Abadi land under Rule 154 or transfer of Abadi land under Rule 156 or allotment of lands under Rules 157, 158 or 159 r/w Rule 160 to the Panchayat Samiti.
(2) Appeal may be filed within 30 days from the date of order appealed from, exclusive of the time requisite for obtaining a copy thereof.
167. Sale deed. – (1) After payment has been made as provided in Rule 153, the sale has been confirmed as provided in Rule 154, and the appeal if any under Rule 166 has been disposed of, or if no appeal has been preferred, the time limits prescribed therefore has expired a deed set out in Form XXIII evidencing the sale of Abadi land shall be executed on behalf of the Panchayat.
(2) Patta shall be signed by Sarpanch and Secretary jointly.
[167A. Revalidation of Sale deed, Patta or Lease deed. – Any person who desires to get revalidate Sale deed, Patta or Lease deed issued by the Panchayat, he may apply, along with original Sale deed, Patta, or Lease deed and fee, as may be specified by the State Government, from time to time, to the Panchayat for revalidation. The Panchayat may, after satisfying itself with the record of the Panchayat, revalidate the Sale deed, Patta or Lease deed, as the case may be, and make an endorsement to this effect on the Sale deed, Patta or Lease deed.]
168. Patta bahi. – (1) A record of all sales through auction, by negotiation or by allotment for which Pattas are issued shall be kept by the Panchayat in Patta Bahi maintained in Form XXIV.
(2) Panchayat shall forward a copy of Patta in the first week of every month to Vikas Adhikari. Vikas Adhikari shall maintain a Panchayat wise ledger indicating month and year alongwith number of Pattas issued by such Panchayat during the month on the basis of copy of Patta Bahi so received. Vikas Adhikari shall initial such entry as a token of verification so as to prevent to Pattas in the back dates.
(3) Panchayat Samiti shall get the Patta books printed in triplicate at their level. All such Pattas shall bear book number and serial number and a record of issue of such Patta books will be maintained Panchayatwise at Panchayat Samiti level. First copy of Patta will be issued to the allottee, second copy will be retained in Panchayat office and third copy will be sent to the Panchayat Samiti for record. Panchayat Samiti, shall keep them in safe custody.
Grazing Grounds
169. Grazing grounds. – (1) In case a common grazing ground in any village has not been placed at the disposal of any Panchayat, it shall send its proposal for the taking over or establishing a new grazing ground to the Tehsildar.
(2) On receipt of such proposal, the Tehsildar shall take action forthwith and intimate to the Panchayat about the decision taken within a period of three months from the date of the receipt of proposal from the Panchayat. If the sanction is not received by the Panchayat within a period of three months of the submission of the proposal, it may move the Vikas Adhikari who shall take steps for the allotment of grazing ground.
(3) The income from the trees and other natural produce growing on common grazing grounds shall be credited to the Panchayat fund.
(4) The Panchayat may lease out such trees or natural produce by private contract or public auction and may also sell dried, decaying and fallen trees in the aforesaid manner subject to the law for the time being in force.
(5) Cow dung on grazing grounds may also be sold out by Panchayat by private contract or public auction.
(6) A Panchayat may extend the area of a grazing ground in case of increase in the number of cattle heads in which case sanction will be applied for as in the case of establishing a new grazing ground.
(7) The pasture lands shall not be utilized for any other purpose except for grazing cattle.
(8) Where any pasture land has been occupied unlawfully by any person, or has been utilised for any other purpose, the Panchayat shall make an application to the Tehsildar concerned under the law for the time being in force on the basis of survey record prepared as per Rule 165.
170. Development of grazing grounds. – (1) It shall be duty of the Panchayats to take all steps for development of suitable type of grasses, shrubs and plants in grazing grounds and prevent encroachments. For this purpose Panchayat shall give control of Charagah land of each village to [a five members committee] headed by a Ward Panch of the village concerned and four members to be elected by Gram Sabha.
(2) Grasses from closed area may be sold through open auction or private contract.
(3) Funds of development schemes may be utilised for labour intensive works of development of grazing grounds.
171. Grazing charges. – A Panchayat may charge such fees for grazing of cattle as it may by a resolution determine but the fee shall not exceed the rates specified below:
(i) Buffaloes, Cows, Camels, Horse per cattle head Rs. 10/- [per month]
(ii) Goats, Sheep and other animals per cattle head Rs. 5/- [per month]
Water Reservoirs
172. Water reservoirs. – (1) It shall be duty of Panchayats to raise maximum own income from such water tanks/reservoirs which have been handed over or may be handed over to them.
(2) The Panchayats may lease out tank water for fisheries development, Singhada cultivation, Kamal Jad production and sale of natural produce of trees on Tank banks by private contract or public auction.
(3) Tank Bed Cultivation may also be given through public auction or private contract after competitive bidding. Desalting contracts of anicuts may also be given to cultivators to increase own income.
(4) Panchayat shall also recover irrigation charges as per water rates fixed by Zila Parishad or Irrigation Departments in case irrigation is also done through water reservoirs in Panchayat area.
(5) All such income shall be credited to Panchayat fund.
Agricultural Farms and Orchards
173. Agricultural lands. – (1) The Panchayati Raj Institutions having their own agricultural land, may lease out such lands through public auction.
(2) The Panchayats having mango trees or such other orchards shall also lease them out on annual contract basis through public auction.
(3) The contractors shall be given only for a period of one year for Kharif and Rabi seasons.
(4) Contractor shall vacate the farm and remove the agricultural produce latest by Akshaya Tritya. This fact may be mentioned in the terms of the contract.
(5) A portion of the agricultural farm should be kept reserved for agricultural demonstration and social forestry.
(6) Auction shall be held on a near 15th of May every year in the presence of an auction committee consisting of Chief Executive Officer, Tehsildar and Vikas Adhikari.
(7) While allotting contracts, preference shall be given to Government Departments or organisations, like Rajasthan State Seed Corporation, National Seed Corporation, NAFED etc.
173A. Change of use of land in abadi area on payment of conversion charges. – (1) Any person who intends to use any land held by him in abadi area of a village for the purpose other than that for which the same was,-
(i) originally allotted or sold by the State Government, any Panchayat, any other local authority or any other body or authority in accordance with law for the time being in force; or
(ii) being used on or before 5th June, 2015 (i.e. on or before the commencement of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj (Third Amendment) Act, 2015 (Act No. 28 of 2015)) and not covered under clause (i);
may apply in Form XLVIII to the Officer or Authority authorised by the State Government:
Provided that where a land was allotted or sold by the State Government, any Panchayat, any other local authority or any other body or authority for the purposes of residential use at concessional rate or free of cost, use of such land shall not be allowed to be changed.
Provided further that the change of use of land for the establishment of Tourism unit or Heritage Hotel shall be governed by the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj (Allotment, Change of Use of Land and Regularization of Abadi Land in Panchayat Area for Tourism Units) Rules, 2015.
(2) The Officer or Authority, authorized by the State Government, on receipt of such application shall invite objections from the persons of the locality around the land of which change of use is sought by affixing a notice on conspicuous place of locality, notice board of the Panchayat and the office of such Officer or Authority and by announcing the same in the neighborhood by beat of drum or any amplifying device. The notice shall also be published in newspaper having vide circulation in the locality.
(3) Such notice shall specify a date, not being less than thirty days, by which objections may be filed.
(4) If any objection is filed within the specified period, such Officer or Authority shall consider the objection and providing an opportunity of being heard to the objector and the applicant and pass an order rejecting or accepting the objection. Where objection is accepted the application for change of use of such land shall be rejected and where objection is rejected, the said officer or authority shall allow the desired change of use of such land as per . sub-section (3) of section 107-A of the Act.
(5) The conversion charges payable for conversion of residential abadi land for non-resic ential purposes shall be as under:
S.N. Purpose
1 2
1. Commercial purpose
Rs. 10/- per sq. mtrs. or 10% amount of the DLC rate of residential abadi land, whichever is higher.
2. Industrial Area/Industrial /Industrial Estate-purpose Rs.5/- per sq. mts. or 5% amount of the DLC rate of residential abadi land, whichever is higher.
3. Public Utility purpose
Without conversion charges upto 1000 sq. meters and for exceeding 1000 sqr. meters Rs.5/- per sq. meters or 5% of DLC rate, whichever is higher.
4. Institutional purpose
Rs.5/- per sq. mts. or 5% of DLC rate of residential abadi land, whichever is higher.
5. Medical Facilities purpose
Rs.10/- per sq. mts. or 10% DLC rate of residential abadi land, whichever is higher.
6. establishment of solar or wind power plant 10 percent of the rates prescribed For industrial purpose
(6) If a person intends to change of use of land held by him from any non residential purpose to any other non-residential purpose, he shall submit an application in Form XLVIII to the Officer or Authority authorised by the State Government along with a receipt of deposit of difference amount of conversion charges, if any:
Provided that the amount already deposited shall not be refunded, in any case.
(7) If a person intends to change of use of land from any other purposes to residential purpose, he may apply to the Officer or Authority authorised by the State Government in Form XLVIII. Such application shall be considered by such Officer or Authority and if found in order, he may order for change of use of land. No conversion charges shall be payable for such change of use of land.
(8) The conversion charges shall be exempted fully or partially in following cases, namely: –
(i) No conversion charges shall be payable by any department of the Central Government or State Government or a local authority for change of use of land for non-residential or any official use;
(ii) Fifty percent of the conversion charges shall be payable in case of change of use of land for establishment of eligible unit as approved by the specified authority under the provisions of the Rajasthan Investment Promotion Scheme, 2003;
(iii) Fifty percent of the conversion charges shall be payable in case of change of use of land for establishment of enterprise, for modernization, expansion or diversification of existing enterprise or for revival of sick industrial enterprise holding a valid entitlement certificate under the “provisions of the Rajasthan Investment Promotion Scheme, 2010; and
(iv) No conversion charges shall be payable in case of change of use of land, on recommendation of the Department of Technical Education, for the purpose of establishment of technical education institution.
(9) Where the Officer1 or Authority authorised by the State Government allows the application and passes order for such change of use of land, such Officer or Authority shall also issue notice to the applicant to deposit, within thirty days, the conversion charges for desired change of use of land and also other dues, if any.
(10) Whenever the applicant deposits the required charges and also other dues, if any, within the period specified in the notice issued under sub-rule (9), the Officer or Authority authorised by the State Government shall proceed to grant him permission for change of use of abadi land in Form XLIX.
(11) Where the applicant fails to deposit the amount within the period specified in sub-rule (9), the Officer or Authority shall order for rejection of the application.
(12) Where, on the representation of the applicant, the State Government is satisfied with the reasons given by the applicant and holds a view that delay needs to be condoned, it may order for restoration of the application and issue direction for grant of permission if the applicant deposits the required amount of conversion charges for change of use of land within seven days of such order:
Provided that no such representation shall be entertained if made after a lapse of 180 days from the date of order made under sub-rule (11).
(13) Whenever an order under sub-rule (12) is passed and required amount of conversion charges or other dues, if any, are deposited by the applicant within the period specified in the said order, the Officer or Authority authorised by the State Government shall grant him permission for change of use of land in Form XLIX.
(14) Soon upon the receipt of permission granted under sub-rule (10) or (13), as the case may be, and verifying the fact of depositing the amount of charges, the Panchayat shall issue a fresh lease deed in Form L by superseding the earlier lease deed or patta, as the case may be.
173B. Manner in which permission for sub-division and re-constitution of plots may be obtained. – (1) Any person who intends to sub-divide or reconstitute his plot or plots situated in abadi area of a village, shall obtain permission of the Officer or Authority authorised by the State Government. Application for permission shall be made in Form LI.
(2) The application under sub-rule (1) shall be accompanied by proof for satisfaction of the Officer or Authority authorised by the State Government that plot or plots of the land intended to be subdivided or reconstituted belongs to the applicant and the land is a abadi land of the village.
(3) The site plan and key map of such plot or plots of land, which shall be drawn to a suitable scale showing boundaries of aforesaid land and the adjoining areas with plot numbers or khasara numbers, as the case may be, shall be enclosed.
(4) Existing structures, kachcha or pucca and use to which they are put, roads and access to the proposed site should be mentioned in the details of said plan.
(5) Other existing physical features such as nallah, water bodies, well, electric, telephone, water supply lines and sever lines, if any, should also be indicated on the site plan as an additional information.
(6) The north direction of plot or plots should be clearly indicated on the site plan as well as the scale thereof and index of notations etc. •
(7) The proposed uses of land should be clearly stated in the application or separately appended as a land use schedule providing therein,-
(i) the sizes of plots, their setbacks;
(ii) right of way to roads with width of the pavement; and
(iii) open spaces, if any, in the vicinity;
(8) In addition to the above, the applicant shall also furnish such other information as may be required by the Officer or Authority authorised by the State Government.
(9) The application for sub-division or reconstitution of the plot or plots in the abadi area of a village shall be disposed of by the Officer or Authority authorized by the State Government within forty five days from the date of receipt of the application.
(10) When the application for the sub-division or reconstitution is allowed, the Officer or Authority passing the order for approval of sub-division or reconstitution ask the applicant to deposit charges as specified in rule 173-D, within thirty days and when such charges are deposited, such Officer or Authority shall grant permission for the sub-division and reconstitution of the plot 01 plots in Form LII to which the approved plan of sub-division or reconstitution shall be appended, duly authenticated.
(11) if the charges required to be paid is not deposited by the applicant within the period specified in sub-rule (10) the application shall be rejected.
(12) Where the application for sub-division or reconstitution is rejected owing to default in depositing the amount of charges within a stipulated period, the order of rejection passed by the Officer or Authority authorised by the State Government may be revoked by the State Government if an application is filed within 90 days from the date of rejection. While revoking the order of rejection and allowing the application for sub-division or the reconstitution, the State Government may impose a penalty, as it may deem fit, not exceeding rupees fifty thousand, such officer or authority shall grant permission in Form LII in compliance of the order of the State Government.
173C. Terms and conditions subject to which the subdivision or re-constitution of plot or plots may be allowed. – (1) No plot which is intended for residential purpose shall be less than 30 sqr. meters and more than 1000 sqr. meters while being considered for sub-division or reconstitution.
(2) No plot which is commercial or intended to be used for commercial purpose shall be less than 10 sqr. meters and more than 1000 sqr. meters while being considered for sub-division or reconstitution.
(3) No sub-division or reconstitution of plot or plots shall be allowed in the abadi area of a village if such sub-division or reconstitution is contrary to any scheme or plan, if any, in operation in the Panchayat circle or falls within the ambit of restrictions imposed by the State Government by any general or special order keeping in view the density of population in the abadi area.
(4) No plot, which was allotted or granted free of cost or at concessional rate by the Panchayat, shall be permitted to be subdivided or reconstituted.
173D. Charges to be levied on sub-division or reconstitution of plots. – The rates of charges to be levied for subdivision or reconstitution of plots shall be rupees five per sq, mtrs. or two percent amount of the prevailing rates recommended by the District Level Committee constituted under the Rajasthan Stamp Rules, 2004 for residential abadi land, whichever is higher.
173E. Appeal. – (1) Any person aggrieved by an order passed under sub-rule (4) and sub-rule (7) of rule 173-A made by the Officer or Authority authorised by the State Government may prefer an appeal within sixty days from the date of order to the [***] State Government.
(2) Such appeal shall be accompanied by a fee of rupees five hundred which shall be deposited with the panchayat concerned and a photo copy of the receipt shall be enclosed with the appeal as a proof of depositing the fee.
(3) The decision of the [State Government] on such appeal shall be final.
173F. Every allotment, sale or other transfer of land shall be for specified purpose. – Every allotment, sale or otherwise transfer of land in abadi area of a village shall be made for specified use and such use of land shall clearly and invariably be mentioned in the Patta or other document evidencing such allotment, sale or otherwise transfer.
173G. Maintenance of record of abadi land. – Every Panchayat shall maintain record of abadi land situated within the Panchayat area of a village in Form LIII.
173H. This chapter to have overriding effect. – The provisions of this chapter shall have overriding effect notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in these rules.
Explanations. – For the purposes of this chapter,-
(a) “allotment” means allotment of abadi land and shall include regularisation thereof;
(b) “application” means a completed application submitted to the Authority or Officer concerned, along with required documents and charges, if any;
(c) “Commercial purpose” means the use of any premises for any trade or commerce or business, which shall include a shop, commercial establishment, bank, office, guest house , hostel, hotel, restaurant, dhaba(whether pucca or temporary structure), show-room, cinema, multiplex, petrol pump, weigh bridge, godown, workshop or any other commercial activity and shall also include the use thereof partly for residential and partly for commercial purposes but shall not include tourism units;
(d) “Institutional purpose” means the use of any premises or an open area by any establishment, organization or association for the promotion of some object specially of general utility, charitable, educational or like nature, except public utility purpose;
(e) “Public Utility purpose” means dharmshala, religious place, gaushala or public park;
(f) “Medical Facilities purpose” shall include Clinics, Dispensaries, Medical hospitals, Diagnostic centers and Nursing-homes.
Works, Contracts and Purchases
174. Annual Auction Plan by Panchayati Raj Institutions. – (1) Panchayati Raj Institution shall prepare an annual action plan equivalent to value of 125 percent of its share of funds allocated in the preceding year before beginning of each financial year, preferably in the Gram Sabha meeting held in the last quarter of the financial year. No work can be taken up unless it forms the part of the Annual Action Plan.
(2) While preparing the annual action plan, completion of the incomplete works shall be given priority over the taking up of new works. No work shall be taken up which cannot be completed within two financial years.
(3) While preparing the plan of works, care shall be taken to safeguard the interests of the weaker section in the village and priority shall be given to works benefiting the Schedule Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Women and other Weaker Sections of the village society.
(4) Only those works may be taken up whose size, cost and nature are such that they may be implemented at the local level, and labour intensive and cost effective and do not involving high level of technical inputs.
(5) Works taken up should be of durable nature and should meet appropriate technical standards and specifications.
175. Estimates and schedule of rates. – (1) Panchayati Raj Institution concerned shall get the plan, design or specification and the estimate of the cost of works likely to be incurred in the execution thereof, prepared through qualified overseer or engineer or through any other agency.
(2) Panchayati Raj Institution may prepare such estimate on the basis of schedule of rates given in directives issued by Zila Parishad/DRDA from time to time.
(3) Estimates shall be technically approved by officers mentioned in Sub-rule (2) of Rule 176.
176. Sanction of works. – (1) If the estimate of the plan design or specification so prepared does not exceed the limit prescribed by the Government, the Panchayat may, subject to the availability of funds at its disposal, sanction by its resolution, the execution of the work.
(2) Technical approval shall be accorded by the competent authority prescribed by the Government from time to time.
(3) In order to facilitate the technical scrutiny of the plan of action of the Panchayati Raj Institutions, Zila Parishad/DRDA may prepare and approve standard signs and cost estimates of those items of works which are generally taken up by the Panchayati Raj Institutions.
(4) Works may be executed by Panchayati Raj Institutions on the basis of approved cost norms and sanctions issued by State Government from time to time.
177. Executive of works. – (1) The execution of work sanctioned under Sub-rule (4), of Rule 176, shall subject to the provisions of this rule, be mainly the responsibility of Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti.
(2) The execution of work shall not be commenced until: –
(a) it has been duly sanctioned,
(b) necessary funds for the same are available or have been made available,
(c) technical approval has been obtained as per Rule 176(2) or 176(3).
(3) Junior Engineer of Panchayat Samiti shall be responsible for site inspection of the works executed by Panchayats and Panchayati Samiti at plinth level, roof level and on completion to ensure quality of construction and technical specifications of the works. The details of measurements of works shall be entered in the measurement book kept for this purpose.
(4) Committee of Panchas/Members may be entrusted with the supervisions of execution of such works on site.
(5) Vikas Adhikari shall physically verify 10% works on site and Chief Executive Officer shall check at least 10% works every month during inspection of Panchayat/Panchayat Samitis.
178. Completion Certificate. – (1) It shall be the duty of Panchayati Raj Institution concerned to report the completion of work within a week for issue of completion certificate.
(2) Technical Officer competent to issue completion certificate shall visit the work within one month and issue the same.
(3) Completion certificate shall be signed by the Sarpanch and Junior Engineer both.
179. Periodical Progress Report. – (1) A monthly progress report shall be prepared indicating work wise amount sanctioned, expenditure during the month, cumulative expenditure, physical progress, percentage expenditure on wages/ material, employment of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Women /Landless labour.
(2) Such report shall be sent to next higher authority and Zila Parishad/DRDA.
180. Register of works. – (1) Every Panchayati Raj Institution shall keep a register of works in Form XXV for each work undertaken by it.
(2) Separate file shall be maintained for each work which will contain a copy of sanction, estimate, plan etc., of the work concerned.
(3) A separate register shall also be maintained for public contributions received for each work.
181. Ban on contractors. – (1) Panchayati Raj Institution concerned shall not execute any work through contractors. No middleman shall be engaged so that full benefit of wages to be paid reach the workers.
(2) Panchayati Raj Institutions may however procure material on contract basis for such works after following the procedure for inviting tenders for purchase of construction material.
Contracts and Deeds
182. Contracts by the execution of deeds on behalf of Panchayati Raj Institutions. – (1) All contracts made by a Panchayati Raj Institution or on its behalf shall be expressed to be made in the name of such Panchayati Raj Institution.
(2) They shall be verified and signed by Sarpanch and Secretary jointly on behalf of Panchayat, Pradhan and Vikas Adhikari jointly on behalf of Panchayat Samiti, Pramukh and Chief Executive Officer jointly on behalf of Zila Parishad.
[182A. Detailed procedure for works. – In planning, sanction and execution of works, every Panchayati Raj Institution and any other executing agency shall follow the procedure and directions as specified in Gramin Karya Nirdeshika issued by the State Government.]
[183. Procurement of materials and services.] – (1) The Panchayati Raj Institution shall procure cement, lime stones, bricks, stone slabs, bajri, wood etc., required for construction works [or other articles or services] at the lowest prices.
[(la) An Annual Action Plan for procurement of materials and services by the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned shall be finalized by 31st January every year or by any other date as may be decided by the State Government in this behalf’ and shall be displayed on the Notice Board of the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned and on the official website of the district concerned.
(1b) Every Panchayat Samiti shall determine the Basic Schedule of Rates, hereinafter referred to as the BSR, of the materials and services to be procured by a Gram Panchayat within its jurisdiction. Such BSR shall be prepared at least once in a year by 15th February or by any other date as may be decided by the State Government. The BSR shall be finalized by a committee consisting of the following, namely:-
(i) Block Development Officer
(ii) Assistant Engineer working in the Panchayat Samiti Office   Member Secretary
(iii) Assistant Engineer, Public Works Department of the Panchayat Samiti area concerned
(iv) Assistant Engineer, Water Resources Department of the Panchayat Samiti area concerned
(v) Accountant or Junior Accountant of the Panchayat Samiti   Member
(vi) Gazetted Officer working at Panchayat Samiti headquarters nominated by the District Collector/District Program Co-ordinator   Member
Note. – In the event of the post of Assistant Engineer, Panchayat Samiti being vacant, the Block Development Officer shall co-opt a other Assistant Engineer working in another department within the area of the Panchayat Samiti.
(1c) Approval of the BSR, finalized by the committee constituted under subrule (lb), shall be obtained from the District Level Rate Finalization Committee consisting of the following, namely:-
(i) District Collector
(ii) Chief Executive Officer, Zila Parishad   Member
(iii) District Level Officer of the Public Works Department   Member
(iv) District Level Officer of the Water Resources Department   Member
(v) District Level Officer of the Forest Department   Member
(vi) Executive Engineer, Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
(vii) Senior most functionary of the Industries Department working at the District Headquarter
(viii) Executive Engineer, Engineering of the Zila Parishad   Member Secretary]
(2) Material should be of good quality as per specifications and I.S.I. mark if it is a standard item.
(3) Material shall be purchased from manufacturer or wholesale supplier directly rather than through a contractor or a middleman.
(4) Panchayati Raj Institution may assess the demand for such material required during the year and may invite open tenders if the total value exceeds Rs. 30,000/-.
(5) Purchase may be avoided to be made in small parts.
[(6) Tenderer must be a dealer registered under the Rajasthan Value Added Tax Act, 2003 (Act No. 4 of 2003). The Tenderer must mention his registration number (TIN) in the tender and enclose a copy of tax clearance certificate issued by the concerned Assessing Officer, failing which the tender shall be rejected.]
[[184. Procurement to be made by tenders.] – (1) No tenders shall be required if purchase amount is less than Rs. 3001/-, and it may be done on single quotation basis or on rate contract approved by Central/State Government of Zila Parishad.
(2) If amount of purchase is more than Rs. 3000/- but up to Rs. 50,000/- it may be made on limited tender basis by inviting competitive rates from not less than three suppliers dealing in such material.
(3) Open tenders shall be invited in sealed cover, if amount of purchase exceeds Rs. 50,000/-.
[4. The Gram Panchayat shall follow the following procedure for procurement of materials and services, namely:-
(a) The materials and services to be procured by the Gram Panchayat concerned through limited or open tender shall not ordinarily exceed the latest Basic Schedule of Rates as finalized under the provisions of sub-rule (1b) and (1c) of Rule 183.
(b) In case where the rates of items invited at the Panchayat level through limited or open tender is up to 10% in excess of the latest Basic Schedule of Rates, the dram Panchayat concerned shall refer such matters to the Panchayat Samiti within a maximum period of one week and such case shall be examined by the Rate Finalization Committee constituted under sub-rule (lb) of Rule 183 and the decision of such Committee shall be final,
(c) In cases where the rates of items invited at the Panchayat level through limited or open tender is more than 10% but up to 25%, the same shall be referred by the Committee constituted under sub-rule (lb) Rule 183 to the District Collector alongwith its comments recommendations within a maximum period of one week. The reference so received shall be examined by the District Level Rate Finalization Committee constituted under sub-rule (lc) of Rule 183. The committee shall examine all such matters referred to it and decide the same within a maximum period of 10 days.]
Note -The limited tender will be allowed up to the limit of Rs. 50,000/- in each case up to an annual limit of Rs. 20,000/-.]
185. Notice inviting tenders. – (1) The notice inviting open tenders in sealed cover shall be issued specifying: –
(a) Articles required, quantity, specifications as regards quality and approximate value and other necessary details e.g., rates may be quoted for each item or in groups etc.
(b) The date and time of submission of tenders in the office of Panchayati Raj Institution concerned.
(c) 2% earnest money of the estimated value to be deposited with the tender.
(d) The date and time at which the tenders will be opened.
(e) Authority competent to accept the tender or reject without assigning any reason therefor.
(2) A copy of such tender notice in Hindi shall be pasted at the office of the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned and such other places as may be deemed fit and copies shall also be sent to reputed firms, dealers and suppliers.
(3) Advertisement shall be sent in at least one news paper having wide circulation in the district.
[(4) The period of notice shall be as under: –
(a) 10 days, if tender amount is more than Rs. 50,000/- but up to Rs. 5,00,000/-:
(b) 15 days, if tender amount is more than Rs. 5,00,000/- but up to Rs. 10,00,000/-;
(c) 30 days, if tender amount is more than Rs. 10,00,000/-;
Provided than in case of urgent requirement which shall be recorded in writing the purchase committee and committee at the level of department, may reduce the period of notice for open tender from 30 days to 20 days and from 15 days to 10 days.]
186. Opening of tenders. – (1) On, but not before the date and time specified in the notice, tenders shall be opened by purchase committee in the office of Panchayati Raj Institution concerned in the presence of such tenderers or their representative as may be present at that time. It shall be verified that seals are intact and date and time of opening shall be endorsed on each tender by the officers present by signing the tender.
[Provided that the meeting of the Purchase Committee, constituted under , clause (a) of sub-rule (2) may be held at the Gram Panchayat or Panchayat Samiti office.]
(2) Purchase Committee shall be constituted as under: –
(a) Panchayat level: –
(i) Sarpanch (Chairman)
(ii) Up-Sarpanch
(iii) Chairman of vigilance committee.
(iv) Secretary.
[(v) Junior Fngineer of Panchayat Sanjili
(vi) Accountant or Junior Accountant of Panchayat Samiti
A Gram Panchayat shall procure materials and services through such a Purchase Committee. To constitute the quorum of the committee, the presence of the Junior Engineer and Accountant or Junior Accountant of the Panchayat Samiti, Sarpanch and Secretary of Gram Panchayat shall be essential.]
(b) Panchayat Samiti level: –
(i) Pradhan (Chairman)
(ii) Vikas Adhikari
(iii) Junior Engineer
(iv) Senior most Account Official of Panchayat Samiti
(c) Zila Parishad level: –
(Rates contracts for purchase of furniture, stationery, school articles and office items).
(i) Pramukh (Chairman)
(ii) Chief Executive Officer
(iii) Accounts Officers/Assistant Accounts Officer of Zila Parishad or Treasury Officer of the district
(iv) An officer nominated by Collector
(v) Two Vikas Adhikaris of the districts.
(3) All the tenders except those which are rejected due to reasons recorded thereon, shall be tabulated, scrutinized and comparative statement of item wise rates shall be prepared.
187. Rejection of Tenders. – Tenders received after the due date and time, or which do not fulfill the requirements of notice issued under Rule 185 or with which no earnest money has been deposited within due time, or which are otherwise not in order shall ordinarily be rejected.
188. Acceptance of Tenders. – (1) All tenders which upon being opened by the Committee are found to be in order and are not rejected under Rule 187 shall be placed for final approval by the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned.
(2) Lowest tender shall ordinarily be accepted and where it is considered necessary to reject the lowest tender, the reasons therefor shall be recorded in writing.
(3) When the tender is in respect of more than one articles for example stationery article or construction materials, the comparative prices can be considered either individually for each article or conjointly for all articles or for specified groups of article, so long as the sum total of the tender, accepted is the lowest, provided that the intention of the Panchayati Raj Institution to select the lowest tender in any of these ways is made in the tender notice.
(4) If the tender is considered conjointly for all articles or for groups of articles, the cost of the probable requirements in respect of all the articles or of all the articles in each group, as the case may be, shall be worked out with reference to the rates given in each tender and the lowest tender will be that according to which the total cost of the probable requirements of all the articles proposed to be taken together works out to be the least.
(5) Panchayat Samiti may finalise rates for purchase of construction material at their level and circulate such rates list for guidance of Panchayats within their jurisdiction who may procure those items locally on the same rates but in no case higher than such rates.
(6) Where the capacity for supply and the integrity of the tenderer are not known, his tender need to necessarily be rejected, and such additional security or bank guarantee may be taken from such tenderer as deemed necessary.
189. Calling upon fresh tenders. – If no tender is accepted and it is found necessary to purchase materials, goods or stores, fresh tender shall be invited according to the procedure laid down in the foregoing rules.
[190. Purchase from Co-operative Societies. – If price is reasonable and quality is satisfactory, purchase shall be preferably made from the following registered Co-operative Societies of the area concerned, namely :-
(1) Gram Sewa Sahakari Samiti Limited,
(2) Kray Vikray Sahakari Samiti Limited,
(3) Zila Sahakari Upbhokta Bhandar Limited. ]
191. Agreement. – (1) When a tender is accepted, a deed of agreement in Form No. XXVI with such variation as the circumstances of the case may require, will be executed by the person whose tender is accepted.
(2) Such deed shall include a clear statement of the conditions under which the contract is given, and shall specify the penalty to which the tenderer shall be liable for breach of any of those conditions.
192. Exemption from Purchase Rules. – Nothing contained in Rule 183 to 191 shall apply to the purchase of: –
(a) Controlled articles at controlled rates through a permit issued on the orders of the State Government, by their agents,
(b) Articles from any institution run by the State Government,
(c) Articles on rate contract of the Central Government, State Government, or Zila Parishad for the district,
(d) Any article which is permitted to be purchased by any general or special order of the State Government without inviting tenders or quotations.
Budget, Accounts and Audit
193. Budget – The budget is a statement of the estimate of the receipts and expenditure of a Panchayati Raj Institution for any year.
194. Preparation of a budget. – (1) Budget estimates shall be prepared by Secretary for Panchayat, Vikas Adhikari for the Panchayat Samiti and Chief Executive Officer for Zila Parishad and presented in the general meeting of the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned by 15th February. In case of a Panchayat, budget shall also be placed before Gram Sabha as provided in Sub-Section 4 of Section 3 of the Act.
(2) The budget shall contain probable estimate of receipts and expenditure during each financial year and shall provide for provisions as mentioned in Section 74 of the Act and should be as close and accurate as possible.
(3) The sums to be provided in the estimates of receipt and expenditure under a particular head of account must be such as can be reasonably expected to be received or expended during the year and must include the receipt or payments of arrears during that year.
(4) Budget shall be prepared in prescribed Form No. XXVII for Panchayat and Form No. XXVIII for Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad.
195. Contents of Budget. – (1) The budget among other things should contain adequate and suitable provisions for: –
(a) opening balance in its funds, and estimated income of the Panchayati Raj Institution for the budget year.
(b) estimated income shall be separately indicated for :
(i) own income from
(a) Tax Revenue
(b) Non-Tax Revenues like fees, penalties, fairs, income from sale of land, temporary use of land, kine house, grazing grounds, water reservoirs, agricultural farms, orchards, bone contracts, rental income from shops and buildings, etc.
(ii) Grant-in-aid from State Government under different heads like share against land revenue, maintenance grant, development grant, establishment grant, incentive grant, matching share, education, rural sanitation, housing, improved chulha, water supply and cleaning and general purpose grant;
(iii) Receipts from Central Government through District Rural Development Agency for Rural Development Works and Employment generation,
(c) expenditure proposed on establishment and discharge of their duties under the Act and Rules. Estimates should be :-
(i) for existing expenditure and for
(ii) new expenditure separately indicating special reasons for new items.
(d) Due discharge of all liabilities in respect of loans and for all other commitments like refunds etc.
(e) Working balance not less than 20% of the estimated receipts of own income for the year.
(2) Budget shall also contain :
(i) Actuals of the previous year as compared with original estimates for that year;
(ii) Revised estimates for the current year as compared with the original estimates for that year; and
(iii) Budget estimates for the ensuing year as compared with the original or revised estimates for the current year.
196. Budget Calendar. – The following programme shall be adhered to strictly in preparation and scrutiny of the budget estimates :
(a) Last date for finalising the budget and passing by respective Panchayati Raj Institution.
15th February
(b) Last date for submission to next higher authority as provided in Sub-Section (4) of Section 74 of the Act.
28th February
(c) Last date for returning the budget estimates by sanctioning authority. 20th March.
197. Sanction of budget. – (1) Sanctioning authority except points as mentioned in Sub-Section (4) of Section 74 of the Act, shall also scrutinize the following:
(i) provisions contained in Rules 194 and 195 have been followed in preparation of the budget,
(ii) the estimate of receipt and expenditure is correct and provided for the collection of loans outstanding or falling due during the budget year,
(iii) the income from sale of Abadi and is not utilised on establishment charges,
(iv) the recommendations of the Panchayat and Development Department issued from time to time have been duly considered in framing the budget,
(v) provision has been made for obligatory charges like sanitation, electricity, water, rural roads, maintenance and repairs of school buildings and development activities etc., in Panchayat budgets and provision for pay and allowances, contingencies development works as well as repayment of loans, if any, in Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad budgets.
(vi) variations between the figures of the budget year and those of the previous year have been adequately explained.
(2) The sanctioning authority shall sanction the budget with or without modifications, as it thinks fit, after satisfying on the points mentioned in Sub-rule 1.
(3) The sanctioned budget shall be returned to the respective Panchayati Raj Institution on or before 20th March.
198. Estimate for establishment. – Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad shall also separately prepare estimate of expenditure on establishment indicating :
(i) sanctioned strength cader wise, pay scale, rate of pay, dearness allowance, increments which will fall due during the currency of the budget year.
(ii) probable savings due to vacancies.
199. Re-appropriation from one budget head to other. – The amount provided under any head in the budget passed for a financial year, may be transferred wholly or partly to any other head subject to following conditions –
(i) That due provision is ensured for services or liabilities which it is obligatory for a Panchayati Raj Institution to execute, maintain or pay for in accordance with the Act or rule made thereunder,
(ii) That Panchayat has obtained the approval of Gram sabha for transferring un-utilised budget of previously sanctioned works for new works in lieu of un-spent balances during the year,
(iii) That grant-in-aid from the State Government/Central Government is spent on the purposes for which it has been sanctioned.
(iv) That amount of one major head is not transferred to other major head.
200. Non-budgeted expenditure to be incurred with permission. – (1) No Panchayati Raj Institution shall incur any item of expenditure not included in the sanctioned budget or in excess of the budget allotment without the prior permission of the sanctioning authority, Supplementary/revised budget may be prepared for such expenditure.
(2) Care shall be taken to see that budget limits are not exceeded.
201. Quarterly Review. – Panchayati Raj Institution shall get prepared a quarterly statement of budget provision and cumulative expenditure on each head and place it in the meeting to be held in the months of April, July, October and January every year along with physical targets and achievements as well as reasons for slow pace of expenditure, if any.
202. Assessment and collection of Revenue. – (1) It shall be duty of the Head of office of a Panchayati Raj Institution to ensure proper maintenance of accounts of revenue as well as expenditure.
(2) Head of office shall also be responsible for timely receipt and collection of revenues, he shall ensure that dues are correctly and regularly assessed, collected and promptly credited to the fund, he will accordingly arrange to obtain from all the sources where revenue arises, returns regarding the progress of realisation and cause them to be noted in the demand and Collection Register in Form No. VI.
203. Checks to leakage of revenue. – In order to ensure that all the revenue collected is correctly brought to account and there is no leakage, the head of office will see that adequate checks are exercised and may, for this purpose, arrange to have test inspections of account of receipt carried out.
204. Revenue arrears. – No amount due to the Panchayati Raj Institution shall be left outstanding without sufficient reasons and where such dues appear to be irrecoverable, the orders of the competent authority for their adjustment, remission, reduction of demand or write off must be sought without any avoidable delay.
205. Credit to follow actual realisation. – No sum may be credited as revenue unless it has been actually realised.
206. Deposit in P.D. Account/Bank or Post Office. – (1) All amounts received in Panchayat Office shall be deposited in Post Office or Bank.
(2) All amounts received by Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad shall be deposited in P.D. Account in Government Sub-Treasury/Treasury.
(3) All grants from the State Government shall be transferred to P.D. Account to concerned Zila Parishad on quarterly basis.
(4) The Chief Executive Officer shall ensure that share of respective Panchayats/Panchayat Samitis is transferred to their accounts promptly.
207. Drawal of money. – Money will not be drawn from the fund unless it is required for immediate disbursement, on an item of expenditure under any rule or on a specific order of the competent authority.
208. Standard of financial propriety. – Head of office of any Panchayati Raj Institution should be guided by established standards of financial propriety and must exercise the same vigilance as a person of ordinary prudence would exercise in respect of expenditure of his own money.
209. Liability not to be incurred without budget provision. – No authority will incur expenditure or enter into any liability unless there is a budget provision for it and the expenditure has been sanctioned by the competent authority.
210. Control of expenditure. – Head of office must see that not only the total expenditure is kept within the limits of authorised appropriation, but also the funds allotted are expended in the interest and service of the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned and upon objects for which provision has been made. In order to exercise proper control, he should keep himself closely acquainted with the progress of expenditure, commitments and liabilities incurred but not paid.
211. Drawal of funds. – (1) Money shall be drawn only through cheques. Payment to third parties for the amount exceeding Rs. 1,000/- shall also be made through [account payee] cheques. Parties may obtain payment direct from bank/Treasury/Sub-treasury. A reference to cheque number and date will invariably be given on the concerned bill so that no double payment of the same bill may be made.
(2) Head of office shall be personally responsible to draw only such amount through cheque which has been passed in the bills authorised in the meeting by competent sanction. In no case there shall be excess drawl of money:
Provided that when cheque require joint signatures, and it is not possible to obtain signature of Sarpanch/Pradhan/Pramukh for more than ten days but payments are to be made urgently, Vikas Adhikari may sign cheques in place of Sarpanch, Chief Executive Officer in place of Pradhan and Collector in place of Pramukh but reasons therefor shall be recorded in writing as regards urgency for such payments.
(3) Imprest money as permanent advance for unforeseen contingent expenditure shall also be authorised by respective Panchayati Raj Institution under Sub-Section (3) of Section 64 but it should normally be as under: –
(a) Panchayat ……[Rs. 10000/-]
(b) PanchayatSamiti/Zila Parishad ………[Rs. 25,000/-]
[The aforementioned amount shall, in addition to the provisions mentioned in the General Finance and Accounts Rules related to unforeseen contingent expenditure, may also be spent on such items related to construction works in respect of which payment cannot be made by Account Payee cheque but in all such cases the reasons for not making the payment by Account Payee cheque shall be recorded in the relevant record of the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned. After having recorded the reasons as above, the imprest amount may be withdrawn through Bearer cheques.]
Person having custody of permanent advance shall acknowledge receipt of such advance on first of April every year.
(4) Head of office shall physically verify at the end of the month that any money in excess of the aforesaid limits are deposited back into the P.D. Account/Bank.
[(5) Head of the Office/Sarpanch/Secretary/Cashier of the Panchayati Raj Institution shall be personally liable, if the cash balance in the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned exceeds the limit prescribed above, at the end of month. In such case, they shall be jointly liable to pay the interest @ 18% per annum on such excess amount. The amount of the interest so payable shall be recovered equally from Head of the Office/Sarpanch and Secretary/Cashier.]
212. GPF/State Insurance/LIC deductions etc. – (1) The duty of making proper deductions from pay bills on account of Provident Fund, State Insurance, Income Tax, Life Insurance and House Rent deductions etc., shall devolve on the drawer of the bill.
(2) No Vikas Adhikari shall draw cash against GRE, State Insurance, Life Insurance, Income Tax deductions from salaries of employee. He shall get such cheques prepared alongwith salary bills in the name of Director State Insurance/G.P.E./Income Tax Officer/L.I.C. branch simultaneously and dispatch during first week of the month. Vikas Adhikari concerned shall be held personally liable for violation of such procedure.
213. Power of Vikas Adhikari in the absence of Secretary. – In case of Panchayat, all moneys shall be drawn with the joint signature of Sarpanch and Secretary as per provisions of Sub-Section (5) of Section 64 of the Act, in case of absence or illness or leave of Secretary, Vikas Adhikari of the Panchayat Samiti in whose jurisdiction such Panchayat falls, sign cheque or that Panchayat alongwith Sarpanch to facilitate immediate and urgent payments.
214. Expenditure out of own income of Panchayati Raj Institution. – (1) Panchayati Raj Institution may incur expenditure from own income raised through taxes, fines fees and other assets placed at their disposal with the approval of the general meeting or Standing Committee, as per the limits specified by the Government from time to time.
(2) Expenditure from own income shall be incurred only after meeting liability of Pay, Allowances and contingency.
(3) All expenditure will be subject to the availability of own income funds after taking into account other commitments and assurances.
(4) Income from education cess will be spent only on educational buildings/activities but it will be possible to spend own income from other sources on such buildings/activities also.
(5) No expenditure will be incurred outside the jurisdiction of Panchayati Raj Institution.
(6) Yearly budget estimate for receipt and expenditure of own income shall be prepared and got approved by Panchayati Raj Institution concerned.
(7) No expenditure will be done on the basis of anticipated own income.
215. Advances to employees. – (1) Advances to employees for purchases of conveyance, advance for food grains and festivals shall be governed by the terms and conditions as applicable to State Government employees from time to time except that such advances may be granted out of own income. If its own income is not sufficient for this purpose, the advances may be granted from other resources which may be available with Panchayati Raj Institution. The interest received shall be treated as income of the Panchayati Raj Institution and shall be credited to its fund.
(2) Advances for works or other specific purposes shall be got adjusted at the most within three months failing which it will amount to temporary embezzlement and un-utilised cash balance shall be deposited back along with 18% interest.
216. Loans. – (1) Loans granted to a Panchayati Raj Institution by the State Government or any Corporation of the Central or State Government will be the first charge on the fund and loan instalments shall be paid regularly on the due dates failing which the State Government may adjust the amount due out of the grant-in-aid payable or take other suitable steps to recover the money.
(2) Panchayati Raj Institution may obtain loans for rural housing, construction of shops and other purposes and utilise and repay its instalments as per terms and conditions of financial corporation for Panchayati Raj Institutions. Panchayati Raj Institutions concerned may charge one percent as agency charges for services rendered for maintenance of loan accounts.
(3) Outstanding loans will continue to be recovered by Panchayat Samitis and deposited with the State Government in relevant head of revenue.
217. Specimen Signature. – Specimen signatures of Vikas Adhikari/ Pradhan and Chief Executive Officer/Pramukh shall be sent to District Treasury and concerned Sub-treasury. In case of Panchayat, specimen signature of Sarpanch/Secretary shall be sent to Bank Post Office concerned in which accounts are maintained.
218. Cheque Books. – (1) Cheque books of treasury/sub-treasury or bank/ post office shall be kept in charge of Head of Office. They shall be kept under lock and key.
(2) All cheque books when received, will be counted and each foil of the cheque book distinctly marked with a rubber stamp bearing name of the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution.
219. Pay and Allowances. – (1) Pay and allowances of the officers and staff and honorarium and allowances to members shall be second charge on the resources of the fund.
(2) In case of failure of a Panchayati Raj Institution to pay salaries on due dates, the State Government may direct the Vikas Adhikari to freeze the cash balances and make payments by drawing such amounts.
220. Due date. – Pay and allowance earned by the officers and employees shall become due for payment on the first working day of the following month.
221. Acknowledgement of payments. – The Head of office shall be personally responsible for the amount drawn on a bill/cheque signed by him until he has paid it and obtained legally valid receipt for it from the payee.
222. Pay and advances on transfer. – Provisions of pay and advances on transfers shall be governed by the Rules of State Government servants as applicable from time to time.
223. Other charges. – (1) All incidental and miscellaneous expenses incurred for the management of office are flexible and fluctuating in nature and utmost care has to be taken to economies it. The office drawing the bill shall be responsible to see that the items of expenditure included in the bill are of obvious necessity and any articles purchased have been secured at fair and reasonable rates.
(2) Drawl of advances for other charges should be made on duly supported vouchers with payee’s receipt or on firms or contractor’s proforma bills and drawal of advances should not be allowed unless required for meeting any special nature of expenditure.
224. Refund of Revenue. – Before admitting any demand for refund of revenue, the original credit must be traced in the cash book and the related receipt be also linked and an entry of refund should be made distinctly in red ink in these documents so as to guard against second claim. Where tax or cash is refunded, cross reference shall also be given in Demand and Collection Register.
225. Over payments/wrong payments. – (1) Head of office is responsible for making prompts recovery of any overpayment made out of the fund even though made in good faith.
(2) In case such payment has been made due to some fraud, F.I.R. shall also be lodged against such person at the Police Station for wrongfully defrauding and receiving the money.
226. Payment of Time-barred claims. – (1) Payment of time barred claims of salary, travelling allowance/medical reimbursement outdo three years, shall be made by head of office after pre-check by Junior Accountant.
(2) All such claims of more than three years shall require prior sanction of the Chief Executive Officer after pre-check by Accountant/Assistant Accounts officer of Zila Parishad:
Provided that: –
(a) Propriety of the claim is established,
(b) Orders or documents on which claim is based are available,
(c) Reference to previous bills when claim was not drawn is given,
(d) Reasons for delay are explained.
(3) Contingent claims up to 3 years shall require prior sanction of Chief Executive Officer whereas after three years it shall require sanction of the Director Rural Development and Panchayati Raj.
227. Powers of Regional Officer and Head of Office under G.F. & A.R. – (1) Financial powers of Regional Officer not specified in these rules, shall be exercised as per GF & AR by the Chief Executive Officer in regard to employees posted in the district.
(2) Powers of Head of Office as per GF & AR and not specified in these rules, shall be exercised by the Sarpanch for the Panchayat, Vikas Adhikari for Panchayat Samiti and the Chief Executive Officer for Zila Parishad.
Maintenance of Accounts
228. All cash transactions to be accounted for. – All cash transactions to which the Panchayati Raj Institution is a party, shall without any reservations, be brought to account, Transparency shall be ensured in maintenance of accounts.
229. Cash Book. – (1) A cash book shall be maintained by each Panchayati Raj Institution in Form No. XXIV for keeping a record of the receipt and payment of money.
(2) All cash transaction shall be entered in the Cash Book in full as soon as they occur and attested by head of office in token of check.
(3) Cash Book shall be closed regularly and head of office shall initial each entry in token of its correctness.
(4) At the end of each month, the head of office should verify the cash balance in the chest with the balance as per cash book and record a signed and dated certificate to the following effect: –
Certified that the cash balance has been checked and found as under: –
In case of difference between the actual cash and the balances per cash book, it shall be explained.
(5) A surprise check of physical cash balance shall also be made twice a month to prevent any misuse of money.
(6) Panchayat shall also maintain a separate cash book for funds allotted for development schemes.
230. Receipt of money. – (1) When money is collected or paid into office, a receipt shall be given to the payer in Form No. XXX.
(2) Receipt shall be signed by the Secretary/Cashier.
(3) Amount shall be written both in figures and words.
(4) Head of Office shall satisfy himself that the amount has been correctly entered in the Cash Book.
(5) Blank receipt books shall be kept in safe custody and proper account of receipt books shall be maintained.
231. Security of Cashier. – (1) The person in-charge of cash shall give adequate and valid security commensurate with the amount of cash likely to be kept in his custody.
(2) Security shall be in form of fidelity bound which shall be renewed before due date for its expiry.
(3) Allowance at the rates prescribed by the State Government shall be payable to Cashier accordingly.
232. Double lock. – (1) All cash exceeding the amount of fidelity bound shall be kept in strong iron chest under double lock arrangement.
(2)All the keys of the same lock shall he kept in one person’s custody. Keys of other locks shall be in custody of Head of Office. The chest shall never be opened unless both the custodians of the keys are present.
233. Security of cash. – A security guard may be arranged from Police Station on payment to accompany the cashier when heavy cash balance is brought by him from the bank to office or vice versa.
234. Presentation of claims. – (1) All claims for payment will be prepared in Form XXXI and presented at the office of the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned where they will be checked and passed for payment by head of office.
(2) The officer making a payment order is personally responsible to see that the claim is complete and genuine in all respects and affords sufficient information as to the nature of payment made.
235. Vouchers. – (1) For every payment of money, the officer spending money of the fund shall obtain a voucher setting forth full and clear particulars of the claim and all information necessary for proper classification in Accounts.
(2) Every voucher must bear or have attached to it an acknowledgement of the payment by the person by whom or in whose behalf the claim is put forward.
(3) Each voucher must bear a pay order by head of office specifying the amount in words and figures.
(4) All vouchers shall be serially numbered date wise starting from first of April and must be stamped or written in read ink ‘PAID’ on the face of vouchers so that they may not be used second time.
(5) Head of office shall initial voucher also at the time of verifying payments in cash book on expenditure side.
(6) Vouchers shall be kept in safe custody for audit and shall be destroyed only after prescribed period has elapsed.
236. Ledger. – (1) A ledger in Form No. XXXII shall be kept and maintained in each Panchayati Raj Institution for showing expenditure incurred under various heads of expenditure incurred out of the fund.
(2) In ledger, a page or some pages shall be allotted for each head of expenditure provided for in the sanctioned budget and will be posted from cash book regularly.
237. Register of Revenues. – (1) A register of revenue receipts in Form XXXIII shall also be kept and maintained in each Panchayati Raj Institution for recording receipts therein on account of all taxes, fees and other income.
(2) Separate page or pages according to the requirements shall be allotted for each head of income, tax or fee and posting shall be made from cash book regularly.
238. Reconciliation of Accounts. – (1) It shall be duty of Panchayat Secretary to reconcile the deposit and drawals with bank/post office pass book every month on the basis of Panchayat record and get mistakes corrected, if any.
(2) In case of Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad, Cashier shall reconcile the P.D. Account in Treasury/Sub-treasury every month.
239. Stock Register. – (1) A stock register in Form XXXIV shall be kept and maintained by each Panchayati Raj Institution in which shall be entered the receipt and issue of all stocks and other movable properties of the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned.
(2) The account of stores will be maintained for each item separately. Entries on receipt side will be made directly from the bill of the supplier, stores shall be issued as per genuine indents and proper receipt shall be obtained for issue of stores. It may be correctly entered on issue side of Stock Register.
240. Custody of Stores. – (1) The person entrusted with the custody of stores will be responsible for their safety and keeping them in good condition and protecting them from loss, damage or deterioration.
(2) He shall ensure proper and timely maintenance of machines, telephones, type writers, photo copier, collars and other office equipment to keep them in working condition at all times.
241. Consumable Store. – (1) A separate register shall be maintained for consumable stores and stationery articles in Form XXXIV itself.
(2) Head of office shall fix quarterly norms for issue of stationery articles for each officials/section. Norms shall be so fixed as to avoid misuse or excessive use.
242. Physical Verification. – (1) Physical verification of stores will be carried out at least once in a year and in token of having done so, he will record a certificate and make a note of excesses/shortage actually found.
(2) Proper action shall be taken by head of office for recovery of loss of any store articles by fixing responsibility after proper enquiry.
243. Disposal of unserviceable/obsolete/surplus store articles. – (1) Head of office shall constitute a committee of three persons including one person from Accounts section to prepare a survey list for declaring store articles as obsolete/unserviceable/surplus.
(2) Powers of write off shall be as under: –
(a) Sarpanch/Vikas Adhikari-Store articles up to a book value of Rs. 10,000/-.
(b) Chief Executive Officer- Store articles up to a book value of Rs. 20,000/
(c) Director Rural Development- up to Rs. 50,000/-.
(d) Development Commissioner – up to Rupees two laths.
(3) All such store articles shall be disposed of by destruction/auction after competent sanction and proceeds thereof shall be credited to the fund.
244. Disposal of unserviceable vehicles. – (1) A Committee shall be constituted at the Zila Parishad level for condemnation and auction of vehicles (Jeep, Car, Pickup, Tractor, Motor Cycle, Three Wheeler, Bull Dozers) of Panchayati Raj Institutions as under:
(a) Chief Executive Officer-Chairman
(b) Accounts Officer/Assistant Accounts Officer of Zila Parishad- Member.
(c) M.T.O. of Police Department/M.V.I. of Transport Deptt./District Pool mechanic at District Headquarter and technical officer of State Garage at Divisional Headquarter.
(2) Above committee will ensure that the vehicle has covered prescribed distance and life as under: –
Nature of vehicle K.M.(Lakh)
1. Motor Cycle/Three wheeler
1.2 7
2. Light Motor vehicles
2 8
3. Medium Motor vehicles
3 10
4. Heavy Motor Vehicles
4 10
5. Tractors/Bull Dozers
20,000 hours of use 10
(3) Such vehicles which have completed the prescribed distance and life but fit for use in the opinion of committee, shall not be condemned.
(4) Committee members shall physically inspect the vehicle before condemnation and shall certify that: –
(a) The vehicle has covered the prescribed distance and life.
(b) The vehicle is beyond economic repairs and uneconomical to operate due to excessive consumption of Petrol/Diesel.
(c) That the replacement of parts shall cause heavy expenditure and further running of the vehicle shall be uneconomical.
Chief Executive Officer shall issue orders for auction of condemned vehicles on recommendation of the committee.
(5) In case vehicle has not covered the prescribed minimum Distance or life, or vehicle has been lying un-used for last seven years or vehicle has met with an accident and will not be useful after repairs, the committee shall recommend the case certifying that: –
(a) the vehicle is beyond economic repairs and uneconomical to operate.
(b) the replacement of parts shall cause heavy expenditure and further running of vehicle shall be uneconomical.
(c) the total cost of repairs and replacement of parts shall be Rs ……. as certified by the surveyor of Motor Garage Department.
Powers of condemnation of such vehicles shall be with the Development Commissioner.
(6) Condemned vehicles shall be auctioned at the district level by the committee consisting of :
(a) Additional Collector (Development)
(b) Chief Executive Officer
(c) Treasury Officer or Accounts Officer of Zila Parishad.
A.D.M. (Dev.) or C.E.O. whosoever is senior, will act as Chairman :
Provided that vehicles purchased from consolidated fund of the State shall be auctioned through State Motor Garage at Divisional Headquarters concerned.
(7) Sale proceeds of vehicles auctioned by Committee in Sub-rule (6), shall be deposited in the fund of Panchayati Raj Institution concerned and sales tax shall be deposited in Govt. account.
Accounts and Returns
245. Quarterly Return of Accounts. – A quarterly statement of account of income and expenditure will be prepared by Panchayati Raj Institutions and sent to next higher authority in Form No. XXXV. Quarterly accounts for the quarter ending June, September, December and March should be dispatched latest by 15th of the month following the quarter to which the accounts relate. A progressive total of all items of income and expenditure provided in the budget will be made out while preparing such statement of account and figures advised to the next higher authority.
246. Abstract of Annual Accounts. – (1) At the end of the year, a Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti shall prepare an abstract of Annual Accounts in Form XXXVI showing its income and expenditure under each head of budget and sent it to the State Government through Zila Parishad by following first May.
(2) Abstract of annual accounts will be accompanied by a statement of grants-in-aid in Form XXXVII under different heads of accounts from the State Government, expenditure incurred, supported by utilisation certificates, signed by Head of Office clearly mentioning that the grant entirely or in part has been spent specifically for the objects and purposes for which it was given, the accounts of which have been properly maintained, and the connected vouchers are in his custody. Chief Executive Officer will closely scrutinise these statements and send them to the State Government along with his comments, a copy of which will also be given to the Panchayat Samiti/Panchayat concerned.
(3) Each Panchayat Samiti will also enclose a statement of loans and amount outstanding in Form No. XXXVIII along with annual accounts.
(4) Along with annual accounts, a list of works undertaken under the various schemes with the progress of expenditure as provided in Form XXXIX will also be attached.
(5) The annual accounts will also be accompanied by a statement of assets and liabilities of the Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti in Form No. XI.
247. Accounts and Returns of Zila Parishads. – (1) Every Zila Parishad shall also prepare a quarterly statement of income and expenditure as stated in Rule 245 and sent it to the State Government.
(2) Similarly every Zila Parishad shall prepare Annual Accounts of income and expenditure as stated in Rule 246 and sent it to the State Government by 15th of May.
248. Audit of Accounts. – (1) The audit of the accounts of Panchayati Raj Institutions shall be governed by the provisions of the Rajasthan Local Fund Audit Act, 1954, and Rajasthan Local Fund Audit Rules, 1955 made under the said Act.
(2) A test audit of the accounts may also be carried out on behalf of the Controller and Auditor General of India.
249. Arrangements for Audit. – The Panchayati Raj Institution concerned shall make suitable arrangements to enable the auditor to hold his office for conducting audit and shall keep all records, statements etc., ready for purpose of audit and produced these in the manner as demanded by the Audit.
250. Preparation of Financial Statements. – Panchayati Raj Institution shall prepare the financial statements prescribed by the Local Fund Audit Rules, 1955 and actual accounts of the period for which audit has become due, and produce these when demanded by the Audit.
251. Audit Report – The Audit Report of the Director, Local Fund Audit shall be sent to the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned. A copy of the audit report to Panchayats shall also be sent to Panchayat Samiti concerned. Likewise a copy of the audit report of Panchayat Samitis shall also be sent to Zila Parishad concerned who will see that the irregularities pointed out by audit are promptly attended to and rectified.
252. Compliance of Audit Reports. – (1) Compliance of the audit reports sent by the Director, Local Fund Audit shall be made in accordance with the procedure laid down in Rule 28 of the Rajasthan Local Fund Audit Rules, 1955.
(2) Chief Executive Officer and Chief Accounts Officer, Zila Parishad shall review the progress of compliance of audit reports every quarter in the presence of Deputy Director Local Fund Audit posted at regional head quarters and take all steps to get them complied on campaign basis.
(3) Chief Executive Office shall specifically review the paras indicating embezzlement, loss of revenue, over payments, wrong payments etc., and initiate department action or criminal proceedings against defaulters.
(4) All efforts shall be made by Chief Executive Officer and Vikas Adhikaris for recovery of loss of revenue pointed out in audit reports.
253. Write off. – (1) All losses of money, irrecoverable revenues, loans, advances will be written off by Panchayati Raj Institution only with the prior approval of the State Government.
(2) In case where any loss is caused through fraud, forgery, defalcation, serious negligence of any servant, warranting disciplinary action or through flaw in rules and procedure requiring rectification or amendment, the Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad will first review such a case and take appropriate disciplinary action before recommending the case to the State Government for approval of “Writ off”.
(3) A copy of all sanctions to “Write off’ losses will also be communicated to the Director, Local Fund Audit.
254. Forms. – In case of non-availability of forms, the corresponding forms of State Government may be adopted for use in the office of Panchayati Raj Institution.
255. State Government’s power to issue instructions. – The State Government may issue such instructions as may be necessary from time to time for the proper observance of these rules.
Recruitment and Other Service Condition


256.Persons ineligible for employment.—(1) No person shall be employed in a Panchayati Raj Institution in a permanent, temporary or part-time capacity, if he—

(a) is not of good character, or

(b) has been dismissed for misconduct from the service of any other Panchayati Raj Institution or any other local authority or the State or Central Government, or

(c) has been convicted of an offense involving moral turpitude, or

(d) is a member of any Panchayati Raj institution or of a municipality, or

(e) is less than 18 years and more than 40 years of age on the first day of January following the last date fixed for receipt of applications: Provided that the restriction of minimum or maximum age limit shall not apply to part-time employees.

(f) is a son, grandson, real brother or any other near relative of a member of the Panchayat: Provided that if after the appointment of the employee any of his relative is elected as such member, he shall not be discharged.

(2) Disqualification for appointment.—(a) No male candidate who has more than one wife living shall be eligible for appointment to the Services unless the Government, after being satisfied that special grounds, do not exempt any candidate from the operation of this rule. 

256 – (2) Disqualification for appointment-  No male candidate who is married to a person having already a wife shall be eligible for appointment to the service unless Government after being satisfied that there are special grounds for doing so, exempt any female candidate from the operation of this rule.

256. – (b) No female candidate who is married to a person having already a wife shall be eligible for appointment to the service unless Government after being satisfied that there are special grounds for doing so, exempt any female candidate from the operation of this rule.
[(c) No Candidate shall be eligible for appointment to the service who has more than two children on or after 1.6.2002 :
Provided that the candidate having more than two children shall not be deemed to be disqualified for appointment so long as the number of children he has on 1.6.2000 does not increase :
Provided further that where a candidate has only one child from earlier delivery but more than one children are born out of a single subsequent delivery the children so born shall be deemed to be one entity while counting the total number of children.]
257. Strength of Service. – The strength of the service shall be such as may be fixed from time to time under Sections 79, 80 and 83 of the Act.
258. Categories of posts. – (1) There shall be the following categories of posts to be appointed in Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishad:-
(a) State Service posts : –
(i) Chief Executive Officer
(ii) Vikas Adhikari
(iii) Accounts Officers
(iv) Assistant Engineers
(v) and such other categories of posts as are prescribed by the Government from time to time.
(b) Subordinate Service: –
(i) Extension Officer (Panchayat, Education, Co-operative, progress).
(ii) Assistant Accounts Officer.
(iii) Accountant/ Junior Accountant
(iv) Junior Engineer
[(c) Ministerial and subordinate posts in Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad service)
(i) Assistant Office Superintendent;
(ii) Clerk Grade I;
(iii) Clerk Grade II;
(iv) Drivers;
(v) Primary and Upper Primary School Teachers;
(vi) Village level worker-cum-Secretary Panchayat;
(vii) Fitter; and
(viii) Hand Pump Mistry.]
(d) Class IV Service posts.
[(e) Ex offico officer:
(i) Ex offico Panchayat Elementary Education Officer.]
(2) Panchayat may however appoint part time person on contract basis with prior permission of the Chief Executive Officer for management of properties and cattle pound etc., out of own income and Class IV servant for panchayat office out of general purpose grant from the State Government.
[(3) Panchayat may appoint any person as Gram Panchayat Sahayak, on part time or on fixed honorarium or a contract basis, for Panchayat, Office or for any other work with prior permission of the Chief Executive Officer. He shall be paid from the grant received for the purpose from the State Government on recommendation of the State Finance Commission or out of own income of the Panchayat.]
259. Methods of Recruitment’s. – (1) The posts of state service may be filled in by transfer on deputation from appropriate service.
(2) The costs of Vikas Adhikaris shall be filled in from appropriate cadres of the State Government as laid down in Act or rules framed for this purpose.
(3) The post of Panchayat Extension Officer shall be filled in by 100% promotion from V.L.W-cum-Secretary Panchayat.
(4) The posts of other extension officer shall be filled in by transfer on deputation from Education, Co-operative and Statistical Departments respectively.
(5) The posts of junior engineers may be filled in either by transfer from other Government Departments on deputation or [by direct recruitment as per procedure prescribed under the Rajasthan Rural Development and Panchayati Raj state and Subordinate Services Rules, 1998]
“(5) The post of junior engineers shall be filled in by direct recruitment as per the procedure prescribed under the Rajasthan Rural Development and Panchayati Raj State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1998.” [NO.F.4 (4) Ame. Rules/LEGAL/PR/2022/101]
[(5A) The post of fitter shall be filled in, from Public Health Engineering Department, on deputation.
(5B) Post of Hand Pump Misty shall be filled in, from Hand Pump Mistries regularized in Panchayat Samities as per Government Order No. F. 13 (147)Vidhi/Gravipa/High Court/94/3882, Dated 30.12.1995.]
(6) Recruitment of posts encadred in Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad Services as per Sub-Section (2) of Section 89 shall be made district wise through District Establishment Committee as per provisions of Secs. 80 and 90 of the Act.
[Provided that the list for selection to the post specified in clause (iii) of sub-section (2) of the section 89, shall be prepared by the Authorized Agency at the State Level:]
[Provided further that the vacancies on the post of Village Level worker and Clerk Grade-II, so determined shall be intimated to the Commissioner, Panchayati Raj, Rajasthan.]
(7) Recruitment of class IV service may be done through Employment Exchange or in the manner laid down by the government from time to time.
[(8) Selection for the post of Gram Panchayat on part time or on fixed honorarium or on contract basis shall be made [***] in the manner as may be laid down by the State Government from time to time.]
[(9) Any Officer of the School Eduction Department shall be declared as ex officio Panchayat Elementary Education Officer by the School Education Department.]
260. Sources of recruitment for Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad Services. – Vacancies will be filled:-
(a) by direct recruitment in the lowest grade of each category,
(b) by promotion from a lower to a higher grade in the same category,
(c) by transfer of persons holding corresponding posts under Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad or the Government :
Provided that the vacancies in the category of Upper Division Clerks may be filled in by direct recruitment from amongst the candidates holding degree in Arts, Science, Agriculture or Commerce of a University, Established by Law in India, if no member of the service found eligible for promotion to fill up such vacancies and it be not possible to fill up such vacancies by transfer in accordance with these Rules.
261. Reservation of vacancies for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes. – (1) Reservation of vacancies for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes shall be 16% and 12% respectively or in accordance with the orders of the Government for such reservation in force at the time of recruitment i.e. by direct recruitment and by promotion.
(2) The vacancies so reserved for promotion shall be filled in by Seniority-cum-merit.
(3) In filling the vacancies so reserved the eligible candidates who are members of the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe shall be considered for appointment in the order in which their names appear in the list prepared by the Committee, whether for direct recruitment or for promotion, irrespective of their relative rank as compared with other candidates.
(4) Appointments shall be made strictly in accordance with the rosters prescribed separately for direct recruitment and promotion. In the event of non-availability of the eligible and suitable candidates amongst the Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe, as the case may be, in a particular year, the vacancies so reserved for them shall be tilled in accordance with the normal procedure and an equivalent number of additional vacancies shall be reserved in the subsequent year. Such of the vacancies which remain so unfilled shall be carried forward to the subsequent three recruitment years in total and thereafter such reservation would lapse.
(5) Reservation of vacancies for Other Backward Classes shall be 21% or in accordance with the orders of the Government for reservation in force at the time of direct recruitment. In the event of non-availability of eligible and suitable candidates amongst other backward classes in a particular year, the vacancies so reserved for them shall be filled in accordance with the normal procedure.
262. Reservation of vacancies for other categories. – Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, certain percentage of posts to be filled in by direct recruitment shall be reserved for physically handicapped candidates as per rules of the State Government and shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of the [Rajasthan Employment of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2000.]
(2) Other provisions regarding reservation of vacancies shall also be applicable as prevailing in the State Government from time to time.
263. Determination of vacancies. – Subject to the provisions of these rules, and the directions of Government, if any, the Panchayat Samiti or the Zila Parishad shall determine and intimate to the Committee every year, the number of vacancies anticipated under each category during the year and the number of persons likely to be recruited by each method:
[Provided that the vacancies on the post specified in clause (iii) of sub-section (2) of Section 89, so determined shall be intimated to the Director, elementary Education, Rajasthan:]
[Provided further that the vacancies on the post of Village Level worker and Clerk Grade-II, so determined shall be intimated to the Commissioner, Panchayati Raj, Rajasthan.]
264. Nationality. – A candidate for appointment to the service must be a bonafide citizen of India.
265. Age. – A candidate for direct recruitment must have attained the age of eighteen years and must not have attained the age of [forty years] on the first day of January following the last date fixed for receipt of applications :
Provided that: –
“(i) the upper age limit mentioned above shall be relaxed by,- (a) 5 years in the case of male candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, More Backward Classes and Economically Weaker Sections; (b) 5 years in the case of woman candidates belonging to General Category; and (c) 10 years in the case of woman candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, More Backward Classes and Economically Weaker Sections.” [No. F4(2) AM/Rule/Legal/PR/2020/490]
[(i) the upper age limit for male candidate belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Classes or women candidate belonging to general category shall be relaxed by five years.]
[(i-a) the upper age limit for women candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe or other Backward Classes shall be relaxed by 10 years.]
(ii) the upper age limit for ex-servicemen shall be fifty years,
(iii) the upper age limit for persons already working as Secretaries of Panchayats shall be relax able up to the period of service rendered as Panchayat Secretary subject to a maximum limit of three years,
(iv) there shall be no age limit in the case of widows and divorced women,
Explanation. – In the case of widow, she will have to furnish a certificate of death of her husband from the competent authority and in the case of a divorcée, she will have to furnish the proof of divorce,
(v) the upper age limit for persons who were within the prescribed age limit on their temporary appointment under a Panchayat Samiti or a Zila Parishad shall be relax able up to the period of service rendered by them under Panchayat Samiti or a Zila Parishad,
(vi) the upper age limit mentioned above shall apply in the case of an ex-prisoner, who had served under the Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads on a substantive basis on any post before his conviction and was eligible for appointment under these rules,
(vii) the upper age limit mentioned above shall be relaxed by a period equal to the term of imprisonment served in the case of an ex-prisoner, who was not over-age before his conviction and was eligible for appointment under these rules.
[(viii) the candidate who crossed the upper age limit after 1.1.1999, shall be eligible for recruitment as Primary and Upper Primary School Teacher [General Education/Special Education ) in Government service up to 23.5.2007.]
[(ix) there shall no upper age limit for persons appointed as Hand Pump Mistries under Sub-rule (5-B)of Rule 259 provided such person do not attain the age of super annuation.]
[(X) If a Candidate would have been entitled in respect of his/ her age for direct recruitment in any year in which no such recruitment was held, he/ she shall be deemed to be eligible in next following recruitment, if he/ she is not over age by more than 3 years.”.]
[(ix) the upper age limit mentioned above, for the person who is continuously working on contract basis under any scheme of the department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj as Junior technical Assistant, Junior Engineer, Gram Rozgar Sahayak, Data Entry Operator, Computer Operator with Machine (except engaged through placement agency). L.D.C., Lekha Sahayak, Co-ordinator IEC, Co-ordinator Training, Co-ordinator Supervision or on any post, shall be relaxed by a period equal to the service rendered by him subject to maximum of 5 year.]
No. F4(2) AM/Rule/Legal/PR/2020/5000
266. Academic qualification. – A recruit must possess minimum qualification as under: –
[(1) L.D.C. (95% by direct recruitment and 05% by promotion)
A. For direct recruitment,-
(i) Senior Secondary from a recognized board or its equivalent examination,
“O” or Higher Level Certificate Course conducted by DOEACC under control of the Department of Electronics, Government of India.
Computer Operator & Programming Assistant (COPA)/ Data Preparation and Computer Software (DPCS) certificate organized under National/ State Council of Vocational Training Scheme.
Diploma in Computer Science/ Computer Applications from a University established by law in India or from an institution recognized by the Government.
Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering from a polytechnic institution recognized by the Government.
Certificate Course in Information Technology (RSCIT) conducted by Vardhman Mahaveer Open University, Kota under control of Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited.
B. For promotion, Secondary’ from a recognized board, and five year experience on the post of Class IV.]
[(2) V.L.W-cum-Secretary (100% by direct recruitment)
(i) Graduate or qualification declared equivalent thereto by the Government
“O” or Higher Level Certificate Course conducted by DOEACC under control of the Department of Electronics, Government of India
Computer Operator and Programming Assistant (COPA)/ Data Preparation and Computer Software (DPCS) certificate organized under National/ State Council of Vocational Training Scheme
Diploma in Computer Science/ Computer Application from a University established by law in India or from an institution recognized by the Government
Diploma in Computer Science and Engineering from a polytechnic institution recognized by the Government
Certificate Course in Information Technology (RSCTT) conducted by Vardhman Mahaveer Open University, Kota under control of Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation limited.]
[(3) Primary and Upper Primary School Teacher (100 percent by direct recruitment)
(A) General Education Level-(i) Class I to V
Level-(ii) Class VI to VIII
(B) Special Education Level-(i) Class I to V
Level-(ii) Class VI to VIII Qualifications as laid down by the National Council for Teacher Education under the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 23 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Central Act No. 35 of 2009), from time to time and must have passed the R.E.E.T/R.T.E.T.
Qualifications as laid down by the National Council for Teacher Education under the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 23 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Central Act No. 35 of 2009), from time to time.
(i) for the teacher of Social Studies, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with at least one subject as an optional subject from amongst History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Public Administration and Philosophy;
(ii) for the teacher of Science and Mathematics, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with at least one subject as on optional subject from amongst Chemistry, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Micro-Biology, Bio-technology, Biochemistry and Mathematics;
(iii) for the teacher of language, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with the corresponding language as an optional subject;
(iv) the candidate who has Graduated in Elementary Education (B.EI.Ed.) or B.A.B.Ed/B.Sc. B.Ed., i.e. a candidate with the qualification of four years integrated course, must also have passed the qualifying examination with the corresponding subject; and
(v) must have passed the R.E.E.T./R.T.E.T. in the subject applying for.
Qualification as laid down by the National Council for Teacher Education under the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 23 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Central Act No. 35 of 2009), from time to time and must have passed the R.E.E.T/RT.E.T.
Qualifications as laid down by the National Council for Teacher Education under the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 23 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Central Act, No. 35 of 2009), from time to time;
(i) for the teacher of Social Studies, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with at least one subject as an optional subject from amongst History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Public Administration and Philosophy;
(ii) for the teacher of Science and Mathematics, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with at least one subject as on optional subject from amongst Chemistry, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Micro-Biology, Bio-technology, Biochemistry and Mathematics;
(iii) for the teacher of language, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with the corresponding language as an optional subject;
(iv) the candidate who has Graduated in Elementary Education (B.EI.Ed.) or B.A.B.Ed/B.Sc. B.Ed., i.e. a candidate with the qualification of four years integrated course, must also have passed the qualifying examination with the corresponding subject; and
(v) must have passed the R.E.E.T./R.T.E.T. in the subject applying for]
“(3) Primary and Upper Primary School Teacher (100 percent by direct recruitment) (A) General Education Level-(i) Class I to V Level-(ii) Class VI to VIII Qualification as laid down by the National Council for Teacher Education under the provisions of subsection (1) of section 23 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Central Act. No. 35 of 2009), from time to time and must have passed the R.E.E.T./R.T.E.T.. Qualifications as laid down by the National Council for Teacher Education under the provisions of subsection (1) of section 23 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Central Act. No. 35 of 2009), from time to time, and (i) for the teacher of Social Studies, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with at least one subject as an optional subject from amongst History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Public Administration, Philosophy, Accountancy, Economic & Financial Management and Banking & Business Economics; (ii) for the teacher of Science and Mathematics, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with at least one subject as an optional subject from amongst Chemistry, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Micro-Biology, Biotechnology, Bio-chemistry and Mathematics; (iii) for the teacher of language, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with the corresponding language as an optional subject; (iv) the candidate who has Graduated in Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.) or B.A.B.Ed./B.Sc. B.Ed., i.e. a candidate with the qualification of four years integrated course, must also have passed the qualifying examination with the corresponding subject; and (v) must have passed the R.E.E.T./R.T.E.T. in the subject applying for. 1725 राजस्ााू राज-पत्र सितम् बर 17 2021 भाग 4 (ग) (B) Special Education Level- (i) Class I to V Level-(ii) Class VI to VIII Qualification as laid down by the National Council for Teacher Education under the provisions of subsection (1) of section 23 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Central Act. No. 35 of 2009), from time to time and must have passed the R.E.E.T./R.T.E.T.. Qualifications as laid down by the National Council for Teacher Education under the provisions of subsection (1) of section 23 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Central Act. No. 35 of 2009), from time to time; and (i) for the teacher of Social Studies, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with at least one subject as an optional subject from amongst History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Public Administration, Philosophy, Accountancy, Economic & Financial Management and Banking & Business Economics; (ii) for the teacher of Science and Mathematics, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with at least one subject as an optional subject from amongst Chemistry, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Micro-Biology, Biotechnology, Bio-chemistry and Mathematics; (iii) for the teacher of language, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with the corresponding language as an optional subject; (iv) the candidate who has Graduated in Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.) or B.A.B.Ed./B.Sc. B.Ed., i.e. a candidate with the qualification of four years integrated course, must also have passed the qualifying examination with the corresponding subject; and (v) must have passed the R.E.E.T./R.T.E.T. in the subject applying for.” 3. Amendment of schedule-I.- In serial number 5 of schedule-I of chapter-XII of the said rules,- (i) in column 5 against sub-item level-(ii) Class VI to VIII of item (a) General Education of column 2, for the existing expression “History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Public Administration and Philosophy”, the expression “History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Public Administration, Philosophy, Accountancy, भाग 4 (ग) राजस्ााू राज-पत्र सितम् बर 17 2021 1726 Economic & Financial Management and Banking & Business Economics” shall be substituted; and (ii) in column 5 against sub-item level-(ii) Class VI to VIII of item (b) Special Education of column 2, for the existing expression “History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Public Administration and Philosophy”, the expression “History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Public Administration, Philosophy, Accountancy, Economic & Financial Management and Banking & Business Economics” shall be substituted. [No. F4(2) AM/Rule/Legal/PR/2020/808]
[(3A) Hand Pump Mistry V class pass with 3 months training under TRYSEM programmes.
  Free lance hand pump repair having experience of two years in repairing of Hand Pump.]
(4) Driver (90% direct 10% by promotion)
VIII class pass possessing Driving License and having 3 years experience of Driving light/heavy Motor Vehicle.
[(5) Class IV (100% by direct recruitment)
“Provided that the person who has appeared or is appearing in the final year examination of the course which is the requisite educational qualification for the posts specified in clause (1) and (2) above for direct recruitment, shall be eligible to apply for the said posts but he/she shall have to submit proof of having acquired the requisite educational qualification to the appropriate selection agency,- (1) before appearing in the main examination, where selection is made through two stages of written examination and interview ; (2) before appearing in interview where selection is made through written examination and interview ; (3) before appearing in the written examination or interview where selection is made through only written examination or only interview, as the case may be.” [No. F4(2) AM/Rule/Legal/PR/2020/83]
V Class pass]
[266A. Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the widow/ divorcée women, who have been given appointment on the post of teacher after relaxing required educational qualification of B.S.T.C/ B.Ed. under the erstwhile proviso to rule 266 shall be regularized from the date they acquire the requisite educational qualification.]
267. Character. – A candidate for direct recruitment to the Service must produce to the Committee a certificate of good character from the Principal, Academic Officer of the University, College, School or Institution into which he was last educated and two such certificates written not more than six months prior to the date of application from two responsible persons not connected with the University, College, School or Institution and not related to him.
Note – A conviction by a Court of Law need not by itself, entail the refusal of a certificate of good character. The circumstances of the conviction should be taken into account and if they involve no moral turpitude or association with crimes of violence or with a movement which has as its objective the overthrow by violent means of Government as by Law established, the mere conviction need not be regarded as a disqualification.
268. Physical fitness. – A candidate for direct recruitment to the service must be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of his duties as a member of the Service, and must produce, if selected for appointment, a certificate to that effect from the Medical Officer.
269. Canvassing. – No recommendation for recruitment either written or oral other than that required under the Rules shall be taken into consideration. Any attempt on the part of a candidate to enlist support directly or indirectly for his candidature by other means may disqualify him for recruitment.
Procedure for Direct Recruitment
270. Inviting of applications. – On a requisition for direct recruitment to the service having been made by the Panchayat Samiti on the Zila Parishad to the District Establishment Committee, applications shall be invited by the Committee through open advertisement in daily news paper having wide circulation.
271. Form of applications. – The application shall be made in the format prescribed by the Committee and application form duly filled in along with prescribed application fee in form of Postal Order or Demand Draft shall be considered.
272. Scrutiny of applications. – The committee shall scrutinize the applications received by it and require as many candidates eligible for appointment under these rules to appear before it for interview/written test.
[273. * * *]
274. Preparation of a merit list by the Committee. – (1) The committee shall prepare a merit list of candidates considered suitable for appointment to [each grade or category of posts except the post of Village level worker. Primary and Upper Primary School Teacher and Clerk Grade-II, in the district] and shall on receipt of requisition from the Panchayati Samitis or Zila Parishads allot candidates from the list in the order in which their names occur in the list:
Provided that: –
(i) the number of candidates in the merit list prepared by the Committee shall not exceed one and a half time the number of vacancies actually available at the time such merit list is prepared; and
(ii) the merit list of candidates so prepared shall remain valid for a period of one year in general and up to end of academic session for teachers. After expiry of such period, it will be deemed to have lapsed.
(2) The Panchayat Samitis or Zila Parishads shall take into consideration the requirement of Rule 261 while sending their requisitions to the Committee.
275. Allotment by the State Government. – The State Government may allot candidates in order of merit from the list of a district where there are no vacancies to another district where there may be vacancies for appointment, provided that the candidates are not available in the merit list of the latter district.
276. Appointment by Panchayat Samitis or Zila Parishad. – The Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad shall appoint the candidates allotted by the Committee in the order in which their names are forwarded by the Committee.
277. Recruitment of a Member of the family of the deceased employee. – (1) In the case of a deceased employee of the Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad service, one member of his family who is not already employed under the Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad/Central/State Government or Statutory Board/ Organisation/ Corporation, owned or controlled by the Central/State Government, shall on making an application for the purpose, be given a suitable employment the service, as soon as practicable only against an existing vacancy, in relaxation of the normal recruitment rules, provided such member fulfils the educational qualifications prescribed for the post and is also otherwise qualified for such service. In the event of non-availability of a vacancy or in case any of the members of the family being unqualified or minor, is not found suitable or eligible for immediate employment, then such case shall be considered immediately on the availability of the post or any or one of them becoming qualified or eligible for such employment under these rules.
(2) Rules made by the State Government and as amended from time to time in this behalf shall be applicable to such employees also.
[“277A. Procedure and method for direct recruitment to the posts of Primary and Upper Primary School Teacher.- Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, procedure for direct recruitment to the posts of Primary and Upper Primary School Teacher shall be made in the following manner, namely:- (i) the posts of Primary and Upper Primary School Teacher shall be filled in by direct recruitment through a competitive examination conducted by the authorized agency;

(ii) the syllabus of the competitive examination for direct recruitment to the posts of Primary and Upper Primary School Teacher shall be such as may be determined by the State Government, from time to time;

(iii) applications for direct recruitment to the posts of Primary and Upper Primary School Teacher to be filled in shall be invited by the authorized agency by advertising the posts in such manner as it may deem fit and shall be made in such form as it may approve. Candidates shall be required to state in the application form the names of districts in order of their preference in which they want to serve; (iv) subject to the provisions of these rules, the advertisement shall, inter alia, contain,-

(a) a clause that any candidate who accepts assignment on the post being offered to him/her shall, during the period of probation, be paid monthly fixed remuneration at the rate fixed by the State Government, from time to time and the scale of pay of the post as shown else-where in the advertisement shall be allowed only from the date of successful completion of the period of probation;

(b) number of posts to be filled in as the result of such examination, indicating separately the number of posts reserved for candidates of the Schedule Castes, Schedule Tribes, Sahariyas, Backward Classes, More Backward Classes, Economically Weaker Sections, Women Candidates, Person with benchmark disability, Sports Persons and Ex-servicemen, if any and the number of posts for Scheduled Area and any other category notified by the State Government, from time to time;

(c) last date of submission of applications forms;

(v) in addition to the advertisement, the authorized agency may issue such other instructions for the guidance of the candidates in such other manner as the authorized agency may deem fit;

(vi) a candidate for direct recruitment to the post in the Service shall pay to the authorized agency such fee as is fixed by it, from time to time and in such manner, as may be indicated by it;

(vii) no claim shall be entertained for refund of fee nor the fee shall be held in reserve for any other recruitment except when the advertisement is canceled by the authorized agency because of withdrawal of requisition or for any other reason, in which case the amount shall be refunded: Provided that no claim for refund of fees shall be entertained after a period of one month from the date of cancelation of advertisement by the authorized agency;

(viii) the applications which are found to be incomplete or which have not been filled in accordance with the instructions issued by the authorized agency shall be rejected by it at the very initial stage. The authorized agency shall permit the remaining candidates to appear in the competitive examination provisionally to whom they consider it proper to grant the letter of admission. No candidate shall be admitted to the competitive examination unless he/she holds the letter of admission to that examination granted by the authorized agency before appearing at the competitive examination, it shall be ensured by the candidate himself/herself that he/she fulfills the all eligibility criteria including conditions regarding age, educational and professional qualifications provided in these rules. Being allowed to take the examination shall not entitle a candidate to presumption of eligibility. The authorized agency will subsequently scrutinize the applications of such candidates only who are qualified in the competitive examination;

(ix) the decision of the authorized agency regarding the admission to the competitive examination and eligibility of a candidate shall be final;

(x) the authorized agency shall prepare category wise merit list of the candidates declared successful on the basis of the marks obtained in the competitive examination, conducted for the posts of Primary and Upper Primary School Teachers: Provided that the authorized agency may, to the extent of 50% of the finally intimated vacancies, keep names of suitable candidates on the reserve list. The authorized agency may on requisition recommend the names of such candidates in the order of merit to the Director, Elementary Education within six months from the date on which original list was forwarded by the authorized agency. Provided further that the authorized agency shall prepare separate list of the candidates, in accordance with the reservation prescribed by the Government, belonging to the Schedule Castes, Schedule Tribes, Sahariyas, Backward Classes, More Backward Classes, Economically Weaker Sections, Women Candidates, Person with benchmark disability, Sports Persons, Ex-servicemen and other categories, if any, notified by the State Government, from time to time;

(xi) the authorized agency shall send the lists prepared under clause (x) to the Director, Elementary Education Rajasthan, Bikaner for appointment to the posts of Primary and Upper Primary School Teachers;

(xii) by allocating districts to the selected candidates, district wise information shall be made available to the respective Zila Parishads for appointment/posting in order of merit under these rules by the Director of Elementary Education, Rajasthan, in the order of their preference, in accordance with the category wise posts advertised for districts, according to the manner ascertained by the Government; and

(xiii) appointment shall be given to the candidates by the District Establishment Committee of the district concerned under these rules.”]
[277B. Procedure and method of direct recruitment for the post of Village level workers and Clerk Grade-II. – Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, direct recruitment to the post of Village level workers and Clerk Grade-II shall be made in the following manner, namely:-
(i) the posts of Village level workers and Clerk Grade-II shall be filled in by direct recruitment through a competitive examination conducted by the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services, Selection Board in accordance with these rules;
(ii) the syllabus for competitive examination for direct recruitment to the posts of Village level workers and Clerk Grade-II shall be as determined by the State Government from time to time;
(iii) the application shall be invited by the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board by advertising the posts in such manner, as they may deem fit, and shall be made in such form as they may approve. Candidates shall be required to state in the application form, the names of all the 33 districts in order of their preference, in which they want to serve;
(iv) subject to the provisions of these rules advertisement shall, among other things, contain,-
(a) number of posts to be filled in as the result of such examination, indication separately the number of posts reserved for candidates of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Special Backward class, Woman, Persons with Disability and Sport Persons, if any, and posts of Scheduled Area;
(b) date of submission of applications for admission;
(c) qualification required for admission at the examination and the steps to be taken by candidates to establish their ability;
(d) the advertisement shall contain a clause that a candidate who accepts the assignment on the post being offered to him/her shall be paid monthly fixed remuneration at the rate fixed by the State Government, from time to time, during the period of probation and the scale of pay of the post as shown elsewhere in the advertisement shall be allowed only from the date of successful completion of the period of probation; and
(v) in addition to the advertisement the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board may issue, in such other manner, as the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board may deem fit, such other instructions for the guidelines of the candidates;
(vi) a candidate for direct recruitment to the post in the service shall pay to the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board such fee as is fixed by them, from time to time, in such manner, as may be indicated by them;
(vii) no claim for the refund of the fee shall be entertained nor the fee shall be held in reserve for any other examination except when the advertisement is cancelled by the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board because of withdrawal of requisition by the Commissioner, Panchayati Raj or for any other reason in which case the amount shall be refunded :
Provided that no claim for the refund of fee shall be entertained after a period of one month from the date of issue of the letter of refund by the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board to the candidate;
(viii) the applications which are found to be incomplete or have not been filled in accordance with the instructions issued by the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board shall be rejected by them at the initial stage. The Rajasthan Suborbital and Ministerial Services Selection Board shall permit rest of those candidates to appear in the examination provisionally to whom they consider it proper to grant the certificate of admission. No candidate shall be admitted to the examination unless he holds the certificate of admission to that examination granted by the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board before appearing at the examination, it should be ensured by the candidate himself/ herself that he/ she fulfills the conditions in regard to age. Educational qualification, experience if any, as provided in the rules. Being allowed to take the examination shall not entitle the candidate to presumption for eligibility. The Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board shall scrutinize later on the application of such candidates only, who qualify in the written examination.
(ix) the decision of the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board as to the admission of a candidate to an examination and eligibility shall be final.
(x) the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board shall prepare category wise merit list of the candidates declared successful in the examination conducted for selection of Village level workers or Clerk Grade-II examination as the case may be :
Provided that the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board may, to the extent of fifty percent of the finally intimated vacancies, keep names of suitable candidates on the reserve list. The Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board may on requisition recommend the name of such candidates in the order of merit to the Commissioner, Panchayati Raj, within six months from the date on which original list was forwarded by the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board :
Provided further that the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board shall prepare separate list of the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward classes, Special Backward class, Woman, Persons with Disabilities and Sports Persons in accordance with the reservation prescribed by the Government, from time to time.
(xi) the name of the candidates shall be arranged in the respective list in the order of aggregate marks obtained by them in the examination.
(xii) the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board shall send these lists to the Commissioner, Panchayati Raj who shall notify it for the information of concerned appointing authority. Out of these list of Commissioner, Panchayati Raj shall allot district to the candidates according to the preference of candidate written in application form.]
Procedure for Recruitment by Promotion and Transfer
278. Criteria for selection. – (1) For purposes of promotion, a selection on the basis of seniority-cum-merit shall be made from amongst the members of the service serving in the district eligible for such promotion : Provided that the substantive members of the service under these rules or the substantive members of the service under the Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads Class IV Services Rules, 1959 who are otherwise eligible for any other higher post in the service as per the conditions prescribed under Rule 266 of these rules may be appointed to such posts by way of promotion as per procedure laid down in this chapter. Such appointments shall, however be subject to the provisions of Rules 284 to 286 of these rules.
(2) In selecting the candidates for promotion regard shall be had to their :-
(a) academic and technical qualifications and knowledge;
(b) tact, efficiency and intelligence;
(c) integrity, and
(d) previous record of service,
(e) minimum experience of five years on the existing post.
(3) 10% posts of Drivers and 15% posts of Lower Division Clerks shall be filled in by promotion from members of Class IV service in accordance with the existing rules of the State Government or as amended from time to time :
Provided that conditions laid down in Sub-rule (2) are fulfilled.
[(4) No person shall be considered for promotion for 5 recruitment years from the date on which his promotion becomes due, if he/she has more than two children on or after 1.6.2002;
Provided that the person having more than two children shall not be deemed to be disqualified for promotion so long as the number of children/he/she has on 1.6.2002 does not increase;
Provided further that where a Government Servant has only one child from the earlier delivery but more than one child are born out of a single subsequent delivery, the children so born shall be deemed to be one entity while counting the total number of children.]
279. Procedure for selection. – (1) Whenever vacancies in various grades and categories of service in the district are to be filled by promotion, the committee shall invite recommendations from the Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishad. After taking into consideration the recommendations received and the Annual Confidential Reports and other service records of persons recommended for promotion, and those proposed to be superseded, it shall prepare, a list of persons suitable for promotion in the grade and category in order of seniority, giving reasons for supersession of persons, if any.
(2) The Zone of eligibility for promotion shall be five times the number of vacancies to be filled in on the basis of seniority-cum-merit.
280. Allotment and Appointment. – (1) On receipt of requisitions from the Panchayat Samitis or Zila Parishad, the Committee shall allot persons from the list, in the same order in which their names occur in the list.
(2) The Panchayat Samitis or Zila Parishad shall, on receipt of the allotment from the Committee, appoint the persons so allotted to the posts for which they are selected by the Committee.
281. Transfer of a Government Servant to posts in the Service. – Upon receipt of a requisition from a Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad to the effect that no member of the service is available for appointment to the post in the service by promotion or transfer from other Panchayat Samities or Zila Parishad and the post is to be filled by transfer of a person holding a post in the State Service corresponding is to be filled by transfer of a person holding a post in the State Service corresponding to a post in the Service, the Chief Executive Officer shall, after obtaining the consent of such Government Servant and approval of the Head of the Department concerned in this behalf, send recommendation for transfer of such person to the Committee. The Committee shall then allot such person to the concerned Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad. The Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad, as the case may be, shall then appoint the person so allotted to the post on terms and condition laid down in these rules.
282. Recruitment by transfer to the service of Government servants declared surplus. – (1) When a Government servant is or is likely to be rendered surplus due to reduction/abolition of posts under the Government, he may, with his consent, be appointed by transfer to the service, in the manner hereinafter provided in this rule, on a post declared by the Government to be equivalent to the post held by such Government servant immediately before such transfer.
(2) A list of such persons rendered surplus under the Government shall be sent to the Director, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, hereinafter in this part referred to as the Director, who shall, out of such list, select persons for posts in the service for each district and allot the persons so selected to the Committees to the extent of the vacancies existing in the Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishad concerning such Committees. A copy of the list sent to the Director shall also be simultaneously sent to the Head of the Department concerned.
283. Absorption of members of the service rendered surplus on reduction/abolition of posts. – (1) On reduction/abolition of certain posts in the service a list of persons rendered surplus shall be communicated by the Panchayat Samiti or Leila Parishad to the Government with a copy to the other Chief Executive Officers on the basis of which the Government shall prepare a district wise list of persons thus rendered surplus in the service.
(2) Surplus personnel who can be absorbed within the district will be appointed by the Committee in accordance with the number of vacancies then existing in the service or similar posts or on posts declared by the Government to be equivalent to the posts in the service brought under reduction.
(3) The Committee shall accordingly allot such persons to the Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad concerned which shall appoint persons so allotted to similar posts or to equated posts in the service on terms and conditions as may be applicable to such equated posts.
(4) A list of such persons who are proposed to be absorbed outside the district will be sent by the Director to the Chief Executive Officer concerned who shall absorb them on similar or equated posts.
Urgent Temporary Appointment
284. Filling up of vacancies by urgent temporary appointment. – (1) In case no selection has been made or no person selected by the Committee is available, at any time for filling a vacancy, appointment may be made by the Appointing Authority or urgent temporary basis for a period not exceeding six months, provided that such person shall be appointed only on contract basis with the prior approval of the District Establishment Committee in case of Panchayats and approval of the State Government in case of Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad.
(2) If it is proposed to fill the vacancy by direct recruitment temporarily, the nearest Employment Exchange may be asked to send a panel of names of persons possessing the required qualifications at least five times the number of vacancies to be so filled. The appointing authority will then appoint from out of the panel of candidates the persons suitable for the post.
(3) If it is proposed to fill vacancy by promotion temporarily, the senior most employee in the next lower grade may be so appointed by the Appointing Authority :
Provided that if the record of the senior most employee is not satisfactory, the person immediately below him may be so appointed.
(4) The period of such temporary appointment may however, be extended beyond six months, only with the previous concurrence of the Committee.
(5) The Temporary appointment made under this Rule shall terminate as soon as a candidate selected by the Committee is made available. Candidates so made available and placed at the disposal of Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad shall be appointed by the Appointing Authority forthwith, on the vacancies against which temporary appointments have been made, and on their reporting for duty, persons holding temporary appointments shall be deemed to have vacated their office and shall not be entitled to any salary thereafter.
285. Seniority. – Seniority in lowest grade or category of the service shall be determined by the date of confirmation and in other higher posts filled by promotion shall be determined from the date of regular selection :
Provided :-
(i) that if two or more persons are appointed to posts in the same grade or category under the same order or orders of the same date, their seniority shall be in the same order in which their names appear in the list prepared by the Committee,
(ii) that the seniority of persons appointed by transfer shall be fixed below the persons substantively appointed and he will be the junior most though his pay will be protected as personal pay.
(iii) that persons appointed by promotion in a particular year shall be senior to persons appointed by direct recruitment.
[286. ***]
[286A. Pay during probation. – A Probationer trainee appointed to the service by direct recruitment, shall be paid monthly fixed remuneration during the period of probation at such rates as may be fixed by the Government from time to time.]
287. Unsatisfactory progress during probation. – (1) If it appears to the Zila Parishad or Panchayat Samiti as the case may be, that a member of a service has not made sufficient use of his opportunities or that he has failed to perform, satisfactorily the Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad may remove him from service, or in case he has a substantive post, revert him thereto :
Provided that the Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad may extend the period of probation of any member of the service by a period not exceeding one year in all.
(2) A probationer reverted or removed from service during or at the end of the period of probation under Sub-rule (1) shall not be entitled to any compensation.
288. Confirmation. – A probationer shall be confirmed in his appointment at the end of the period of his probation if the Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad is satisfied that his integrity is unquestionable, his work is satisfactory and that he is otherwise fit for confirmation.
289. Transfer within the district. – (1) The name of the employee desiring transfer or desired to be transferred within the district shall be communicated to the [Administration and Establishment Committee of Zila Parishad concerned]by the Panchayat Samiti.
(2) Posting by transfer of such an employee shall be made by the Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad concerned on the recommendation of the [Administration and Establishment Committee of Zila Parishad]
(3) State Government may issue orders regarding transfers from time to time. In case [Administration and Establishment Committee of Zila Parishad] Standing Committee of Panchayat Samiti does not agree, Chief Executive Officer/Vikas Adhikari as the case may be, shall carry out orders of the State Government.
(4) On transfer of the employees, his confidential roll and service record will be transmitted, without avoidable delay, to the Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad to whom his services have been transferred.
290. Transfer outside the district. – (1) The name of the employee desiring transfer or desired to be transferred from one district to another shall be communicated to the Director by the Panchayat Samiti or the Zila Parishad, as the case may be.
(2) Posting by transfer of such an employee shall be made by the Panchayat Samiti or the Zila Parishad concerned on the recommendation of the State Government against the vacant posts existing at such time. The State Government may transfer any member of service [from any places of posting to any other place of posting whether within the same Panchayat Samiti or] from one Panchayat Samiti to another Panchayat Samiti within the same district or outside it, from one Zila Parishad to another Zila Parishad, or from Panchayat Samiti to Zila Parishad or from a Zila Parishad to Panchayat Samiti and may also stay the operation of, or cancel, any order of transfer made under these rules. Chief Executive Officer or Vikas Adhikari concerned shall carry out such orders:
[Provided that the employees of posts specified in clause (i) and (iv) of sub-section (2) of Section 89 of the Act, shall not be transferred outside the district in which they were appointed.]
(3) On transfer of an employee, his confidential roll and service record will be transmitted without avoidable delay to the Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad to whom his services have been transferred.
291. Seniority on transfer. – Seniority of an employee transferred outside the district, by the State Government under Sub-Section (8-A) of Section 89 shall be determined by the Committee of the District to which he is transferred :-
(i) if the transfer is made on the request of the employee, his seniority shall be fixed at the bottom of the seniority list of the cadre to which he belongs; and
(ii) if the transfer is made on administrative or other reasons, his seniority shall be fixed on the basis of his continuous length of substantive service on an analogous post.
292. Scales of pay and dearness allowance. – The scales of pay and dearness allowance admissible to a member of the service shall be such as may be fixed by the Government from time to time in respect of corresponding class or category of Government Servants or in respect of any particular category of post in the service.
Other Provisions
293. Regulations of pay, leave, allowances, pension etc. – Except as provided in these rules, the pay, allowances, increments, GPF, State Insurance deductions, pension, Gratuity, Voluntary retirement, Compulsory Retirement etc., leave, deputation and other conditions of service of the members of the service shall be regulated mutans mutandis by the Rajasthan Service Rules, 1951 and the Rajasthan Travelling Allowance Rules as amended from time to time.
[293A. House rent allowance, travelling allowance, daily allowance, leave and other benefits for Hand Pump Mistries. – Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the house rent allowance, travelling allowance, daily allowance, leave (all types), encasement of leave and additional facilities shall be admissible to Hand Pump Mistries as per specific government Orders from time to time.]
294. Payment of pension. – (1) A member of the service shall be entitled to the payment of pension by the Government out of the consolidated fund of the State and every Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad shall make and pay pension contribution to the Government of that account in accordance with the rates laid down in Appendix-V to the Rajasthan Service Rules.
(2) Pension payment order shall be issued by the Director Local Fund Audit on receipt of Pension Papers from the Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad concerned. Payment may be drawn from Treasury/Bank authorised by the Director Local Fund Audit as per the request of Pensioner.
(3) Chief Executive Officer Zila Parishad shall be competent to issue provisional pension payment order to the pensioner as per provisions of Rajasthan Service Rules.
295. Unsatisfactory progress during training. – If a member of the service fails to undertake training after having been nominated by the Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad or the State Government or after joining the aforesaid training fails to carry on studies satisfactorily or complete the training or fails to appear at and pass the prescribed examinations of such training without just and reasonable cause he shall be liable to refund the amount of stipend if any, received by him during such training and shall also be liable to disciplinary action.
296. Power to relax rules. – On a reference by the Panchayat Samitis/Zila Parishads, concerned, in an exceptional case where the Administrative Department is satisfied that operation of the rules relating to age or regarding requirement of experience for recruitment, if any, causes undue hardship in any particular case of where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to relax any of the provisions of these rules with respect to age or experience of any person, it may, with the concurrence of the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms, relax the relevant provisions of these rules to such extent and subject to such conditions as it may consider necessary for dealing with the case in a just and equitable manner, provided that such relaxation shall not be less favourable than the provisions already contained in these Rules.
Posts in Ministerial and Subordinate Service Schedule – I
S.No Name of the post and Pay scale Source of Recruitment with percentage Qualification and experience for direct recruitment Promotion
    Direct Recruitment
By Promotion   Post from which promotion will be considered Qualification/Experience/for promotion  
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
1. Panchayat Extension Officer (1400-2600) 100.00%
V.L.W. Secretary Panchayat Five years experience on the post indicated in Col. 6
[1-A Officer Assistant
Five years experience on the post mentioned in column 6
2. [Clerk Grade-I]
100.00% [Clerk Grade-II]
3. [Clerk Grade-II]
85.00% 15.00%
[(i) Secondary of recognised Board.]
(ii) Typing speed of 20 and 25 words per minutes in Hindi and English Typing respectively. Class IV
Qualification as indicated in Col. 5
4. V.LW-cum-Secretary
100.00% [Graduate or qualification declared equivalent thereto by the Government]
[5. Teacher for Class I to V and VI to VIII
(a) General Education Level-(i) Classes I to V
Level-(ii) Classes VI to VIII 100% by direct recruitment
Qualification as laid down by the National Council for Teacher Education under the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 23 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Central Act No. 35 of 2009), from time to time and must have passed the R.E.E.T/R.T.E.T.
Qualifications as laid down by the National Council for Teacher Education under the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 23 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Central Act, No. 35 of 2009), from time to time; and
(i) for the teacher of Social Studies, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with at least one subject as an optional subject from amongst History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Public Administration and Philosophy;
(ii) for the teacher of Science and Mathematics, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with at least one subject as on optional subject from amongst Chemistry, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Micro-Biology, Bio-technology, Biochemistry and Mathematics;
(iii) for the teacher of language, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with the corresponding language as an optional subject;
(iv) the candidate who has Graduated in Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.) or B.A.B.Ed/B.Sc. B.Ed., i.e. a candidate with the qualification of four years integrated course, must also have passed the qualifying examination with the corresponding subject; and
(v) must have passed the R.E.E.T./R.T.E.T. in the subject applying for.
  (b) Special Education Level-(i) Classes I to V
Level-(ii) Class VI to VIII
Qualifications as laid down by the National Council for Teacher Education under the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 23 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Central Act No. 35 of 2009), from time to time and must have passed the R.E.E.T./R.T.E.T.
Qualifications as laid down by the National Council for Teacher Education under the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 23 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Central Act No. 35 of 2009), from time to time.
(i) for the teacher of Social Studies, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with at least one subject as an optional subject from amongst History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Public Administration and Philosophy;
(ii) for the teacher of Science and Mathematics, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with at least one subject as on optional subject from amongst Chemistry, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Micro-Biology, Bio-technology, Biochemistry and Mathematics;
(iii) for the teacher of language, the candidate must have passed graduation or equivalent examination with the corresponding language as an optional subject;
(iv) the candidate who has Graduated in Elementary Education (B.EI.Ed.) or B.A.B.Ed./B.Sc. B.Ed., i.e. a candidate with the qualification of four years integrated course, must also have passed the qualifying examination with the corresponding subject; and
(v) must have passed the R.E.E.T./R.T.E.T. in the subject applying for.]
6. Driver
90.00% 10.00%
VIII Class pass possessing driving license and having three years experience of driving light heavy motor vehicle Class IV Qualification as indicated in Col. 5
[6A Hand Pump Mistry
(2550-3200) Pay Scale No. 1
V Class pass with 3 months training under TRYSEM program
Free lance hand pump repair having experience of 2 years in repairing of Hand Pump
Post shall be filled in from Hand Pump Mistries regularized in Panchayat Samiti as per Govt. order No. F. 13 c 147)/Vidhi/Gravipa/High Court/94/3882, dt 30.12.1995,]
[7. Class IV
V Class pass
Disciplinary Action and Penalties
297. Conduct Rules. – All the provisions contained in the Rajasthan Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1971 as amended from time to time shall apply mutatis mutandis to the employees of Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad Service.
298. Suspension. – (1) The appointing authority of any authority to which it is subordinate or any other authority empowered by the State Government in that behalf may place under suspension any officer or servant of a Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad.
(2) The provisions contained in Rule 13 of the Rajasthan Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1958 and directives of the State Government as issued from time to time shall be followed while making such orders.
299. Penalties. – (1) All or any of the prescribed punishment on Class IV employees and minor penalties on all persons holding appointments to posts encacdred in the service constituted under Section 89 of the Act may be imposed by Vikas Adhikari/Chief Executive Officer as provided in Sub-Section (2) of Section 91 of the Act.
(2) Major penalties shall be imposed only by District Establishment Committee as provided in Sub-Section (3) Section 91.
(3) Provisions contained in Rule 14 of the Rajasthan Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1958 shall apply mutatis mutandis in this respect.
300. Procedure for imposing penalties. – Procedure of enquiry as laid down in Rules 16, 17, 18 and 19 of the Rajasthan Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1958 shall be followed in this respect.
301. Appeals. – (1) Appeal against the order of suspension or punishment may be preferred as per provisions of Sub-secs. (4) and (5) of Section 91 of the Act.
(2) All other provisions as contained in Rules 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 of Rajasthan Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1958 as amended from time to time shall apply mutatis mutandis in this respect.
302. Review and Revisions. – Powers of review and revision lie with the State Government in accordance of Section 97 of the Act.
Use of Vehicles
303. Controlling Officer. – Vehicles provided for the use of a Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad shall be under the control respectively of the Vikas Adhikari and the Chief Executive Officer who will be the Controlling Officer in respect of the vehicles so provided. The Controlling Officer shall be responsible for the proper use, care and maintenance of the vehicles and will regulate the journeys in accordance with these rules.
Maintenance of Vehicles
304. Number plates. – (1) All vehicles of the Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads shall, in addition to the number plate, exhibit plates in front and at the rear indicating the name of the Panchayat Samiti or the Zila Parishad to which they have been allotted.
(2) The registered number of the vehicles shall be painted clearly and distinctly on all types of vehicles.
305. Record of vehicles. – In respect of each vehicle under his control, the Controlling Officer shall be responsible for the maintenance of :-
(a) a log book in Form No. XLI
(b) a register in Form No. XLII showing cost of petrol or diesel oil etc., consumed and other incidental receipts and expenditure; and
(c) an inventory of equipment in Form No. XLIII.
306. Precautions in respect of consumption of Petrol/Diesel/Oil. – (1) The petrol, diesel or power line tanks of vehicles shall be fitted with locks and the keys thereof shall be kept in the possession of the Controlling officer or any Officer authorised by him who should be present when petrol, diesel or power line is put in the tank.
(2) The log-book shall be examined and signed by a responsible officer at the close of each month showing the total fuel and oil consumed during the month, the total distance covered and the average kilo meterage of per liter of fuel or oil consumed. It shall then be put up to the Controlling Officer, who shall examine and satisfy himself that the average consumption of fuel and oil is reasonable, and countersign it. If the consumption of fuel or oil is high, he will take immediate steps to look into the causes and take suitable steps.
307. Inspection of inventory. – The inventory shall be checked by the Controlling Officer or by a responsible officer deputed by him for the purpose every six months and any loss arising out of negligence or default shall be recovered from the person concerned. A report of inspection shall be prepared and kept on record. If the inspection is carried out by an officer other than the Controlling Officer, the report shall be placed immediately after inspection before the Controlling Officer.
308. Testing and servicing of Vehicles. – (1) The Controlling Officer shall have each vehicle tested every month regarding fitness for journeys and place a report on record.
(2) He will also submit a half yearly report, to the Panchayat Samiti or the Zila Parishad, as the case may be, about the kilometers run and the expenditure incurred on the maintenance of each vehicle.
(3) Each vehicle shall be serviced and lubricated after it has run for 1500 kilometers.
(4) The place where the vehicle shall be taken for service or lubrication or repair shall be decided by the concerned Standing Committee of the Panchayat Samiti or the Zila Parishad as the case may be, by a resolution.
309. Handing over on vacation of office. – In the event of the Controlling Officer vacating the office, the vehicles shall be handed over to his successor with complete equipment, spare parts, spare wheels, tyres and tools, and with the record referred to in Rule 305. The certificate of handing over and taking over shall be prepared and signed by the relieved and relieving authorities on each of the three records given in Rule 305.
310. Meters. – Each vehicle shall be fitted with a meter and, in case of tractors, with hour meter. It shall be responsibility of the Controlling officer to see that the meters are kept in proper working order. As soon as a meter falls out of order, steps should be taken to get it repaired or replaced as the case may be. The Controlling Officer shall ensure that the meter is not tampered with.
311. Entry in the log-book. – (1) The person using the vehicle shall note in the log-book in his own hand, the meter reading at the start and at the completion of each journey. He shall also indicate whether the journey undertaken was on official duty and if so the purpose of the journey shall be briefly recorded. It shall not be enough merely to state that the journey was official.
(2) When more than one officer travel together in a vehicle, the senior-most officer will make entries in the log book.
(3) If any officer fails or refuses to indicate the particulars of the journey undertaken by him, this fact should be reported immediately by the driver of the vehicle to the Controlling Officer.
312. Insurance. – All vehicles shall be insured against third party risk with State Insurance Department or a registered insurance company.
Use of Vehicles
313. Restrictions on the use of vehicles. – (1) The vehicles are intended for use of bonafide, official duty within the jurisdiction of the Panchayat Samiti or the Zila Parishad, as the case may be. Vehicles shall not be used for journeys outside the jurisdiction of the Panchayat Samiti or the Zila Parishad, as the case may be, without the previous sanction of the Director, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj except that they may be taken for repairs or servicing to the places duly approved under Sub-rule (4) of Rule 308. The Panchayat Samiti vehicles may also be used for attending meetings at district head quarters, dropping district Level Officers, the Pramukh and Headquarters Officers of the Development Department to the neighbouring block.
(2) Vehicles of Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad may be used by non-officials as per orders issued by the Government from time to time.
314. Conditions for use of vehicles. – (1) In addition to the Chairpersons of the Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads and the Chairman of the Standing Committees of the said Panchayati Raj Institutions, the Vikas Adhikari and Extension Officers in the case of a Panchayat Samiti and the Chief Executive Officer/Additional Chief Executive Officer and the Headquarters Officers of the Rural Development and Panchayati Raj department are, subject to the provision of Sub-rule (2), entitled to the use of the vehicles for official purposes.
(2) The use of vehicles shall be subject to the following conditions: –
(i) the vehicles shall be used primarily for inspection of development works and other activities of the Panchayat Samiti or the Zila Parishad.
(ii) the vehicle shall not be used for journey from residence to the office and vice versa :
Provided that whenever any case of serious sickness within the area of the Panchayat Samiti is reported and no ambulance is made available by the hospital for carrying the patient from the village to the hospital, the vehicle may be detailed for such purpose on payment of charges at the rate of Rs. 2.60 per KM or as determined by the State Government from time to time.
(3) The vehicles may also be used by Headquarters officers of the Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department.
315. Vehicles be driven only by driver. – Vehicles shall only be driven by the authorised driver thereof. No member of the Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad or Officer thereof shall drive the vehicles.
Administration of Panchayati Raj Institutions
316. Office. – (1) The Office of Panchayati Raj Institution shall be lodged and held in the building specially constructed for the purpose or in any other public building available at its headquarters.
(2) Where no such building as is referred to in Sub-rule (1) is available, a suitable building for the purpose may be taken on rent.
(3) The Head of Office shall make suitable seating arrangement for the Panchas/Members and the staff of Panchayati Raj Institution and for the public attending the office.
(4) The office shall normally remain open from 10.00 A.M. to 5.00 RM. on all working days except on Sundays or other public holidays.
(5) Head Office shall make arrangements for the requisite articles of stationery, furniture, forms and registers etc., and make necessary arrangements for its safety and security.
317. Seal. – (1) Each Panchayati Raj institution shall have a seal inscribed with its name and shall use the same on all correspondence, orders and copies issued by it.
(3) Such seal shall ordinarily remain in the custody of Head of Office.
318. Files and Registers. – (1) All correspondence, forms and other papers shall be maintained properly in Separate files, opened subject wise.
(2) All files and registers shall be kept in office and shall not be taken by any member or staff to a place other than the office of Panchayati Raj Institution and all files on which action is complete and no further action is to be taken, shall be closed and shall be consigned to the record room.
319. Channel of correspondence. – Unless otherwise expressly provided in the Act or in any Rule or Bye-law made thereunder, any direction of the State Government, Panchayat shall correspond with .Panchayat Samiti, panchayat Samiti shall correspond with Zila Parishad and Zila Parishad shall correspond with the State Government.
320. Officer Incharge of Panchayati Raj. – (1) Chief Executive Officer shall act as Office Incharge Panchayati Raj at the district level for general superintendence, guidance and direction of all Panchayati Raj Institutions in the district.
(2) Director Rural Development and Panchayati Raj will act as Officer Incharge panchayati Raj Institutions at the State level for enforcement of provisions of Panchayati Raj Act, 1994, Rules, made or notification issued thereunder.
Inspection of records and grant of copies
321. Application for inspection. – (1) Any person desiring to inspect a register, book, file or record of a Panchayati Raj Institution shall submit an application in writing specifying the entries or papers, as the case may be, to be inspected and shall pay in advance a fee of Rs. 5/- for the search of such record.
(2) If the application be for urgent inspection, double the fee Rs. 10/- shall be paid.
322. Search for record etc. and order for inspection. – Upon receipt of the application under Rule 321 and payment of fees provided for therein, head of office shall cause the relevant register, book, file or record to be searched and put up before him, shall examine the entries or papers sought to be inspected and shall make an order allowing inspection of the same if he does not consider the same to be objectionable or contrary to public interest or if such inspection is not prohibited.
323. Information regarding expenditure on construction works. – (1) Every Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti shall exhibit on a notice board placed at a conspicuous place at its headquarters, the details of construction works sanctioned and executed during the five years along with its estimate and amount actually spent.
(2) Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti concerned shall also exhibit such board on the work site indicating name of the work, amount spent and the date of completion for general information of the public.
(3) Any person or voluntary organisation may apply for inspection of records pertaining to any such work by depositing Rs. 5/- and such muster rolls or vouchers may be shown to him. He may be permitted to note any details of such information on a separate piece of paper and necessary facility may be provided for the same.
(4) Pen, ink, fountain pen and the like shall no be used during inspection, but notes may be taken by pencil and the person inspecting the record shall not make, breakup or deface the record.
324. Grant of copies. – (1) If upon search under Rule 322, the relevant register, book, file or record is found, and it is decided by head of-office to grant copies or extracts from the same, the applicant will deposit a copying fee at the rate of Rs. 2/- for every 200 words or part thereof and for the purpose of calculating the amount of such fee where figures have to be copied, five figures shall be taken as equivalent to one word.
(2) For obtaining copies urgently, the copying fee should be charged at double the rate, specified in Sub-rule (1).
325. Preparation and issue of copies. – On receipt of the copying fee, the copies or extracts shall be got prepared and shall be certified as true by the head of office or any other officer authorised by him after scrutiny, and furnished to the applicant if he appears in person to receive the same or authorities some one to receive it or send him by post, if the applicant has deposited the postage stamps for the purpose.
326. Time for grant of copies. – (1) Copies shall ordinarily be issued within 4 days.
(2) Urgent copies shall be furnished within 24 hours.
327. Grounds for rejection. – (1) When an inspection/grant of copy is disallowed, the application thereof shall be rejected by an endorsement thereon stating briefly the reasons therefore and applicant shall be informed accordingly.
(2) No copy shall be granted of official correspondence, papers and of a document which is itself a copy.
328. Register of applications for inspection/grant of copies. – (1) Register shall be maintained in the office of every Panchayati Raj Institution for entering such applications indicating name of the applicant/voluntary agency, date of application and amount deposited in Form No. XLIV.
(2) All inspecting officer shall inspect such register at the time of their inspection.
(3) Chief Executive Officer shall ensure compliance of Rules 321 to 325 and review it from time to time.
Appointment of Counsel
329. Appointment of Counsel in suits and proceedings by or against Panchayati Raj Institution. – (1) When the State Government and the Panchayati Raj Institution are both parties in any Civil Proceedings and the interests of both in such proceedings are identical, a common counsel shall be engaged andhe shall he paid only one set of fee, half by the State Government and half by the Panchayati Raj Institution.
330. Civil proceedings in which the interests of the Panchayati Raj Institution alone are involved. – (1) In a civil proceedings where the interest of the Panchayati Raj Institution alone are involved and the Panchayati Raj Institution engages a Counsel, the fee payable to the Counsel shall not ordinarily exceed Rs. 2,000/-. Head of Office shall be competent to sanction it.
(2) Sanction of the Standing Committee Administration shall be necessary for payment of fees exceeding Rs. 2,000/- per case.
Administrative Control
331. Administrative power of Sarpanch and duties of Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary. – (1) Gram-cum-Secretary Panchayat shall attend Panchayat Office regularly during office hours and work under directions of Sarpanch.
(2) He shall regularly mark his attendance in a register maintained for the purpose.
(3) In case Secretary is in charge of more than one Panchayat, Vikas Adhikari shall fix the days of every week when he shall attend a particular Panchayat. In such case he shall mark attendance only for such days.
(4) Sarpanch shall send certificate of attendance for such days on 20th of every month to the Panchayat Samiti for payment of salary to such Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary. No salary shall be payable for the period of absence unless due leave was got sanctioned for the same.
(5) It shall be duty of the Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary to inform the Sarpanch concerned about the leave sanctioned to him by Vikas Adhikari. He shall mark such leave in attendance register also.
(6) Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary shall maintain secrecy about Panchayat record and shall not allow inspection of record or grant of copies to any applicant without specific permission of Sarpanch.
(7) He shall promptly execute the orders of Panchayat, attend Panchayat meetings regularly and punctually, record its proceedings correctly maintain Panchayat files, records, and registers.
(8) He shall receive money on behalf of panchayats, maintain account books, prepare budget, and furnish all the information and prescribed returns and statements to the Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti on prescribed dates.
(9) Arrange all payments sanctioned by Panchayat.
(10) Prepare demand of assesses of tax/fees and ensure issue of demand slips in the month of April.
(11) Assist Patwari in collection of taxes for panchayat in the month of May.
(12) Get Annual Action plan prepared before the Gram Sabha to be held in the last quarter of financial year and forward to Panchayat Samiti for sanction by D.R.D.A.
(13) Get priority of works decided in Gram Sabha in view of probable allocation of funds.
(14) Get sanctioned works executed under the supervision of Committee of Panchas.
(15) Maintain muster rolls and other accounts of construction works as per terms and conditions of sanction.
(16) Maintain quality of works and technical specifications.
(17) Inform Junior Engineer of Panchayat Samiti within a week from the date of completion and get completion certificate within one month.
(18) Accompany Committee of Panchas in the month of July and January every year to survey un-authorised trespass cases in Abadi land and Gochar lands.
(19) Maintain survey register for such trespasses and report such cases to Panchayat/Tehsildar for ejectment/regularisation as per Panchayat/Revenue Rules.
(20) Dispose of applications for purchase of Abadi land expeditiously as per Rules.
(21) Arrange purchase of material on competitive prices by following prescribed procedure.
(22) Assist Panchayat/Sarpanch in efficient discharge of duties laid down in Rules 33 and 34.
(23) Maintain Birth and Death Registers.
(24) Hold First meeting of Vigilance Committee and assist members of Vigilance Committee in monthly meetings.
(25) Perform such other functions which Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti may entrust from time to time.
332. Annual report about performance of Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary. – Sarpanch shall send comments on the performance of above duties by Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary to the Vikas Adhikari who shall enclose such remarks with annual performance appraisal of such Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary.
333. Administrative power of Pradhan and duties of Vikas Adhikari. – (1) The Pradhan may, after every meeting of Panchayat Samiti give such instructions to Vikas Adhikari regarding implementation of decisions and resolutions of Panchayat Samiti as may be considered necessary to ensure speedy implementation of such decisions and resolutions.
(2) The Vikas Adhikari shall inform the Pradhan of the decisions and resolutions.
(3) Vikas Adhikari shall submit to the Pradhan a report on progress of the implementation of decisions and resolutions of the Panchayat Samiti and the Standing Committees thereof, before the next meeting of the Panchayat Samiti and Committees as the case may be, so that Pradhan may place it before the Panchayat Samiti.
(4) Casual leave to the Vikas Adhikari shall be sanctioned by Pradhan.
(5) Vikas Adhikari shall assist Pradhan in efficient discharge of his duties mentioned in Rule 35.
(6) Vikas Adhikari shall include such items in Agenda of meetings of Panchayat Samiti and Standing Committees as directed by Pradhan.
(7) Submit copy of tour programme of Vikas Adhikari and all extension officers for information of Pradhan.
(8) Consult Pradhan with regard to transfers of employees.
(9) Seek approval of Pradhan with regard to transfers of employees.
(10) Work shoulder to shoulder with Pradhan in case of natural calamities for providing food and shelter to victims and fodder for cattle and control of epidemics of human beings, cattle or crops.
(11) Put up all important papers and circulars etc., regularly before Pradhan and discuss steps to be taken for speedy execution of programmes and successful implementation of policies.
(12) Pradhan shall send remarks in the month of April every year regarding performance of Vikas Adhikari to Chief Executive Officer who shall enclose them, with the Annual performance appraisal to be sent to the Director Rural Development and Panchayati Raj.
334. Other powers and duties of Vikas Adhikari. – In additional to the duties of Vikas Adhikari as laid down in Section 81 of the Act, he shall also exercise powers and perform duties as under –
(1) Sanction Casual Leave and leave of all kinds except special disability leave and leave for going outside India to all officers and staff working in Panchayat Samiti.
(2) Approve Tour programme of all officers and staff working in panchayat samiti and Countersign their TA. bills.
(3) Transfer any member of the service within the area of the Panchayat Samiti after 2 years or before two years with approval of Standing Committee, Administration.
(4) To prepare Agenda for meetings of Panchayat Samiti and Standing Committees.
(5) To keep minute book of proceedings in safe custody and record proceedings correctly.
(6) Send copies of proceedings of the meetings of Panchayat Samiti to Zila Parishad.
(7) Inform the State Government through Chief Executive Officer regarding any decision taken in violation of Act, Rules, Notification or directives of the State Government.
(8) Take speedy action on decision of meeting and submit progress report in subsequent meetings and get conflicting decisions of Standing Committees resolved in Panchayat Samiti meeting.
(9) Implement programmes and policies effectively through Extension Officers and Panchayats.
(10) Achieve physical targets of various programmes and also pay attention to their qualitative aspect.
(11) Implementation of 20 Point Programme effectively.
(12) Successful execution of transferred schemes of education and water supply etc.
(13) Effective supervision and monitoring of all schemes.;
(15) Submit quarterly and annual accounts to Panchayat and Development Department on prescribed time schedule.
(16) Timely preparation and submission of budget by 15th February.
(17) Make available required information and record to the members of Panchayat Samiti.
(18) Supervision and effective control on officers and staff of Panchayat Samiti.
(19) Keep control on expenditure.
(20) Day to day checking of cash transaction and correct maintenance of account books.
(21) Appointments of Class IV.
(22) Conduct monthly meeting of Gram Sevaks and Extension Officers to review Progress of activities.
(23) Prepare Annual Administration report of Panchayat Samiti.
(24) Send Annual Performance Appraisal of all officers and staff.
(25) Increase own resources of Panchayat Samiti by 15% every year.
(26) Present six monthly income expenditure account before Panchayat Samiti in the month of November.
(27) Proper use of Grant-in-aid from State Government.
(28) Keep cheque books and receipt books in safe custody.
(29) Keep keys of double lock safe secure in personal custody.
(30) Take proper security of cashier and store keeper.
(31) Issue completion certificates of work after spot verification.
(32) Obtain receipts of permanent advance in the month of April every year.
(33) Take action for embezzlement, fraud and loss of money promptly.
(34) Initiate disciplinary action, recovery of loss and police action if necessary at proper time.
(35) Ensure timely audit of accounts of Panchayats and Panchayat Samiti.
(36) Arrange for special audit in case of police cases registered for embezzlement and fraud.
(37) Simultaneous deposit of GPF/Insurance deductions by Cheque alongwith salary bills to prevent fraud.
(38) Initial all vouchers and cash book entries to avoid double use of vouchers and misappropriation.
(39) Proper use of vehicles as per rules.
(40) Full use of power as head of Office.
(41) Inspection of all Panchayats once a year and encourage them to raise own resources through taxes/fees and other properties at their disposal.
(42) Physical verification of 10% construction works and check quality of works.
(43) Physical verification of 10% IDRP loanees.
(44) Special checking of Indira Avas & Jeevan Dhara works.
(45) Maintain control register of Gram Sabha and Paneliayat meetings.
(46) Monitoring of monthly return of Patta register of Panchayats in Panchayat Samiti office to prevent issue of Pattas in back dates.
(47) Maintain proper coordination with District Level Officers and take proper technical guidance.
(48) Inspection of own office twice a year.
(49) Inspection of ten schools every month and ensure that all the teachers are posted in schools as per sanctioned strength and no teacher is working on deputation in any school of Panchayat Samiti without written approval of the Chief Executive Officer.
(50) Ensure compliance of job charts by all Extension Officers.
(51) Send D.O. letter to Chief Executive Officer regarding progress and problems on 5th of every month.
(52) Work as Chief Executive of Panchayat Samiti.
335. Terms and conditions for appointment of Additional Chief Executive Officer. – (1) The State Government may appoint an officer of the appropriate Service to be appointed as Additional Chief Executive Officer in Zila Parishad to assist the Chief Executive Officer in due discharge of his duties under the Act.
(2) Such officer shall be on deputation and shall draw pay and allowances as admissible to him in his parent department.
(3) He shall be junior to the Chief Executive Officer in rank/seniority.
336. Other powers and functions of the Chief Executive Officer. – In addition to the powers and duties laid down in Section 84 of the Act, the Chief Executive Officer shall assist the Pramukh in discharge of functions specified in Rule 36 and perform additional duties and exercise powers as under:-
(1) He shall act as Officer Incharge Panchayati Raj for the district who shall provide necessary guidance and advice in the implementation of rural developmental schemes and programmes in the district.
(2) He shall provide guidance to Panchayats and Panchayat Samitis in implementation of the provisions of Act and Rules.
(3) He shall monitor the compliance of provisions regarding regular and timely holding of meetings of Gram Sabha, Panchayats and Panchayat Samitis.
(4) Take action for removal of member of conduct preliminary enquiry in case of disqualification coming to his knowledge and conduct special meeting when no confidence motion is received against Panch/Sarpanch, Pradhan/Up-Pradhan.
(5) Ensure that full charge is handed over by predecessors to the successors after election of chairpersons or transfer of officers.
(6) Ensure that Standing Committees are formed within 3 months after election and all the members are given due representation in Standing Committees.
(7) Send immediate report to the State Government regarding decisions taken or resolutions passed in violation of the provisions of Act, Rules, Notifications, or other directives of the Government.
(8) Initiate action for immediate relief for food, shelter, fodder, medicines etc., in case of natural calamities like outbreak of epidemics of human beings, cattle or crops.
(9) Exercise prefect supervision and control over officers and staff of Panchayati Raj Institutions in the district.
(10) Ensure financial discipline in Panchayati Raj Institutions of the district.
(11) Co-ordinate with various district level officers executing rural development schemes.
(12) Ensure timely preparation of district plan through district planning committee.
(13) Review quarterly progress of implementation of such plan.
(14) Take steps for speedy implementation as per directives by Zila Parishad.
(15) Ensure that vigilance committees are active at Panchayat level.
(16) Monitor that budgets are prepared as be scheduled programme by Panchayati Raj Institutions and prescribed quarterly and annual returns of income and expenditure are sent within due dates.
(17) Arrange for smooth working of Panchayat’s by posting Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary or arranging persons on contract basis out of own resources of Panchayats or general purpose grant released to them by State Government.
(18) Immediate transfer of funds received from State Government to Panchayats and Panchayat Samitis.
(19) Physical verification of atleast 10 construction works of Panchayats and Panchayat Samitis per month.
(20) Regular inspection of schools, primary health centres, Ayurved veterinary dispensaries, Anganvadi Centres and such other institutions, Vaccination programme, family welfare campus, drinking water situation, fair price shops, maintenance of rural roads, rural sanitation, electrification, drainage, rural housing programme, fisheries, development use of village tanks and Gochar lands, cattle pounds in rural areas of the district during tours.
(21) Timely recruitment of candidates through District Establishment Committee and allotment for filling up of vacancies.
(22) Take disciplinary actions for dereliction of duties by members of Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad Service.
(23) Exercise effective control over Vikas Adhikaris and other staff on deputation with Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishad and send them for training, refresher courses from time to time.
(24) Sanction leave upto two months to employees on deputation of Panchayati Raj Institutions.
(25) Send Annual performance appraisal reports of Vikas Adhikaris and Officer and Staff posted in Zila Parishad on the basis of work report as per duties and function assigned to them.
(26) Transfers of members of Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad Service within the district as per general guide lines or decision of Zila Parishad. No Gram Sevak shall be posted in Home Panchayat.
(27) Inspection of Panchayat Samitis and 20 Panchayats during a year.
(28) Inspection of own office once in six months.
(29) Exercise powers of regional officer as per provisions of GF & AR as regards purchases, sanctions, write off, time barred claims and all such other financial matters.
(30) Sanctions to Panchayat Samitis to spend own resources as provided in Rule 214.
(31) Ensure attendance of all district level officers concerning execution of rural development programmes in the district.
(32) Ensure effective implementation of employment generation and poverty alleviation programmes by Panchayats and Panchayat Samitis.
(33) Attend meetings of Panchayats/Panchayat Samitis to review progress of schemes and provide general guidance.
(34) Encourage Panchayat/Panchayat Samitis to raise own income by 15% every year through taxes and non-tax revenues like fees and management of properties entrusted to them.
(35) Watch recovery of outstanding loans by Panchayat Samitis.
(36) Take action for recovery of losses of revenue, embezzlements and cases of misappropriation/deflection detected or pointed out by audit reports.
(37) Initiate police against persons involved in fraud, forgery, embezzlement etc., and arrange special audit in such cases.
(38) Get prepared Annual Administration Reports during April.
(39) Ensure transparency in functioning of Panchayati Raj Institutions.
(40) Ensure that Panchayat/Panchayat Samitis exhibit yearwise list of construction works done during last five years along with their estimate and actual expenditure and right of information is not denied to any person or voluntary agency.
337. Administrative Control by Pramukh. – (1) Director Rural Development and Panchayati Raj shall obtain written comments of Pramukh which will be attached as a part of Annual Performance Appraisal Report of the Chief Executive Officer regarding performance of his work during the year.
(2) Casual leave of Chief Executive Officer shall be sanctioned by “[Pramukh on the recommendation of the Collector].
Tours and Inspection
338. Norms of tours for elected representatives. – Limit of annual tour days for elected representatives will be as fixed by the Government from time to time.
339. Norms of Inspection for officers –
Inspection Officer
(i) Panchayat (a) Panchayat Extension Officer Half yearly.
(b) Vikas Adhikari
Once a year
(c) Chief Executive Officer
20 Panchayats per year.
(d) Dy. Commissioner posted at Hqrs. 20 Panchayats per year.
(ii) Panchayat Samiti (a) Vikas Adhikari Half yearly
(b) Chief Executive Officer
(c) Dy. Commissioner posted at 5 per year H.Qrs. Once a year if No. of Panchayat Samitis in the District are not more than 6. In case of other districts 6 Panchayats Samitis per year but same Panchayat Samiti shall not be inspected repeatedly.
340. Tour days for officers. – (1) No officer shall remain on tours for more than 10 days in a month in addition to meetings at Zila Parishad/DRDA, Court attendance or trainings/workshop etc., organised at State level.
(2) All the Vrkas Adhikaris, Extension Officers Junior Engineer, Account and Cashier shall remain at their headquarters on Mondays and Thursdays for arranging due payments and removal of public grievances. Fixing of meetings etc., should be avoided on these days.
341. Inspection of properties and works during field tours. – (1) All the elected representatives as well as officers shall inspect the properties belonging to or placed at the disposal of Panchayats/Panchayat Samitis that they are properly maintained.
(2) School building shall be inspected particularly to ensure safety of life of children and suggest improvement in quality of education.
(3) Construction work completed or in progress shall also be inspected to verify quality of construction and their proper use.
342. Duties and functions of Panchayat Extension Officer. – Panchayat Extension Officer shall act as friend, guide and philosopher for Panchayats under his jurisdiction. He shall specifically perform following duties:-
(1) Detailed Inspection of Panchayat records Accounts, Files, Properties, Works, Minute Book of Gram Sabha and Panchayat Meetings, compliance by Secretary, Assessment of Taxes, Recovery of dues Cattle pound, Grazing grounds etc., for two days per Panchayat.
(2) To supervise the Performance of duties by Sarpancha and Gram Sevak as laid down in Rules 33 and 332 respectively.
(3) Inspection of all Panchayats twice a year or inspection of 50 Panchayats every year.
(4) Compliance of Audit Report, Vigilance Committee and Gram Sabha decisions.
(5) Guidance for imposition of taxes/fees and raising non- tax revenues by 15% every year.
(6) Monitor Rural Sanitation, Rural Housing, Improved Chulha, Biogas and development of wayside facilities on national/State highways.
(7) Verification of physical assets of I.R.D.R Families.
(8) Report cases misuse of loan/subsidy to Vikas Adhikari.
(9) To attend Gram Sabha meetings and perform duties assigned in Rules 5 and 8.
(10) Conduct preliminary enquires as entrusted to him.
(11) Perform all other duties assigned by Vikas Adhikari/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad/State Government from time to time.
343. Duties and functions of Co-operative Extension Officer. – Co-operative Extension Officer shall be responsible for boosting co-operative movement in rural areas of the Panchayat Samiti. He shall perform following functions –
(1) Increase the membership of existing Co-operative Societies.
(2) Formation of Dairy Co-operative Societies on milk routes, encourage castration of bulls, artificial insemination, purchase of improved breeds of cows and buffalos so as to increase income through higher milk yield,
(3) Formation co-operative marketing societies for fruits and vegetables in potential areas.
(4) Maintain register of I.R.D.P selected families, arrange genuine preparation of loan forms, processing through banks, sanction of loans and disbursement of subsidy.
(5) 100% physical verification of assets created by I.R.D.P families and schemes of Scheduled Caste Development Corporation.
(6) Self employment loans to Trysem Trained Youths.
(7) Assist Vikas Adhikari in Camps for Loan Melas.
(8) Participate in District level Meetings of the office of Assistant Registrar.
(9) Inspect Co-operative Societies in the area.
(10) Deal with Rural Housing projects and loan accounts relating to such schemes.
(11) Asses the bankable projects and assist bankers in preparation of credit plan every year.
(12) Attend meetings of credit coordination committee.
(13) To attend Gram Sabha Meetings and perform duties assigned in rules 5 and 8.
(14) Perform all other functions allotted by Vikas Adhikari/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad/State Government, from time to time.
344. Duties and functions of Progress Extension Officer (Statistics). – Progress Officer shall be mainly responsible for review of progress and evaluation of programmes undertaken by the Panchayat Samiti. His main functions shall be as under:-
(1) Compilation of Statistics and its analysis.
(2) Maintenance of permanent statistical records.
(3) Assist in evaluation of progress of plans and other developmental activities.
(4) Prepare reports and returns for review of progress.
(5) Prepare survey reports.
(6) Verification of progress reports on site in case of doubt.
(7) Publication of progress reports and prepare manuscript and do proof reading for the same.
(8) Timely submission of monthly/quarterly/annual progress reports to district and state level officers and pay special attention to reliability of data.
(9) Provide guidance training to Gram Sevak-cum-Secretaries of panchayats for preparing required statistics correctly.
(10) Ensure benefits under social security schemes.
(11) Prepare progress charts/maps and keep them uptodate.
(12) To attend Gram Sabha meetings and perform duties assigned in Rules 5 and 8.
(13) perform all other functions allotted by Vikas Adhikari/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad/State Government from time to time.
345. Duties and functions of Education Extension Officer. – Education Extension Officer shall be primarily responsible for universal primary education of boys and girls in rural areas of Panchayat Samitis and improving quality of education in schools. His main functions will be:-
(1) Preparing proposals for opening of new schools so that facility of Primary schools is available to all residents within one kilometre radius.
(2) Increase enrollment of boys and girls to cover all the families by organising enrollment campaign.
(3) Conduct survey of children in age group 6-11 and 11-14 not coming to school every year in the month of July.
(4) Formation of village education committees to bring 100% children to schools and assist in school programmes of enrollment, tournaments, cultural programmes etc.
(5) Arrange to send children to non-formal education centres for extensive coverage.
(6) Prepare lady teachers for Saraswati Yojana in hamlets/villages having no school within one kilometres.
(7) Inspect schools twice a year :
(a) assess quality of teaching,
(b) ensure use of equipment supplied under operations Black Board Scheme.
(c) check postings of teachers as per sanctioned strength and as per teacher student ratio.
(8) Keep uptodate schoolwise statistics about buildings, rooms, room sizes, play grounds, boundary walls, furniture, other equipment, library books, play material, Tat Pattis, tree plantation etc.
(9) Keep uptodate schoolwise details of classwise enrollment of boys and girls and number of children not attending any school.
(10) Prepare regular programme of teaches training through District institute of Education and Training.
(11) Touring for 120 days and 60 nights during a year.
(12) Necessary guidance in monthly meeting of teachers on pay distribution day and making pay centre schools as ideal schools of Panchayat Samiti in all respects.
(13) Get annual developmental plan prepared for every school and get it implemented through parents/villagers.
(14) Arrange Teacher-Parents day every 3 months.
(15) Uptodate maintenance of service books of teachers.
(16) 50% expenditure of education cess on school buildings and equipments.
(17) Maintain all other records pertaining to educational activities.
(18) To attend gram sabha meetings and perform duties assigned in Rules 5 and 8.
(19) Perform all other functions allotted by Vikas Adhikari/Development Department from time to time.
346. Duties and functions of Junior Engineer. – Junior Engineer will be responsible for preparing estimates and design plan of works, give layout on site, inspection of quality of works under construction and arranging timely payments after entering the physical measurements in measurement book. He will perform the following functions:-
(1) Possess knowledge about terms and conditions of the schemes implemented by Panchayat Samiti.
(2) Possess knowledge of standard designed and cost estimates issued by the State Government.
(3) Possess knowledge about financial limits of grants in each case and share of people’s contribution.
(4) Possess knowledge of prevailing market rates of construction materials.
(5) Basic Schedule of Rates approved for the area for development works.
(6) Maintain dairy and Measurement Book.
(7) Maintain details of measurement and valuation of Panchayat Samiti buildings along with blue prints and undertake maintenance after sanction of Panchayat Samiti.
(8) Assist Panchayat Secretaries to maintain property register correctly and check unauthorised trespass.
(9) Assess potential sites for Anecuts, tanks, Nadis etc.
(10) Maintain works register in Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti.
(11) Prepare estimates of works as per Annual Action plan approved in Gram Sabha.
(12) Give technical instructions and layout after sanction of works.
(13) Site inspection of work at plinth level, roof level and on completion.
(14) Issue instructions in writing in case of poor construction or deviation of specification.
(15) Timely issue of utilisation certificates for payment of instalments.
(16) Issue completion certificate within one month of completion of work and put up for counter signature of Vikas Adhikari upto one lakh/Assistant Engineer upto two lakhs/XEN upto 5 lakhs.
(17) Remain at headquarters on all Mondays and Thursdays to arrange payment for works.
(18) Shall be responsible for construction of rural latrines, soak pit, urinals in schools and other items under rural sanitation programme and imparting technical training and guidance to local masons.
(19) Shall attend Gram Sabha meetings as nominee of Vikas Adhikari and perform duties assigned in Rule 5 and 8.
(20) Perform all other functions allotted by Vikas Adhikari/Assistant Engineer/Executive Engineer/Panchayat Samiti/State Government from time to time.
Training and Refresher Courses
347. Training Programmes/Refresher Course. – (1) Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department shall make special efforts for human resource development and prepare training modules for elected representatives as well as officials including Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary, Junior Accountants and Junior Engineers.
(2) Short term courses shall be arranged for Pradhans and Pramukhs at Indira Gandhi Panchayati Raj Sansthan, Jaipur, and for Sarpanchas and Members of Panchayati Samiti Zila Parisad, courses may be arranged at district level by Zila Parishad. Special training programmes/workshops may be arranged for women Sarpanchas and Scheduled Caste/Schedules Tribe/Other Backward Classes Sarpanchas elected for the first time.
(3) Refresher courses for Panchas may be arranged at Panchayat Samiti level or through voluntary organisations.
(4) Six months induction course for Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary shall be arranged at Panchayat Training Centres.
(5) Every Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary must get 5 days refresher course at least once in three years.
(6) Junior Engineers/Junior Accountants may also be imparted training at Gram Sevak Training Centres having Accounts and Engineering Staff.
(7) Course content should include managerial, technical and functional aspects.
Annual Performance Appraisal Reports
348. Preparation of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports of Vikas Adhikari and Chief Executive Officer. – (1) The Pradhan shall at the end of every financial year send a report as to the performance of Vikas Adhikari during the year to the Chief Executive Officer who shall initiate report on the working of Vikas Adhikari and send it along with report received by him from Pradhan to the Collector for review. The collector after putting up his remarks shall send it to the Director Rural Development and Panchayati Raj for acceptance.
[(2) The Pramukh shall, at the end of every financial year send a report as to the performance of Chief Executive Officer during the year to the collector who shall initiate report on the word of Chief Executive Officer and send it alongwith report received by him from pramukh to the Director, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj for review. The Director, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj after putting up his remarks shall send it to the Development Commissioner for acceptance.]
(3) The report shall ultimately be deposited with Department of Personnel for R.A.S. Officers and concerned Heads of Departments in other cases.
349. Preparation of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports of other Officers. – Annual performance appraisal reports in respect of other officers shall be filled as follows:-
Sl. No. Officer reported upon
Reporting Officer Reviewing Officer Accepting Officer
1. Assistant Engineer Zila Parishad C.E.O. Executive Officer
Chief Collector D.R.D.
(Director Rural Development)
2. Assistant Secretary Zila Parishad C.E.O.
D.R.D. D.C.
(Development Commissioner)
3. Junior Engineer
V.A. (Vikas Adhikari) C.E.O.
(along with comments of A.E.N.) D.R.D.
4. Panchayat Extension Officer (P.S.) V.A.
E.E.O. D.R.D.
5. Panchayat Extension Officer (Z.P) C.E.O.
D.R.D. D.C.
6. Panchayat Extension Officer (Collectorate) Collector
7. Other Extension Officers
V.A. C.E.O.
8. District Education Officer (Z.P) C.E.O.
Additional Director (Rural) Education Department
9. Senior Dy. D.E.O./ Dy. D.E.O.
(District Education Officer) (Z.P) C.E.O. D.R.D.
10. Accounts Officer/A.A.O. (Z.P)
C.E.O. Chief Accounts Officer (D.R.D. Officer) D.R.D.
District Planning Committee
350. Members of District Planning Committee. – (1) The District Planning Committee as envisaged in Section 121 of the Act, shall have in all 25 members, out of whom 20 members shall be elected from amongst and by the elected representatives of Zila Parishad and Municipal bodies in proportion to ratio of population of rural areas and urban areas in the district.
(2) Five nominated members shall be as under –
(a) Collector of the district
(b) Additional Collector, District Rural Development Agency
(c) Chief Executive Officer Zila Parishad
(d) Two persons from M.Ps. MLAs or persons representing Voluntary agencies nominated by the State Government.
351. Election of Members. – (1) Procedure of election shall be the same as prescribed for election of members of a Standing Committee of Zila Parishad.
(2) Such meeting for election of members shall be called by the Collector or officer nominated by him not below the rank of additional collector who will be assisted by the Chief Executive Officer.
352. Powers and functions of District Planning Committee. – (1) Main function shall be to consolidate the annual plans prepared by Panchayat Samitis and Municipal bodies of the district.
(2) Consider issues of common interest as laid down in Sub-Section (7) of Section 121 of the Act.
(3) Forward the district plan to the State Government.
(4) Chief Planning Officer shall act as Secretary of the Committee. Annual
Administration Report
353. Annual Administration Report of Panchayats. – (1) The Sarpanch of every panchayat shall cause to be prepared by the 20th of April every year a report on the administration of Panchayat during the financial year immediately preceding in prescribed Form No. XLV which shall be placed before and adopted in Panchayat meeting and sent to the Panchayat Samiti concerned. It shall also contain a note of important activities of Panchayat during the year.
[(1-A) The Sarpanch of every Panchayat shall publish a list of Bhama Shah Card Holders of Panchayat concerned, by 20th April of every financial year.]
(2) The Panchayat Samiti after examining reports of all Panchayats within its jurisdiction, cause to be prepared and send a consolidated report in respect thereof in the form of a narrative, together with its views thereon to the Chief Executive Officer by 15th June of the said year.
354. Preparation of Annual Administration Report by Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad. – (1) Every Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad shall as soon as may be after the close of the year prepare a report on its Administration in the Form No. XLVI.
(2) Zila Parishad shall review the reports received from Panchayats/Panchayats/Panchayat Samitis and if at any time, it transpires as a result of such review that working of any Panchayat or Panchayat Samiti has not been satisfactory, the Zila Parishad may forward a copy of its resolution to the Panchayat Samiti concerned.
(3) Zila Parishad shall forward the report for consideration of the State Government.
355. Publication of Report. – The State Government may publish for the information of the general public such portions thereof or such extracts or such summary thereof as it may consider necessary.
Incentive Grant to Panchayati Raj Institutions
356. Awards. – (1) Cash awards may be granted to best Panchayati Raj Institutions on the basis of their performance regarding raising tax and non-tax revenues, achievement of physical targets under 20 Point Programme, Poverty Alleviation and Employment Generation Programme, people’s participation in Community works and such other parameters of work and service as may be laid down by the State Level Committee for the purpose.
(2) The best Panchayat shall be adjudged at the district level by a committee constituted for the purpose. Committee shall recommend such panchayat who shall get an incentive grant as under for Development works.
I Rs. 2.00 lakhs.
II Rs. 1.00 Lakh
III Rs. 0.50 lakh
(3) The Best Panchayat Samiti shall be adjudged by a Committee constituted at Divisional Level. They shall get an incentive grant for development works as under :
I Rs. 5.00 lakhs
II Rs. 3.00 lakh .
III Rs. 2.00 lakh
(4) The Best Zila Parishad will be adjudged by the State Level Committee constituted for the purpose. They shall get Cash awards as under:
I Rs. 8.00 lakhs
II Rs. 5.00 lakh
III Rs. 2.00 lakh
Recognition of Service Associations
357. Service Association detained. – (1) Service association is a union of certain cadres of Rajasthan Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad Service employees which has been constituted for promoting the common service interests of its members.
(2) Such associations may be formed by Class IV servants or employees included in Sub-Section (92) of Section 89 of the Act.
358. Application of recognition of associations. – Any association desiring to get recognition, shall apply in prescribed Form XLVII along with certificate of registration, three copies of bye-laws, list of members of executive, details of members cadrewise and such other information as desired.
359. Conditions for grant of recognition. – Recognition may be granted by Director Rural Development subject to following conditions-
(1) All the required details are submitted with the application.
(2) Membership is restricted to certain employees of the service only.
(3) Association has been formed with objective of promoting common interests of employees. It has not been formed on the basis of any caste, tribe or any group formed on the basis of some religious books.
(4) Members of the executive are members of such association.
(5) Funds of the association are constituted out of subscription from members.
(6) At least 35% employees of such cadre are members of such associations.
360. Conditions to be followed by recognised Association. – Recognised Association shall be bound by the following conditions-
(1) Recognised Association shall not send any delegation for individual cases but raise only common interests of members.
(2) It will not support matter concerning any one employee.
(3) It will not keep pay political fund, nor it shall propagate idea of any political party.
(4) Submit list of office bearers and Audit Report of accounts before first July every year.
(5) All representations shall be addressed to Secretary or Head of the Department only.
(6) Any amendment in Rules/Bye-laws shall not be done without prior approval of the State Government.
(7) Membership of any other Sangh/Maha Sangh shall also be taken only after prior approval of the State Government.
(8) No member of Association shall indulge in any activity which is punishable under C.C.A. Rules, 1958.
(9) It shall not correspond with any foreign agency.
(10) None of its office bearers shall use disrespectful or improper language with the Government Officials.
(11) It will not participate in any election for Parliament, Assembly or Local bodies by :
(a) contributing to election expenditure
(b) supporting such contesting candidate
(c) assisting in election of any candidate,
(12) It shall not be associated with any political organisation engaged in any political movement.
(13) It shall not be associated with or registered as business union.
361. Disposal of disputes. – Only recognised association shall have right to negotiate dispute of its members. Procedure shall be: –
(1) All grievances shall be disposed of by correspondence or negotiations with Director Rural Development and Panchayati Raj without resorting to any unlawful means.
(2) In case of dispute, it shall be referred to Joint Advisory Committee constituted by Head of the Department. Association shall be bound to agree to recommendation of such committee.
362. Demand of information. – Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj may demand any information from the association to verify that conditions as laid down in Rules 359 and 360 are followed.
363. Recognition to any association for one cadre. – (1) Recognition shall be given to only one association for one cadre.
(2) In case any other association also subsequently applies for recognition for employees of the same cadre, its application shall not be considered upto one year from the date of recognition of the previous union.
(3) After such period, recognition may be continued or withdrawn on merits of each case.
364. Membership of Maha Sangh. – (1) Recognised Association can join membership of only such Maha Sangh which is recognised by the State Government.
(2) Objective of Maha Sangh shall also be to develop the spirit of goodwill and cooperation among members.
(3) Maha Sangh shall also not raise individual disputes but negotiate on common matters.
365. Withdrawal of recognition. – Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj may withdraw such recognition after giving opportunity of hearing if –
(1) Association has violated provision of Rules 359 and 360 or
(2) Recognition was obtained by misrepresentation or fraud or that it was wrongly given or
(3) Has violated any such other condition under these rules.
366. Relaxation of conditions. – Department shall be competent to relax certain conditions for good and sufficient reasons.
367. Destruction of Records. – The following registers, book and papers of a Panchayati Raj Institution shall be destroyed after the expiration of the period specified opposite them, such periods to be reckoned as from the date of their closure or final disposal –
(i) Counterfoil Receipt Books
Three years
(ii) Registers showing demand & collection of taxes and other dues Five years
(iii) Register of correspondence
Three years
(iv) Inspection Book
Three years
(v) Annual Report on the working of Panchayats Five years
(vi) Applications for copies of records One year
(vii) Application for inspection of Records One year
(viii) Forms of oath taken by the Chairpersons and Members & other papers relating to election
Four years
(ix) Audit Report
Fifteen years
(x) Report regarding embezzlement
Fifteen years
(xi) Service Book and Character Rolls Two years after retirement of the person concerned.
(xii) Annual estimates of Receipts & expenditure Three years
(xiii) Vouchers and Bills
Three years after audit.
(xiv) Security Bonds
One year after they, cease to have effect.
(xv) Other miscellaneous papers
Three years
Framing of Bye-laws
368. Publication of draft bye-law. – (1) Whenever it is proposed to make any bye-law, or to modify any existing bye-law, under Sections 103, 104 or Section 105, the draft of the proposed bye-law or modification shall first be published for the information of all persons likely to be affected thereby, together with a notice specifying a date which shall not be less than a month beyond the date of the publication of the draft under Sub-rule (2), on or after which such draft will be taken into consideration by the authority proposing to make the bye-law to modify the existing bye-law.
(2) The draft and the notice under Sub-rule (1) shall be published by affixing the same in atleast two conspicuous places within the area of Panchayati Raj Institution affected as well as at the office of the Panchayati Raj Institution concerned.
369. Disposal of objections and suggestions. – The authority desiring to make the proposed bye-law or modification shall consider all objections or suggestions in respect of the draft published under Rule 368, if received before the date specified in the notice under that rule and may either drop the proposal or decide to make the proposed bye-law or modification with or without any alterations.
370. Further action in respect of proposals under Section 103. – If a Zila Parishad so decides under Section 103 to make the proposed bye-law or modification, the same shall be notified in the Official Gazette under the signature of the Chief Executive Officer.
371. Further action in respect of proposals under Secs. 104 or 105. – (1) If the decision under Rule 369 to make a bye-law or to modify an existing bye-law has been taken by a Panchayat or Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad in exercise of the powers conferred on it by Section 104 or 105 respectively, the proposed bye-law or modification, together with the draft thereof and the notice published under Rule 368 and all objections and suggestions in respect thereof received and disposed of under Rule 369 C shall be submitted by the Panchayat to the Zila Parishad concerned and Panchayat Samiti Zila Parishad to the State Government for approval and no such bye-law or modification shall have effect unless it has been sanctioned by the Zila Parishad or State Government as the case may be.
(2) The bye-law or modification as sanctioned by the Zila Parishad or the State Government under Sub-rule (1) shall be notified in the Official Gazette under the signature of the Sarpanch of the Panchayat, Vikas Adhikari of Panchayat Samiti, Chief Executive Officer of Zila Parishad, as the case may be, and the notification shall mention the fact of the approval and sanction of the Zila Parishad or State Government thereto.
372. Operation of bye-law of modification. – Every bye-law or modification of a bye-law notified under Rules 370 or 371 shall come into operation upon the expiration of one month from the date of notification.
373. Removal of doubts. – Whenever any difficulty or doubt arises as to the interpretation or implementation of these rules, the matter shall be referred to the State Government whose clarification shall be final in such respect.
374. Repeal and Saving. – (1) On and from the date of commencement of these rules, following rules framed under Rajasthan Panchayat Act, 1953 (Rajasthan Act No. 21 of 1953) and Rajasthan Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad Act. 1959 (Rajasthan Act No. 37 of 1959) shall stand repealed –
S. No. Existing Rules
1. Rajasthan Panchayat and Nyaya Up-Samiti Election Rules, 1960.
2. Rajasthan Panchayat and Nyaya Panchayat (Appointment of Counsel) Rules, 1962.
3. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Cooption of Members) Rules, 1979.
4. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Election of Associate Members) Rules, 1965.
5. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Election from Gram Sabha) Rules, 1964.
6. Rajasthan Panehayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Cooption of Members of Standing Committee) Rules, 1959.
7. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Declaration of Krishi Nipun) Rules, 1961.
8. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishad (Election of Pradhan and Pramukh) Rules, 1979.
9. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Retirement of Members of Standing Committee) Rules, 1962.
10. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Associate Members Voting Rights) Rules, 1965.
11. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Selection Commission Conditions of Service) Rules, 1960.
12. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Contributory Provident Fund) Rules, 1969.
13. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Declaration of Vacancies in Standing Committee) Rules, 1969.
[14. Rajasthan Zila Parishads (Cooption of Members) Rules, 1960.]
15. Rajasthan Panchayat and Local Bodies Subordinate Service Commission if (Selection conditions of Service) Rules ,1959.
16. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Jurisdictions over Municipal Areas) Rules, 1960.
17. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Election of Temporary Pradhan) Rules, 1959.
18. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Election of Chairman of Standing Committee) Rules, 1959.
19. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Election of Members of Standing Committee) Rules, 1959.
20. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Election of Up-Pradhan and Up-Pramukh) Rules, 1979.
21. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Election Petition) Rules, 1959.
[22. Rajasthan Zila Parishads (Election of Temporary Pramukh) Rules, 1961.]
23. Rajasthan Zila Parishad (Vocation of Office of Pramukh) Rules, 1965.
24. Rajasthan Panchayat (General) Rules, 1961.
25. Rajasthan Panchayat (General) Social Allotment of Abadi Land for Residential House Sites to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes, Landless Persons, Village Artisans and Small and Marginal Farmers Rules, 1975.
26. Rajasthan Panchayati Samitis (Administrative Powers) Rules, 1960.
27. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Appointment of Counsel) Rules, 1962.
28. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Conduct of Business of Standing Committees) Rules, 1959.
29. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Payment of Allowance to Members) Rules 1961.
30. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Removal of Pradhan and Up-Pradhan) Rules, 1960.
31. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Taxation) Rules, 1960.
32. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (Terminal conditions of Deputation of Vikas Adhikaris, Extension Officers and Other Officers) Rules ,1959.
33. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis (use of Vehicles) Rules, 1963.
34. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Administration Report) Rules. 1959.
35 Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (conduct of Business) Rules. 1960.
36. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (District Establishment Committee) Rules, 1961.
37. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parsihads (Employment of Physically handicapped) Rules, 1986.
38. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Grant of Copies of Records) Rules, 1963.
39. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parsihads (Grant of Copies of Records) Rules, 1963.
40. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parsihads (Karya Sanchalan) Rules, 1965 in Hindi).
41. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Karya Sanchalan) Rules, 1965 in Hindi).
42. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Motion of No Confidence in Pradhan. Up-Pradhan, Pramukh or Up-Pramukh) Rules, 1961.
43. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Preparation of confidential Report of Vikas Adhikaris and Secretaries) Rules, 1960.
44. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Constitution of Standing Committee) Rules, 1965.
45. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Service) Rules, 1959.
46. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Class IV) Service Rules, 1959.
47. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Recruitments of Dependents of the Members of Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad) Service Rules. 1978.
48. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads Services (Punishments and Appeal) Rules, 1961.
49. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads (Servants and Pensioners Conduct) Rules, 1969.
50. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads Rules for Grant-in-aid to persons belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Denotifled Tribes for Construction and Repair of Houses, 1961.
51. Rajasthan Zila Parishads (Conduct of Business of (Sub-Committees) Rules, 1960.
52. Rajasthan Zila Parishads (Payment of Allowances to Members) Rules, 1961.
53. Rajasthan Zila Parishads (Use of Vehicle) Rules, 1986.
54. Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis Evam Zila Parishads Seva karamchari (Seva Sanghon Ko Manyata) Niyam, 1993 (in Hindi).
(2) Any appointment, notification, tax, fee, order, scheme, licence, permission bye-law, regulation or from made, issued, imposed or granted under the rules so repealed and in force immediately before the date of commencement of these rules, shall in so far as it is not in consist with the provisions of these rules, continue to be in the force as if made, issued, imposed or granted under these Rules, until superseded or modified by any appointment, notification, tax fee, order, scheme. Licence permission, bye-law, regulation or form made, issued imposed or granted under these Rules.
(3) All the actions taken under the Rules so repealed shall be deemed to have been taken under these rules and no action hitherto taken shall be challenged on the ground of such repeal.


Scheme and Syllabus of competitive examination for the post of [School Teachers Classes I to V] (General Education/Special Education).

(1) The competitive examination shall carry 200 marks.

(2) Duration of examination shall be two hours.

(3) The question paper of written examination shall carry multiple choice type questions.

(4) The negative marking in evaluation of answers shall be applicable. For every wrong answer 1/3 marks of the question shall be deducted.

Explanation. – Wrong answer shall mean incorrect answer or multiple answer.

(5) Paper shall include following subjects carrying the number of marks as shown against them.

(i) General knowledge and Current Affairs with Special reference to Rajasthan.

60 marks

(ii) Geographical, Historical and Cultural Knowledge of Rajasthan.

60 Marks

(iii) Educational Psychology

07 Marks

(iv) School Subjects


(a) Hindi

07 Marks

(b) English

07 Marks

(c) Mathematics

07 Marks

(d) General Science

07 Marks

(e) Social Studies

07 Marks

Note—Standard of contents of school subjects shall be of the secondary standard

(v) Educational Methodology


(a) Hindi

07 Marks

(b) English

07 Marks

(c) Mathematics

08 Marks

(d) General Science

08 Marks

(e) Social Studies

08 Marks


200 Marks




Scheme and competitive examination for the post of School Teacher classes VI to VIII-

(1) The competitive examination shall carry 200 marks.

(2) Duration of examination shall be two hours.

(3) The Question paper of written examination shall carry multiple choice type questions.

(4) The negative marking in evaluation of answers shall be applicable. For every wrong answer 1/3 marks of question shall be deducted.

Explanation. – Wrong answer shall mean incorrect answer or multiple answer-

(5) Question paper shall include following subjects carrying the number of marks as shown against them.


General Knowledge and Current Affairs with special reference to Rajasthan

20 Marks


Geographical, Historical and Cultural Knowledge of Rajasthan

20 Marks


Educational Psychology

20 Marks


Children Psychology

20 Marks


School Subject (Contents of the syllabus shall be as per Secondary Standard)

120 Marks



200 Marks

Note. – The standard of the paper shall be of the Senior Secondary Level.]

Form I

[See Rule 21 (1)]

Form of the Written Notice of Intention to Make a Motion Expressing Want of Confidence

In the Sarpanch/Up-Sarpanch of …….. a Panchayat

In the Pradhan/Up-Pradhan of …….. a Panchayati Samiti

In the Pramukh/Up–Pramukh of …….. a Zila Parishad.#


The Chief Executive Officer/Development Commissioner, Zila Parishad Rajasthan, Jaipur#



We, the undersigned elected members of the ……… Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad# hereby give this notice to you of our intention to make a motion of no-confidence in Shri ……..the Sarpanch/Up-Sarpanch/Pradhan/Up Pradhan/Pramukh/Up-Pramukh# of our Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad# and also annex hereto a copy of the proposed motion of no-confidence.

Yours Faithfully,

Place ………..

Date …………

# Deleted whichever is not applicable.

Form II

[See Rule 21(2)]

Form of the Notice of a Meeting of the Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad to be held for consideration of the No-confidence Motion Against the Sarpanch/Up-Sarpanch/Pradhan/Up-Pradhan/Up-Pramukh


Shri ……………


Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad ………


Dear Sir.

This notice is hereby given to you of ……the meeting of Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad which shall beheld at the office of the said Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad on ……… (date) at …….. (time) for consideration of the motion of no-confidence which has been made against Shri ……….. the Sarpanch/Up Sarpanch/Pradhan/Up-Pradhan/Pramukh/ Up Pramukh of the said Panchayat Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad

A copy of the motion is annexed hereto.

Chief Executive Officer/Development Commissioner

Place ………

Date ……….

Form III

[See Rule 31]

Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad ……..

TADA Bill of Shri …….. Designation ………..

Particulars of journeys and halt

Kind of Journey by Rail, Road or other

Railways/Motor Lorry/Steamer/Aero plane fare




Amount of fare







































Incidental Charges

Daily Allowance

Local Transport
Actual Expenses

Purposes of Journey





No. of days































Amount (in words)


1. Certified that I was not provided with any free locomotion at the expense of Government Local Fund or a Local Body.

2. Certified that the payment of this bill have not been received before.

3. Certified that I have actually travelled in the same class of accommodation for which TA. has been claimed.

4. Certified than on Sunday or other holiday for which daily allowance has been claimed by me, I was actually in camp.

Station : ………..

Date : …………..



Counter signature Counter signed for Rupees (in words)

Abbreviated classification

Controlling Officer

Date :………..
For Treasury Use


Pay Rs …….. Rupees (in words)

Examined and entered

Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad Accountant Payee’s discharge


Vikas Adhikari/Chief Executive Officer

Received payment

Paid Rs……..on ……

Vide Cash Book Item No …………


Cashier Vikas

Adhikari/Chief Executive Officer

Form IV

[See Rule 63]

Assessment of Demand of Taxes for the period ending………

Name of Panchayat ………….. Panchayat Samiti …………. District ……. Name of Tax ……….. Rate of Tax …………..

Name of


Name of Assessee and father’s Name, occupation and address


Current Demand















Date : ………..

Signature of Patwari

Form V

[See Rules 64 and 105]

Demand Slip

Book No …………….

S. No. ………….

Village …………….

Panchayat ………

District ………….

Panchayat Samiti ……….

For the Year ………..

(Counter Foil)


Name of Assessee and father’s name,occupation and address

Name of Tax




















Form VI

[See. Rule 67]

Demand and Collection Register

Panchayat Samiti ……………….

Panchayat ………….

For the year …………

S No.

Name of Village

Name, Father’s Name, Occupation and Addresses of the assessee

Name of Tax


Current demand


Ref. to demand slip

Amount paid


Ref. of receipt

Ref. to recovery statement





Current demand







































Form VII

[See Rule 69(6)]

Cattle Entry Pass (in Red Colour)

Book No …………..

S.No ……………..

Date ……………..

1 Out post No …………………

2. Name of breeder bringing the cattle ………….. S/o …………Caste …………. R/o ……………….

3. Place from where cattle brought ……….. Tehsil ………………. District …………….. State …………..

S. No.

Kind of Animal


Date of Return












Special instructions: –

1 . Every trader/owner of cattle must obtain entry pass failing which he shall be liable to penalty at the time of departure.

2. The fact of sale must be got entered in Mela Office immediately after sale.

3. The fact of entry or exit of cattle for grazing of the incident of death of animal must be got entered on entry pass failing which tax will be charged for such animal also.


[See Rule 69(4)]

Rawana (White Colour)

Book No …………..

Serial No ………..

Date ………………..

Cattle fair tax recovered from……….. (name of purchaser of cattle) S/o …….. R/O ……… as under :

Description of Cattle



Mela Tax



















Form IX

[See Rule 69(7)]

Registration of Sales

S. No.


Name of purchaser with address

Description of cattle Purchased



Mela tax

Name & address of seller
























Form X

[See Rule 82(4)]

Receipt of Taxes/Octroi Duty

Receipt Book No …………

S. No ……………………..

Village ……………..

Panchayat ……………….

Panchayat Samiti ……………….

District …………………..


Name of Depositor
(With father’s name: occupation and address)


Amount received with details

Reference to demand slip

Name of Tax















Signature/T.I. of Tax payer

In case of Octroi duty :

Signature of Patwari


Value of goods

Description of goods

Rate of octroi

Amount of octroi











Date : ………

Signature of Octroi Collector

Form XI

[See Rule 85 (1)]

Receipt for Transit Goods

Panchayat ……………………

Panchayat Smity……….


Book No………………………..







Name of octroi out-post……..


Name of importer………….




Description of goods



Amount Rs.













Railway/Goods Receipts No……….


Place of dispatch………………..


Pass No……………………


Signature of the Importer

Signature of In-charge Octroi Outpost

Form XII

[See Rule 91]

Form of License of Vehicle

Shri………S/o………resident of………has paid the vehicle tax for the year and is permitted to keep a vehicle described below within the Panchayat circle for the aforesaid period.





[See Rule 106]

Form of Demand Notice

Panchayat……………Panchayat Samiti………….. Zila Parishad………..Case No………….Year………………..






In the above case, a sum of Rs………..is due from you and in spite of demand slip dated you did not deposit the outstanding dues, hence you are hereby ordered to deposit the above amount within fifteen days failing which your movable property will be taken under custody and action for the realization of dues will be taken.

Given under may hand seal this day the……………………

Signature of Sarpanch

Form XIV

[See Rule 107]

Warrant of Attachment and Sale

Panchay at………………Panchayat Samiti……………Zila Parishad………..Case No……………..Year………….





In the above case a sum of Rs…………….is due from Shri…….S/o…..R/O and the same has not been paid inspite of notice of demand and demand slip and the time limit of 15 days has also expired. In pursuance of Rule 107 under Sub-Section (2) of Section 65 of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994, you are hereby authorised to take under attachment the movable property of……………….excluding the articles exempted by law and produce the same before the Panchayat, attach and sell the said movable property according to law and deposit the sale proceeds in the Panchayat.

Given under any hand and seal this day the…………………

Signature of Sarpanch

Form XV

[See Rules 115 and 118]

Cattle Pound Register (Kine-House)

S. No.

Date and time of the animal

No. of receipt granted on the entry of the animal

Description of animal

Identification mark of the animal and appearance

Name of the person bringing the animal and place of residence

Name of owner of the animal and place of residence if known

Date, time manner of disposal of the animal i.e., sold, released, or released or treated as unclaimed property
























Receipt and No. of the disposal of the animal sold released treated as or unclaimed property

No. of days for which the animal remained in kine house

Fine and feeding charges realised

Amount deposited in Panchayat fund or paid to the owner of the animal

Total deposited in Panchayat fund or paid to the owner of the animal

Name and addressed of individual obtaining the animal

Signatures or Thumb impression of individual obtaining the animal

Signature or incharges of cattle pound (Kind House)



Feeding Charges

Panchayat fund

Owner of animal






















Form XVI

[See Rules 115 and 119]

Receipt for the Entry of Animal (In Two Foils)

Book No………..


Serial No……………..

Panchayat …………………..

Name of Kine-House………………….

Panchayat Samity…….




Date and entry of animal

Name and place of residence of the individual bringing the animal

No. of animals admitted and description etc

Name and place of the residence of the owner if it is known

Kine-House Register Number














Signature of Kine-House Incharge


[See Rule 115 and 126]

Pass for the Release of Animal From Kine-House

Book No………..


Serial No……………..

Panchayat …………………..

Name of Kine-House………………….

Panchayat Samity…….




Date and time of entry of the animal

Date and time of release of the animal

No. of animals and description

Name and place of residence of individual taking the animal

Fine realised

Grazing fee realised

Any other recovery


















Signature of Kine-House Incharge


[See Rules 115 and 126]

Pass for the Release of Animal

(To be Kept in The Panchayat)

Book No………..


Serial No……………..

Panchayat ………………..

Name of Kine-House………………

Panchayat Samiti……………


Serial Number of the Kine House Register

Date and time of release of the animal

Amount of fine

Grazing Fee

Any other recovery














Total Including previous total

Signature of Kine-House Incharge

Form XIX

[See Rules 115 and 127]

Receipt to be given to the purchaser of animal

Receipt to be given to the purchaser of animal

Book No……………

Book No………………….

Serial No……….Dated the…..19….

Serial No…. Dated the….. 19…. Name of Name of

Kine House……………

Kine House………..



Panchayat Samiti……………

Panchayat Samiti…………..


Kine-House Register Number

Description o f animal and class

Identification mark or appearance

Name of purchaser of animal and place of residence

Cost at which animals were sold by auction

Particulars of entry in Cash book
















Signature of purchaser of animals

Signature of Sarpanch

Form XX

[See Rules 137]

Register of Buildings and other Immovable Property…………


Panchayat Samiti……………..


Serial No.

Date of receipt of property

Particulars of property


Purpose of which used

Annual income if any
















Form XXI

[See Rule 146]


Panchayat Samiti…………….


Serial No.

Date of receipt of property

Particulars of property


Purpose of which used

Annual income if any










[See Rule 148]

Notice Inviting Objections Regarding Proposed Sale of Abadi Land.


Panchayat Samiti……….

Zila parishad………..




Notice is hereby given that Shri……S/o………residence of…..has applied to this panchayat the land described below:-

(Description of Land)

If any one has any objection to the sale of the above mentioned land, he should file his objections within one month of the thereof.

[[During the Rajasv abhiyan or Prashasan Gaon ke sang abhiyan or any other abhiyan organised by order of the State Government for sale of land and Patta Vitran], period of filing objections will be seven days in place of one month]

Signature of Panchayat

Signature of Sarpanch


[See Rule 167(1)]

Sale Deed of Abadi Land

This Deed of Sale is made on the………….day of……….between Panchayat established under the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 (Rajasthan Act No. 13 of 1994), being a body corporate by virtue of the provisions of Section 9 of that Act, (hereinafter called “the Vendor”, of the one part and……..S/o…….resident of……..(hereinafter called the “Purchaser”), of the other part.


1. The land described in the Schedule hereto and more particularly described in the plan annexed hereto which shows it as bounded in red, vests in the Vendor for the purpose of the Vendor.

2. The said land was put up to auction for sale on behalf of the Vendor on day of……….(pursuant to the application of Shri……..for purchase of the land) and the Purchaser’s bid of Rupees………being the highest was accepted.


This said land has been sold by negotiation at market rate of Rs………(applicable for sale by negotiation) and has been auctioned by Resolution No……….dated……….of Vendor Panchayat and confirmed by Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad/State Government vide order No……..dated……..

3. The said auction was held in accordance with Rules 150 to 152 of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules, 1996; as amended upto date and

4. The Purchaser has deposited the said sum of Rupees to the credit of the Vendor.

Now this Deed Witnesses as follows: –

I . In pursuance of the said auction/sale and in consideration of the sum of Rupees……..paid by the purchaser as aforesaid (the receipt whereof the Vendor hereby acknowledges), the Vendor hereby; transfer to the purchaser the land described in the Schedule hereto and more particularly described in the plan annexed hereto which shows it as bounded in red. To hold the same to the Purchaser as absolute owner subject to the payment of such cesses and taxes as may be lawfully assessed or imposed thereon and subject to the restrictions imposed by the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 and rules and bye-laws made thereunder as for the time being in force.

2. It is hereby agreed that the expression “the Vendor” hereinbefore used includes the successor and assigns of the Vendor, and the expression “the Purchaser” hereinbefore used includes his heirs, representatives, successors and assigns.

(Schedule and Plan to be annexed)

Signed on behalf of…………..Panchayati in pursuance of resolution No……….dated………of that Panchayat.

Signature of Sarpanch/Gram Sevak-cum-Secretary Purchaser’s Signature Witness

No. 1……………….

Witness No. I………………

Witness No. I……………………..

Witness No. II…………………….


[See Rule 157 (1)]

Patta of Residential Land

Gram Panchayat………………

Panchayat Samiti…………………


This Deed in made on the …. ……. day of between (Name of Panchayat) Panchayat established under the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 (Rajasthan Act No. 13 of 1994), (hereinafter called “the Allotting Authority”) of the one part…………..and S/o, W/o, D/o………resident of………..(hereinafter called “the allottee”), of the other part.


The land described in the Scheduled annexed hereto which shows it as bound in red, vests in the Allotting Authority for the purpose of the allotment.

This patta issued in favour of Sh./Smt………..S/o/W/o……….resident of under Rule 157 (1) of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules, 1996 with following conditions.

1. The aforesaid allottee is in possession of old house more than fifty year/constructed during last fifty years from the date of commencement of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules, 1996 on Panchayat Abadi Land. The allottee has deposited fce rupees One Hundred/Two Hundred.

2. The area of land is marked in red ink in annexed map plan.

3. The allottee can mortgage the document for taking loan from Government Under taking, Co-operative Bank, Commercial Bank or any other financial institution for reconstruction of the house.

4. The allottee shall be liable to pay all taxes or other charges payable to Government or local authority.

Issued by Gram Panchayat………..on date……..in compliance of resolution No……….

Signature Secretary

Signature Sarpanch

Demarcation –

1. North……………………..

2. South……………………..

3. East………………………

4. West……………………….

Map:- (Land is shown in map is de-marked in red ink)

Measurement: –

North Direction:………………………

South Direction:………………………

East Direction:……………………….

West Direction………………………..

Total area……………………….Sq.Yard.

Signature Secretary

Signature Sarpanch

Not for use
(in red link)


[See Rule 157(2)]

Allotment of Abadi Land/Regularisation of families possessing hutment/kucha.

Gram Panchayat ………………………..

Panchayat Samiti ………………………..
District ………………………(Rajasthan)

This Deed of allotment is made on the ………day of……..between (Name of Gram Panchayat) Panchayat established under the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 (Rajasthan Act, No. 13 of 1994), being a body corporate by virtue of the provisions of Section 9 of the that Act, (hereinafter called “the Allotting Authority”), on the one part and Smt. ………… W/o ………… resident of (hereinafter called “the allottee”), of the other part.


The land described in the Scheduled annexed here to which shows it as bound in red, vests in the Allotting Authority.

Whereas as family of allottee does not have any house or housing site any where and in possession of abadi land by way of construction a hutment/kutcha house upto year 2003 on the aforesaid land.

Whereas the Gram Panchayat has allotted and handed over possession of the land to the allottee under Rule 157 (2) of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules, 1996.

Whereas panchayat has agreed to allot above land measuring ……. Sq. yard (maximum 300 yards) on the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned.

And Whereas the Panchayat had handed over possession of the demised land to allottee on …………………..

Now this Deed Witnesses as Follows:

1. This allotment is being made after following the procedure laid down in the rules.

2. Such land has been allotted free of cost to Smt for residential purpose with reference to his application to the allotting authority.

3. Allottee and his heirs have no right to transfer land to anybody and shall be in possession of allottee himself except provided in condition No.4.

4. To construct the house on this land the allottee will have right to mortgage the document for taking the loan from Government Undertaking. Co-operative Bank or from any other financial institution.

5. This plot can be utilized as residential purpose.

6. The allotting authority reserves the right to cancel the allotment of land if any false information is given by the allottee or if he transfers the plot to any person.

7. The allottee shall be bound to comply with the plans approved by Gram Panchayat for systematic development of village.

8. Allotting authority reserves the right to cancel the allotment, if the applicant violates any condition or provisions of rules. Before cancellation of allotment the allotting authority shall given the opportunity of hearing to the allottee.

9. The allottee shall be liable to pay all taxes or charges payable to Government and other local authority.

Issued by Gram Panchayat ……….. is on date ……… is compliance of resolution No. …………………

Signature Secretary

Signature Sarpanch

Demarcation –

1. North ………………………..

2. South ………………………..

3. East ………………………..

4. West. ………………………..

Map :- (Land is shown in map is demarked in red ink) Measurement :-

North Direction ………………………..

South Direction ………………………..

East Direction ………………………..

West Direction ………………………..

Total Direction : ……………………….. Sq Yard

Signature Secretary

Signature Sarpanch


[See Rule 158]

Allotment of Abadi Land at concessional rate/free of cost

Gram Panchayat ………………………..

Panchayat Samiti ………………………..
District ……………………. (Rajasthan)

This Deed of allotment is made on the ………… day of …….. between (Name of Panchayat) Panchayat established under the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 (Rajasthan Act, No. 13 of 1994). Being a body corporate by virtue of the Provisions of Section 9 of the that Act. (hereinafter called “the Allotting Authority”) of the one part and ………… S/o ……….. resident of ………….. (hereinafter called “the allottee “), of the other part.


Whereas the allottee requested for allotment of land for construction of house at concession rate/free of cost and the Panchayat agree to allottee the same.

Whereas the Gram Panchayat has allotted and handed over possession of the land to allottee under Rule 158 of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules, 1996.

Whereas the Gram Panchayat has allotted and handed over possession of land to allottee under Rule 158 of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj. Rules, 1996.

And Whereas Panchayat has agreed to allot land measuring …. Sq. yards (upto 150 yards) on the terms and conditions hereinafter mention for the residential purpose –

And Whereas the Panchayat had handed over possession of the demised land to allottee.

Now this Deed Witnesses as Follows :

1 . The allottee is eligible for allotment at Concessional rate/free of cost.

2. Land which is indicated in the annexed map allotment in red ink is transferred to allottee for residential purpose.

3. Allottee and his heirs have no right to transfer land to anybody and shall be in possession of allottee himself except provided in condition No. 4.

4. To construct the house on this land, the allottee shall have right to mortgage the document by taking the loan from Government Undertaking, Co-operative Bank or from any other financial institution.

5. Such land has been allotted at the rate of ………./- or free of cost to allottee for residential purpose with reference to his application, as per the provisions of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules, 1996.

6. This plot can be utilized as residential purpose.

7. The allotting authority reserves the right to cancel the allotment of land if any false information is given by the applicant or if he transfers the plot to anybody else.

8. The allottee will be bound to comply with the plans approved by Gram Panchayat with a view to systematic development of village.

9. Allotting authority reserves the right to cancel the plot if the applicant violates any condition or provisions of the rules. Before cancellation of such plot the allotting authority shall give the opportunity of hearing to the allottee.

10. The allottee shall be liable to pay all taxes or charges payable to Government and other local authority.

Issued by Gram Panchayat ………. is on date …….. is compliance of resolution No ………………………..

Signature Secretary

Signature Sarpanch


1. North: ………………………..

2. South: ………………………..

3. East: ………………………..

4. West: ………………………..

Map: – (Land is shown in map is demarked in red ink) Measurement: –

1. North Direction: ………………………..

2. South Direction: ………………………..

3. East Direction: ………………………..

4. West Direction: ………………………..

Total Area………………………..Sq. Yard.

Signature Secretary

Signature Sarpanch”


[See Rule 168 (1)]

Patta Bahi (Register of Sale Deeds) of Abadi Land

Panchayat ……………. Panchayat Samiti ………….. District …………


File No.

No. and date of order of Panchayat and date of confirmation by higher by authority, if any

Plot No. & Size

Total Cost of

Name of person obtaining Sale Deed

Signature of Recipient of Patta

Signature of Secretary/Sarpacnch

Date of sending of monthly statement to Panchayat Samiti from No…;to….



















Form XXV

[See Rule 180]

Register of Works

Name of Panchayat ……………………..

Panchayat Smiti ……………………………..

Particulars of work ……………..


Date of Commencement of work

Amount sanctioned for the work

Amount spent

Name of person obtaining Sale Deed

Signature of Recipient of Patta

Remarks (Date of payment for wages/material be indicated)




















[See Rule 191]

Form of Agreement

An agreement made this ……….. day of ………. between ………. (herienafter called the approved supplier which expression shall where the context so admits, be deemed to include his heirs, successors, executors and administrators) of the one part and Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad, which expression shall, where the context so admits be deemed to include its successors in office and assigns of the other part.

2. Whereas the approved supplier has agreed with the ……. Panchayat/Panchayat Samit/Zila Parishad to supply ………. all these articles set forth in the Schedule appended hereto in the manner set forth in the conditions of the tender and contract appended herewith and at the rates set forth in column ……… of the Schedule.

3. And whereas the approved supplier has deposited a sum of Rs ……….. in:

(I) Cash/Bank Draft/Banker Cheque No …….. dated …….

(II) Post office/Saving Bank Pass Book duly hypothecated to the Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad

(III) National Saving Certificates/Defence Saving Certificates/Kisan Vikas Patra or any other instrument under National Savings Scheme. (The Certificates being accepted at their surrender value).

4. Now these present witness –

(1) In consideration of the payments to be made by the said Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad at the rates set forth in the Schedule hereto the approved supplier shall duly supply the said articles set forth in ………. and …….. thereof in the manner set forth in the conditions of the tender and contract.

(2) The conditions of tender and contract for open tender as enclosed to the tender notice No …… dated ……… and also amended to this agreement will be deemed to be taken as part of this agreement an are binding on the parties executing this agreement.

(3) Letters No …………. received from tenderer and letter Nos. ………….. issued by the Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad and appended to this agreement shall also form part of this agreement.

(4)(a) The said Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad do hereby agree that if the approved supplier shall duly supply the said articles in the manner aforesaid and observe and keep the said terms and conditions, the Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad will through ……….. pay or cause to be paid to the approved supplier at the time and the manner set forth in the said conditions, the amount payable for each and every consignment.

(b) The mode of payment will be as specified below:-

1 : ………..

2 : ………..

3 : ………..

5. The delivery shall be effected and complied within………. period of……… from the date of this agreement and/or the date or order ……….

S. No.



Delivery Period









6. (1) In case of extension in the delivery period with liquidated damages, the recovery shall be made on the basis of following percentage of value of stores which the tenderer has failed to supply

Note – (I) Fraction of a day in reckoning period of delay in supplies shall be eliminated if it is less than half a day.

(II) The maximum amount of agreed liquidated damages shall be 10%

(III) If the supplier requires an extension of time in completion of contractual supply on account of occurrence of any hindrances, he shall apply in writing to the authority which had placed the supply order, for the same immediately on occurrence of the hindrance but not after the stipulated date of completion of supply.

(2) Delivery period may be extended with or without liquidated damages of the delay in supply of goods is oh account of hindrances beyond the control of the tenderer.

7. All disputes arising out of this agreement and all questions relating to the interpretation of this agreement shall be decided by the Government and the decision of the Government shall be final.

In witness whereof the parties hereto have set their hands on the ……..day …..

Signature of the Approval Supplier

Signature for and on behalf of the Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti/Zila Parishad

Date ………..

Witness No. I …….

Witness No. II …….

Date …………….

Witness No. I …….

Witness No. II …….


[See Rule 194(4)]

Budget Estimate of a Panchayat

Panchayat Samiti………………

For the year 20……..20………


Zila Parishad………………..

Estimated Income


Estimated Expenditure

S. No.

Head wise sanctioned budget of previous year

Actual Income of previous year

Estimated Income of the year 20……..20……

S. No.

Head of expenditure

Sanctioned budget of previous year

Actual expenditure of previous year

Estimate expenditure of the year 20……..20…….













Opening Balance
Own income from taxes
(i) Tax on buildings
(ii) Octro including on country liquor
(iii) Pilgrims tax
(iv) Vehicle tax
(v) Water Tax
(vi) Tax on commercial crops
(vii) Any other tax


General Administration
(I) Pay of establishment
(II) Traveling allowanace

(A) of establishment
(B) of Panch and Sarpanch

(III) Honorium of Sarpanch/Meeting/Allowance/Refreshment in meeting
(IV) Contingencies(Office expenses, stationery, postage, etc.)
(V) Payment of Collection charge to Patwari.


Construction of public streets, draines, latrines, soak pits


Own income from non-tax revenues
(I) Fees
(II) Penalties and fmes
(III) Abadi and

(A) Sale of land
(B) Temporary use of land

(IV) Water Reservoirs

(A) fisheries
(B) Contract for Singhada etc
(C) Tank bed cultivation
(D) Irrigation charges
(E) Natural produce of trees on Tank Bank

(V) Grazing charges

(A) Grazing chages
(B) Sale of natural produce.
(C) Penalties from Trespassers

(VI) Agricultural Farms/Orchards
(VII) Local Fairs
(VIII) Sale of hides and skins of dead animals
(IX) Cattle Pound receipts
(X) Sale of Ration Cards
(XI) Sale of unserviceable articles

(A) Shops and sites
(B) Licenese fees
(C) Patta fees
(D) Others


Construction of buildings (Schools, Dispensary, Anganwadi etc.)


Drinking water supply
Original works
Repairs to

(I) Hand pumps
(II) Wells
(III) Maintenance and construction of river ghats or ghats on tanks or ponds.


Sanitation and construction of drains etc.


(A) Establishment
(B) Maintenance
(C) Other Requisites


Burning and Burial grounds
(A) Construction
(B) Maintenance


Cattle Pounds
(A) Establishment and maintenance
(B) Contingencies
(C) Remuneration to Pound Keeper/Contractor


Medical relief (Vaccination, family welfare camps)


Grant-in-aid from the Government
(I) General grant-in-aid @ Rs. 11/- per capita. In Lieu of share of land revenue.
(II) Maintenance grant for repair of school building etc.
(III) General purpose grant for sanitation, electricity, repair of rural roads etc.
(IV) Grant-in-aid to new Panchayats
(V) Incentive grant.
(VI) development grant/Matching share.


Maternity and Child Welfare (Anganvadi Centers)


Public Health (Prevention of diseases)


Maintenance of public building vested in the Panchayat including school. buildings


Primary Education
(I) Construction of schools
(II) Construction of quarters for teachers Slaughter houses

(I) construction
(II) Repairs


Slaughter houses
(I) Construction
(II) Repairs


Grant-in-aid from Central Government through the D.R.D.A for
(I) jawahar Rozgar Yojana
(II) Apna Gaon Apna Kaam
(III) Other Schemes.


Village defense


Development of Agricultural and Forestry
(I) Agriculture farms/Orchards
(II) Development of grazing grounds.
(III) Social forestry.
(IV) Plantation on road sides.
Waste land development.


Grant-in-aid through Panchayat Samit/Zila Parishad for:

(I) Maintenance of hand pumps and other water Supply Scheme

(II) Maintenance of stud bulls.
(III) other grants for development/maintenance functions.




Family Planning


Maintenance of stud bulls


Breeding and protecting cattle


Village industries


Assistance for fire.


Sums received by way of donations/contributions for Development.


Welfare of the people

(I) Maintenance of Akhadas/Clubs
(II) Radio/T.V.
(III) Social and cultural activities
(IV) Library and reading room


Sums ordered by a Court or a department to be placed to the credit of Panchayat Funds.


Miscellaneous receipts (interest etc.)


Other works of public utility


Miscellaneous/Audit fees


Loans, deposits advances
(I) Loan from State Govt./financial Corporation

(II) Deposits

(A) Contractors
(B) others

(III) Advances


Loans, deposits and advances
(I) Repayment of loans
(II) Repayment of deposits
(III) Repayment of advances


Closing balance


Total Receipts


Grand total


Grant Total
(including opening balance)

Total Rs.

Total Rs.


[See Rule 194(4)]

[Part (A)]

Budget estimate of Panchayat Samity………..Zila Parishad…………..





S. No.

Head wise sanctioned budget of previous year

Actual Income of previous year

Estimated Income of the year 20……..20……

S. No.

Head of expenditure

Sanctioned budget of previous year

Actual expenditure of previous year

Estimate expenditure of the year 20……..20…….















Opening Balance


2515-General administration
(I) Pay of establishment including dearness and other allowances.
(II) Traveling allowances

(A) Of establishment
(B) Of Chairperson

(III) Honorarium of Chairperson
(IV) Contingencies (P.O.L., stationery, postage, telephone, electricity and other expenses)


Own income form taxes

(I) Trades, callings, professions and industries (P.S)
(II) Education Cess(P.S.)
(III) Fairs(P.S./Z.P.)
(IV) Entertainment tax(P.S)
(V) Water rates(P.S./Z.P)
(VI) Surcharges on stamp duty(Z.P.)
(VII) Surcharges on sale of Agricultural produce (Z.P.)


Own income from non-Tax revenues
(I) Appeals fees(P.S.)
(II) Auction of bone contracts (P.S.)
(III) Agricultural farms
(IV) Tractor/Bull dozer/Truck etc. (P.S.)


2202-Primary Education
(I) Pay of establishment including dearness and other Allownaces
(II) Traveling allowances
(III) Other contingencies
(IV) Non-formal education
(V) O.B.B.
(VI) 2225-Incentive to S.C./S.T.
(VII) 2575-B.A.D.P.
(VIII) 2705-C.A.D.


Grant-in-aid from the state Government
(I) 3604-General grant in aid in lieu of share of land revenue @ Rs. 1.25 per capita (P.S.)
(II) 2515-Non-plan) -Establishment grant for Administrative expenses including pay and allowances (P.S./Z.P.)
(III) maintenance grant (P.S./Z.P.)
(IV) Incentive grant (P.S./Z.P)
(V) 2215-water supply and cleaning (P.S./Z.P)
(VI)2215 – (plan-Rural) sanitation Programme P.S./Z.P)
(VII) 2202-Primary education P.S./Z.P)
(VIII) 2202- Non-formal education (P.S.)
(IX) 2201-operation Black Board (P.S./Z.P)
(X) 2810-Non-conventional sources of energy (improved Chulha)(Z.P)
(XI) 2216-Rural housing assistance (P.S./Z.P)
(XII) 2211-Family welfare (P.S./Z.P)
(XIII) 2225-Incentive to S.C./S.T. (P.S./Z.P)
(XIV) 2575-B.A.D.P. (P.S./Z.P)
(XV) 2705-C.A..D.(P.S./Z.P)
(XVI) Development of wayside facilities on highways


Expenses from own income

(I) Siting fees/Refreshment in meetings
(II) Audit fees.
(III) Conveyance advance
(IV) Gratuitous relief
(V) School articles/equipments(out of education cess)
(VI) construction/Repair of school buildings(do)
(VII) Repair of residential quarters, office building and other property.
(VIII) Development of agricultural farms/tanks etc.
(IX) Collection charges to patwaries.
(X) P.OL. In excess of prescribed limit.
(XI) Purchase/repair of jeep etc.
(XII) Purchase of furniture/other equipments.
(XIII) Any scheme to increase revenues
(XIV) Others



2215-water supply and cleaning

(I) Salaries
(II) maintenance



Grant-in-aid from Central Government through D.R.D.A. For
(I) 2505-J.R.Y Establishment (P.S.)
(II) Indira Avas(P.S.)
(III) Jeevan Dhara(P.S)
(IV) Apna Gaon Apna kaam(P.S./Z.P)
(V) 30 Zila 30 kaam (P.S./Z.P)
(VI) United fund (P.S./Z.P)
(VII) Assured employment scheme(P.S.)


2215 (Plan) Rural sanitation programe

(I) subsidy to B.P.L. For house hold latrines etc.
(II) Latrines/Urinals in schools.
(III) Soak pits/drain on Hand pumps/storage tanks.



2810-Non-conventional sources of energy
(I) Subsidy for improved Chulla
(II) Other expenses



Public contribution/donations


2216-Rural housing assistance



Loans, deposits and advances
(I) Loans from State Government/Financial corporation for shops, housing market etc. (P.S./Z.P)
(II) Deposits:(P.S./Z.P)
(A) Contractors.
(B) Others
(III) Advances(P.S./Z.P)


2211-Family welfare



Development of wayside facilities on highways



Miscellaneous(interest etc.)


Expenditure on Scheme of rural employment and poverty alleviation

(I) Indira Avas
(II) Jeevan Dhara
(III) Apna Gaon Apna Kaam
(IV) 30 Zila 30 Kaam
(VI) United fund
(VII) Assured employment scheme
(VIII) others



Total receipts



Grand total (including opening balance)


Loans for
(I) Rural housing
(II) shops, markets etc.



Total expenditure



Closing balance



Grand total(including closing balance)


Total Rs,

Total Rs,


Vikas Adhiari/Chief Executive Officer


[See Rule 194(4)]

Part – B

Detailed estimate of fixed charges viz. Pay of Officers and establishment of Panchayat


Zila Parishad………………..

For the year…………………..


Account Head

Serial Number

Name or Number


Minimum of pay scale

Rate of increment

Maximum of pay scale















Actual on 1st March

Amount of provision for the period from march to February

Date of increment falling due within the period

Amount of increment

Total of column 9 &11

Revised estimate for the current year
















Part – C

Statement showing the actual expenditure of Panchayat Samity…………..

Zila Parishad …….for the year…..


Original budget

Change during the year

Final budget for the year



















[See Rule 229]

Cash Book

Panchayat………….Samiti……….Zila Parishad………………..Year


S. No.

No. of receipt/Cheque/D.D./Challan and date

From whom received


Ledger A/C. No.


Classification on of Head of Account


Post Officer/Bank/Treasury


















S. No.

Voucher and date

To whom paid


Ledger A/C. No.


Classification on of Head of Account


Post Officer/Bank/Treasury


















Form XXX

From XXX

[See rule 230]

[See Rule 230]

Counter Foil


……..Panchayat/Panchayat Samity

Zila Parishad

……..Panchayat/Panchayat Samity

Zila Parishad

Book No……..


Book No……..


Received from Shri…………………

Received from Shri………………

Item No. Particulars Period Amount of demand of Payment



Rs. (In Words)………………………


On account of ……………………..

Total in word Rs……………………………….

For the period……………………….

Head of Office

Head of Office




[See Rule 234]

Claim for Payment

Bill No ……………. Date …………………
Head of Account …………………………….

No. of Voucher



To be entered by Drawing Office received contents Signature and designation of Head of Officer


Total rs. (in words)

Appropriation for the current Including this bill Rs………….
Balance available Rs……………

For Office Use

Pay Rs. ………..


Head of Office

Date ……………..
Place ………………

Paid Rs …………….on ……..(date) vide cash book item No ……………..



[See Rule 236]

General Ledger


Panchayat Samiti…………..

Zila Parishad……………..

For the year



Cash Book Folio No.

Dr. Amount

Cr Amount

Balance Amount














[See Rule 237]

Register of Revenue Realised


Panchayat Samiti………………..

Zila Parishad…………………..


S. No.

Name of tax prayer or any other person from whom sums recovered

Monthly rate if any Rs.

Arrears of the last year

Current demand

Total column (4 & 5) Rs.

Receipt No. & date and cash book page No. where amount credited

Amount Rs.

Total collection

Amount written off Rs.

Balance 6-(9+10) Rs.

Initials of the Secretary


























[See Rule 239]

Stock Register


Panchayat Samiti………………..

Zila Parishad…………………..

For the year…………


S. No.

Date of purchase

Full Particulars

Balance in hand

No. or quantity


















Reference voucher No.

To whom issued or for what purpose

No. or quantity issued


Reference of issuing indent No.












[See Rule 239]

Quarterly Statement of Accounts


Panchayat Samiti………………..

Zila Parishad…………………..

For the year…………


Account head

Principal head of Revenue

Budget head estimate for the year

Actual revenue during the quarter

Cumulative up to the end of the quarter







As per budget head of Expenditure





Account head

Principal head of Expenditure

Budget head estimate for the year

Actual expenditure during the quarter

Cumulative total up to the end of the quarter







As per budget head of Expenditure





[See Rule 246(1)]

Abstract of Annual Account for the year………..


Panchayat Samiti……………

Zila Parishad…………………..


Account head No.

Principal head of Revenue

Budget Provision


Savings (-)
Excess (+)







As per budget head of Expenditure





Account head No.

Principal head of Expenditure

Budget Provision


Savings (-)
Excess (+)







As per budget head of Expenditure





[See Rule 246(2)]

Statement in Grant-in-aid Received and spent during the year…………


Panchayat Samiti………………..

Zila Parishad…………………..


Sr. No.


Name of the Scheme

Amount received during the year

Amount spent during the year

Particulars about completion certificate etc.














[See Rule 26(3)]

Statement of Loans Received from…..and Payments made

during the year……


Panchayat Samiti………………..

Zila Parishad…………………..


Sr. No.

Name of Department to which the loan relates

Reference No. and date of sanction

Purpose for which loan was granted

Dates on which loan which was received

No. of installments fixed

Amount received

Amount that became due for repayment during the year including arrears, if any

Amount actually repaid

Balance unpaid installment if adjusted out of gran-in-aid.






















[See Rule 246(4)]

List of Works for the Year………..


Panchayat Samiti………………..

Zila Parishad…………………..

For the year…………….

S. No.

Name of Village

Particulars of work

Date of commencement

Amount sanctioned

Amount spent

Other particulars whether carried out departmentally or through contract, date of completion etc.















Form XL

[See Rule 246(5)]

Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Panchayat Samiti………………..

Zila Parishad…………………..

For the year…………….








1. Deposits-

1. Loans (Recoverable)

(1) Security deposits from Government servant.
(2) Deposits from Contractors and firms
(3) Other deposits


(1) Agriculture
(2) Taccavi
(3) Co-operative
(4) Industrial
(5) Community development






2. Loans repayable to the State:


2. Advances:


(1) Agriculture
(2) Taccavi
(3) Co-operative
(4) Industrial
(5) Community


(1)Miscellaneous Advance
(2) Permanent Advance
(3) Advance to Government Servants
(Festival, food grains, development Conveyance, Housing)






3. Other Loans


3. Investment


4. Bills Payable


4. Gran-in-aid


5. Un—utilised specific


5. Interest accrued on loans


Cash balance:………….


(1) In Hand ………….


(2) In P.D. Account ………….






Grand Total


Grand Total


Form XLI

[See Rule 305]

Driver’s Log Bock


Zila Parishad……………

Vehicle No………..


Time out





K.M. Reading at Commencement of journey

Details of journey KM Reading at the end of journey

















Distance travelled in Kms

Purpose of

Name of persons or particulars of articles carried

Authority for making journey

Petrol/Diesel in litters

Supplies Lubricating oil in litters













Signature of user

Recoveries to the effected if any Rate


Signature of Controlling Officer













[See Rule 305]

Stock Register


Zila Parishad……………

Vehicle No………..


Petrol/Diesel/Power Line


Spares and replacement



Purchase Price



















[See Rule 305]

List of Tools and Equipment with the Vehicle


Zila Parishad……………

Vehicle No………..

Sr. No.

Name of tool

Quantity received

Date of receipt

Signature of Driver

Date on which checked

Initial of Controlling officer
















[See Rule 328]

Register of Applications for Inspection/grant of Copies

S. No.

Name & Address of applicant

Date and application

Whether urgent or ordinary

Particulars of the document of which copies/inspection is sought

Amount to be paid including search fee

Date and time on which inspection made

Date of supply of copy/dispatch by post

Signature of the person inspecting/receiving copy






















Form XLV

[See Rule 353]

General Ledger

Annual Adminstration Report ….Panchayat…….Panchayat Samiti

Year of……..

1. Name of Village and its population under Panchayat Samiti

(i) Name of Villages






2. Details of concern Panchas and Sarpanches.



Other B/C

Other Classes
































1. Unanimous Elected

2. Contested Elected

3. Name of the Instituted Panchases


4. Writs and Appeals against Panchases & Sarpanch

5. Names of Panches whose offices have been declared to have been vacated under Section 39 of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994.

6. Names of Sarpanch or Up-Sarpanch whose office has become vacant under Section 41 of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994.

7. Has any action been taken against the Panchayat under Section 94 of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj. Act, 1994.

8. Details of meetings :-

(I) Total number of Gram Sabha meetings.

(II) Total number of meetings of the Panchayat for.

(A) Development works

(B) Administrative matters

Total A & B

(III) Meetings postponed due to incomplete quorum.

(IV) Resolutions passed unanimously

(V) Resolutions passed by majority.

9. Details regarding staff:-

(A) Secretary: –

(I) Name.

(II) Age.

(III) Educational qualifications

(IV) Trained or untrained

(V) Regular/on contract.

(VI) Full time or part time.

(VII) Pay per month, if on contract

(VIII) Does he work in any other Panchayat, if yes, then mention the name of such panchayat

(B) Other Staff/Contractors for Kine House/Sanitation etc.

(I) Other Clerks (No.)

(II) Peons (No.) .

(III) Staff for lighting (No.)

(IV) Sanitary (No.)

(V) Watch and ward :

(A) Honorary (No.)

(B) On Contract (No.)

(C) In how many villages such arrangements have made by Panchayat (No.)

10. Has panchayat rendered any assistance in natural calamities like fire, flood etc.

(I) No. of families given protection

(II) Estimated value of property saved.

(III) No. of village in which fire/food occurred

11. Has Panchayat organised voluntary labour force for community works and works for uplift of the people ? If yes, then give:-

(I) Number of people participated

(II) Number of hours devoted.

(III)Name of works executed

12. Fairs and hats.

(I) Fairs and hats organised by panchayat (No.)

13. Amount of Small Savings Certificates sold.

14. Has Panchayat seemed life and General Insurance business ? If yes, then:-

(I) No. of persons insured.

(II) Amount of general insurance business secured.

15. Has Abadi Land been allotted free of cost to the persons belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes ? If yes, then:-

(I) Number of families to whom allotted.

(II) Sq. Yards of Land allotted.

16. (I) Does Panchayat undertake and render the Postal Services.

(II) No. of villages not having Postal facility.

17. No. of Panchas and Sarpanch who have attended the Training or other Camps also mention the no. of camps).

18. When the accounts of Panchayat were audited (Date).

19. Name of officials who have inspected Panchayat.

Name of the Officer


20. Details regarding bye-laws passed by Panchayat (copy to be enclosed).

Part ‘B’

Physical progress of activities of panchayat during the year


General functions:-


(A) Cases in which relief was mobilised in natural calamities


(B) Cases in which encroachments on public properties were removed.



In the sphere of administration:-


(A) For how many villages located in Panchayat circle, development plans were prepared.


(B) In how many villages the premises were numbered.



Agriculture including Agriculture extension:-


(A) Was any waste land developed, how much?


(B) In how many villages grazing lands were maintained?



Animal husbandry dairying and poultry


(A) In how many cases medical facilities for cattle provided


(B) Artificial Insemination service provided.


© Maintenance of stud bulls.



Social and farm foresty, minor forest produce, fuel and fodder:-


(A) for the improvement of agriculture how many model agriculture farms were established.


(B) How many trees were planted on the sides of village and district roads and other public lands under its control?


© Village forests raised.



Khadi, village and cottage industries:-


(A) Village industries aided.


(B) How much amount given as aid, loans and advances



Drinking water:-


(A) Construction, repairs and maintenance of drinking water wells, tanks & ponds.


(B) Prevention and control of water pollution.


© Maintenance of hand pumps and pump and tank schemes.



Roads, buildings culverts, bridges, ferries, water-ways and other means of communication:-


(A) Construction, maintenance and repairs of public streets.


(B)Construction, maintenance and repairs of drains.


© Construction, maintenance and repairs of bunds.


(D) Construction, maintenance and repairs of bridges/culverts.



Rural electrification including providing for and maintenance of lighting of public streets and other places:-


New lamps installed for lighting



Education (Primary):-


Position of enrolment and attendance in primary Schools-how many boys and girls out of each one hundred boys and girls of the school going age group were enrolled and how many of such boys and girls were attending the school:-


(A) Enrolment, as on 15th August:


(1) Boy


(2) Girls


(B) Attendance, as on 1st March:


(1) Boys


(2) Girls



Cultural activities:-


(A) Established and maintenance of akharas clubs and other places of recreation and games.


(B) Established and maintenance of theatres for promotion of art and culture


© Public television and radio-sets installed.



Rural sanitation:-


(A) Cleaning of public roads, drains, tanks, wells and other public places.


(B) Maintenance and regulation of burning and burial grounds.


© Construction and maintenance of rural latrines, facility parks, bathing platforms, soak pits etc.



Public health and family welfare:-



In how many villages infectious disease spread and out of those in how many villages measures were taken to prevent it.



Construction and maintenance of Cattle sheds, ponds and cart stands.


(A) Cattle ponds established and maintained.


(B) For the supply of water to animals for how many ponds arrangements were made for excavation, cleaning and maintenance.



Maintenance of Public parks, play grounds etc:-


(A) Layout and maintenance of play grounds.


(B) Layout and maintenance of public parks.



Any other activity which is in furtherance of functions enumerated in the First Schedule to the Act.


Part – C

Income and Expenditure Statement


Fanchayat Samiti………………..

Zila Parishad…………………..

For the Year……………

S. No.


Amount assessed during the year

Amount realized


Last year



From last years balance

From current

Current year













Heads of Revenue
Own income from taxes

(i) Tax on buildings
(ii) Octroi including on country liquor
(iii) Pilgrims Tax
(iv) Vehicle Tax
(v) Water Tax
(vi) Tax on commercial crops
(vii) Any other tax


Heads of Expenditure
General Administration

(I) Pay of establishment
(II) Traveling allowance

(A) of establishment
(B) of Panch and Sarpanch

(III) Honorium of Sarpanch/Meeting/Allowances/Refreshment in meeting
(IV) Contingencies (office expenses, stationery, postage etc.)
(V) Payment of collection charges to Patwari


Own income from non-tax revenues

(I) Fees
(II) Penalties and fines
(III) Abadi and

(A) Sale of land
(B) Temporary use of land

(IV) Water Reservoirs

(A) Fisheries
(B) Contract for Singhada etc.
(C) Tank bed cultivation
(D) Irrigation grounds
(E) Natural produce of trees on Tank Bank

(V) Grazing grounds

(A) Grazing charges
(B) Sale of natural produce
(C) Penalties from Trespassers

(VI) Agriculture Farms/Orchards
(VII) Local Fairs dead animals
(IX) Cattle Pound receipts
(X) Sale of Ration Cards
(XI) Sale of unserviceable articles
(XII) Miscellaneous income

(A) Shops and sites
(B) License fees
(C) Patta fees
(D) Others


Construction of public streets, drains, latrines, soak pits


Construction of buildings (Schools, Dispensary, Anganwadi etc.)


Drinking water supply
(A) Original works
(B) Repairs to

(I) Hand pumps
(II) Wells
(III) Maintenance and construction of river ghats or ghats on tanks or ponds


Sanitation and construction of drains etc.
(A) Establishment expenses-
(B) contingencies
(C) Maintenance of

(I) Drains and Soak pits
(II) Latrines
(III) Manure pits


(A) Establishment
(B) Maintenance
(C) Other requisites


Burning and Burial grounds
(A) Construction
(B) Maintenance


Cattle Pounds
(A) Establishment and maintenance
(B) Contingencies
(C) Remuneration to Pound Keeper/Contractor


Grant-in-aid from the State Government
(I) General grant-in-aid @ Rs. 11/- per capita.
In lieu of share of land revenue
(II) Maintenance grant for repair of school building etc.
(III) General purpose grant for sanitation, electricity, repair of rural roads etc.
(IV) Grant-in-aid to new Panchayats
(V) Incentive grant.
(VI) Development grant/matching share


Medical relief (Vaccination, family welfare camps)


Maternity and Child Welfare (Anganvadi Centres)


Public Health (Prevention of diseases)


Maintenance of public buildings vested in the Panchayat including school buildings


Primary Education

(I) Construction of schools
(II) Construction of quarters for teachers


Slaughter houses
(I) Construction
(II) Repairs


Grant-in-aid from Central Government through the D.R.D.A. For:

(I) Jawahar Rozgar Yojana
(II) Apna Gaon Apna Kaam
(III) Other Schemes


Village defense


Development of Agriculture and Forestry
(I) Agriculture farms/Orchards
(II) Development of grazing grounds
(III) Social forestry.
(IV) Plantation on road sides.
Waste land development


Grant-in-aid through Panchayat Samit/Zila Parishad for:
(I) Maintenance of hand pumps and other Water supply Schemes
(II) Maintenance of stud bulls.
(III) Other grants for development/Maintenance functions.




Family planning


Maintenance of Stud bulls


Breeding and protecting cattle


Village industries


Assistance for fire


Loans from State Government/Financial Corporations


Welfare of the people

(I) Maintenance of Akhadas/Clubs
(II) Radio/TV
(III) Social and cultural activities
(IV) Library and reading room.


Total receipts


Other works of public utility


Grant Total


Miscellaneous/Audit fees


Loans, deposits and advances
(I) Repayment of loans
(II) Repayment of deposits
(III) Repayment of advances


Total expenditure


Grand Total


[See Rule 354]

Annual Administration Report of Panchayat Samiti Zila Parishad

1. Constitution and Management: –

(1) Was there any change in the jurisdiction of the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution during the year ? Quote the number and date of order.

(2) What is the population of the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution according to the latest census figures available ?

(3) Give the names of the Panchayati Raj Institutions under the jurisdiction of the reporting Panchayati Raj Institutions.

(4) What is the total strength of concerned the Panchayati Raj Institutions ?

For Panchayati Samiti

Directly elected Members.

Members of the State Legislative Assembly representing constituencies wholly or partly comprising the Panchayat Samiti area.

For Panchayat Samiti

Directly elected Members

Members of the Lok Sabha representing constituencies wholly or partly comprise the Zila Parishad area.

Members of the Rajya Sabha registered as electors within the Zila Parishad area.

Members of the State Legislative Assembly representing constituencies wholly or partly comprising the Zila Parishad area.

(5) Was there any election of the Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson during the year and was there any election dispute ?

(6) Whether any Chairperson/Deputy Chairperson or Member resigned from his office. If so, give particulars of the persons who resigned and reasons for such resignation.

(7) If standing committees were constituted, give details thereof.

(8) Whether any additional standing committee were constituted ? If so, give details thereof.

(9) Was the Deputy Chairperson in-charge of Office of the Chairperson ? If so, for what period ?

(10) Was there any motion of non-confidence against the Chairperson or the Deputy Chairperson.

2. Meetings. – How many meetings were held and how many meetings were adjourned for want of quorum ?

3. Management. – (1) Where is the office of the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution located ? If rented, what is the amount of rent paid ? (2) Are the prescribed registers and forms maintained ?

4. Establishment. – (l) State the number of staff employed with their scale of pay.


Sanctioned strength

Pay scale


Action taken











(2) Whether the existing staff is sufficient for the efficient discharge of the duties cast upon the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution ? If not, elucidate the jurisdiction for increased staff (details of staff required to be given)

5. Taxes. – (1) Give the particulars of taxes imposed by the concerned Panchayati Raj Institution.

6. Accounts and Audit. – (1) Are the prescribed accounts kept and the accounts of the receipts and expenditure maintained ?

(2) When was the audit of accounts conducted ?

(3) On what date was the audit report received ?

(4) Has a complete compliance report been sent to the Director, Local Fund Audit Department ?

(5) What are the irregularities which have not been complied with ?

(6) What were the amounts of over payments and losses shown in the Audit report ?

(7) Have the over payments been recovered ?

(8) What action has been taken to make good losses caused to the Panchayati Raj Institution Fund ?

7. General. – (1) Was the Panchayati Raj Institution dissolved ? If so, state the period.

(2) Was there any occasion when the State Government exercised powers under Secs. 92, 93, 97 or 100 ? If so, give details.

8. Other important activities.– Description with necessary details of such of the various important activities of the Panchayati Raj Institution as can give a correct picture of its performance during the year under report with reference to its functions enumerated in the relevant Schedule to the Act.


[See Rule 358]

Form of Application for Recognition of Service Association of Members of Panchayat Samiti and Zila Association of Members of Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad Service

Name of the association ……………………

Address ……………………………

Dated the………day of……….20………….

1. The application is made by the persons whose names are subscribed hereunder :

2. The name of the service association on behalf of which the application is made :

3. The address of the Head Office of the service association to which all communications and notice may be addressed

4. The……..service association came into existence on………the date of……20………

5. The service association consists of Panchayat Samiti and………..Zila Parishad servants of the category of…………engaged in the various Panchayat Samiti and Zila parishads in the State and has………..members out of………person employed in the said Panchayat Samitis and Zila Parishads.

6. Three copies of the rules of the service association are enclosed :

Note– Table I hereto contains information about the rules and their contents and Table 11 hereto indicates the changes made in the rules from time to time.

7. A list of office bearers of the service association in Table III is attached hereto.

8. We have been duly authorised by the service association to make this application on its behalf by resolution.






































The number of the rule making provisions for the several matters detailed in column 1 are given in column 2 below:


No. of Rule



1. Name of the service association.


2. Objects for which the service association has been established.


3. Purpose for which the general of the service association shall be utilised.


4. Maintenance of list of members.


5. Admission or ordinary members.


6. Condition under which members are entitled to benefits under the rules.


7. Admission of honorary members.


8. Manner in which the rules can be amended.


9. Manner in which members of the executive and the other office bearers of the service association shall be appointed or removed.


10. Manner of holding meetings.


11. Safe custody of the funds.


12. Annual Audit of the accounts.


13. Facilities for the inspection of the account books by office bearers and members.


14 Manner in which the service association may be dissolved


Table I

Rules of Service Association


Changes made in Rules of Service Association

Serial No. of Rules

Changes in Rules

Reasons for changes










Table III

List of Office Bearers

Name of Service








Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department

Certificate of Recognition

The Government of the State of Rajasthan in pursuance of Rule 363 of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules, 1996 to hereby recognise……….association/ federation for the purpose of said rules.



Director Rural Development and Panchayati Raj


(See rule 173-A)

Application for Change of use of abadi land

1. Name of applicant……………………………………….

2. Address of the applicant…………………………………………

3. Description of land of which change of land use is desired

(a) Situated at……………………………….

(Attach map of the village to pin point the location in the village also attach the proposed land use plan)

(b) Khasara/Plot number……………………………………….. (Attach khasara/Plot plan as well as site plan containing description all specifications of four sides of the abadi land)

(c) Enclose Patta of the abadi land and mention the name of the authority or body by whom the same was issued.

(d) Is there any dispute or litigation pending in the court or other competent authority with respect to the abadi land in question for which change of use is sought ……………………..(If any, give full details)

(e) Is there any stay order of any court or other authority with regard to the land? if any? give full details thereof and also enclose copy of such order……………………………………….

(f) Present permissible use of abadi land ………………..

(g)Desired change of use of abadi land (give complete details)……….

(h) Reasons for seeking change of use of abadi land…………….

4. If any application for change of use of abadi land, now applied for, was made previously also? If so, give details thereof and also enclose copy of the order passed thereon………………………

5. Give details as to title of the land (such as free hold, lease hold, Pattadhari or otherwise lawful holder) -[enclose true copies of documents]…………………………………… .’……

6. Application fee- give details of fee having been paid- (enclose photo copy of the receipt by which application fee is paid)

Date ………………………………..

Signature of the applicant


(Name of the Applicant) Address of the applicant


Application of the Applicant Shri……………… of………….for change of land use received on …………………(date).

Signature & Seal of Official

receiving the application in the office

of the officer/ Authority
competent to decide the application

[Form XLIX]

[See rule 173-A (10)(13)]

Permission for change of use of land under section 107-A of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994.

File No. ………………………………..


Whereas applicant Shri…………s/o w/o……………address ………..place(village)……..panchayat…………Tehsil………. District……..has filed application for change of use in respect of, abadi land situated in ward No of village falling in Panchayat circle……….Tehsil………..District……….. measuring………………… Sqr. meters binded by limits and area as described in detail in the attached site plan alongwith neighbourhood area as shown in red color, subject to all existing conditions and incumbrances, easements attached to the afore cited land, by claiming right, title and interest in said land and making prayer for allowing change of use of land by invoking provisions contained in section 107-A of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 (Act No. 13 of 1994) and rules made thereunder and has submitted necessary documents in support of his prayer for change of use of land.

Therefore I……………….as Officer/Authority authorised by the State Government under section 107-A of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 have considered his request/prayer made in the Application in Form XLVIII and I am satisfied after perusal and examination of documents submitted by the applicant that his/her request is justified and the desired change of use of the Land may be allowed and the applicant is permitted to make desired change in use of the abadi land provided the Applicant deposits the change of land use charges within thirty days from the date of this order.

Place ……………..





Name& designation of
the Officer/Authority
Authorized by the State Government

[Form L]

[See rule 173-A(14)]


Lease Deed

This Indenture is made this day of two thousand …………and…………….. Between the Governor of Rajasthan (hereinafter referred to as Lessor) of the one part and shri/smt……………………………s/o,w/o………………………………………… aged resident of village…………………….Tehsil…………….. Disttrict…………….. ( hereinafter called the Lessee) of the second part.

Whereas the Lessee being the existing Lessee of the Lessor has applied to the Lessor for change of use of abadi land under section 107-A of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 and the rules made thereunder and has requested for grant of permission for change of use of abadi land.

Now this indenture witness that in supersession of the earlier Lease Deed executed on ……………………..(give details) between the Lessor and Lessee and in consideration of the amount of change of use of land charges amounting to Rs. (rupees………………….only) paid by the Lessee (which the Lessor acknowledges) and the sum earlier paid at the time of execution of earlier Lease Deed as consideration for the said Lease Deed now sought to be superseded, The Lessee for himself or his heirs, executors and administrators and assigns covenants with the Lessor in the manner following, that is to say:-

(a) The Lessee shall from time to time pay all taxes, charges, cess etc. levied by the Lessor in accordance with law with respect to the land or buildings erected thereon;

(b) The Lessee shall not deviate in any manner from layout plan nor alter size of plot whether by sub-division, amalgamation or otherwise without seeking permission of the Lessor in accordance with law inforce at the relevant time;

(c) Whenever the title of the Lessee in the abadi Land which is subject matter of this indenture, is transferred in any manner whatsoever, the transferee shall be bound by all the covenants and conditions contained herein and be answerable in all respects therefor;

(d) The Lessee shall use the abadi land for …………..purposes and not for other purposes without seeking permission of the Lessor in accordance with law and that too by paying necessary change of land use charges as specified by law;.

(e) All powers exercisable by Lessor may be exercised by the officers/authorities authorised by him in accordance with law;

(f) This Lease is being granted under section 107-A of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 and rules made thereunder; and

(g) In this Lease the expression “the Lessor” and the expression “the Lessee” herein before used where the context so admits include in the case of Lessor, the successors, assigns and in the case of Lessee, his heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives and the person or persons in whom Lease hold interests hereby created, shall for the time being be vested by assignment or otherwise.

In witness whereof Shri……………….for an on behalf of, by order or direction and by authority under law of the Lessor has set his hand shri/shrimati the Lessee has set into his/her hand the day and year first above written.




1- …………………………

2- ………………………….

For and on behalf of the Governor by authority/direction under law made by the Governor (the Lessor)

Signed by …………………………..



1- ………………………….

2- ………………………….

[Form LI]

[See rule 173-B (1)]

Application for permission for sub-division or reconstitution of plots.


The (Designation of Officer)/Authority




I/We hereby request permission under rulelt3-B of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rules, 1996 for sub-division or reconstitution of plot of land situated in abadi area of mohalla/ward of village ……………………….. I/We enclose herewith the following documents:- –

(i) Title deed of ownership/Lessee…………………………… (Enclose true copies of such documents duly attested by a Gazetted Officer)

(ii) Site plan (4 copies) with information as required under the rule 173-B

(iii) Photo copy of the receipt as proof for depositing the fee and Charges.

Date ………………………………..

Signature of applicant


(Name of the Applicant) Address of the applicant

[Form LII]

[See rule 173-B(10) (12)]

Permission for sub-division/reconstitution of Plot

Whereas applicant Shri/Shrimati …………………………. s/o/w/o…………address………..place……….village………… panchayat………………. Distt………………………………………….. has filed application for sub – division/reconstitution of plot of abadi land situated in Ward No…………of village falling in panchayat circle ………… Tehsil ……….. District …. measuring …………. (sqr. metres) [ give complete detail of the plot in case sub -division and give detail of each parcel or plot in case of reconstitution] binded by limits and areas as described in the attached site plan alongwith neighbourhood area as shown in ………… colour, subject to all existing condition and encumbrances, easements attached to the aforecited land and has submitted necessary documents in support of prayer for subdivision/reconstitution of the plot.

Where as I ……………………… as officer/Authority authorised by the State Government under section 107-B of the Rajasthan Panchayat Raj Act, 1994(Act No. 13 of 1994) have considered this request in the application filed in Form LI and I am satisfied after perusal and examination of the documents submitted by the applicant that his/her request for sub division/reconstitution of plot is justified and allowed and therefore the applicant is permitted to sub-divide/reconstitute the plot/plots and he/she has deposited the required charges therefor vide Receipt No. …………….Dated………in………… Panchayat as a sum of Rs ……… as per rate specified in rule 173-D of the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Rule, 1996.The plan of Sub-division/reconstitution is appended herewith duly authenticated.




Name & designation of the
Officer /Authority Authorised
by the State Government

[Form LIII]

(See rule 173-G)

Name of the Panchayat……………………………….

Register of abadi land

Sr. No.

Ward Number

House/Plot No. or location of plot

Boundary marks (with size in sqr. mtrs.)

Occupied by as lessee or otherwise

Other information








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